NEET - 2021 - P6 - QP and Key - (Infinity - Learn)
NEET - 2021 - P6 - QP and Key - (Infinity - Learn)
NEET - 2021 - P6 - QP and Key - (Infinity - Learn)
NEET 2021
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2. The test is of 3 hours during and the Test Booklet contains 200 multiple - choice questions (four options with a
single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology). 50 questions in each subject are
divided into two Sections (A and B) as per details given below:
(a) Section A shall consist of 35 (thirty-five) Questions in each subject (Questions Nos. - 1 to 35, 51 to 85, 101 to 135 and 151 to
185). All questions are compulsory.
(b) Section B shall consist of 15 (Fifteen) questions in each subject (Questions Nos - 36 to 50, 86 to 100), 136 to 150 and 186 to
200). In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any 10 (Ten) questions out of 15 (Fifteen) in each subject.
Candidates are advised to read all 15 questions in each subject of Section B before they start attempting the questions paper.
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NEET-2021 / Code-P6
4. Polar molecules are the molecules:
PHYSICS (1) having a permanent electric dipole moment.
SECTION - A (2) having zero dipole moment.
1. The escape velocity from the Earth's Surface is v. The (3) acquire a dipole moment only in the presence of
escape velocity from the surface of another planet electric field due to displacement of charges.
having a radius, four times that of Earth and same
(4) acquire a dipole moment only when magnetic
mass density is:
field is absent.
(1) 4 v
(2) v Ans: (1)
(3) 2 v 5. Find the value of the angle of emergence from the
(4) 3 v prism. Refractive index of the glass is 3 .
Ans: (1)
2. A cup of coffee cools from 90oC to 80oC in t minutes,
when the room temperature is 20oC. The time taken
by a similar cup of coffee to cool from 80oC to 60oC at
a room temperature same at 20oC is :
5 (1) 90o
(1) t
(2) 60o
(2) t (3) 30o
13 (4) 45o
(3) t
5 Ans: (2)
10 6. A parallel plate capacitor has a uniform electric field
(4) t
13 ' E ' in the space between the plates. If the distance
Ans: (3) between the plates is 'd' and the area of each plate is
3. A thick current carrying cable of radius 'R' carries current 'A', the energy stored in the capacitor is : ( 0
'I' uniformly distributed across its cross-section. The permittivity of free space)
variation of magnetic field B(r) due to the cable with
the distance 'r' from the axis of the cable is represented E2 Ad
by: ε0
(2) ε0E2
(3) ε0EAd
(4) ε0E2 Ad
Ans: (4)
7. A particle is released from height S from the surface of
(2) the Earth. At a certain height its kinetic energy is three
times its potential energy. The height from the surface
of earth and the speed of the particle at that instant
are respectively:
S 3gS
(1) ,
(3) 4 2
S 3 gS
(2) ,
4 2
S 3gS
(3) ,
4 2
S 3gS
(4) ,
2 2
Ans: (4) Ans: (1)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
8. The velocity of a small ball of mass M and density d, 11. An electromagnetic wave of wavelength ' ' is incident
when dropped in a container filled with glycerine on a photosensitive surface of negligible work function.
becomes constant after some time. If the density of If 'm' mass is of photoelectron emitted from the surface
d has de-Broglie wavelength d , then :
glycerine is , then the viscous force acting on the
2h 2
ball will be : (1) d
(1) 2Mg
2m 2
(2) d
Mg hc
2mc 2
(3) d
(3) Mg h
3 2mc 2
(4) Mg (4) d
2 h
Ans: (4) R1
10. An infinitely long straight conductor carries a current of
5 A as shown. An electron is moving with a speed of Ans: (3)
105m/s parallel to the conductor. The perpendicular 13. An inductor of inductance L, a capacitor of capacitance
distance between the electron and the conductor is C and a resistor of resistance 'R' are connected in series
20 cm at an instant. Calculate the magnitude of the to an ac source of potential difference V volts as shown
force experienced by the electron at that instant. in figure.Potential difference across L, C and R is 40 V,
10 V and 40 V, respectively. The amplitude of current
flowing through LCR series circuit is 10 2 A. The
impedance of the circuit is :
(1) 8 1020 N
(1) 5
(2) 4 1020 N
(2) 4 2
(3) 8 1020 N (3) 5 / 2
Ans: (1)
Ans: (1)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
14. For a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in x- 18. A capacitor of capacitance 'C', is connected across an
direction, which one of the following combination gives ac source of voltage V, given by
the correct possible directions for electric field (E) and
V V0 sin ωt
magnetic field (B) respectively?
The displacement current between the plates of the
(1) ˆj kˆ, ˆj kˆ
capacitor, would then be given by:
(2) ˆj kˆ, ˆj kˆ
(1) Id V0 ωCsinωt
(3) ˆj kˆ, ˆj kˆ
(2) Id =V0ωCcosωt
(4) ˆj kˆ, ˆj kˆ
(3) Id = cosωt
Ans: (3) ωC
15. Consider the following statements (A) and (B) and V0
identify the correct answer. (4) Id = sinωt
(A): A zener diode is connected in reverse bias, when Ans: (2)
used as a voltage regulator.
19. A dipole is placed in an electric field as shown. In which
(B): The potential barrier of p-n junction lies between direction will it move?
