HRD Pragati 25-8-2009
HRD Pragati 25-8-2009
HRD Pragati 25-8-2009
Life Insurance Corporation of India
Presented To
The agents of his unit for strictly imparting training on various aspects of LIC plans & servicing rules etc.
Harishkumar R. Desai
Development officer, Branch 888, Mumbai-III.
A-2/703, Gangotri Sadan,
Bangur Nagar, Link Road,
Goregaon (West) Mumbai- 400 104.
E mail:
5. Establishing a Need
6. Presentation
1) Maturity Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
b) Accidental Death:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 88: JEEVAN MITRA: (With Profit)
Jeevan Mitra is Double Cover Endowment with Profits plan. Besides the benefits of Endowment Assurance Policy, this plan provides
additional insurance cover equal to sum assured in event of death during the term of the policy so that the total insurance cover in
the event of death is twice the basic sum assured.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
b) Accidental Death:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 133: JEEVAN MITRA triple cover: (With Profit)
This plan provides very high-risk cover element. Jeevan Mitra is Triple Cover Endowment with Profits plan. Besides the benefits of
Endowment Assurance Policy, this plan provides additional insurance cover twice the sum assured in event of death during the term
of the policy so that the total insurance cover in the event of death is thrice the basic sum assured.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
3 Sum Assured + Bonus + F.A.B. (If any) i.e. Rs. 3, 00,000/- + Bonus
b) Accidental Death:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 89: JEEVAN SAATHI: (With Profit)
This is a unique joint life policy designed for married couple. This plan provides for risk cover on life of both husband & wife in one
single policy. In the event of death of any one partner, the surviving partner gets Sum Assured immediately and the premium
payment stops thereafter and the surviving partner will get one more Sum Assured on maturity date.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
On death of any one of the two lives
I) Full Sum Assured payable immediately on death.
ii) No need to pay further premiums &
iii) Again on maturity Full S.A. + Bonus to survivor
b) Accidental Death:
If both the persons die together in accident: (In one policy anniversary)
4 Sum Assured + Bonus to legal heir
Minimum Age at Entry - 20 mean ages in years
Maximum Age at Entry - 50 mean ages in years
Maximum Maturity Age - 70 years.
Terms Allowed - 15 to 30 years
Minimum S.A. - Rs. 50,000/-
Maximum S.A. - No Limit (Depending upon Income)
Modes Allowed - Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, ECS, & SSS
Policy Loan Available
Rider: D.A.B. Allowed
Age Proof: - Standard & NSAP-I required
Non-medical scheme: N.M.S. & NM (Prof.) Allowed.
Female Only category I, II & III eligible
S.A. up to Rs. 200,000/- can be given even if Wife is category-III lady. (Housewife) OR
up to 15 lakhs for educated lady sub. to conditions.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table No 197- JEEVAN SAATHI PLUS UIN 512L255V01
This is a unit linked Joint Life plan wherein a couple can take insurance cover on their lives under a single policy. Principal Life
Assured (P.L.A.) and the other life (wife/husband) shall be called Spouse Life Assured (S.L.A.). The P.L.A. can choose the level of
life cover for the self as well as for the spouse within the limits.
MATURITY BENEFIT: P.L.A and/or S.L.A. will be paid an amount equal to the Policyholder’s Fund Value at end of term.
FUND TYPES: 1. Bond Fund 2. Secured Fund 3.Balanced Fund 4.Growth Fund
1. On the death of P.L.A. while S.L.A. is alive (in force Policy)
a. S A payable to SLA, + Future Premiums waived + Outstanding premiums added in unit account.
b. SLA to get NAV on maturity or nominee if SLA dies before
2. Death of PLA after death of SLA: Nominee gets S A + NAV + Total of outstanding premiums.
3. Death of SLA & PLA alive: S A payable to PLA & policy to continue.
4. Death of SLA after death of PLA: S A + NAV as on date of death to nominee.
5. Simultaneous death of PLA & SLA.: Both lives S A + NAV + Total of outstanding premiums paid to
Option to transfer the Death Benefit sum assured to the Policyholder’s Fund: In case of the death of either the P.L.A. or
S.L.A., the surviving life can transfer the same to the Policyholder’s Fund.
