Sas 19
Sas 19
Sas 19
1. A D
2. B C D
“Pinggang Pinoy” describes a quick and easy guide on how much to eat per
mealtime. It is the similar to the DNG Pyramid for Filipinos that is based on
the latest science about how our food, drink, and activity choices affect our
health. It serves as visual tool to help Filipinos adopt healthy eating habits at
meal times by delivering effective dietary and healthy lifestyle messages.
3. A
4. B C D
5. B
6. A
Low vision is defined as visual acuity of less than 6/18, but equal to or
better than 3/60, or corresponding visual field loss to less than 20 degrees,
in the better eye with best possible correction.
7. B
8. A
9. B C D