0.1 V to 0.3 V
(1) (A) is incorrect but (B) is correct.
(2) (A) and (B) both are correct.
(3) (A) and (B) both are incorrect.
(4) (A) is correct and (B) is incorrect.
Ans: (4)
16. The equivalent capacitance of the combination shown
in the figure is :
(1) towards the right as its potential energy will
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
21. A small block slides down on a smooth inclined plane, 25. A body is executing simple harmonic motion with
starting from rest at time t=0 .Let Sn be the diatance frequency 'n', the frequency of its potential energy is :
travelled by the block in the interval t=n-1 to t=n. Then,
(1) 4n
the ratio S is : (2) n
2n (3) 2n
2n 1 (4) 3n
2n 1
(2) Ans: (3)
2n 1 26. The half-life of a radioactive nuclide is 100 hours. The
2n 1 fraction of original activity that will remain after 150
2n 1 hours would be :
2n 1
Ans: (3) (1)
3 2
22. A screw gauge gives the following readings when used
to measure the diameter of a wire (2) 1/2
(2) 0.52 cm
27. Match Column - I and Column - II and choose the
(3) 0.026 cm correct match from the given choices.
(4) 0.26 cm List - I List – II
Ans: (1)
23. A radioactive nucleus A
X undergoes spontaneous (A) Root mean square (P) nmv 2
Z 3
decay in the sequence ZA X Z 1 B Z 3 C Z 2 D , speed of gas molecules
where Z is the atomic number of element X. The
possible decay particles in the sequence are : 3RT
(B) Pressure exerted by (Q)
(1) β , α, β M
ideal gas
(2) α, β , β
(3) α, β , β 5
(C) Average kinetic energy (R) RT
(4) β , α, β of a molecule
Ans: (4)
24. A lens of large focal length and large aperture is best 3
(D) Total internal energy of (S) kB T
suited as an objective of an astronomical telescope 2
since: 1 mole of a diatomic gas
(2) a large area of the objective ensures better light (2) (A) - (R), (B) - (P),(C) - (S),(D) - (Q),
gathering power. (3) (A) - (Q), (B) - (R),(C) - (S),(D) - (P),
(3) a large aperture provides a better resolution. (4) (A) - (Q), (B) - (P),(C) - (S),(D) - (R),
(4) all of the above.
Ans: (4)
Ans: (4)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
28. If force [F], acceleration [A] and time [T] are chosen as 32. A nucleus with mass number 240 breaks into two
the fundamental physical quantities. Find the
fragments each of mass number 120, the binding
dimensions of energy.
energy per nucleon of unframented nuclei is 7.6 MeV
(1) [F] [A-1] [T]
while that of fragments is 8.5 MeV. The total gain in the
(2) [F] [A] [T]
Binding Energy in the process is :
(3) [F] [A] [T2]
(4) [F] [A] [T-1] (1) 216 MeV
Ans: (3)
(2) 0.9 MeV
29. Water falls from a height of 60 m at the rate of 15 kg/ (3) 9.4 MeV
s to operate a turbine. The losses due to frictional force
are 10% of the input energy. How much power is (4) 804 MeV
generated by the turbine? (g = 10 m/s2)
(1) 7.0 kW Ans: (1)
(2) 10.2 kW
(3) 8.1 kW 33. A convex lens ‘A’ of focal length 20 cm and a concave
(4) 12.3 kW lens ‘B’ of focal length 5 cm are kept along the same
Ans: (3) axis with a distance ‘d’ between them. If a parallel
beam of light falling on ‘A’ leaves ‘B’ as a parallel beam,
30. The effective resistance of a parallel connection that
consists of four wires of equal length, equal area of then the distance ‘d’ in cm will be :
cross-section and same material is 0.25 . What will
be the effective resistance if they are connected in (1) 30
(2) 25
(1) 4
(2) 0.25 (3) 15
(3) 0.5 (4) 50
(4) 1
Ans: (1) Ans: (3)
31. Column - I gives certain physical terms associated 34. A spring is stretched by 5 cm by a force 10 N. The time
with flow of current through a metallic conductor. period of the oscillations when a mass of 2 kg is
Column-II gives some mathematical relations involving suspended by it is :
electrical quantities. Match Column-I and Column-II with
appropriate relations. (1) 0.628 s
eE Ans: (1)
C) Relaxation Period R)
35. If E and G repsectively denote energy and gravitational
D) Current Density S) constant, then has the dimensions of :
(1) M L T
2 2 1
(1) A R , B Q , C S , D P
(2) M L T
2 1 0
(2) A R , B S , C P , D Q
(3) A R , B S , C Q , D P (3) M L1 T 1
(4) A R , B P , C S , D Q (4) M L0 T0
Ans: (2) Ans: (2)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
SECTION - B 39. A uniform conducting wire of length 12a and resistance
‘R’ is wound up as a current carrying coil in the shape of,
36. Twenty seven drops of same size are charged at 220 V
each. They combine to form a bigger drop. Calculate (i) an equilateral triangle of side ‘a’.
the potential of the bigger drop.
(ii) a square of side ‘a’.
(1) 1980 V The magnetic dipole moments of the coil in each case
(2) 660 V respectively are :
37. A particle moving in a circle of radius R with a uniform (4) 3 Ia2 and 4Ia2
speed takes a time T to complete one revolution.