Option to continue the cover after the revival period: If at least three years’ premiums have been paid under the policy, the
P.L.A. may opt for continuation of cover even beyond the revival period without reviving the policy and paying any further
A. Mini. Sum Assured: 5 times of regular & 1.25 times single Prem. for each of P. Life Assured & Spouse Life assured.
B. Maxi. Sum Assured: (Inclusive of both Principal Life Assured and Spouse Life assured)
a. 30 times for regular & 5 times for Single Premium if age at entry for both the lives is up to 40 years
b. 20 times for regular & 2.5 times for single Premium if age at entry for any one of the lives is 41 years and above
C. Minimum Premium: Regular Premium. Rs. 10,000 p.a. & in multiples of Rs. 1,000.,
Rs. 1,000 p.m. for monthly (ECS) mode, in multiples of Rs. 250.
Single Premium: Rs. 40,000 & in multiples of Rs. 1,000.
D. Maximum Premium: No Limit
E. Mode: yearly, half yearly, quarterly or monthly (ECS)
F. Premium paying term: Single premium or same as policy term
G. Minimum Age at entry: 18 years last birthday
H. Maximum Age at entry: 55 years nearest birthday
I. Maximum Maturity Age: 70 years nearest birthday
J. Policy Term: 10 to 20 years
K. Non Medical: NMG (professional) & NM Sp. Only allowed. (NMG Others Not allowed.)
L. Female: Categories I and II allowed but cat. III allowed only as spouse L A
M. Actual Sum Assured: S A of PLA + total premiums payable for term minus 1st year premium. &
S A of S L A . ( as per S U C separately for PLA and SLA. As per existing rule)
N. Age Proof: Standard and N.A.S.P.-I allowed ( NSAP II & III not allowed )
O. Top-up: Allowed in multiples of Rs.1,000/-
P. Partial withdrawals & Surrender: Allowed.
Q. Loan & Backdating: Not allowed.
R. Riders: Double Acc. Benefit , Critical & Term riders not allowed.
S. Revivals: Allowed within 2 years of FUP.
T. Settlement Option: Allowed
U. Charges : Life cover, Premium waiver, premium allocation charge, policy admin. Charge, FMC,
switching charge, misc. charge, service tax to be deducted by cancelling prop. Units.
V. Decrease in Benefits: No increase in benefits allowed. The P.L.A. can decrease the risk covers for the self,
spouse or for both once in a year during the Policy term.
W. Compulsory surrender the balance Fund Value falls below a minimum balance of one annualized premium OR
policy is not revived & P.L.A. not opted for continuing the cover after the revival period. OR
policy is not revived, then the policy shall be terminated after three years from DOC of the
policy or on expiry of revival period OR In case premiums are paid for less than three years,
if the balance NAV at any time is not sufficient to recover the relevant charges.
X. Allocation Rate:
Premium Band Allocation charge (Regular Premium) Premium Band Allocation charge
(per annum) 1st yr 2nd & 3rd year thereafter (Single) Single Prem.
10,000 to 1,50,000 29.00% 5.00% 2.50%
Up to 15,00,000 4.25%
1,50,001 to 2,50,000 28.00% 5.00% 2.50%
2,50,001 and above 27.50% 5.00% 2.50% Above 15,00,001 4.00%
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 103: JEEVAN CHHAYA: (With Profit)
Short term needs like family provision & long term needs like education & marriage of dependents are simultaneously fulfilled by this
policy. This is a combination of money and Jeevan Mitra policy. In the event of death of the policyholder, the nominee gets Sum
Assured immediately and the premium payment stops thereafter and the nominee will get Sum Assured in four installments as per
the maturity provision.
1) Maturity Benefit:
Assume that Maturity year is `n'. Then the Maturity Value will be paid during last 4 years as under
At the end of (n-3) year = 25% of S.A.
" (N-2) year = 25% of S.A.
" (N-1) year = 25% of S.A.
" N year = 25% of S.A. + Bonus
N-3 i.e. 20-3 = 17th year = 25% of S.A. i.e. Rs. 25,000/-
N-2 i.e. 20-2 = 18th year =25%of S.A. i.e. Rs. 25,000/-
N-1 i.e. 20-1 = 19th year = 25% of S.A. i.e. Rs. 25,000/-
N i.e. 20th year = 25% + Bonus + F.A.B. (If any)
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
i) Full Sum Assured paid immediately.
ii) No need to pay further premiums &
iii) Maturity Benefits as above are given to nominee.
b) Accidental Death:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 168: JEEVAN ANURAG (With Profit)
1) Maturity Benefit:
Assume that Maturity year is `n'. Then the Maturity Value will be paid during last 4 years
as under:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
i) Full Sum Assured paid immediately.
ii) No need to pay further premiums &
iii) Maturity Benefits as above paid to nominee.
b) Accidental Death:
. i) Double Sum Assured immediately.
ii) No need to pay further premiums &
iii) Maturity Benefits as above are given to nominee
Mini. Age at Entry - 20 years Completed
Maxi. Age at Entry - 60 years (Nearer Birthday)
Maxi. Maturity Age - 70 years
Terms Allowed – 10 TO 25 Years for Regular Mode and 5 to 25 for single mode.
