Modul of Movement Plant Ok

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Grade 8

• Movement Plant

Ms. Diana

• Is movement that is not known yet its cause certainly but predicted this motion is caused
by stimulus that comes from the body of plant itself.

• Examples

 the flowing movement of cytoplasm in cell

 the bending movement of leaf bid because of difference of growth velocity


• Is plant movement that it is caused by external stimulus

• External stimulus such as : Light, gravity, water, touch, and chemical substance

The various kinds of exogenous movements

in plants

1. Tropism movement : Is movement of part of plant to stimulus that is movement direction

is determined by the stimulus

2. Nastic movement : Is plant movement to stimulus, that its direction is not determined by
stimulus but by plant itself

3. Taxis movement : Is transfer movement of all part of plant to stimulus that its direction is
determined by the stimulus

1. Kinds of tropism

a. phototropism
Is tropism movement that caused by stimulus of light

Examples: -Stems are positively phototropic.

-Roots are negatively phototropic.

the tip of plant that lies in room will bend to direction of incident light
b. geotropism
Is tropism movement that follows earth gravitational force
positive geotropism is geotropism movement that its direction is downward
Negative geotropism is geotropism movement that its direction upward


c. chemotropism
Is tropism movement that is caused by chemical substances stimulus
Example :
à the movement of root to food/fertilizer substance in soil

d. thigmotropism
Is tropism movement that is caused by stimulus of touch to harder thing
ex:Tanaman seperti sulur anggur,tanaman kacang Panjang, mentimun
e. hydrotropism
Is the movement of plant root that is influenced by reservation of soil water.

2. Kind of nastic movement

a. photonasty
Is nasty movement that its caused by stimulus of light
à the opening of Mirabilis jalapa flower (bunga pukul 4 sore) at certain time

b. nictinasty
Is nasty movement that its caused by dark condition (sleeping movement)
à the closing of Butterfly flower ‘s leaves at night
à the closing of compound leaves of Leucaena glauca at night

c. thigmonasty /seismonasty
Is nasty movement that it’s caused by stimulus of touch
à the closing of leaves of Mimosa pudica (putri malu) when touched
d. thermonasty
Is nasty movement that is caused by temperature stimulus
à Tulip flower will bloom if suddently get temperature increasement

e. complex nasty
Is nasty movement that is caused by several factors altogether
à the opening and closing of stomata is influenced by light, chemical substance
and water

Picture The Opening

3. Kinds of taxis movement

1. phototaxis

Is taxis movement that is caused by stimulus of light

Example :

- the movement of chlorophyll to surface/nearer surface the leaves to get the light
- - the movement of euglena viridis toward the light for photosynthesis

2. chemotaxis

Is the taxis movement that is caused by chemical substances stimulus.


à movement of spermatozoid of moss and fern to ovum that is found in archegonium

attracted to the sugar or protein that is produced by archegonium

No Plant Movement Type of Plant

1 the tip of plant that lies in room will bend to direction of incident light phototropism
2 Movement root of Corn plant that its direction is downward positive geotropism
3 Movement stem of Corn plant that its direction upward Negative geotropism
4 -the movement of root to food/fertilizer substance in soil chemotropism
-Pollen moves towars the pistil’shead
5 tropism movement that is caused by stimulus of touch to harder thigmotropism
thing,such as mentimun, kacang panjang, anggur, labu, markisa
6 movement of plant root that is influenced by reservation of soil water hydrotropism
7 the opening of Mirabilis jalapa( bunga pukul 4 sore) flower at certain time photonasty
8 -the closing of compound leaves of Leucaena glauca (lamtoro) at night nictinasty
-the closing of Butterfly flower ‘s leaves at night
9 the closing of leaves of Mimosa pudica (daun putrid malu )when touched thigmonasty
10 Tulip flower will bloom if suddently get temperature increasement thermonasty
11 the opening and closing of stomata is influenced by light, chemical complex nasty
substance and water
12 the movement of euglena viridis (organism bersel satu) toward the light for phototaxis
13 movement of spermatozoid of moss and fern to ovum chemotaxis

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