Contingency Plan - Baragarh

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Agriculture Contingency Plan

Bargarh District (2022-23)

Submitted By:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bargarh
(Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar)
State: Orissa
Agriculture Contingency Plan: Bargarh District
1.0 District Agriculture profile
1.1 Agro-Climatic/ Ecological Zone West Central Table Land
Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Eastern plateau (Chhotanagpur) (12.1)
Agro-Climatic Region (Planning Commission) Eastern plateau & hills region (VII)

Agro Climatic Zone (NARP)* Western Central table land zone (OR-9)
List all the districts failing under the NARP Zone Bolangir, Sonepur, Boudh, Deogarh, Jharsuguda, Sambalpur, Bargarh

Geographical coordinates of district Latitude Longitude Altitude

0 0
21 19’ 45.42”N 83 37’ 13.11” E 189.3mt above MSL
Name and address of the concerned ZRS/ ZARS/ RRTTS, Chiplima, Sambalpur-768028
Mention the KVK located in the district KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA , BARGARH at Gambharipali
Name & address of the nearest Agromet field unit ( RRTTS, Chiplima Bargarh Orissa - 768028
AMFU, IMD) for agro-advisories in the zone
1.2 Rainfall Average (mm) Normal Onset Normal Cessation
(specify week and month) (specify week and month)
SW monsoon (June-Sep): 1294.55 2nd week of June 4th week of September
NE Monsoon (Oct-Dec): 171.90 2nd week October 3rd week of November
Winter (Jan-March) 120.30 - -
Summer (Apr-May) 153.10 - -
Annual 1367.3 - -
* If a district falls in two NARP zones, mention the zone in which more than 50% area falls

1.3 Land use Geographical Forest Land under Permanent Cultivable Land under Barren and Current Other
pattern of the area area non- pastures wasteland Misc. tree uncultivable fallows fallows
district (latest agricultural use crops and land
statistics) groves

Area (000 ha) 584 122 50 20 15 29 20 32 2

1.4 Major Soils ( Common names) Area (‘000 ha) Percent (%) of total

1. Lateritic soil - Major dominating area- Attabira, Bijepur, Bheden,Bargarh blocks

2. Mixed red & Yellow soil - Major dominating area- Part of Padampur and Gaisilet blocks-

3. Red & Black soil - Major dominating area- Jharbandha, Sohela, Paikamal, Gaisilet blocks

4. Brown forest soil - Major dominating area- Ambanana, Bhatli blocks

Others (specify): Net cultivated area 349 60%

1.5 Agricultural land use Area (‘000 ha) Cropping intensity %

Net sown area 330

Area sown more than once 140

Net irrigated area 182 142.4

Gross cropped area 470

1.6 Irrigation Area (‘000 ha) Percent (%)
Net cultivated area 354 60 (of geographical area)
Net irrigated area 149.4 51.4 (of net cultivated area)
Gross cultivated area 471 80.6 (of geographical area)
Gross irrigated area 202 52.4 ( of gross cultivated area)
Rainfed area 209 63.2 (of net cultivated area)
Source of irrigation Number Area (‘000 ha) % area
Canals 30 90.619 48.0
Tanks 2178 21.820 -

Open wells 4344 6.250 -

Bore wells 3580 7.160 -
Lift irrigation 625 12.763 4.49
Other sources - - -
Total irrigated area - - -
Pump-sets - - -
Groundwater availability and use No. of blocks % area Quality of water
Over exploited Nil - -
Critical Nil - -
Semi-critical Nil - -
Safe 11 92 Good
Wastewater availability and use 1 8 Manageable
Ground water quality District affected in part (5 %) with problems such as fluoride > 1.5 mg/l, iron, > 1.0 mg/l and nitrate >
45 mg/l. There is need of rain water harvesting to artificially recharge the ground water for safe
domestic use
*over-exploited: groundwater utilization > 100%; critical: 90-100%; semi-critical: 70-90%; safe: <70%

Area under major field crops & horticulture etc. as per latest figure (2022)
1.7 Field crops- Total area(‘000 ha) Irrigated(‘000 ha) Rainfed(‘000 ha)
1 Paddy 331.751 231.084 100.667
2 Groundnut 15.578 3.215 12.363
3 Maize 2.23 1.26 0.97
4 Sugarcane 0.397 0.397 -
5 Greengram 30.086 7.317 22.769
6 Blackgram 7.17 0.141 7.03
Horticulture crops- Fruits Total area (‘000 ha) Irrigated (‘000 ha) Rainfed (‘000 ha)
1 Mango 0.757 0.627 0.130
2 Guava 0.16 N.A. N.A.
3 Citrus 0.041 0.022 0.019
4 Litchi 0.04 N.A. N.A.
5 Sapota 0.20 NA NA
Horticulture crops- Vegetables Total area (‘000 ha) Irrigated(‘000 ha) Rainfed (‘000 ha)
1 Potato 1.202 1.202 0
2 Onion 1.512 1.512 0
3 Sweet Potato 0.280 0.050 0.230
Medicinal and Aromatic crops Total area(‘000 ha) Irrigated(‘000 ha) Rainfed(‘000 ha)
1 N.A N.A. 0.01
2 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Plantation crops Total area(‘000 ha) Irrigated(‘000 ha) Rainfed(‘000 ha)
1 Coconut 0 N.A. N.A.
2 Banana 0.212 0.212 0.0
3 Papaya 0.01 N.A. 0.01
4. Others 1.91 N.A. N.A.
Fodder crops Total area(‘000 ha) Irrigated(‘000 ha) Rainfed(‘000 ha)

1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Total fodder crop area 2 1.5 0.5
Grazing land
Sericulture etc. Nil - -
Others ( specify)
*If break-up data (irrigated, rainfed) is not available, give total area

1.8 Livestock Number (‘000)

Cattle 129.021
Buffaloes total 9.978
Commercial dairy farms N.A.

Goat 162.631
Sheep 58.634
Others (Camel, Pig, Yak etc.) 8261
1.9 Poultry
1.10 Inland Fisheries Area (ha) Yield (MT/ha) Production (in MT)
Brackish water - - -
Fresh water 1600 2.5 4012

1.11 Production and Productivity of major crops (Avg.of last Five Years)

1.11 Production and Kharif Rabi Summer Total
Productivity of
major crops
Major field crop Production Productivity Production Productivity Production Productivity Production Productivity
(‘000 t) (kg/ha) (‘000 t) (kg/ha) (‘000 t) (kg/ha) (‘000 t) (kg/ha)
Crop 1 Paddy 1088.437 4550 502.783 6350 1591.22
Crop 2 Maize 6.452 3520 3.252 5220 9.704
Crop 3 Groundnut 25.706 2000 6.622 2430 32.328
Crop 4 Black Gram 2.203 320 0.147 510 2.35
Crop 5 Green Gram 8.606 370 4.363 540 12.969
Major Paddy
Major Horticultural crops
Crop 1 Potato - - 12.631 10430 - -
Crop 2 Sweet Potato 300 2270 - -
Crop 3 Chili 2.715 6500 21.279 9260
Crop 4 Coriander 9.708 6700
Crop 5 Onion 31.982 10300`
Crop 6

1.12 Sowing window for 5 major Crop 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

crops (start and end of Paddy Groundnut Vegetable Sugarcane Oilseeds
sowing period)
Kharif-Rainfed June – July July-Aug July-Aug July-Aug July-Aug
Kharif-Irrigated June – July June – Aug July-Aug July-Aug July-Aug
Rabi-Rainfed Nov-Dec Dec – Jan Nov - Feb Nov-Dec Dec – Jan
Rabi-Irrigated November – Dec Dec – Jan Nov- Feb Nov-Dec Dec – Jan

1.13 What is the major Regular Sporadic (specify month of occurrence in None
contingency the district brackets)
is prone to? (Tick Severe Moderate Mild Severe Moderate Mild
Drought - Y - July, & -
Flood - - Y - August -

Cyclone - - Y - October -

Hail storm - - Y - May

Heat wave - - Y - April, -

Cold wave - - Y - Dec.

