How To Solve Abnormal Combustion Noise Problems: Peter K. Baade, Consultant, Fayetteville, New York
How To Solve Abnormal Combustion Noise Problems: Peter K. Baade, Consultant, Fayetteville, New York
How To Solve Abnormal Combustion Noise Problems: Peter K. Baade, Consultant, Fayetteville, New York
Relative ampritude, dB
648 Hz
–60 972 Hz
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency, Hz
Figure 4. Map of the pressure field in the 610 mm long tube during
Figure 3. Sound pressure spectrum at the bottom end of the tube. oscillation. Note – The time scale represents the position in the tube
because the pressure was recorded with a moving probe tube micro-
With this experimental rig, the spikes in the spectrum are phone. There are about 1000 pressure cycles in the 3.3 sec record shown.
Thus, the individual cycles are so crowded that only the peaks can be
more distinct than they typically will be for an actual furnace
or boiler. Such units have other noise sources (e.g., fans) that
tend to fill in the spectrum between the spikes shown in Fig- overdriving the pressure transducer. Details of probe tube de-
ure 3. However, the existence of any discrete frequency spike signs can obtained from the author.
at a frequency that is unrelated to any of the other noise sources Question #3: Is It Possible to Calculate the Resonance Fre-
is “smoking gun” evidence of abnormal noise and the first step quency? While it is possible in principle to calculate a reso-
for solving such problems. nance frequency, it is often impractical for an actual unit. Such
To examine the spectrum requires an FFT analyzer, which calculations are likely to be very time consuming because the
also provides a means for recording waveshapes (like Figure walls of the combustion chamber are often not perfectly rigid.
2) and is an indispensable tool for solving abnormal combus- Thus, a rather elaborate mathematical model would be re-
tion noise problems. Any attempt to solve such problems with- quired.
out such a tool is like shooting blindfolded. Still, while an FFT It is instructive, however, to examine the calculation proce-
analyzer is essential, it will not answer all questions by itself. dure for the rigid walled experimental rig used here. The first
A good insight into the mechanism that causes the pressure os- step is to set up the equation for the wavelength of sound,
cillations is also required, which is exactly the purpose of the which is:
following experiments. c
l= (1)
Question #2 – What Determines the Frequency of Oscilla- f
tion? Listen to the change in the noise while adjusting the slid- where:
ing extension at the top of the tube to make the assembly longer l = wavelength in m
– the longer the tube, the lower the pitch. Also observe the c = speed of sound in m/s
changes in the spectrum. At a length of 610 mm, the frequency f = frequency in Hz.
of the fundamental component was 324 Hz, but at 810 mm (32 From the previous experiment, the frequency of oscillation
in.), it is 244 Hz. Since the frequency of oscillation is essen- is such that the wavelength of the pressure oscillations is equal
tially inversely proportional to the tube length, it appears that to about twice the length of the tube surrounding the flame.
the fundamental frequency may be the frequency of the low- Thus the resonance frequency could be found quite simply by
est half wavelength resonance of the gas space in the tube (rep- substituting 2(L+2 DL) for l in Equation 1 and solving for f. L
resenting the combustion chamber in these experiments). is the length of the tube and DL is the so called “end correc-
To check this hypothesis, insert from the top a probe tube tion,” 3 which takes into account the fact that the pressure am-
with a suitable pressure transducer until the tip extends to plitude does not go to zero at the open end, as shown in Fig-
about 50 mm (2 in.) below the bottom of the test rig, then with- ure 4.