Ans: (2)
If this particle were projected with the same speed at
40. Two condcuting circular loops of radii R1 and R2 are
an angle ' ' to the horizontal, the maximum height
placed in the same plane with their centres coinciding.
attained by it equals 4R. The angle of projection, , is
If R1 >> R2, the mutual indcutance M between them
then given by :
will be directly proportional to :
2gT 2
(1) sin 2 (1)
R R1
gT2 2 R1
(2) cos 1 2 (2) R
R 2
1 R2
(3) R
(3) cos 2 1
1 R
2 2
(4) sin 2
Ans: (1)
Ans: (1)
41. A partile of mass ‘m’ is projected with a velocity
38. From a circular ring of mass ‘M’ and radius ‘R’ an arc v kVe k 1 from the surface of the earth.
correspoonding to a 90° sector is removed. The
moment of inertia of the remaining part of the ring (Ve= escape velocity)
about an axis passing through the centre of the ring The maximum height above the surface reached by
and perpendicular to the plane of the ring is ‘K’ times the particle is :
‘MR2’. Then the value of ‘K’ is :
Rk 2
1 1 k2
8 2
3 (2) R
(2) 1 k
7 k
(3) R
(3) 1 k
1 R2k
(4) (4)
4 1 k
Ans: (4) 52. The structures of beryllium chloride in solid state and
49. Three resistors having resistances r 1, r2 and r 3 are
i3 vapour phase, are :
connected as shown in the given circuit. The ratio i
of currents in terms of resistances used in the circuit
1 (1) Chain in both
(2) Chain and dimer, respectively
(3) Linear in both
(4) Dimer and Linear, respectively
Ans: (2)
(1) r r 53. Identify the compound that will react with Hinsberg’s
1 3 reagent to give a solid which dissolves in alkali
(2) r r
2 3
r2 (1)
(3) r r
2 3
r1 (2)
(4) r r
1 2
55. Right option for the number of tetrahedral and 59. Choose the correct option for graphical representation
of Boyle’s law, which shows a graph of pressure vs.
octahedral voids in hexagonal primitive unit cell are
volume of a gas at different temperatures
(1) 12, 6
(2) 8, 4
(3) 6, 12
(4) 2, 1
Ans: (4)
(2) Beta ( )
(3) Alpha ( )
Ans: (2)
(1) CH4
(2) CH
(3) CH2
(4) CH3
Ans: (4)
(3) pentan-2-ol
(4) pentan-3-ol
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
60. The correct structure of 2,6-Dimethyl-dec-4-ene is: 64. Statement I : Acid strength increases in the order
given as HF << HCl << HBr << HI
Statement II: As the size of the elements F, Cl, Br, I
increases down the group, the bond
strength of HF, HCl, HBr and HI
decreases and so the acid strength
(2) increases.
63. Which one among the following is the correct option (1) 2Pb NO3 2 2PbO 4NO2 O2
for right relationship between Cp and CV for one mole
of ideal gas?
(2) 2KClO3 2KCl 3O2
(1) CV = RCP
(2) CP + CV = R (3) Cr2O3 2Al Al2O3 2Cr
(3) CP - CV = R
(4) Fe 2HCl FeCl2 H2
(4) CP = RCV
Ans: (3) Ans: (3)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
68. For a reaction A B, enthalpy of reaction is -4.2 kJ 72. The RBC deficiency is deficiency disease of :
mol-1 and enthalpy of activation is 9.6 kJ mol-1. The (1) Vitamin B2
correct potential energy profile for the reaction is shown
(2) Vitamin B12
in option.
(3) Vitamin B6
(4) Vitamin B1
Ans: (2)
88. The intermediate compound ‘X’ in the following 92. Which of the following molecules is non - polar in
chemical reaction is nature?
(1) NO2
(2) POCl3
(3) CH2 O
(4) SbCl5
Ans: (4)
(1) 1
93. The slope of Arrhenius Plot ln k v s of first oder
reaction is 5 103 K . The value of Ea of the reaction
is. Choose the correct option for your answer
(2) Given R 8.314 JK 1 mol1
(1) 83 kJ mol1
(2) 41.5 kJ mol1
(3) 83.0 kJ mol1
(4) 166 kJ mol1
Ans: (2)
94. Match List - I with List - II
Ans: (2) List - I List – II
89. Choose the correct option for the total pressure (in a) 2SO2 g O2 g i) Acid rain
atm) in a mixture of 4g O2 and 2g H2 confined in a 2SO3 g
total volume of one litre at 0C is : b) HOCl g
ii) Smog
Given R 0.082 L atm mol K , T 273K
1 1
(1) 26.02 c) CaCO3 H2 SO4 iii) Ozone
(2) 2.518 CaSO4 H2 O CO2 depletion
(3) 2.602
(4) 25.18 d) NO2 g h
iv) Tropospheric
NO g O g pollution
Ans: (4)
Choose the correct answer from the options given
90. From the following pairs of ions which one is not an below.
a b c d
iso - electronic pair ?