Frost - - - - - -

Sea water inundation - - - - - - NONE

Pests and diseases Stem borer in Red rot in Termite, Swarming BLB in Paddy, Root knot -
(specify) paddy, Pod Sugarcane, Mango hopper, caterpillar in Panicle mite in nematode
borer in Arhar, Leaf folder and Fruit flies, Ant Aug/sept., paddy
Collar rot in case worm in BPH in Paddy,
Groundnut, paddy, Shealth hispa in paddy
Fruit & shoot blight in
borer , leaf curl paddy,
virus in Powdery
vegetables mildew in

1.14 Include Digital maps of the district Location map of district with in States as Annexure 1 Enclosed: Yes
for Mean annual rainfall as Annexure 2 Enclosed: Yes
Soil map as Annexure 3 Enclosed: Yes

2.0 Strategies for weather related contingencies

2.1 Drought
2.1.1 Rainfed situation
Condition Suggested Contingency Measures
Early season drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Change in Agronomic measures Remarks on
(delayed onset) situations crop/cropping system s
1.Low rainfallShallow a) Upland rice-fallow Paddy: sahabhagi Dhan, 1)Re-sowing of seed Supply of seeds
Delay by 2 weeks Lateritic soil based DRR-44, DRR-42 2) Conservation of through OSSC ,
(June 4 week) * Intercropping like rice + moisture by not through NFSM
Arhar(5:2), rice + ploughing
blackgram (1:4)), rice +
3) line Sowing of
Groundnut: Smruti, JL- maize with seed drill.
(REFER TO THE b) Groundnut 24,Devi 4) Reduce application
MATRIX TABLE) of N , increase
Arhar- ICPL-87119,
application of P.
BRG-4, PRG 176 Application of FYM
c) Arhar- UPAS-120
to increase
Introduction of Ragi water holding capacity
Subhadra,Chilka, of soil

Green gram- local variety - IPM 02-3, SML 668, seed treatment with
Durga Rhizobium, PSB

2. Scarce rainfall a) Medium land rice- Direct sowing can be Use of bulky organic Breeder seed from
laterite, fallow done. manures is OSSC, Seed drills from
lateritic, mixed recommended RKVY, BSP & NSP
red & yellow Growing of Medium unit
rainfed duration rice variety: Maintain more plant
(120-135 days), Lalat, population for direct
seeded rice.
MTU-1075, MTU -1156
Nursery can be raised
fortransplant-ing after
21 days.
Transplanting with 3-4
seedlings/hill with
closer spacing
In-situ rain water
harvesting of excess
Short duration maize runoff for recycling
hybrids like Pioneer30R- and ground water
77, Bio seed- 9681, recharge.
b) Maize- hybrid Sweet corn- Madhuri, Wider spacing 90x30
cm for arhar
Misti, Sugar -75,
c) Groundnut
Groundnut- (Devi, TAG
JL-24, Smruti, Barapataria

Arhar- Asha Arhar- BRG-4, UPAS-


3. Mixed red & a) Vegetable-fallow Growing of short Ridge and furrow Seeds fron RKVY,
Blackrainfed duration vegetable like methods of sowing. OSSC, OUAT
Radish, cucumber, okra, at closer plant-to-plant Supply of seeds from
Cowpea in bunds of distance with wider
upland paddy inter-row spacing.
Sowing seeds in
disposable glasses,
Strengthen the field
and contour bunds for
in-situ moisture
- Use of mulch with
b) Sesamumlocal Sesamum – Uma, Prachi, locally available
Amrit materials.
Broadcasting at first
c) Greengram - local Greengram–IPM 02-3, shower of rainfall,
Closer spacing,
conservation furrows

4. Low rainfall Groundnut- Vegetable Groundnut variety like Earthing up of Seed drill under
shallow Sandy Maize Smruti, Devi, Groundnut at right RKVY,
loam soil Vegetable: Brinjal local Intercropping of maize time, split application Supply of seeds from
Chilli local, with Cowpea of fertilizer reduced to OSSC
Tomato BT-10 (UtkalManik Kasi two times Supply of seeds
unnati,) in 1:2 ratio or through NFSM, BSP
Maize+Arhar in 2:1 ratio unit
to manage water
Shortage Transplanting older
Brinjal- Utkal Kesari, seedlings with wider
Swarna Shyamali spacing than
Chilli- Utkal recommendation,
ava,Tomato- Utkal Raja Thinning, Mulching
with paddy straw

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Early season drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
(delayed onset) situations system Implementation
1.Low rainfall Shallow a) Upland rice-fallow . 1) Line sowing behind Supply of seeds
Delay by 4 weeks Lateritic soil based legume based intercropping plough through OSSC ,
(July 2nd week) * system like, groundnut + black 2) Conservation of through NFSM,
gram/ green gram/ moisture through
NMOOP Centres
cowpea/horsegram/sesamum in plastic mulching
the ratio of 4:1
(REFER TO THE Groundnut:DEVI, Smruti, AK-
Black gram: TU-94-2, PU30, 4) Splitting nutrient
Sarada. application
b) Groundnut-fallow Green gram: K-851, Dhauli. 5) Thinning to retain
Hours gram:Urmi, Madhu. one seedling at 30 cm
Sesame: Kanak, Konika, Uma 6) soaking of seeds in
water overnight before

2. Scarce rainfall Medium land paddy Direct sowing is not RaiseNursery over
laterite, lateritic, mixed th polythene sheet or
recommended after 10 July but
red & yellow rainfed transplanting can be done from cemented floor for
transplanting after 21
previously sown nursery.
Medium land rice: Lalat, Emphasis should be
given In-situ rain
Swarna, Masoori, Pratikhya
water conservation,
harvesting of excess
runoff for recycling
and ground water
Use of herbicides