Minimum S.A. - Rs. 50,000/-
Maximum S.A. - No Limit
Policy Loan: - Available.
Modes Allowed - Yly, Hly, Qly, , Monthly , ECS,SSS & Single
Female: Category I, II & III eligible.
Age Proof: All types allowed.
Non-medical scheme: NMG, N.M.S. & NM (Prof.) Allowed.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table No. 91- New Jan Raksha with Profit: -
This plan is most suitable for persons with irregular income like small businessmen etc. This is an endowment type policy. If at
least 2 years premiums have been paid, full death cover will continue for a period of 3 years from F.U.P. At
any time during these 3 years, the policyholder can revive the policy (without D.G.H. / MEDICAL) just by
paying the arrears of the premium with late fees. (Even for 1 year out of three). The premium rates are
inclusive of D.A.B.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
b) Accidental Death:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO: 149 JEEVAN ANAND (WITH PROFIT): This is a With Profit Assurance Plan and is a combination of
the Endowment Assurance Plan and the Whole Life Plan. The plan provides payment of full Sum Assured and Bonuses at the end of
the selected premium paying term. However, the risk cover equal to original Sum Assured on the life continues till death and such
addition Sum Assured is payable to nominee, without payment of premiums.
Full Sum Assured + Bonus + Final Additional Bonus at the end of selected premium paying
Premium Stops after Survival Benefit. However additional Risk Cover equal to Original Sum
Assured which is payable only on death.
2) Death Benefit:
Natural Death
Full S.A. + Bonus+ F.A.B. Full Sum Assured
i.e. Rs. 1, 00,000/- + Bonus + F.A.B. (if applicable) i.e. Rs. 1, 00,000/-
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table No. 165: Jeevan Saral (With Profit)
This plan is combination of conventional plan and unit linked plan.
1. Maturity Benefits:
2. Death benefits:
3. Optional riders:
1. Death cover will be same irrespective of age at entry and policy term.
2. Sum assured at maturity will differ for different entry age and terms.
3. Loyalty addition will be declared for a policy with minimum term of 10 years.
4. Premium holiday of 12 months available after the policy has been in force for 3 years.
5. The policy can be surrendered (Including L.A.) any time without any penalty or loss.
6. Partial surrender allowed from 4th year onwards.
Loan: Allowed.
For Term rider & D.A.B.: Entry age is 18 years and maxi. 50 years.
Non-medical scheme: NMG, N.M.S. & NM (Prof.) Allowed.
Sum Assured (for medical & Risk Cover): 250 Times monthly premium.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
This is Money back Plan for those who, besides desiring to provide for their own old age and family protection, feel the need for
lump sum benefits at periodical intervals. The risk cover will be for full sum assured till maturity. Bonus will be calculated and paid on
maturity for full Sum assured.
2. Maturity Benefits:
On Maturity =balance 40% Sum Assured + Bonus + F.A.B. (If any)
3. Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
Full Sum Assured + Bonus
b) Accidental Death:
2 Sum Assured + Bonus
Survival Benefit paid by LIC to Policy Holder is ignored while settling the Death Claim.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 106, 107, 108 - JEEVAN SURABHI: (With Profit)
This is a unique money back plan where Policy, S.B. & Premium Paying Term is different with inbuilt increase of risk cover. This is
plan provides for automatic increase in life risk cover at a regular interval five years till maturity and is available without any
formalities or paying extra premium.
2. Maturity Benefit: Bonus for full term on Full Sum Assured + F.A.B. (if any)
3. Death Benefit:
Chart Showing Additional Risk Cover over & above Original Sum Assured in case of Natural Death.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table No: 179 New Bima Gold (With Profit)
1. Survival Benefits: (% of Sum Assured)
2. Maturity Benefit:
Total Premiums paid + Loyalty addition (one time) payable on maturity only
Minus(Less) S.B. due amount paid earlier & extra/ rider premium, if any.
3. Death Benefit:
(During Premium Paying Term) (During Extended Term)
a) Natural Death: Basic S.A. a) Natural Death: 50% of Basic S.A.
b) Accidental: Double S.A. b) Accidental: 50% of Basic S.A.
