BSBMKG401 Task 3

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1. Develop a Market Positioning Strategy.


Create a positioning statement that will serve to identify your business and how you
want the brand to be perceived by consumers.

1. Determine company uniqueness by comparing to competitors

Compare and contrast differences between your company and competitors to

identify opportunities. Focus on your strengths and how they can exploit these

2. Identify current market position

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Identify your existing market position and how the new positioning will be beneficial

in setting you apart from competitors.

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3. Competitor positioning analysis
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Identify the conditions of the marketplace and the amount of influence each
competitor can have on each other.

4. Develop a positioning strategy

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Through the preceding steps, you should achieve an understanding of what your
company is, how your company is different from competitors, the conditions of the
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marketplace, opportunities in the marketplace, and how your company can position
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Example of Market Repositioning

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The example below describes Coca-Cola’s repositioning of Mother Energy Drinks:


The Coca-Cola Company launched Mother Energy Drinks in 2006 into the Australian
market. The launch campaign was professionally executed, and Coca-Cola was able
to leverage its distribution channels to get the product into major retailers. However,
the taste of Mother Energy Drink was subpar and repeat purchases were very low.
Coca-Cola was faced with a decision: to improve and reposition the product or
withdraw it and introduce a new brand and product. The company ultimately
decided to reposition the product due to already high brand awareness. The biggest
challenge faced by Coca-Cola was to persuade consumers to try the product again.
The company changed the packaging, increased the size of the can, and improved
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the taste of the product. The relaunch of the product featured a new phrase – “New
Mother, tastes nothing like the old one.” Ultimately, Coca-Cola was able to
successfully reposition Mother Energy Drinks and the brand today competes with
the two leading energy drinks in the market – V and Red Bull.

2. Send an email to the Marketing Manager (your assessor).

Email to Marketing Manager

From: Konwika Sasang

To: Nula

Subject: market positioning strategy

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Dear Ms Nula, Market positioning is important to support the college marketing

strategy. it is based on market profile and identified target market. I would like to ask

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for your feedback on market positioning strategy. I have attached market positioning

strategy for your review.
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Kind regards,

Konwika Sasang
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3. Revise your Market Positioning Strategy.

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These are some consistently successful product positioning examples across brands:
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 Walmart: They position themselves as the one-stop-shop for the masses,

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positioning themselves as both ubiquitous and affordable.


 Doritos: Year after year, you see their ads during the Superbowl because they
know that it’s a prime spot to advertise to the snack food market.

 Sugary cereals: A physical positioning, cereals are aimed at kids, use bright
colors, and are placed in supermarkets at the eye-level of a child.

 Starbucks: The chain positions itself as a premium option, creating a

perception of an upgraded, superior coffee experience.

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Walmart posted year-over-year sales growth as they solidified their “all-inclusive

store of the masses positioning.” Source: STATISTA
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4. Send an email to the Marketing Manager (your assessor).
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Email to Marketing Manager

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From: Konwika Sasang

To: Nula
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ar stu

Subject: market positioning strategy

Dear Ms Nula, I have included student’s feedback in the market positioning strategy
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as informative progress that the college has built. The feedback is showing good

positive growth. I have attached the revised strategy for your review.

Kind regards,

Konwika Sasang

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