3. Mixed red & Black a) Vegetable-fallow Growing of short duration Sowing in pits with Seeds from NHM
rainfed vegetable like little weeding, Supply of seeds from
cucumber,bittergourd,country Mulching OSSC, OUAT
c) Blackgram- local bean, okra,
Cowpea in bunds of upland
paddy Broadcasting with 1st Seeds may be
shower of rain procured from NFSM
Blackgram –TU-94-2, Ujala, Application of pre-
Prasad, PU 31 emergence herbicide
4. Low rainfall shallow Maize- Vegetable Maize hybrids of shorter Wider spacing at
Sandy loam soil Vegetable: Brinjal duration, intercropping of maize 60x45 cm,
local with Cowpea (UtkalManik) in split application of
Chilli local, 1:2 ratio manage water fertilizer reduced to
Tomato BT-10, Utkal Shortage two times
Raja Brinjal- UtkalAnooshree, Transplanting older
Chilli- Utkalava, Utkal seedlings with wider
Rasmi,Tomato- Utkal Raja spacing than
Thinning, Mulching
with paddy straw

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Early season drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
(delayed onset) situations system s
1.Low rainfall Shallow a) Upland rice- In the event of late arrival of Seed treatment with Supply of seeds
Delay by 6 weeks Lateritic soil fallow southwest monsoon, the pulses Vitavax power @ through OSSC ,
(July 4thweek) * like cowpea, blackgram, 2.5g/kg seed and through NFSM
proper plant protection
greengram can be grown upto
measures should be
last week of July but pigeonpea, taken to avoid any
(REFER TO THE groundnut, maize are not germination failure
MATRIX TABLE) recommended to be sown after because sowing has
20th July. already got delayed
because of late onset
Short duration improved of monsoon.
varieties of vegetables like
Tomato, Okra, Cucumber, In-situ rain water
Amaranthes, country bean etc conservation,
harvesting of excess
runoff for recycling
and ground water

The recommended
dose of nitrogen
application should be
reduced by 40 % in
rainfed situation and
should be applied, as
basal and full-
recommended dose of
P and K should be
placed as basal.

The field should be

free of weeds for
utilization of water
and nutrients by the
late sown crops.
Furrow sowing of
kharif crops at closure
plant-to-plant distance
with wider inter-row
Use of bulky organic
manures is
b) Vegetable
Sowing of seeds in
ridges, pits with
proper seed treatment
to avoid mortality,

2. Scarce rainfall Shifting from traditional In-situ rain water

laterite, lateritic, mixed crops/varieties to short duration conservation,
red & yellow rainfed low water requiring crops in harvesting of excess
upland, by substituting rice runoff for recycling
totally. and ground water
Rice varieties like Lalat, Masuri recharge.
are suitable.
Seed treatment and
proper plant protection
measures should be
taken to avoid any
germination failure
because sowing has
already got delayed
because of late onset
of monsoon.

The recommended
dose of nitrogen
application should be
reduced by 40 % in
rainfed situation and
should be applied, as
basal and full-
recommended dose of
P and K should be

placed as basal.

The field should be

free of weeds for
utilization of water
and nutrients by the
late sown crops.
Furrow sowing of
kharif crops at closure
plant-to-plant distance
with wider inter-row
Use of bulky organic
manures is
3. Mixed red & Black a) Vegetable-fallow Growing of short duration Sowing in pits with Seeds from NHM
rainfed vegetable like little weeding, Supply of seeds from
cucumber,bittergourd,country Mulching OSSC, OUAT
bean, okra,
Cowpea in bunds of upland
paddy Dry sowing 8-10 days
before rains with 15%
b) Niger- local Niger- Deomali higher seed rate Seeds may be
Broadcasting with 1 procured from NFSM
shower of rain
c) Blackgram- local Blackgram –TU-94-2
4. Low rainfall shallow Sunflower, Cowpea, Wider spacing at
Sandy loam soil Niger Sunflower- Jwalamukhi 60x45 cm,
Sunflower- local, Cowpea- UtkalManik split application of
Cowpea-local, Niger- Deomali fertilizer reduced to
Niger- local two times
Other vegetables of short Transplanting older

duration seedlings with wider
spacing than
Thinning, Mulching
Vegetable - fallow with paddy straw
Ridge & furrow
method of sowing &
Condition Suggested Contingency Measures
Early season drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
(delayed onset) situations system Implementation
1.Low rainfall Shallow Upland rice-fallow Shifting from traditional The recommended Supply of seeds
Delay by 8 weeks Lateritic soil based crops/varieties to short duration dose of nitrogen through OSSC ,
(August 2nd week) * low water requiring crops like application should be through NFSM
cowpea, blackgram, greengram reduced by 40 % in
by substituting rice totally. rainfed situation and
If the main crop is failed should be applied, as
(REFER TO THE cultivation or re-sowing with basal and full-
MATRIX TABLE) fodder is the best option. recommended dose of
Fodders can be harvested at any P and K should be
stage keeping in view sowing of placed as basal.
Furrow sowing of
the next rabiseason crop crops at closure plant-
to-plant distance with
wider inter-row
spacing is
2. Scarce rainfall Medium land rice- Shifting from traditional In-situ rain water Supply of seeds
laterite, lateritic, mixed fallow based crops/varieties to short duration conservation, through OSSC ,
red & yellow rainfed rice. harvesting of excess through NFSM
Rice varieties like Sahabhagi runoff for recycling
dhan ,Vandana (100-110 days) and ground water
are useful in this situation. Seed treatment and
proper plant protection
If the main crop is failed measures should be
re-sowing with pre-rabi crops taken to avoid any
like horse gram, sesamum will germination failure
give good return. Winter maize because sowing has
can be grown for the purpose of already got delayed
green cob. because of late onset
of monsoon.

The recommended
dose of nitrogen
application should be
reduced by 40 % in
rainfed situation and
should be applied, as
basal and full-
recommended dose of
P and K should be
placed as basal.

The field should be

free of weeds for
utilization of water
and nutrients by the
late sown crops.
Furrow sowing of
kharif crops at closure
plant-to-plant distance
with wider inter-row
Use of bulky organic
manures is

3. Mixed red & Black a) Vegetable-fallow Growing of short duration Sowing in pits with Seeds from NHM
rainfed vegetable like little weeding, Supply of seeds from
cucumber,bittergourd,country Mulching OSSC, OUAT
bean, okra,
b) Cowpea in bunds of upland
paddy Seeds may be
Broadcasting with 1st procured from NFSM
c) Blackgram- local shower of rain
Blackgram –TU-94-2

4. Low rainfall shallow Vegetable-fallow Growing short duration Ridge and furrow
Sandy loam soil vegetable like cucumber, okra, methods of sowing
Cowpea in bunded upland, and staking. The field
Country bean in field bund should be free of
weeds for utilization
of water and nutrients
by the late sown
crops. Furrow sowing
of kharif crops at
closure plant-to-plant
distance with wider
inter-row spacing.
Use of bulky organic
manures is
*Matrix for specifying condition of early season drought due to delayed onset of monsoon (2,4,6&8 weeks) compared to normal onset (2.1.1)

Normal onset Month and week for specifying condition of early season drought due to delayed onset of monsoon
(Month and Delay in onset of monsoon by
week) 2 wks 4 wks 6 wks 8 wks