4. Extended Term
The Ext. term will be half of the policy term which will start immediately on expiry of the policy term.
(Survival Benefit paid by LIC to Policy Holder will be ignored while settling the Death Claim arising During Premium Paying Term and
FULL SUM ASSURED will be paid to nominee.)
5. Features:
Auto Cover: If at least 2 years premiums have been paid, full death cover will continue for a
subsequent period of 2 years from F.U.P. At any time during these 2 years, one or more installment
premiums can be paid along with interest without any revival requirement. (HRD)
Minimum Age at Entry - 14 years completed.
Maximum age at entry - 57 years nbd for 12 years term
51 years nbd for 16 years term
45 years nbd for 20 years term
Maximum Maturity Age - 75 years nbd
Term allowed 12,16 and 20 years.
Minimum S.A. - Rs. 50,000/-
Maximum S.A. - No Limit (Depending upon Income)
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table No: 175- Bima Bachat (With Profit)
2. Maturity Benefit:
Single Premium paid excluding extra premium along with one time Loyalty Additions, if any,
3. Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
Basic S.A.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Full Sum Assured + Guaranteed Addition @ Rs.50/- per 1000 S.A. for 1st five years +
Bonuses of remaining term.
a) Natural Death:
During 1st 5 years = Sum Assured + G.A. @ Rs. 50 per 1000 S.A.
Thereafter = Sum Assured + G.A. (of 1st 5 years) + Accrued Bonus till death.
b) Accidental Death:
One additional Sum Assured along with above benefit to nominee.
Term Premium paying term
5 1, 2, 3
10 1, 2,3,4,6
15 1, 2,3,4,6,8,10
20 1, 2, 3, 4,6,8,10,12
25 1, 2, 3,4,6,8,10,12,16
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 48 – Limited Payment Endowment: (With Profits)
1. Maturity Benefits:
2. Death Benefit:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Sum Assured +Guaranteed Return @Rs.50 for 1st 5 years. +Bonus for rest of the
term + F.A.B. (if any)
2) Death Benefit:
Sum Assured +G.A. + Bonus+ Loyalty addition (If any)
Accidental death
One more S.A (Maximum A.B. is 50 lakhs allowed)
5 3,4 & 5
10 3,4 & 5
15 3,4 & 5
20 3,4 & 5
25 3,4 & 5
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
b) Accidental Death:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
b) Accidental Death:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table No: 178- Jeevan Tarang (With Profit)
• The bonuses will be payable in one lump sum at the end of selected PPT
(On survival to the end of the selected Accumulation Period) AND
• 5½% of the Sum Assured will be payable on survival to the end of each year after the
Accumulation Period.
2. Maturity Benefit: The Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any, will be payable on the
completion of 100 years of age.
3. Death Benefit:
• The Sum Assured, along with bonuses is payable in case of death of the Life Assured during
P.P.T. (i.e, the Accumulation Period.)
• The Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any is payable in case of death of the Life
Assured any time after P.P.T. is over (i.e., after the Accumulation Period)
Optional riders (available during the Accumulation Period only. i.e., During PPT):
1. Premium Waiver benefit for the full Premium Paying Term in case of minor life.
2. Accident Benefit Rider Option (Allowed for Regular Premium policies only)
3. Term Assurance Rider Option
4. Critical Illness Rider Option
Eligibility Conditions
Ages at entry: 0 years to 60 years (nearest birthday)
Maximum age for premium payment to cease: 70 years (nearest birthday)
Age up to which life cover available: 100 years (completed)
Minimum age at the end of accumulation period: 18 years (completed)
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
1. Survival Benefit :
On life assured surviving to the end of the specified durations an amount as specified below is payable:
N-5 years = 30% of the S.A. along with Reversionary Bonuses
N-4 years = 15% of the Sum Assured
N-3 years = 15% of the Sum Assured
N-2 years = 15% of the Sum Assured
N-1 years = 15% of the Sum Assured
N= (Policy Term) = 15% of the Sum Assured along with Final Additional Bonus, if any.
2. Death Benefit:
On death after the Date of Commencement of Risk –
(i) If death occurs before S.B.: Sum Assured + Bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any) is payable.
(ii) If death occurs after S.B. Payment starts: Sum Assured + Final Additional bonus
On death during the Extended Term - Sum Assured is payable. The Extended term will be 7 years
from the date of expiry of policy term. No premiums payable for extended term.