(1) Fe2 , Mn2 (1) iii ii iv i
(2) O , F (2) i ii iii iv
(3) Na , Mg 2 (3) ii iii iv i
(4) Mn2 , Fe3 (4) iv iii i ii
c) iii) Haloform reaction
d) iv) Esterification
a b c d
(1) ii iii iv i
(2) iv i ii iii
(4) i iv iii ii
Ans: (1)
Fe H2 O 6
3 Ans: (1)
b) ii) 0 BM
(1) CuCN/KCN 104. During the purification process for recombinant DNA
(2) H2O technology, addition of chilled ethanol precipitates
out :
(3) CH3CH2OH
(1) Polysaccharides
(4) HI (2) RNA
Ans: (3) (3) DNA
(4) Histones
BOTANY Ans: (3)
107. The factor that leads to Founder effect in a population 113. Match List - I with List - II.
is List - I List – II
(1) Genetic drift a) Cristae i) Primary constriction
in chromosome
(2) Natural selection
b) Thylakoids ii) Disc-shaped sacs in
(3) Genetic recombination
Golgi apparatus
(4) Mutation
c) Centromere iii) Infoldings in
Ans: (1) mitochondria
d) Cisternae iv) Flattened
108. Which of the following is a correct sequence of steps in membranous sacs in
a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) ? stroma of plastids
(1) Annealing, Denaturation, Extension a b c d
(2) Denaturation, Annealing, Extension (1) ii iii iv i
(3) Denaturation, Extension, Annealing (2) iv iii ii i
(4) Extension, Denaturation, Annealing (3) i iv iii ii
(4) iii iv i ii
Ans: (2)
Ans: (4)
109. Inspite of interspecific competition in nature, which 114. Match List - I with List - II.
mechanism the competing species might have evolved List - I List – II
for their survival ? a) Cohesion i) More attraction in
(1) Predation liquid phase
(2) Resource partitioning b) Adhesion ii) Mutual attraction
among water
(3) Competitive release molecules
(4) Mutalism c) Surface tension iii) Water loss in liquid
Ans: (2)
d) Guttation iv) Attraction towards
110. A typical angiosperm embryo sac at maturity is : polar surfaces
(1) 8-nucleate and 8-celled Choose the correct answer from the options given
(2) 8-nucleate and 7-celled below.
(3) 7-nucleate and 8-celled a b c d
(1) ii i iv iii
(4) 7-nucleate and 7-called
(2) ii iv i iii
Ans: (2) (3) iv iii ii i
(4) iii i iv ii
111. The site of perception of light in plants during
photoperiodism is : Ans: (2)
(1) Leaf 115. Match List - I with List - II.
(2) Shoot apex List - I List – II
(3) Stem a) Lenticels i) Phellogen
(4) Axillary bud b) Cork cambium ii) Suberin deposition
Ans: (1) c) Secondary cortex iii) Exchange of gases
d) Cork iv) Phelloderm
112. Which of the following plants is monoecious ? a b c d
(1) Cycas circinalis (1) iv ii i iii
(2) Carica papaya (2) iv i iii ii
(3) Chara (3) iii i iv ii
(4) Marchantia polymorpha (4) ii iii iv i
Ans: (3) Ans: (3)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
116. The term used for transfer of pollen grains from anthers 123. Mutations in plant cells can be induced by :
of one plant to stigma of a different plant which, during (1) Zeatin
pollination, brings genetically different types of pollen (2) Kinetin
grains to stigma, is : (3) Infrared rays
(1) Cleistogamy (4) Gamma rays
(2) Xenogamy
(3) Geitonogamy Ans: (4)
(4) Chasmogamy 124. In the equation GPP-R=NPP. R represents :
Ans: (2) (1) Respiration losses
(2) Radiant energy
117. Which of the following is not an application of PCR (3) Retardation factor
(Polymerase Chain Reaction)?
(4) Environment factor
(1) Detection of gene mutation
(2) Molecular diagnosis Ans: (1)
(3) Gene amplification
(4) Purification of isolated protein 125. Plants follow different pathways in response to
environment or phases of life to form different kinds
Ans: (4) of structures. This ability is called :
118. The production of gametes by the parents, formation (1) Maturity
of zygotes, the F1 and F2 plants, can be understood (2) Elasticity
from a diagram called : (3) Flexibility
(1) Net square (4) Plasticity
(2) Bullet square Ans: (4)
(3) Punch square
(4) Punnett square 126. The plant hormone used to destroy weeds in a field is:
Ans: (4) (1) IBA
(2) IAA
119. Which of the following algae produce Carrageen? (3) NAA
(1) Blue-green algae (4) 2, 4-D
(2) Green algae
Ans: (4)
(3) Brown algae
(4) Red algae 127. Which of the following statements is not correct?
Ans: (4) (1) Pyramid of numbers in a grassland ecosystem is
120. Amensalism can be represented as : (2) Pyramid of biomass in sea is generally inverted.
(1) Species A (+) ; Species B (0) (3) Pyramid of biomass in sea is generally upright.
(2) Species A (-) ; Species B (0) (4) Pyramid of energy is always upright.
(3) Species A (+) ; Species B (+)
(4) Species A (-) ; Species B (-) Ans: (3)
Ans: (2) 128. Gemmae are present in :
(1) Some Liverworts
121. Which of the following stages of meiosis involves
(2) Mosses
division of centromere?