June 1stwk June 3rdwk July 1stwk July 3rdwk Aug 1stwk
June 2ndwk June 4thwk July 2ndwk July 4thwk Aug 2ndwk
June 3rdwk July 1stwk July 3rdwk Aug 1stwk Aug 3rdwk
June 4thwk July 2ndwk July 4thwk Aug 2ndwk Aug 4thwk
July 1stwk July 3rdwk Aug 1stwk Aug 3rdwk Sep 1stwk
July 2ndwk July 4thwk Aug 2ndwk Aug 4thwk Sep 2ndwk

Early season drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Crop management Soil nutrient & Remarks on
(normal onset) situations moisture conservation Implementation
1. shallow lateritic soil Upland rice- fallow In upland, rice will be Ridge and furrow
Normal onset followed damaged very quickly, methods of sowing may
by 15-20 days dry spell result poor crop stand. be adopted as in-situ
after sowing leading to The land may re-sown soil moisture practices.
poor germination/ with low water requiring
Mulching should be
crop stand etc. non-rice crops
practiced in between
(greengram, blackgram) crop rows using locally
rather than allowing available mulch
sub-optimal poor rice material.
plant stand to persist.
Upland Maize
Gap filling of Light irrigation during
evening hours
Maize should be done

The field should be free

Arhar- UPAS-120 of weeds for utilization
of water and nutrients
by the late sown crops

A shorter duration
variety like UPAS-120,
ICPL-87 may be re-

2.Laterite, lateritic, Medium land rice – Direct seeded rice
mixed red & yellow Fallow should be re-sown
rainfed because ‘sprouting Strengthen the field and
drought’ will damage contour bunds for in-situ
substantial rice area. But moisture conservation.
re-sowing of direct
seeded rice should be
avoided till sufficient About 11-37 % run-off
rains have been is generated even by the
received. Raising delayed monsoon and
community nurseries of should be stored in the
rice is recommended for farm ponds or tanks.
transplanted rice. These will recharge
If sufficient good ground water during
quality seed is not normal or excessive
available, locally rainfall year.
available seeds from
adjoining areas should
be used after proper
germination check.
Seeds treatment with
Thiram or Captan @ 2-
2.5 g/kg seed and other
recommended plant
protection measures.

3.Mixed red & Black Maize- vegetable Gap filling of maize, T
Short duration high conservation furrow
yielding vegetables like Wherever economically
Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli, viable, mulching should
Kharif Onion( bhima be practiced in between
red, ARDR), Crucifer crop rows using locally
vegetables available mulch material
4.Shallow sandy loam Pulses -Vegetable The land may re-sowed Wherever economically
with low water requiring viable, mulching should
non-rice crops rather be practiced in between
than allowing sub- crop rows using locally
optimal plant available mulch
population. For material.
anticipating prolonged
dry spells, the practices
of inter-row cropping
help in risk sharing.
This can be achieved by
including a companion
crop like green
gram, cowpea than the
main crops.

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Mid-season drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Crop management Soil nutrient & Remarks on
(long dry spell, situations moisture conservation implementations
consecutive 2 weeks measure
rainless (>2.5 mm)

1. shallow lateritic soil Upland rice-fallow T.
At vegetative stage based In-situ rain water Wherever economically
conservation, harvesting viable, mulching should
of excess be practiced in between
runoff for re-use and crop rows using locally
ground water recharge. available mulch
Conserve rainwater by material.
increasing bund height
Top dressing of
Groundnut fertilizers may be Application of post-
postponed till rainfall/ emergence weedicide on
foliar application of broad leaf weeds to
nutrients minimize competition
Arhar for water

2.Laterite, lateritic, Medium land rice- In-situ rain water Small and marginal
mixed red & yellow fallow based conservation, harvesting farmers may be
rainfed of excess employed under
runoff for re-use and NREGA for creating
Groundnut ground water recharge. rain water conservation
Conserve rainwater by and storage structures
increasing bund height like check dam/ cross
Application of fertilizer bond to enhance
through foliar spray productivity of their
limited land.
3.Mixed red & Black Pulses- vegetable Application of light Economically viable,
irrigation to avoid soil mulching should be
cracking practiced in between
crop rows using locally
Postponement of top
available mulch
dressing material.

4.Shallow sandy loam Vegetable-fallow Light irrigation Irrigating the crop in the
Thinning & pruning of root zone
vegetables Sub-soil moisture
Lifesaving irrigation conservation through
from harvested minimum tillage
rainwater, wherever Irrigate on ridge and
feasible, adopt micro- irrigate every alternate
irrigation to save water. furrow on rotation

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Mid-season drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Crop management Soil nutrient & moisture Remarks on
(long dry spell, situations conservation measure implementations
consecutive 2 weeks
rainless (>2.5 mm)
1. shallow lateritic soil Upland rice-fallow Crops should be suitably If fertilizers are to be
At reproductive stage based thinned out applied, foliar application
is recommended.
Lifesaving irrigation if
possible. Wherever economically
Irrigate on ridge and viable, mulching should be
irrigate every practiced in between crop
alternate furrow on rows using locally available
rotation. mulch material

2.Laterite, lateritic, Medium land rice- Lifesaving irrigation If fertilizers are to be

mixed red & yellow fallow based from harvested applied, foliar application
rainfed rainwater. Reduction of is recommended. 1%
conveyance losses while
Arhar KNO3 spray , kaolinite
irrigating the light
textured soils. Spread a clay 2%
polythene sheet in the
field channel before
irrigating the field and
then roll it back for
irrigating the other field.

3. Mixed red & Black Pulses- vegetable -do- If fertilizers are to be

applied, foliar application
is recommended
4.Shallow sandy loam Vegetable-fallow Light & frequent (if Spraying of anti-Tran
possible) irrigation to spirants to check evapo-
prevent flower drop transpiration
Plucking vegetables for Mulching with crop
marketing trashes, spraying of 2%

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Terminal drought Major Farming Crop/cropping system Crop management Rabi Crop planning Remarks on
situations implementations
1. shallow lateritic soil Upland rice-fallow Life saving irrigation , Mustard, Horsegram, Farm ponds from
based from harvested for month of October MGNREGS, RKVY
rainwater, wherever Seeds from NHM,
feasible, adopt micro-
irrigation to save crop.
May be harvested for
vegetable purpose

Harvesting at
Arhar physiological maturity

2. Laterite, lateritic, Medium land rice- Irrigation through pump Raise Brinjal seedlings Farm ponds through
mixed red & yellow fallow based where ever possible . for Rabi, being a hardy watershed programme,
rainfed plant it may withstand MGNREGS
Harvesting of rice at
moisture stress
physiological maturity
will realize 80-85% of
normal yield.
Cowpea, Sunflower,
Field bean, Horsegram,
Blackgram, Sesamum
for month of October

Harvesting of plants for

Maize-Arhar fodder purpose if cob
formation hampered
3.Mixed red & Black Pulses- vegetable Vegetables approaching Cowpea,Carrot, Radish, Farm ponds through
maturity may be Marigold , onion watershed programme,
harvested for marketing ,Horsegram, Blackgram MGNREGS
for month of October

4.Shallow sandy loam Vegetable-fallow Vegetables approaching Plan for short duration Farm ponds through
maturity may be high yielding oilseed watershed programme,
harvested for marketing especially MGNREGS
Mustard/Toria& horse
gram crops
Vegetables like, carrot.
& other crucifers.

