Technology Selection For Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) On Baseload Plants
Technology Selection For Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) On Baseload Plants
Technology Selection For Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) On Baseload Plants
Luis Castillo*, Rosa Nadales, Camilo González, Carlos A. Dorao* y Alfredo Viloria
(*) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Gas Technical Management (EPMG), PDVSA Intevep, Apdo 76343,
Caracas 1070-A, Venezuela
LNG can be an important alternative for the monetization of the large reserves of
offshore natural gas in Venezuela (about 26 TCF). For this reason, a new LNG
project is being considered for supplying natural gas to the international market. LNG
projects demands a high initial investment due to the high complexity and large range
of technologies involved. Currently, there are several technologies available for the
liquefaction of natural gas, but selecting a particular technology is not a simple task.
In this work, different selection criterion for selecting base load LNG technologies are
discussed and organized into a quantitative matrix for making decisions.
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The Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas in liquid state at atmospheric
pressure and temperatures around minus 161 ° C. The volume is reduced a factor
600 times compared to the standard conditions, which allows large volumes of LNG
to be transported by sea in refrigerated ships. In the last decades the world-wide LNG
market has growth significantly allowing business opportunities associated with short-
term contracts, i.e. spot market, constituting LNG in an important commodity.
LNG plants have been designed for high capacities, base load plant, exceeding 150
million cubic feet per day (MCFD) of natural gas. The designs of large capacity LNG
plants are focused mainly on the exploitation of vast natural gas fields and towards
the construction of major facilities; in order to take advantage of economies of scale.
The main design criteria in these plants have aimed at minimizing both capital costs
and energy consumption. These two objectives can be satisfied by optimizing the
efficiency of the plant, which can be translated into a reduction of investment costs in
hardware and an increase in LNG production (Perez, 2009).
Different technologies for liquefying natural gas have been developed, being the most
used the technologies of two and three cycles of cooling, with cascade or propane
pre-cooling plus mixed refrigerants schemes.
At present, there are two major technology licensors which have dominated the LNG
market for years. It has resulted in high investment costs for these projects
associated with the small group of qualified engineering firms and the lack of
competitiveness. The increase in construction costs, materials and engineering
services had caused that most of the proposed projects have been delayed and some
cancelled. In order to face up this situation, some licensors have optimized their
processes, while new players are emerging with technological innovations in this area
(Chabrelie, 2007 and Perez, 2009).
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This work focused on reviewing the main LNG technologies commercially available
and a selection criterion is presented which is organized into a quantitative matrix for
making decisions.
The total capacity of operational base load LNG plants was just more than 250 Million
Tonnes per Annum (MTPA) in 2009, and plants for more than 80 MTPA are currently
under construction (Corkhill, 2009 and Petrotecnia, 2009).
Currently, there are more than 20 plants of liquefaction of natural gas in operation
around the world, accounting for more than 90 trains with capacities between 1 and
7,8 MTPA. These plants are distributed in 17 countries grouped into three main
(1) The Pacific Basin: with 95,3 MTPA of installed capacity, which includes trade from
Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Brunei, USA and Russia ,
(2) The Atlantic Basin: with 78,7 MTPA of installed capacity, which includes trade
from Algeria, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Egypt, Libya, Equatorial Guinea and
Norway, and
(3) The Middle East Basin: with 77,5 MTPA in installed capacity, which includes trade
from Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Oman and Yemen (Flower, 2008).
Table 1 shows the main LNG projects announced in the world and different
liquefaction technologies to use.
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Fewer projects announced have final investment decision (FID). However, if all of
them will become a reality, the global liquefaction capacity would increase from 255,7
MTPA in 2009 to about 306,3 MTPA (about 20%) for 2020.
Liquefaction technologies of two and three cooling cycles are mainly used mainly due
to energy efficiency and low equipment sizing compared to the technologies of one
cooling cycle. Table 2 presents the licensors and currently available liquefaction
technologies (in brackets) according to the number of cooling cycles and refrigerants
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Shell (C3-MR)
Shell (DMR)
2 - APCI (C3-MR)
Axens-IFP (Liquefin)
Shell (PMR)
The current market of LNG technologies has been dominated by Air Products
Chemical Inc. (APCI) with nearly 80% of installed trains and Conoco Phillips (POCP)
with 10%. However, in recent years (2008) Statoil-Linde alliance ventured into this
industry with its technological innovation MFC, with a plant being installed and
operating in Snøhvit, Norway. Meanwhile, Shell has put its version of the C3-MR
technology, and more recently (2009) has begun operation of 2 trains of 4.8 MTPA
each with its new DMR technology, implemented in Russia.
The following section presents a brief review on the main liquefaction technologies
employed at present.
This technology is licensed by Shell and APCI, and is applicable for plant capacities
in the range from 4.5 to 5.5 MTPA. The stage of pre-cooling is done with propane
using type heat exchanger core in kettle or aluminium plates. These heat exchangers
are ideal for pure refrigerants, given its reliability and lower power consumption. The
liquefaction stage is carried out in a vertical spiral type heat exchanger with a
refrigerant mixture composed of propane, ethane and methane. Figure 1 shows the
schematic of process for this technology (see legend at the bottom).