(1) Telephase II (3) Pteridophytes
(2) Metaphase I (4) Some Gymnosperms
(3) Metaphase II Ans: (1)
(4) Anaphase II
129. The first stable product of CO2 fixation in sorghum is :
Ans: (4)
(1) Phosphoglyceric acid
122. Complete the flow chart on central dogma. (2) Pyruvic acid
(3) Oxaloacetic acid
(4) Succinic acid
(1) (a)-Transduction; (b)-Translation; (c)-Replication; Ans: (3)
(2) (a)-Replication; (b)-Transcription; (c)-Transduction; 130. Which of the following algae contains mannitol as
(d)-protein reserve food material?
(3) (a)-Translation; (b)-Replication; (c)-Transcription; (1) Ulothrix
(d)-Transduction (2) Ectocarpus
(4) (a)-Replication; (b)-Transcription; (c)-Translation; (3) Gracilaria
(d)-protein (4) Volvox
Ans: (4) Ans: (2)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
131. DNA strands on a gel stained with ethidium bromide 138. Identify the correct statement.
when viewed under UV raidation,appear as : (1) Split gene arrangement is characteristic of
(1) Bright blue bands prokaryotes.
(2) Yellow bands
(2) In capping,methyl guanosine triphosphate is
(3) Bright orange bands
added to the 3’ end of hnRNA.
(4) Dark red bands
(3) RNA polymerase binds with Rho factor to
Ans: (3) terminate the process of transcription in bacteria.
132. Diadelphous stamens are found in : (4) The coding strand in a transcription unit is copied
(1) China rose and citrus to an mRNA.
(2) China rose
Ans: (3)
(3) Citrus
(4) Pea 139. Which of the following statements is correct ?
Ans: (4) (1) Some of the organisms can fix atmospheric
nitrogen in specialized cells called sheath cells.
133. Which of the following are not secondary metabolites (2) Fusion of two cells is called Karyogamy.
in plants ? (3) Fusion of protoplasms between two motile on
(1) Rubber,gums non-motile gametes is called plasmogamy.
(2) Morphine,codeine (4) Organisms that depend on living plants are called
(3) Amino acids,glucose saprophytes.
(4) Vinblastin,curcumin
Ans: (3)
Ans: (3)
134. The amount of nutrients, such as carbon,nitrogen, 140. DNA fingerprinting involves indentifying differences is
phosphorus and calcium present in the soil at any given some specific regions in DNA sequence, called as :
time,is reffered as : (1) Polymorphic DNA
(1) Standing crop (2) Satellite DNA
(2) Climax (3) Repetitive DNA
(3) Climax community (4) Single nucleotides
(4) Standing state Ans: (3)
Ans: (4) 141. Select the correct pair.
135. Genera like Selaginella and Salvinia produce two (1) Loose parenchyma - Spongy parenchyma
kinds of spores. Such plants are known as : cells rupturing the
(1) Heterosporous epidermis and forming
(2) Homosorus a lens-shaped opening
(3) Heterosorus in bark
(4) Homosporous
(2) Large colorless empty - Subsidiary cells
Ans: (1)
cells in the epidermis
SECTION - B (BIOLOGY : BOTONY) of grass leaves
136. Plasmid pBR322 has Pstl restriction enzyme site within (3) In dicot leaves, - Conjunctive tissue
gene ampR that confers ampicillin resistance. If this vascular bundles are
enzyme is used for inserting a gene for β -galactoside surrounded by large
production and the recombinant plasmid is inserted in thick-walled cells
an E.coli strain
(1) it will be able to produce a novel protien with dual (4) Cells of medullary - Interfascicular
ability. rays that form part cambium
(2) it will not be able to confer ampicillin resistance of cambial ring
to the host cell. Ans: (4)
(3) the transformed cells will have the ability to resist
ampicilin as well as produce β -galactoside. 142. Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
(4) it will lead to lysis of host cell. (1) Oxidation -reduction reactions produce proton
Ans: (2) gradient in respiration.
137. In some member of which of the following pairs of (2) During aerobic respiration, role of oxygen is limited
families, pollen grains retain their viability for months to the terminal stage.
after release ? (3) In ETC (Electron Transport Chain), one molecule
(1) Rosaceae;Leguminosae of NADH+H+ gives rise to 2ATP molecules, and one
(2) Poaceae;Rosaceae FADH2 gives rise to 3ATP molecules.
(3) Poaceae;Leguminosae (4) ATP is synthesized through complex V.
(4) Poaceae;Solanaceae
Ans: (1) Ans: (3)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
143. Which of the following statements is incorrect? 148. Match List - I with List - II
(1) Cyclic photophosphorylation involves both PS I and List - I List – II
(a) Protein i) C = C double bonds
(2) Both ATP and NADPH + H are synthesized during
non-cyclic photophosphorylation. (b) Unsaturated fatty ii) Phosphodiester
(3) Stroma lamellae have PS I only and lack NADP acid bonds
reductase. (c) Nucleic acid iii) Glycosidic bonds
(4) Grana lamelllae have both PS I and PS II.