2.1.2 Drought- Irrigated situation

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Delayed/ limited Major Farming Crop/cropping systems Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
release of water situations system implementations
in canals due to
low rainfall 1. Upland tubewell Upland rice-fallow based Vegetable, Oilseed, pulses Limited &lifesaving Seeds through OSSC,
Irrigated canal laterite irrigation NFSM,
soil Groundnut (Smruti,Devi) Alternate furrow
Drip irrigation
Planting in deep
furrows/Pit method of
2.Medium land Canal Medium land rice-fallow Short duration paddy like Limited &lifesaving Seeds through OSSC,
irrigated laterite, lateritic, based khandagiri, sahabhagi, irrigation NFSM, NHM
mixed red & yellow soil lalat, vandana Pulses, Intercultural implements
Pulses through NHM, ATMA,
vegetable( Chilli, Tomato,
Brinjal, Okra, Alternate furrow
Cauliflower) irrigation
Drip irrigation
Mulching, Irrigation in
root zone
3.Tube well/ pond Paddy, High yielding varieties Mat nursery for delayed Seeds through OSSC,
irrigated Shallow sandy with short duration planting, direct seeding NFSM, NHM
loam soil of pre-germinated seed Intercultural implements
through drum seeder through NHM, ATMA,
Limited &lifesaving

Alternate furrow
Drip irrigation
Vegetable Mulching, Irrigation in
root zone

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Lack of inflows Major Farming Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
due to situations system implementations
delayed onset of 1. Upland tube-well Upland rice-rice based Rice area during rabi Irrigate the kharif rice
monsoon Irrigated canal laterite should be reduced. with groundwater
soil Instead, low water during dry spells only, if
requiring oilseeds and dry spell comes before
pulses like groundnut, release of canal water.
green gram, black gram, Reduction of
sunflower, sesamum are conveyance losses while
preferred options. irrigating the light
textured soils. Spread a
Use of early duration polythene sheet in the
variety like ‘MTU-1010’ field channel before
(115 days) is well suited in irrigating the field and
rabi.Khandagiri (95 to 100 then roll it back for
days) irrigating the other field.

Harvesting of kharif rice

at physiological
maturity will realize 80-
85% of normal yield.

Irrigate the rabi rice at

critical stages only with

2.Medium land Canal Medium land rice-fallow Low water requiring Same as above for
irrigated laterite, lateritic, based oilseeds and pulses like kharif rice
mixed red & yellow groundnut, green gram,
rainfed soil Groundnut black gram, sunflower,

3.Tube well/ pond Vegetable -fallow High yielding varieties Limited &lifesaving
irrigated Shallow sandy with short duration radish, irrigation
loam soil leafy vegetables, okra Alternate furrow
Drip irrigation

Condition Suggested Contingency Measures

Insufficient Major Farming Crop/cropping system Change in crop/cropping Agronomic measures Remarks on
ground water situations system Implementations
recharge due to
low rainfall 1. Upland tube-well Upland rice-fallow based . low water requiring Irrigate the kharif rice
Irrigated canal laterite oilseeds and pulses like during dry spell with
soil groundnut, green gram, harvested rain water.
black gram, sunflower,
sesamum are preferred Harvesting of kharif rice
options if any water is at physiological
there for 2nd crop. maturity will realize 80-
85% of normal yield.

About 11-37 % run-off

is generated even by the
delayed monsoon and
should be stored in the
farm ponds or tanks.
These will recharge
ground water
During normal or
excessive rainfall year.
Rainwater stored in self-
sealing or
lined ponds can be used
for irrigation if there is
long break in the rainfall
or for
Pre-sowing of the rabi
crops to ensure proper

2.Medium land Canal Medium land rice-fallow Low water requiring Limited &lifesaving
irrigated laterite, lateritic, based oilseeds and pulses like irrigation
mixed red & yellow groundnut, green gram, Alternate furrow
rainfed soil Pulses, Vegetable black gram, sunflower, irrigation
sesamum Drip irrigation

3.Tube well/ pond Vegetable -fallow Low water requiring Limited &lifesaving
irrigated Shallow sandy oilseeds and pulses like irrigation
loam soil groundnut, green gram, Alternate furrow
black gram, sunflower, irrigation

2.2 Unusual rains (untimely, unseasonal etc) (for both rainfed and irrigated situations)
Condition Suggested contingency measures
Continuous high rainfall in a short Vegetative stage Flowering stage Crop maturity stage Post harvests
span leading to water logging
Crop1 Groundnut Provide drainage Provide drainage Drain water for drying Shifting to a safer place
Harvest at physiological Dry in shade in a well
maturity stage ventilated space

Crop2 Paddy No substantial problem as Provide drainage Drain water for drying Shifting to a safer place
uplands do not maintain If possible Harvest at physiological Dry in shade in a well
water logging condition for maturity stage ventilated space
long time
Crop3 Arhar Provide drainage Provide drainage Drain water for drying Safe storage against pest &
Harvest for vegetable diseases
Crop4 Cowpea Provide drainage Provide drainage Drain water for drying Shifting to a safer place
Harvest for vegetable Dry in shade in a well
purpose ventilated space
Safe storage against pest &
Crop5 Sugarcane Provide drainage Provide drainage Harvest at physiological Extraction of jaggery
Maintain ridge & furrow Maintain ridge & furrow maturity stage
method method
Crop1 Fruits( Mango, Citrus etc) Provide drainage Provide drainage Provide drainage Dry the fruits (prepare mango
Earthing up of plant Earthing up of plant Earthing up of plant leather, Amchur powder ),
base/root zone base/root zone base/root zone Keep at safer place, may be
In case of established tree, sold at green stage
no problem
Crop2 Banana, Papaya Raising seedlings in sunken Provide drainage Harvested at green stage or Store the matured fruits for
bed method Earthing up of plant table purpose, ripening in closed godowns
base/root zone No problem for marketing for marketing, immature
as it has buyers’ preference fruits may be sold in the
Crop3 Cucurbit vegetables Seedling in raised nursery Vines should be staked Ensure drainage If there is threat from heavy
beds, drainage, along elevated frames Harvesting at tender stages unseasonal rain go for raising
the plant in disposable glass
or in pro-tray in protected
structure. Ensure drainage.
Harvesting at tender stages

Crop4 Solanaceous/ Seedling in raised nursery Provide drainage Provide drainage If there is threat from heavy
cruciferous vegetables beds, drainage, Application of unseasonal rain go for raising
hormones to induce the plant in disposable glass
more flowering or in pro-tray in protected
structure. Ensure drainage.
Harvesting at tender stages