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Shell companies, APCI and Axens-IFP alliance license this type of process. This
technology is very flexible which can operate with plate exchangers or spiral type in
both vertical and refrigeration cycles using the full power of the turbine installed
allowing balance the process. Figure 2 shows the outline of the DMR process
licensed from Shell (Guerrero, 2006).
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This technology is licensed by Shell, and uses vertical coil type exchangers pointing
liquefaction trains of large capacity exceeding 5 MTPA, offering maximum capacity
trains up to 12 MTPA (Pek, 2004). This technology harnesses the full power of the
turbine at the stage of pre-cooling and has a higher availability as liquefaction units
out of service can be produced up to 60% capacity of liquefaction train.
This process licensed by Conoco Phillips use pure refrigerants (methane, ethane /
ethylene and propane) in plate exchangers, being the open methane cycle to reduce
the requirement for recipients. Among the features of this process are the proper
energy balance, the use of more efficient compression stages and the reduction
achieved in the investment costs associated with services. Figure 3 shows a typical
pattern for this process.
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This technology combines in the liquefaction process two types of exchangers: finned
plate for pre-cooling and liquefying spiral vertical and sub-cooling. Current studies
point to the application of this technology in offshore environments, for plants of large
capacities in the range of 5 to 8 MTPA. In the Figure 4 shows the scheme of this
technology (Guerrero, 2006).
This technology is licensed by APCI, and allows the construction of liquefaction trains
of large capacity 5 to 8 MTPA, without the addition of compressors in parallel. Can be
constructed from a plant of the type C3-MR and DMR as a choice for future
expansion, facilities were provided for the extension of the train.
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The selection of a particular technology is a critical step in any LNG project. The
chosen technology constitutes a key element which will determine the development of
the project. The present work discusses a criterion for selecting a LNG base load
technology based on a ranking matrix.
The first step in this work was to identify a possible scenario for LNG production. The
scenario determines the range of the applicability of the technology. The second step
was to identify and classify the available technologies. The last step was to perform a
technical analysis in order to identify the main parameters that should be considerate
for selecting a particular technology.
A generic case is considered which can be a possible scenario for the construction of
a LNG plant in Venezuela. The LNG plant might supply the international energy
market once domestic demand is satisfied. The production capacity might be around
9.4 MTPA, with 2 trains of the 4.7 MTPA each. The commercially available
technologies capable of processing the established capacity were indentified and
discussed in the first part of the article.
Available Technologies
All the technologies mentioned in this paper can be included in the assessment, due
to capacity that they can handle.
Technical Analysis
The classification of the technologies was based on the approach suggested by Coll,
2008. A decision matrix was constructed in order to evaluate the proposal
technologies by the following procedure:
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The main parameters were gathered from the public available information. In
particular, the focus was on parameters that directly affect the minimization of
investment costs and maximizing efficiency of LNG production. These parameters will
determine a general criterion for designing of LNG plants on a large scale (Perez,
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For the assessment phase and grading many scales can be employed. For simplicity,
a rating scale of 0 to 3 was used where 3 represents the best value. The allocation of
scores to the respective parameters and sub-parameters for each of the liquefaction
technologies was realized by using the public and available information gathered.
The weighting stage involves two steps: the construction of the matrix and the
weighting to each parameters and sub-parameters. The weights consider the
priorities established at the beginning of each particular LNG project. Note that
several parameters could have equal priority within this classification.
For assigning the weights there are different methods. In this case the method of
distribution of points (Anderson, 2002) was used. This technique consists in
distributing 100 points among the different parameters, so that the points allocated
reflect the relative importance within the classification.
Table 4 presents the rating scale (according to information collected for different
technologies) and the allocation of weights for each of the parameters selected for
this case study.
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9 Domestic Preferences 15
Some equipment
All will be
can be
9.1 National Content 0,40 All will be imported manufactured in the
manufactured in the
9.2 Sustainable Development 0,60 Not considered Included as a premise
but premise without
Standarization 1,00
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After assigning weights to each parameter and sub-parameters, and defining the
appropriate rating, the technologies can be ranked according to the resulting score
from the weighted sum of the different parameters measured at the decision matrix.
This technique is useful for quick viewing of the strengths and weaknesses of each
technology, while allowing comparisons between the options assessed.
Table 5 summarizes the results of the decision matrix applied to the case study raised
(for reasons of confidentiality does not show the identification of technologies placed
as an example).
From the total results, the best alternatives for the case study can be obtained. It is
noteworthy that the selection of technologies should be made based on the particular
characteristics of each project or study case raised. As a general rule, it is possible to
say that each project has individual priorities, where the selection criteria may change
according to the design basis established for each case. Consequently, the weight
assigned into the decision matrix can change depending of the case.
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For Figures 1 to 4.
(2): Compressor.
ANDERSON, Barry F.: The Three Secrets of Wise Decision Making. Portland, 2002
CHABRELIE, Marie F. LNG, the way ahead. En: Fundamentals of the Global LNG
Industry, pp.10-14. Londres: Petroleum Economist, 2007.
CORKHILL, Mike. LNG Carrier Fleet Surges as Trade Stagnates. En: IGU. pp.158-
163. 2009
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PEK B., y otros. Large capacity LNG plant development. LNG 14, 2004
PEREZ; Silvia y Diez, Rocío. Opportunities of monetising natural gas reserves using
small to medium scale lng technologies. REPSOL, 2009.
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