(d) Polysaccharide iv) Peptide bonds
Ans: (1)
Choose the correct answer from the options given
144. Match Column-I with Column-II. below.
Column- I Column – II a b c d
(1) iv iii i ii
(a) Nitrococcus i) Denitrification
(2) iv i ii iii
(b) Rhizobium ii) Conversion of (3) i iv iii ii
ammonia to nitrite
(4) ii i iv iii
(c) Thiobacillus iii) Conversion of nitrite
to nitrate Ans: (2)
(d) Nitrobacter iv) Conversion of 149. Match List - I with List - II.
atmospheric List - I List – II
nitrogen to ammonia
(a) S phase (i) Proteins are
a b c d synthesized
(1) iv iii ii i (b) G2 phase (ii) Inactive phase
(2) ii iv i iii
(c) Quiescent stage (iii) Interval between
(3) i ii iii iv
mitosis and initiation
(4) iii i iv ii
of DNA replication
Ans: (2) (d) G1 phase (iv) DNA replication
145. What is the role of RNA polymerase III in the process of Choose the correct answer from the options given
transcription in eukaryotes? below
(1) Transcribes only snRNAs a b c d
(2) Transcribes rRNAs (28S, 18S and 5.85S) (1) ii iv iii i
(3) Transcribes tRNA, 5s rRNA and snRNA (2) iii ii i iv
(4) Transcribes precursor of mRNA
(3) iv ii iii i
Ans: (3) (4) iv i ii iii
146. In the exponential growth equation Ans: (4)
N t N o e rt .e represents :
150. Match Column - I with Column - II.
(1) The base of geometric logarithms
Column- I Column– II
(2) The base of number logarithms
(3) The base of exponential logarithms (a) (i) Brassicaceae
(4) The base of natural logarithms
Ans: (4) (b) (ii) Liliaceae
151. Receptors for sperm binding in mammals are present (b) Limulus (ii) Portuguese Man of
on : war
(1) Zona pellucida (c) Ancylostoma (iii) Living fossil
(2) Corona radiata (d) Pinctada (iv) Hook worm
(3) Vitelline membrane
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(4) Perivitelline space below.
Ans: (1) a b c d
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
152. Which stage of meiotic prophase shows terminalisation
of chiasmata as its distinctive feature ? (2) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(1) Pachytene (3) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(2) Leptotene (4) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) Zygotene Ans: (4)
(4) Diakinesis 157. Dobson units are used to measure thickness of :
Ans: (4) (1) Troposphere
(2) CFCs
153. The organelles that are included in the endomembrane (3) Stratosphere
system are : (4) Ozone
(1) Golgi complex, Endoplasmic reticulum, Ans: (4)
Mitochondria and Lysosomes
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum, Mitochondria, Ribosomes 158. Which one of the following belongs to the family
and Lysosomes Muscidae ?
(1) House fly
(3) Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, Lysosomes
(2) Fire fly
and Vacuoles
(3) Grasshopper
(4) Golgi complex, Mitochondria, Ribosomes and (4) Cockroach
Ans: (1)
Ans: (3)
159. Veneral diseases can spread through:
154. A specfic recognition sequence identified by (a) Using sterile needles
endonucleases to make cuts at specific positions (b) Transfusion of blood from infected person
within the DNA is : (c) Infected mother to foetus
(1) Poly(A) tail sequences (d) Kissing
(2) Degenerate primer sequence (e) Inheritance
(3) Okazaki sequences
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(4) Palindromic Nucleotide sequences below.
Ans: (4) (1) (a) and (c) only
(2) (a), (b) and (c) only
155. Select the favourable conditions required for the (3) (b), (c) and (d) only
formation of oxyhaemoglobin at the alveoli.
(4) (b) and (c) only
(1) Low pO2 , low pCO2 , more H , higher Ans: (4)
temperature Note: Kissing also can transmit a few STIs like CMV, herpes
(2) High pO2 , low pCO2 , Less H , lower and syphilis.
temperature 160. Which is the “Only enzyme” that has “Capability to
catalyse Initiation, Elongation and Termination in the
(3) Low pO2 , high pCO2 , more H , higher process of transcription in prokaryotes
temperature (1) DNase
(2) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(4) High pO2 , lhigh pCO2 , Less H , lower (3) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
temperature (4) DNA Ligase
Ans: (2) Ans: (3)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
161. Match List-I with List-II. 166. Which of the following RNAs is not required for the
List - I List – II synthesis of protein?
(1) siRNA
(a) Vaults (i) Entry of sperm (2) mRNA
through Cervix is (3) tRNA
blocked (4) rRNA
(b) IUDs (ii) Removal of Vas Ans: (1)
(c) Vasectomy (iii) Phagocytosis of 167. Succus entericus is referred to as :
sperms within the (1) Chyme
Uterus (2) Pancreatic juice
(3) Intenstinal juice
(d) Tubectomy (iv) Removal of fallopian
(4) Gastric juice
Ans: (3)
a b c d
(1) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) 168. Persons with ‘AB’ blood group are called as “Universal
(2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) recipients”. This is due to :
(3) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (1) Absence of antibodies, anti-A and anti-B, in plasma
(4) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) (2) Absence of antigens A and B on the surface of
Ans: (3) RBCs
(3) Absence of antigens A and B in plasma
162. Match List-I with List-II. (4) Presence of antibodies, anti-A and anti-B, on RBCs
List - I List – II Ans: (1)
(a) Aspergillus niger (i) Acetic Acid 169. Which of the following characteristics is incorrect with
(b) Acetobacter aceti (ii) Lactic Acid respect to cockraoch?
(c) Clostridium (iii) Citric Acid (1) 10th abdominal segment in both sexes, bears a
butylicum pair of anal cerci.
(2) A ring of gastric caeca is present at the junction of
(d) Lactobacillus (iv) Butyric Acid midgut and hind gut.
