Lastname M802 Garden2021
Lastname M802 Garden2021
Lastname M802 Garden2021
Unit: Linear Functions
Assign Garden
1. You want to plant a flower garden in your yard so that you can make a beautiful bouquet to put
on the alter at church for Easter Sunday services. There are two types of flowers that you are
going to be planting. You will be planting some tulips and daffodils. At the store tulips come in
packs of 6 and daffodils come in packs of 9.
a. What is the least amount of packs of daffodils and tulips you would need to buy to have
the same amount of each? 2 packs of daffodils and 3 packs of tulips
b. How many should you have of each kind of flower? 18
2. Each pack of tulips costs $4.75 and each pack of daffodils cost $3.50. From the previous
problem, you know how many packs of each you will need. The sales tax is 7.5%.
a. How much tax will you be paying for all the flowers, to the nearest cent? 1.5
b. How much total will you be paying for all flowers, to the nearest cent? 24.77
3. You remember that you have a discount coupon for $2.75 off your total purchase before tax.
a. How much did the flowers cost with the discount including tax (Round to the nearest
penny)? 22.81
b. How much money did you save with the coupon including tax? 1.93
4. When you get home to plant the flowers, you have 3 different flowerbeds in which you plan on
planting flowers. You have two flowerbeds where you want the same ratio for tulips to
daffodils. In one of these flowerbeds you have 4 tulips and 6 daffodils. The other flowerbed you
have 3 daffodils.
a. How many tulips should there be in the second flowerbed to have the same ratio of
tulips and daffodils as the first flowerbed? 2 tulips
b. How many total daffodils are used in these two flowerbeds? 9 daffodils
c. How many total tulips are to be used in these two flowerbeds? 6 tulips
d. How many of each do we have left to use in the remaining flowerbed? 9 daffodils and 12
5. The flowers are supposed to get 1.5 cups of water per plant. You have a 3-quart water pail.
How many flowers can you water before having to go back to fill up your pail? 8
6. After a few days 1/3 of all your tulips and 1/2 of all your daffodils died.
How many tulips and how many daffodils do you need to purchase of each kind of plant to
replace the flowers that died? 3 tulips and 6 daffodils
7. Next year you want to have 7 more than double the amount of plants you had this year.
How many total plants should you have for next year? 43
8. Flowers need nourishment to grow such as sunlight and water. As a Christian, we also need
nourishment to grow in our relationship with Christ. What are some ways we as Christians gain
nourishment that helps us grow closer to Christ? Include a Bible verse to support your answer.
Use at least 2-3 complete sentences for your answer. Reading the bible helps your relationship
with Christ. As along wish worshiping God and learning about him.
Your final grade will be calculated based on the score from the rubric below using the following formula:
Your grade = (total points / 40) * 100 =
5 The student 5 The 5 The 5 The 5 The 5The 5The 5 The student
has the student has student has student has student has student has student has used 2-3
correct the correct the correct the correct the correct the correct the correct complete
solutions and solutions and solutions and solutions and solutions and solutions solutions sentences for
correct work correct work correct work correct work correct work and correct and correct their answer
leading to the leading to leading to leading to leading to work leading work as well as a
solutions. the the the solutions. the to the leading to supporting
solutions. solutions. solutions. solutions. the Bible verse.
3 The student 3 The 3 The 3 The 3 The 3 The 3 The 3 The student
has 1 of the 2 student has student has student has student has student has student has answered the
solutions and 1 of the 2 1 of the 2 at least 3 out the incorrect the incorrect the question but
correct work solutions and solutions and of the 4 solution but solution but incorrect did not use
leading to the correct work correct work solutions correct work correct work solution but complete
solution. leading to leading to correct and leading to leading to correct work sentences OR
the solution the solution correct work the solution the solution leading to did not use a
or student or student leading to or student or student the solution Bible verse to
has correct has correct the solutions has correct has correct or student support their
solutions solutions or student solution solution has correct answer.
using the using the has correct using the using the solution
student’s student’s solutions student’s student’s using the
answers answers using the answers answers student’s
from from student’s from from answers
question 1. question 1. answers from question 1. question 1. from
question 1. question 1.
1 The student 1 The 1 The 1 The 1 The 1 The 1 The 1 The student
has student has student has student has student has student has student has attempted to
attempted attempted attempted none of the the solution the solution the solution answer the
the question the question the question solutions incorrect but incorrect but incorrect question but
but got both but got both but got both correct but they have they have but they did not use
solutions solutions solutions they have attempted attempted have complete
incorrect or incorrect or incorrect or attempted all the question the question attempted sentences
student has student has student has the questions or student or student the question AND did not
correct correct correct or student has correct has correct or student use a
solutions with solutions solutions has correct solution with solution with has correct supporting
out work. with out with out solutions out work. out work. solution Bible verse.
work. work. with out with out
work. work.
0 The student 0 The 0 The 0 The 0 The 0 The 0 The 0 The student
did not student did student did student did student did student did student did did not
attempt not attempt not attempt not attempt not attempt not attempt not attempt attempt
question. question. question. question. question. question. question. question.