On death before the Date of Comm. of Risk - All the premiums paid (excluding premium for extra &
PWB, if any,) along with interest of 3% p.a. compounding yearly shall be payable.
3. Auto Cover: If after at least two full year’s premiums have been paid, full death cover shall continue for a
period of two years from the due date of the First Unpaid Premium (FUP). Premium Waiver Benefit, if any,
shall remain in force during the Auto Cover period.
4. Eligibility Conditions and Restrictions :
For Life Assured
(a) Minimum Entry Age : 0 years (last birthday)
(b) Maximum Entry Age : 12 years (last birthday)
(c) Minimum Maturity Age : 23 years (last birthday)
(d) Maximum Maturity Age : 27 years (last birthday)
(e) Minimum Sum Assured : Rs. 1,00,000 (in multiples of Rs. 5000.)
(f) Maximum Sum Assured : Rs. 100,00,000
(g) Policy term : 11 to 27 years
(h) Premium Paying term : 6 years and Policy term less 5 years
(i) Loans No loans allowed.
(j) Back-dating Allowed
(k) Mode: Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly or through salary deductions.
(l) Non medical 25 lacs up to age 9 and 8 lacs up to from age 10 to 12.
For Proposer (if PWB is opted for)
(a) Minimum Entry Age : 18 years (completed)
(b) Maximum Entry Age : 55 years (Nearer birthday)
(c) Maximum Age at the end of premium paying term: 70 years (Nearer birthday)
The proposer can be child’s father or mother (female category I and II). The grand parents can propose
even if the parents are alive provided the consent of parent is obtained.
Date of commencement of Risk: Up to age10 years: 2 years from the D.O.C. of policy or on
completion of 5 years of age of L.A., whichever is later. For age at entry more than 10 years but less
than 12 years: the risk commence from age 12 of the Life Assured. For those aged 12 years or more
risk will commence immediately.
Age proof: For children aged 5 years and above - a certified extract from the school records.
For children aged less than 5 years - a certified extract from Municipal / local village panchyat records.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
1. Benefits :
2. Survival Benefit :
On life assured surviving to the end of the specified durations an amount as specified below is payable:
N-5 years - 25% of the Sum Assured
N-4 years - 10% of the Sum Assured
N-3 years - 10% of the Sum Assured
N-2 years - 10% of the Sum Assured
N-1 years - 10% of the Sum Assured
N= (POLICY TERM) - 50% of the Sum Assured along vested bonus & F.A. Bonus, if any.
a) Death Benefit :
On death after Commencement of Risk but before the expiry of policy term:-
Sum Assured + Bonuses + Final Additional bonus (if any) is payable.
On death during the Extended Term - Sum Assured is payable. The Extended term will be 7 years
from the date of expiry of policy term. No premiums payable for extended term.
On death before the Date of Comm. of Risk - All the premiums paid (excluding premium for extra &
PWB, if any,) along with interest of 3% p.a. compounding yearly shall be payable.
3. Auto Cover: If after at least two full year’s premiums have been paid, full death cover shall continue for a
period of two years from the due date of the First Unpaid Premium (FUP). Premium Waiver Benefit, if any,
shall remain in force during the Auto Cover period.
4. Eligibility Conditions and Restrictions :
For Life Assured
(a) Minimum Entry Age : 0 years (last birthday)
(b) Maximum Entry Age : 12 years (last birthday)
(c) Minimum Maturity Age : 23 years (last birthday)
(d) Maximum Maturity Age : 27 years (last birthday)
(e) Minimum Sum Assured : Rs. 1,00,000 (in multiples of Rs. 5000.)
(f) Maximum Sum Assured : Rs. 100,00,000
(g) Policy term : 11 to 27 years
(h) Premium Paying term : 6 years and Policy term less 5 years
(i) Loans No loans allowed.
(j) Back-dating Allowed
(k) Mode: Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly or through salary deductions.
(l) Non medical 25 lacs up to age 9 and 8 lacs up to from age 10 to 12.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 159: Komal Jeevan: (For Children)
1. Installment Benefit:
2. Maturity Benefit:
On Maturity Guaranteed Addition @ Rs. 75/- per 1000 S.A. plus Loyalty Addition
(if any) will be paid.
3. Death Benefit:
However, the actual risk cover of the child will commence only after completing age of
7 years or after two years from the date of commencement of Policy whichever is
later. If death occurs before this period, only the premiums paid are refunded as
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 102: JEEVAN KISHOR: (With Profit)
1. Maturity Benefit:
2. Death Benefit:
The risk cover will commence only after completion of age 7 years or after two years
from the date of commencement of Policy whichever is later. (For age 11 -1 yr, from
DOC & for 12- immediate RISK.) If death occurs before this period, only the
premiums paid are refunded as claim.