Choose the correct answer from the options given (3) Hypopharynx lies within the cavity enclosed by the
below. mouth parts.
a b c d (4) In females, 7th-9th sterna together form a genital
(1) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) Ans: (2)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 170. Which of the following statements wrongly represents
(4) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) the nature of smooth muscle?
Ans: (2) (1) These muscles are present in the wall of blood
163. Identify the incorrect pair. (2) These muscle have no striations
(1) Drugs - Ricin (3) They are involuntary muscles
(2) Alkaloids - Codeine (4) Communication among the cells is performed by
(3) Toxin - Abrin intercalated discs
(4) Lectins - Concanavalin A Ans: (4)
Ans: (1)
171. Which of the following organisms bears hollow and
164. The partial pressures (in mm Hg) of oxygen (O2) and pneumatic long bones?
carbon dioxide (CO2) at alveoli (the site of diffusion) (1) Ornithorhynchus
are: (2) Neophron
(1) pO2 159 and pCO2 0.3 (3) Hemidactylus
(2) pO2 104 and pCO2 40 (4) Ma cro p u s
(3) pO2 40 and pCO2 45 Ans: (2)
(4) pO2 95 and pCO2 40
172. If Adenine makes 30% of the DNA molecule, what will
Ans: (2) be the percentage of Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine
165. Sphincter of oddi is present at : in it?
(1) Junction of jejunum and duodenum (1) T : 20 ; G : 25 ; C : 25
(2) Ileo-caecal junction (2) T : 20 ; G : 30 ; C : 20
(3) Junction of hepato-pacreatic duct and duodenum (3) T : 20 ; G : 20 ; C : 30
(4) Gastro-oesophageal junction (4) T : 30 ; G : 20 ; C : 20
Ans: (3) Ans: (4)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
173. Which enzyme is responsible for the conversion of (e) Water vascular system is characteristic of
inactive fibrinogens to fibrins ? Echinoderms.
(1) Thrombokinase Choose the correct answer from the options given
(2) Thrombin below.
(3) Renin
(1) (b), (c) and (e) are correct
(4) Epinephrine
(2) (c), (d) and (e) are correct
Ans: (2) (3) (a), (b) and (c) are correct
174. In a cross between a male and female, both (4) (a), (d) and (e) are correct
heterozygous for sickle cell anaemia gene, what Ans: (1)
percentage of the progeny will be diseased ? 180. Erythropoietin hormone which stimulates R.B.C.
(1) 100% formation is produced by :
(2) 50% (1) Juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney
(3) 75% (2) Alpha cells of pancreas
(4) 25%
(3) The cells of rostral adenohypophysis
Ans: (4) (4) The cells of bone marrow
175. Which one of the following is an example of Hormone Ans: (1)
releasing IUD ? 181. With regard to insulin choose correct options.
(1) Multiload 375 (a) C-pepide is not present in mature insulin.
(2) CuT (b) The insulin produced by rDNA technology has C-
(3) LNG 20 peptide.
(4) Cu 7 (c) The pro-insulin has C-peptide.
Ans: (3) (d) A-peptide and B-peptide of insulin are
176. The centriole undergoes duplication during : interconnected by disulphide bridges.
(1) G2 phase Choose the correct answer from the options given
(2) S-phase below.
(3) Prophase (1) (a) and (d) only
(4) Metaphase (2) (b) and (d) only
Ans: (2) (3) (b) and (c) only
(4) (a), (c) and (d) only
177. Chronic auto immune disorder affecting neuro Ans: (4)
muscular junction leading to fatigue, weakening and
paralysis of skeletal muscle is called as 182. Match List - I with List - II.
(1) Gout List - I List – II
(2) Arthritis (a) Metamerism (i) Coelenterata
(3) Muscular dystropy
(4) Myasthenia gravis (b) Canal system (ii) Ctenophora
Ans: (4) (c) Comb plates (iii) Annelida
178. For effective treatment of the disease, early diagnosis (d) Cnidoblasts (iv) Porifera
and understanding its pathophysiology is very Choose the correct answer from the options given
important. Which of the following molecular diagnostic below.
techniques is very useful for early detection ? (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) Hybridization Technique (1) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(2) Western Blotting Technique (2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(3) Southern Blotting Technique (3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) ELISA Technique (4) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
Ans: (4)
Ans: (4)
179. Read the following statements.
183. Which of the following is not an objective of
(a) Metagenesis is observed in Helminths.
(b) Echinoderms are triploblastic and coelomate Biofortification in crops ?
animals. (1) Improve micronutrient and mineral content
(c) Round worms have organ-system level of body (2) Improve protein content
organization. (3) Improve resistance to diseases
(d) Comb plates present in ctenophores help in (4) Improve vitamin content
digestion. Ans: (3)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
184. During the process of gene amplification using PCR, if Choose the correct answer from the options given
very high temperature is not maintained in the below.
beginning, then which of the following steps of PCR will (1) (b) and (c) are correct
be affected first ?
(2) (a), (b) and (c) are correct
(1) Ligation
(2) Annealing (3) (a), (b) and (d) are correct
(3) Extension (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) are correct.