draw it while recording the pressure-time history. If the probe There are several problems with this calculation. The speed
tube is withdrawn at a uniform rate the record will look like of sound increases in direct proportion with the square root of
that in Figure 4. The upper envelope should have the shape of the absolute temperature.4 The temperature in the test rig of
half a cycle of a sine wave, confirming that the fundamental Figure 1 is not constant over the length of the tube, but depends
frequency of oscillation is indeed that of the lowest half wave- on position. The bottom of the tube is at room temperature (20°
length resonance of the combustion chamber. C), a maximum exists just above the flame and then the tem-
The test of Figure 4 is difficult to perform due to the diffi- perature declines depending on heat transfer to the walls of the
culty of withdrawing the probe tube at a uniform rate. Also, it tube. Further complications arise because of temperature and
is necessary to pass the transducer signal through a bandpass velocity gradients in the area of the tube outlet.5
filter to remove the harmonics since only the map of the fun- So even for the simple geometry of the test rig of Figure 1, it
damental component is of interest. An easier, although some- would not be easy to calculate the resonance frequency with
what tedious, mapping procedure is to use the probe tube to any degree of accuracy.
obtain a series of spectra at fixed points along a traverse through Question #4: How Can the Resonance Frequency Be Mea-
the combustion chamber and then plotting the amplitude val- sured? Under cold conditions, measuring the resonance fre-
ues of the fundamental component vs. position. Since the op- quency is not difficult. With a homemade pulse generator (con-
erating conditions of the unit are likely to drift over the map- struction details available from the author), one can set off a
ping duration, the FFT analyzer should be set up to show the small explosive charge in the flame area with the cap of a toy
decibel difference between the signal from the probe tube and pistol. A microphone in the same area will pick up the pres-
that from a fixed microphone such as the one shown at the sure response. Figure 5 shows the response waveform for a 610
bottom of the tube in Figure 1. Such plots of amplitude vs. po- mm long tube at room temperature, taken with a sampling rate
sition are called “mode shape plots.” of 12,000 samples per second. The first 0.05 seconds show that
Mapping of the pressure field in the combustion chamber can many modes are excited, although all but the fundamental one
be a very useful tool for diagnosing some abnormal combus- die out quickly. In the time interval from 0.1 to 0.2 seconds,
tion noise problems in actual heating equipment. For either of Figure 5 shows about 28.5 cycles. Thus the lowest resonance
the test methods, the probe tube must be designed to prevent frequency of this system is about 285 Hz at room temperature.
Figure 8a. Onset of the oscillations during a hot start with the burner
inserted to a depth of 50 mm.
Figure 7. The vicious circle that gives rise to combustion oscillations.
of any one of the components becomes the input to the next Oscillating p
Burning Rate Dq Pressure
one, and so on around the loop. The loop becomes unstable
when pressure oscillations are sustained even if there is no
external input, i.e. when qexternal = 0. This condition for insta- q1
bility is that the magnitude of the product Z ¥ H ¥ G must be
greater than 1.0 at any frequency at which the sum of the phase Flame Mixture Supply
angles of Z, H and G is zero or 360°. 6
The block labeled Z in Figure 10 represents the confinement Figure 10. Schematic representation of the feedback loop (from Baade,
of the flame in the combustion chamber. The symbol Z is used 1978).
because this confinement amounts to an acoustic impedance. 3
For the test rig used in these experiments, the acoustic imped- 8 x 107
ance seen by the flame can be calculated, subject to some sim-
527Hz 547.5 Hz 552 Hz 547.5 Hz “Advances in Acoustics and Applications,” March 15th-19th, 2004,
530 Hz 540 Hz 532 Hz 530 Hz Brussels, Belgium
60 507 Hz 517.5 Hz 537 Hz 535 Hz 2. Putnam, A. 1971: Combustion-Driven Oscillations in Industry,
517.5 Hz
512.5 Hz 522.5 Hz 517 Hz Elsevier.
497 Hz 525 Hz 520 Hz
3. Kinsler, L. E., A. Frey, A. B. Coppens, and J. V. Sanders, 1982: Fun-
507 Hz 497.5 Hz500 Hz
485 Hz damentals of Acoustics, John Wiley & Sons, p. 202.
505 Hz
497 Hz 4. Kapur, A., A. Cummings, and P. Mungur, 1972: “Sound Propagation
30 in a Combustion Can with Axial Temperature and Density Gradi-
ents,” J. Sound and Vibration, Vol 25 (1), pp. 129-138.
20 5. Cummings, A., 1977: “High Temperature effects on the Radiation
Impedance of an Unflanged Duct Exit,” J. Sound and Vibration, Vol
10 22 (2), pp 299-304.