Heavy rainfall with high speed

winds in a short span2
Crop1 Paddy Drainage if water logging Drainage if water Lodged panicles may be Ensure drainage
persists logging persists harvested at physiological If it is harvested keep it in
Small seedlings withstand Small seedlings maturity stage higher level.if still water
the problem withstand the problem stagnation is there, shifting of
harvested paddy to field
Crop2 Sugarcane Drainage if water logging Bundling of canes Lodged canes may be Lodged canes may be
persists And drainage harvested for extraction of harvested if it is matured or
Small seedlings withstand juice near to mature .if it is in early
the problem stage wrapping and propping
of the cane.
Crop1 Banana, Papaya Raising seedlings in sunken Provide drainage Harvested at green stage or Store the matured fruits for
bed method Earthing up of plant table purpose, ripening in closed godowns
base/root zone No problem for marketing for marketing, immature
as it has buyers’ preference fruits may be sold in the
Crop2 Cucurbit vegetables Seedling in raised nursery Vines should be staked Ensure drainage If there is threat from heavy
beds, drainage, along elevated frames Harvesting at tender stages unseasonal rain go for raising
the plant in disposable glass
or in pro-tray in protected
structure. Ensure drainage.
Harvesting at tender stages

Outbreak of pests and diseases due

to unseasonal rains
Crop1 Paddy Spray tricyclazole against Spray tricyclazole Malathion spray against Sun drying / disinfection of
blast, Chloropyriphos against blast, Gundhi bug, poison bait gunny bags with malathion or
against stem borer, Chloropyriphos against with decomposed snail. heat treatment to manage
profenophos , pro-cyper, stem borer, profenophos stored grain pests
lamda- cyhalothrin against , pro-cyper, lamda-
Swarming caterpillar cyhalothrin against
Swarming caterpillar&
leaf folder
Crop2 Groundnut Phorate granules in the Spraying of mancozeb Spraying of Dimethoate , Store in clean godown,
whorls & spray of against @0.3% propiconazole methyl demeton, disinfection of gunny bags /
groundnut pod borer 0.2% against imidachloprid against aphid storage structure with
,Cercospora leaf spot malathion
Crop3 Arhar Removal of infested tips to Hand picking & Spray of Ekalux Store in clean godown,
manage leaf webber, spray destruction of blister profenophos , pro-cyper, disinfection of gunny bags /
of chloropyriphos @ 0.2% beetles, dusting of lamda- cyhalothrin against storage structure with
chloropyriphos dust against pod borer malathion
Crop4 Application of Triazophos Application of Spray of Ekalux Disinfection of storage
Blackgram/Greengram Dimethoate , methyl malathion against Flea profenophos , pro-cyper, structure to manage stored
demeton, imidachloprid to beetle lamda- cyhalothrin against grain pests
prevent sucking pest against pod borer
Crop1 Solanaceous vegetables Spraying malathion against Application of Neem oil Spraying of Spray of Ekalux Segregation of infested fruits
hadda beetle, hand &triozophos profenophos , pro-cyper, & destruction by burning and
collection of egg mass alternatively against lamda- cyhalothrin against burying
Soil drenching of COC brinjal fruit & shoot against pod borer
&streptocycline against borer/ leaf curl virus, Metalaxyl against
wilting Anthracnose

Crop2 Cucurbit vegetables Spraying of Ekalux against Spraying a Neem oil Poison baiting with Destruction of overripe &
Red pumpkin beetle, &triozophos against leaf Malathion &Jaggery against infested fruits
Collection & destruction of eating caterpillars fruit fly
eggs/grubs, Soil drenching Metalaxyl against
of COC &streptocycline Powdery mildew,
against wilting Carbendazim against
leaf spot & blight

2.3 Floods
Condition Suggested contingency measureso
Transient water logging/ partial Seedling/ nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest
Crop1 Paddy Drainage of the Nursery bed, If not Wet seeding of sprouted If flood comes during If flood comes
possible go for re-sowing after seeds (@75-80 kg/ha) of reproductive stage and during harvesting
drainage of water. medium duration varieties damage is substantial, stage and damage is
(Lalat (120 days), Parijat emphasis should be substantial, emphasis
(100 days), Konark (125 given on forthcoming should be given on
days), Surendra (135 days).
50% N and 50% K2O + rabi crops. forthcoming rabi
full P may be applied as crops.
basal and rest 50% N + Supply of seeds and Supply of seeds and
50% K2O as top dressing other agro-inputs of rabi other agro-inputs of
during the tillering stage. crops at subsidized rate, rabi crops at
provision of bank loan subsidized rate,
In partially damaged field etc provision of bank
gap filling may be done by loan etc
redistributing the tillers.
Wet seeding of short
duration varieties (Heera
(60 days), Kalinga –III Utilization of
Management of pests & (90 days)) or medium residual soil
diseases duration varieties (Lalat moisture and use of
(120 days), Parijat (100 recharged soil profile
days), Konark (125 for growing pulses
days), Surendra (135 Growingof cucurbits
days) during forthcoming after receding flood
rabiseason. water
Utilization of residual
soil moisture and use of
recharged soil profile for
growing pulses

Growing of vegetables
after receding flood
water and adoption of
integrated farming
system to obtain more
income and to
compensate the loss
during kharif.

Crop2 Cotton Drainage, If damping off then re- Ensure drainage, Make Ensure drainage, Make Harvest the boll as
sowing ridge & furrows ridge & furrows soon as possible


Crop1 Radish Drainage, If damping off then re- Drainage, If damping off Drainage, If damping off Drainage, If damping
sowing then re-sowing then re-sowing off then re-sowing
Crop2 Leafy vegetable Drainage, If damping off then re- Drainage, If damping off Drainage, If damping off Drainage, If damping
sowing then re-sowing then re-sowing off then re-sowing
Continuous submergence for more NOT A FEATURE OF THE DISTRICT
than 2 days2
Crop1 okra Drainage, If damping off then re- Drainage, If damping off Drainage, If damping off Drainage, If damping
sowing then re-sowing then re-sowing off then re-sowing

2.3 Extreme events: Heat wave/ Cold wave/ Frost/ Hailstorm/ Cyclone

Extreme event type Suggested contingency measurers

Seedling/ nursery stage Vegetative stage Reproductive stage At harvest
Heat Wave
Crop1 (specify) Paddy Irrigate nursery bed, Irrigate the field and maintain Keep water in the field, Harvest the Early harvest of crop to
maintain sufficient water level crop at physiological maturity avoid grain shattering
moisture level keeping the produce in
Crop 2 Groundnut Maintain sufficient Maintain sufficient moisture level Harvest the crop at physiological Keep the harvested crop
moisture level in field in field, Plant protection measure maturity in shed

as per need
Maize Keep sufficient moisture Maintain sufficient moisture level Harvest the crop at physiological Keep the harvested
in the field in field, Plant protection measure maturity and maintain moisture for cubs in shed
as per need tender cobs
Greengram/Blackgram Keep sufficient moisture Maintain sufficient moisture level Harvest the crop at physiological Keep the harvested
in the field in field, Plant protection measure maturity and maintain moisture for produce in shed and
as per need tender cobs well ventilated place
Crop1 (specify)Mango Irrigate the orchard at 3 Irrigate the orchard at 8 to 10 days Irrigate the orchard by 15 days Irrigate the orchard by
to 4 days interval interval, Irrigation by ring interval 15 days interval,
Mulching can be
practiced to keep
moisture in soil
Papaya Irrigate the field at 3 days Irrigate the field at 5 to 7 days Irrigate the field at 8 to 10 days Irrigate the field at 15
interval interval interval, Ensure less fruit drop due days interval, harvest
to lack of moisture the matured fruits