(4) Denaturation Ans: (2)
Ans: (4)
189. Which of the following is not a step in Multiple
185. The fruit fly has 8 chromosomes (2n) in each cell. During
Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology (MOET) ?
interphase of Mitosis if the number of chromosomes
at G 1 phase is 8, what would be the number of (1) Fertilized eggs are transferred to surrogate
chromosomes after S phase ? mothers at 8-32 cell stage
(1) 32 (2) Cow is administered hormone having LH like
(2) 8 activity for super ovulation
(3) 16 (3) Cow yields about 6-8 eggs at a time
(4) 4 (4) Cow is fertilized by artificial insemination
Ans: (2) Ans: (2)
190. Identify the types of cell junctions that help to stop the
186. Assertion-(A) : A person goes to high altitude and leakage of the substances across a tissue and
experiences ‘altitude sickness’ with facilitation of communication with neighbouring cells
symptoms like breathing difficulty and via rapid transfer of ions and molecules.
heart palpitations. (1) Adhering junctions and Gap junctions, respectively.
Reason-(R) : Due to low atmospheric pressure at (2) Gap junctions and Adhering junctions, respectively.
high altitude, the body does not get (3) Tight junctions and Gap junctions, respectively.
sufficient oxygen. (4) Adhering junctions and Tight junctions,
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct
Ans: (3)
answer from the options given below.
(1) (A) is false but (R) is true 191. Which of the following secretes the hormone, relaxin,
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct during the later phase of pregnancy ?
explanation of (A) (1) Uterus
(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the (2) Graafian follicle
correct explanation of (A) (3) Corpus luteum
(4) (A) is true but (R) is false (4) Foetus
Ans: (2) Ans: (3)
187. Statement-I : The codon ‘AUG’ codes for 192. During muscular contraction which of the following
methionine and phenylalanine. events occur ?
Statement-II : ‘AAA’ and ‘AAG’ both codons code for (a) ‘H’ zone disappears
the amino acid lysine. (b) ‘A’ band widens
(c) ‘I’ band reduces in width
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct (d) Myosin hydrolyzes ATP, releasing the ADP and Pi
answer from the options given below. (e) Z-lines attached to actins are pulled inwards
(1) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is true
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(2) Both Statement-I and Statement-I are true
(3) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are false
(1) (b), (d), (e), (a) only
(4) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is false (2) (a), (c), (d), (e) only
Ans: (1) (3) (a), (b), (c), (d) only
(4) (b), (c), (d), (e) only
188. Following are the statements about prostomium of
Ans: (2)
(a) It serves as a covering for mouth. 193. The Adenosine deaminase deficiency results into :
(b) It helps to open cracks in the soil into which it can (1) Addison’s disease
(2) Dysfunction of Immune system
(3) Parkinson’s disease
(c) It is one of the sensory structures. (4) Digestive disorder
(d) It is the first body segment. Ans: (2)
NEET-2021 / Code-P6
194. Match List - I with List - II Choose the correct answer from the options given
List - I List – II below.
(a) Adaptive radiation (i) Selection of resistant a b c d
varieties due to (1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
excessive use of (2) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
herbicides and (3) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
pesticides (4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(b) Convergent evolution (ii) Bones of forelimbs in
Man and Whale Ans: (4)
(c) Divergent evolution (iii) Wings of Butterfly 198. Match List -I with List -II.
and Bird List - I List – II
(d) Evolution by a) Filariasis (i) Haemophilus
anthropogenic action (iv) Darwin Finches influenzae
Choose the correct answer from the options given b) Amoebiasis (ii) Trichophyton
below. c) Pneumonia (iii) Wuchereria
a b c d bancrofti
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) d) Ringworm (iv) Entamoeba
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) histolytica
(3) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) Choose the correct answer from the options given
Ans: (2) below.
a b c d
195. Which of these is not an important component of (1) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
initiation of parturition in humans ?
(1) Release of Prolactin (2) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(2) Increase in estrogen and progesterone ratio (3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) Synthesis of prostaglandins (4) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(4) Release of Oxytocin
Ans: (3)
Ans: (1)
199. Which one of the following statements about Histones
196. Following are the statements with reference to ‘lipids’. is wrong ?
(a) Lipids having only single bonds are called (1) Histones carry positive charge in the side chain.
unsaturated fatty acids.
(b) Lecithin is a phospholipid. (2) Histones are organised to form a unit of 8
(c) Trihydroxy propane is glycerol. molecules.
(d) Palmitic acid has 20 carbon atoms including (3) The pH of histones is slighly acidic.
carboxyl carbon. (4) Histones are rich in amino acids- Lysine and
(e) Arachidonic acid has 16 carbon atoms. Arginine.
Choose the correct answer from the options given Ans: (3)
(1) (b) and (e) only 200. Match List -I with List -II
(2) (a) and (b) only List - I List – II
(3) (c) and (d) only
(a) Scapula (i) Cartilaginous joints
(4) (b) and (c) only
(b) Cranium (ii) Flat bone
(c) Sternum (iii) Fibrous joints
197. Match List -I With List- II
(d) Vertebral column (iv) Triangular flat bone
List - I List – II
Choose the correct answer from the options given
(a) Allen’s Rule (i) Kangaroo rat below.
(b) Physiological a b c d
adaptation (ii) Desert lizard (1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(c) Behavioural (2) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
adaptation (iii) Marine fish at depth (3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(d) Biochemical (4) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
adaptation (iv) Polar seal
Ans: (1)