6. Baade, P. K., 1978: “Design Criteria and Models for Preventing Com-
0 bustion Oscillations,” ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 84, Part I, pp.
0 4 8 12
Q Gas (l/min)
7. Sattinger, S. S., et al, 2000: “Sub-Scale Demonstration of the Ac-
Figure 12. Instability plot for the experimental system used by Elsari tive Feedback Control of Gas-Turbine Combustion Instabilities,”
and Cummings (2003). Trans. ASME, J. of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 122,
pp. 262-268
which pressure oscillations are caused by flame oscillations. 8. Ogrzewalla, J., K. Schmillen, W. Bomscheuer, and F. Altendorf,
2003: “Analysis of Self-Excited Combustion Oscillation,” Proc. 3rd
We have seen that, in some cases, this can be exploited to solve
European Conf. on Small Burner Technology and Heating Equip-
a problem. In the majority of cases, however, the solution will ment, pp. 159-166.
require changing the way in which flame oscillations are 9. Polifke, W., M. Bockholts, P. Flohr, and C. O. Paschereit: “Fluid Dy-
caused by pressure oscillations, which depend on the type of namic Instabilities in a swirl Stabilized Burner and their Effect on
Heat Release Fluctuations,” Proc. of Flow Induced Vibrations,
burner. Flames of some burners are prone to vortex shedding.2
Luzern, CH, 2000.
Swirl type burners are also subject to similar fluid dynamic 10. Elsari, M. and A. Cummings, 2003: “Combustion Oscillations in Gas
instabilities.9 Fired Appliances: Eigen-Frequencies and Stability Regimes,” Ap-
For the majority of burners used in residential and small plied Acoustics, Vol 64, No. 6, pp. 565-580.
11. Schuller, T., S. Ducruix, D. Durox and S. Candel, 2002: “Modeling
commercial heating units, however, such flow instabilities are
Tools for the Prediction of Premixed Flame Transfer Function,” Pro-
not likely to be important. With these types of burners the os- ceedings of the Combustion Institute, 29:107-113.
cillating pressure acting on the burner ports will modulate the
flow of the air/fuel mixture into the flame. This modulated The author may be contacted at:
input results in modulating the burning rate of the flame. This
process involves both the properties of the mixture supply and
those of the flame, as depicted in the bottom part of the feed-
back loop in Figure 10. To reduce these modulations, either the
mixture supply system or the flame have to be modified.
In many heating units, the mixture supply system may be the
easiest to modify. Suitable modifications are to lengthen or
shorten the mixture supply conduit. Unfortunately, such modi-
fications cannot be explored with the burner shown in Figure
1. Experiments with other burners will be documented in a sub-
sequent article. The mixture supply is also the only part of a
heating unit that lends itself well to modeling. Thus, the sub-
sequent article will include methods for predicting the effect
of proposed changes to avoid costly trial and error efforts.
Meanwhile, the reader can find some relevant information
in Chapter 3 of Putnam.2
Question #13: How Can the Flame Be Modified to Solve an
Oscillation Problem? The air/fuel ratio is a significant variable
for the the “driving potential” of a flame.2 In Figure 10, the
driving potential is represented by the amplifier G. Figure 1210
shows that, in systems operating on the lean side, the air has
to be increased to stop the oscillations; while for systems with
Bunsen-type flames, the primary air has to be reduced. Years
ago, many Bunsen-type systems had a spoiler in the burner
mixing tube for reducing the primary air.
The torch used in these experiments can be easily modified
for exploring the effect of changing the air/fuel ratio further
away from the stochiometric ratio. All that is needed is to add
a sliding sleeve that will partly block the air inlet holes (con-
struction details are available from the author). By doing so,
the abnormal noise can be stopped quite easily.
While any substantial changes in air/fuel ratio may not be
acceptable as a permanent solution, it is useful to explore this
in a real unit if permitted by the burner design. Doing so will
make it quite clear that the flame drives the oscillations even
though practical solutions can often be found without chang-
ing the flame.