Banana Irrigate the plot by ring Practice drip method of irrigation Irrigate the plot at 10 days interval Irrigate the plot at 15
and basin method at 7 by drip irrigation days interval by drip
days interval irrigation
Cold wave
Crop1 Paddy Sowing of sprouted seeds Drainage field and maintain Maintain low moisture level, need Keep the harvested
in nursery mulching moisture level. Interculture and based plant protection produce for dry and
need based plant protection keep in dry place
Crop 2 Groundnut Growing of sprouted Maintain moisture level of field, Maintain low moisture level, need Drying of harvested
seeds, mulching may be intercultural operation, plant based plant protection produce and store in
provided protection measures. safer place
Crop 3 Maize Sowing of sprouted Do not flood the field, Do not flood the field. Measures for Drying of harvested
seeds, mulching intercultural operation and need hand pollination in need. Need produce and keeping in
based plant protection basedplant protection safer place
Crop 4 Greengram Sowing of sprouted Do not flood the field, Maintain the moisture level in field, Drying of produce and
seedling to avoid cold intercultural operation and need need based plant protection keeping in safer place
injury based plant protection measure
Crop1 (specify) Mango Restricted irrigation, Drip irrigation at 8 days’ interval. Drip irrigation at 8-10 days’ Restrict irrigation. Keep
Drip irrigation Need based plant protection interval. Need based plant the produce in safer
measures protection measures place to avoid cold
Crop 2 Papaya Restrict irrigation to Drip irrigation at 8 days’ interval. Drip irrigation at 8-10 days’ Restrict irrigation. Keep
avoid cold injury, use Need based plant protection interval. Need based plant the produce in dry place
/encircle plastic net for measures protection measures to avoid cold injury.
Crop 3 Banana Restrict irrigation to Need based plant protection Restricted irrigation, Need based Restricted irrigation,
avoid cold injury, measures plant protection measures Keep the produce in
Intercultural operation safer place

Crop1 (specify)
Crop1 water melon Restrict irrigation to Need based plant protection Need based plant protection Cover the fruits with
avoid cold injury, use measures- spray carbendazim + measures paddy straw/ plastic
/encircle plastic net for mancozeb to control fungal bowls/ earthen pots
protection infection
Crop1 (specify)
Crop1 (specify) bitter Trail the crop over soil instead of Pluck the semi matured
gourd stacking fruits for sale
Banana Before planting go for wind break If possible go for propping with Sale mature fruits
by planting crop like bamboo, support/fixing of wooden poles

2.5 Contingent strategies for Livestock, Poultry & Fisheries

2.5.1 Livestock
Suggested contingency measures
Before the event During the event After the event
Feed and fodder availability Livestock insurance, encourage fodder Utilizing fodder from perennial trees Avail crop insurance.
cultivation in village grazing lands &near and fodder bank reserves. Supplementary feeding of
rivers, on boundaries of agricultural fieldTransporting excess fodder from remaining livestock and the
adjoining districts.
trees or shrubs like Sesbania, Subabul etc. replacement with new stock.
Utilizing the existing crops which fail to
should be planted. Excess fodder may be grow adequately due to failure of
stored as hay/silage, Establish fodder bankmonsoon for feeding of animals.
near forest areas, Training & awareness Use of unconventional livestock feed
camp among extension personnels for such as sugar cane top, sugarcane
needful at time of exigencies. bagasse, banana plant residues, water
hyacinth, tree pods and seeds etc.
Improving poor quality roughages by
ammonia treatment, urea treatment, urea
molasses mineral block etc. and feeding
Drinking water Preserve water in community tank & pond Water sources from other places may be Plan accordingly for next year
with sanitization, Well or dug well may be used in case of shortfall of exiting
constructed in advance, Training & portable water, Animals not to be
awareness camp among extension personnel. exposed to outside rather they should be
community feeded
Health and disease management Veterinary preparedness with vaccines & Conducting animal health camp and Proper disposal of dead animals
medicines, Training & awareness camp treating the affected animals,
among extension personnel. Supplementation of mineral and vitamin
Feed and fodder availability Livestock insurance, encourage fodder Priorities animals as suckling animals, Provision of supplementary
cultivation in village grazing lands &near suckling animals along with their feeding (concentrate / Roughage)
rivers, on boundaries of agricultural field nursing mothers, producing and with vitamin & minerals mixtures.
working animals, sick and old animals,
trees or shrubs like Sesbania, Subabul, etc
adult open and non-producing animals
should be planted, Excess fodder should be as the feed and water may be in short
stored as hay/silage, Establish fodder bank supply.
with dry straw & dry feed for at least 15 Procured feeds and fodders should be
days, Training & awareness camp among fed to all animals on the order of
extension personnels for needful at time of priority of animals.
exigencies. Straws and stoves that got soaked
during floods need not be thrown away
out right. They can be fed to animals as
long as rotting or fungal growth has not
set in. Partial drying chuffing and
sprinkling concentrate mixture can
improve intake and utility.
Drinking water Preserve safe drinking water in community Drinking water should be made Provision of clean drinking water.
tanks which is not prone to seepage of rain available to the animals in any kind of
or flood water, Arrange chlorine tablets for clean container available with the
sanitization of water and bleaching powder
for disinfection of habitats & shelter places ,
Training & awareness camp among
extension personnel.
Health and diseases Prior construction of shelter places in There should be one veterinarian with 3 Prompt and appropriate attention
management elevated points, Vaccination of livestock. to 4 village to work with the help of to injuries by providing necessary
Keep the emergency service kit (first Aid local volunteers. medicines to the livestock owners.
Requisites) ready always. containing Cotton The team should be well equipped with Vaccination campaign against

wool, Bandages, Surgical gauze, old cotton contingent items like bandages, common endemic diseases of the
sheets, Rubber tubing (for torniquet), tourniquet ropes, drugs including areas (like H.S. B.Q, Anthrax etc.)
Surgical scissors – Curved and made of painkillers, antiseptics, antibiotics, anti- must be taken up urgently.
stainless steel, Forceps, Splints or Split venom and anti-shock drugs etc. Necessary steps should be taken
bamboos (for fractures), Clinical Keep the animals loose in paddock for the control of non-specific
thermometers, Potassium permanganate, (sheltered or unsheltered) digestive and respiratory
Acriflvin, Dettol, Savlon, Tannic acid Releasing animals from the unnatural infections in consultation of local
powder (for poisons) and Jelly (for burns) and harmful position or situation, veterinary personals.
Antibiotic eye drops, Epsom salts, copper binding broken limbs, administering Improving shed hygiene
sulphate, Treacle, oil of turpentine (for especially in the farmers’
painkillers, anti-poison and anti-shock
bloat), Obstetric ropes, chains and hooks, household through cleaning and
Tincture of iodine, tincture of Benzoin drugs, performing euthanasia on disinfection
Co.(for wounds), Cotton rope, halters hopelessly injured and suffering animals
(for restraint) & the like. with the consent of their owners
Feed and fodder availability Keep stock of dry feed and fodder. Health Feeding livestock, health checkup for Feeding livestock, health check up
check up. mechanical injury, wound, thunder to avoid injury, wound, thunder
blast, stroke, fever blast, stroke, fever, pneumonia etc
Drinking water Keep stock of drinking water, health Provide drinking water, health checkup Provide drinking water, health
checkup for mechanical injury, wound, stroke, checkup for injury, wound fever
fever, antibiotic therapy etc. etc and antibiotic therapy.
Health and diseases Health checkup before cyclone and Health checkup and antibiotic treatment Health checkup for any
management vaccination according to need for mechanical injury, wound thunder mechanical injury, wound stroke,
blast, stroke and fever and vaccination fever and give treatment
as per need accordingly
Heat wave and cold wave
Shelter/ environment Prepare the shelter to prevent hot and cold For heat wave the shelter should be Health checkup for any cold and
management wave. moisture and well ventilated. For cold heat injury or any symptom
Wall should be prepared with temperature wave the rooms / shelter should be kept during to cold / heat wave and
resistant structures. warm and health checking for any heat / vaccination as per need
Electric fans/heaters to be used in the room. cold injury and treatment be given
Health and diseases Health checkup and vaccinate as per need Health checkup for any injury or any Health checkup after the event
management disorder owing to heat / cold wave and and any disorder found treat /
vaccinate and treat accordingly vaccinate accordingly.

2.5.2 Poultry
Suggested contingency measures
Before the event During the event After the event
Feed and fodder availability Insurance of Poultry farms Feed utilization from feed bank Availing insurance
Ensure procurement of feed Feed supplementation will be made to Attempt will be made for available of
ingredients sufficient ahead the farms. feed ingredient or compound feed to
the farmers
Establish feed serve bank

Drinking water Check water source for ensuring Attempt will be made to provide Availability of water will be ensured
sufficient potable water during sanitized drinking water by digging of bore well
Availability of sufficient drinking
waters from the borewell or dug well.

Health and diseases management Procurement of vaccines and Administration of vaccines Culling of affected birds as per govt.
medicines and anti-stress agent. decisions.
Continue feeding of anti-stress agent
Feeding antibiotics
Procurement of litter materials

Feed and fodder availability Ensure procurement of feed Supply the compound feed to the Supply will continued till the situation
ingredients / compound feed poultry farm under submerged area is under control
sufficient ahead as feed supply to the
farm will hamper due to submergence Feeds should be available without
of the connecting roads affecting the flood water.

Drinking water Protect the water sources from Attempt will be made to provide Water sources will sanitized with
submergence sanitized drinking water bleaching powder or any water

Health and diseases management Procurement of vaccines and Continue feeding antibiotics Disinfection of the farm premises.
Prevent entrance of flood water to the Feeding antibiotics and deworming.
Feeding antibiotics shed
Replace wet litter
Procurement of litter materials Replace wet litter
Disinfection of sheds. Proper disposal
Proper disposal of dead birds if any of dead birds if any

Feed and fodder availability Sufficient feed to be stored Feeding poultry and health checkup Feeding and health checkup for any
for any injury or mortality injury or mortality
Drinking water Sufficient drinking water to be stored Provide drinking water and health Provide drinking water and check
check up health
Health and diseases management Health checkup and vaccinate as per Health checkup for fowl cholera, Health checkup for fowl cholera,
need Ranikhet disease, Broader mortality Ranikhet disease, Broader mortality
etc. and vaccinate accordingly etc. and vaccinate accordingly
Heat wave and cold wave
Shelter/ environment management Prepare the shelter to prevent During heat wave measure to be taken Health checkup, Vaccinate
cold/heat wave to keep the shelter moist and should accordingly
be well ventilated. During cold wave
measures to prevent cold wave, keep
the room/shelter warm by providing
electric bulbs etc. Health checkup in
both cases
Health and diseases management Health checkup and vaccinate Health checkup for any cold or heat Health checkup for any mortality or
accordingly to need injury, broader mortality, any disorder disorder and vaccinate accordingly.
and vaccinate accordingly

2.5.3 Fisheries

Suggested contingency measures

Drought Before the event During the event After the event

Shallow water in ponds due to Supplementary water harvest structures Restrict lifting of water for irrigation Excavate the ponds to increase the
insufficient rains/inflow of water like pond and tanks to be developed. purpose of crops depth.

Renovation and maintenance of Catch the stock, market the produce to Try to release water into the pond if it
existing water harvest structures. reduce the density of population in rains in off-season
Preparing more depth of the ponds Sprinklers can be put in the pond water
In central portion of the pond more Putting some aquatic weeds like water to reduce temperatures
depth to be prepared. hyacinth in the pond in a control
condition by putting bamboo frame or
plastic frame.

Bigger size fishes can be harvested to

reduce the mortality loss.

Impact of heat & salt load build up in Prepare to release water into the habitat Mixing of water from the water Monitoring the water quality and
ponds / change in water quality harvest structure like ponds and tanks health of aquatic organisms
into the fish habitat.

Fish health Table size fishes to be harvested. Water to be added in the ponds. Bigger size fish seed to be transferred
to the better water holding ponds.

Inundation with flood waters Construction of bundh. Timely broadcast and telecast and Relief operation will continue.
other types of announcement warning Care of health of affected people
Storage of sand filled bags for about the danger level with respect to
emergency use. water level. Settlement of insurance.
Evacuation of people to flood shelter
Repair and maintenance of bundhs. Financial support to other people.
Insurance coverage provision for life

and property

Water contamination & change in Take appropriate measures to check Check the water quality & take Application of lime and geolite.
BOD seepage into pond e.g. raising bunds appropriate action Application of Alum.
to prevent entry of water Application of KmnO4
Use of aerator in the pond

Health and diseases management Stock preventive medicines, vaccines Prevent influx of diseased fish from Application of lime and KmnO4.
outside source, Check through nets
Infected fishes to be removed from Assessment of the health status of fish
the ponds. Administer medicines through and accordingly control measure
random catch should be taken.
Predatory fishes like channa, anabus
etc to be removed from the pond for Disinfect water by lime, KMnO4. Control on transport of brooders and
table purposes. seeds.

Application of CIFAX @1Lit/ha.

Overflow/ Flooding of ponds Increase in pond height, Provision of To allow excess water through Swiss Repair of ponds and dike
Swiss gate gate
Change in fresh/brackish water ratio Plantation crops in the bundh to be Disinfect water by lime, KMnO4 Application of CIFAX @1Lit/ha.
entangles with cross bamboo.
Health and diseases management Prophylactic measures to be taken Excess water drain out, Provision of Farm and water treatment with lime
good aeration and medicine
Heat wave and cold wave
Management of pond environment Good water quality to be maintained, Recirculation of water and pruning Water treatment with lime
Water depth to be maintained
Health and diseases management Prophylactic measures to be taken Maintain good quality water in ponds Treatment of pond water with lime
and medicines




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mean

Mean annual rainfall (mm) 12.5 19.1 22.0 20.0 25.6 205.6 397.2 374.4 222.6 52.8 10.4 5.1 1367.3

No. of rainy days(No.) 0.8 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 8.9 16.0 14.9 10.1 3.1 0.6 0.4 61.3




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