Bonuses will be credited only after completion of age 7 years or after 5 years from the
date of commencement of Policy, but will participate in Bonus from commencement
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
(With profit)
1. Maturity Benefit:
2. Death Benefit:
The risk cover and bonus will commence only after completion of age 21 years for
table 41 and age 18 for table No.50. If death occurs before this period, only the
premiums paid are refunded as claim.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO 187: Fortune Plus:
This is a unit linked Endowment plan where premium payment is limited to 5 years and the premium payable during
the first year is four times the premium payable in subsequent years
B. Death Benefit: Sum assured under the Basic Plan OR the Fund Value of units whichever is more is payable.
(To nominee)
A. Accident benefit: Available @ 0.50p per 1000 S.A. maxi. Rs.50 lakhs.
B. Settlement Option one month before maturity. The maturity benefit paid in instalments over 5 year’s period. It
will be based on the current NAV as on date of payment.
C. Life cover will be based on the age nearer birthday of the Policyholder. The same will be charged on the
difference between SA and NAV , till such time the SA is greater than NAV.
D. Fund: The allocated premiums will be invested in any of the following fund selected by L.A.
1. Bond fund. 2. Secured fund 3. Balanced fund. 4. Growth fund.
Switch over from one fund to another fund is allowed FOUR times during the year free of charge.
F. Discontinuance of premiums: Where at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, the Life cover and Accident Benefit
shall continue for two years from the due date of first unpaid premium. During this revival period, the charges for Life Cover and
Accident Benefit cover will be taken by cancelling an appropriate number of units out of the policyholder’s Unit Account every month.
G. Surrender: There will be no Surrender charge. Surrender possible even after 1st year but payment of S.V. will be
made only after completion of 3 years from Date of Commencement.
H. Partial withdrawals: The Policyholder can partially surrender units in the form of fixed amount or in the form of
fixed number of unit. Where at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, partial withdrawal will be allowed subject to a
minimum balance of Rs. 10,000/- in the Policyholder’s Fund Value. (In case of minors: Partial withdrawals shall be allowed on
or after 18th birthday of the child)
I. Features:
A. Minimum age at entry- 12 years lbd
B. Maximum age at entry - 60 years lbd.
C. Policy Term: 5 to 20 years.
D. Premium Paying Term: 5 years only.
E. Minimum Maturity Age: 18 years completed
F. Maximum Maturity Age: 65 years nearest birthday
G. Mini. Sum Assured - Regular Premium - Higher of 5 times the annualized premium or half of the
policy term times the annualized premium.
H. Minimum Premium - Annual Rs.20, 000,
I. Mode: Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly, Monthly (ECS).
J. Non Medical: - N.M.G., N.M.S. & N.M.O. (Professional) Allowed.
K. Female: Category I, II & III eligible
L. Age Proof: All types allowed.
M. Grace Period: One month, if premiums are not paid within grace period, the policy lapses.
N. Top up, Policy Loan & Back dating: Not Allowed
O. Revival: Without any requirement: = within 2 years of F.U.P. if at least 3 years premiums paid.
With revival requirements: = within 2 years of F.U.P., if at least 3 years premiums not paid.
P. Compulsory Surrender: In case the policy is not revived during the period of revival, then the policy shall be
terminated after completion of three years from the date of commencement of policy or on expiry of revival period,
whichever is later. Sub to mini balance of Rs.5000/- fund value.
J. Premium Allocation Charge, Mortality, Accident rider @0.50 p per 1000 s.a., policy administrative st
charges of Rs.60/- p.m. in 1 year and Rs.20/-
thereafter. Service tax, fund management, Misc charges and switching charges wherever applicable will be deducted by cancelling appropriate
number of units. When less than 3 years’ premiums paid & the Policyholder’s Unit Account falls below the monthly charges, the policy shall
compulsorily be terminated. The balance amount, if any, will be refunded. If at least 3 years’ premiums paid, The Unit Account shall be subject to a
minimum balance of Rs. 5,000/-. In case, Unit Account falls below this limit, policy compulsorily terminated and the balance amount will be refunded.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO 188: Profit Plus:
This is a unit linked Endowment plan where under premium payment is either single or limited to 3, 4 or 5 years.
A. Maturity Value: B. Death Benefit: (to nominee)
N A V of Units payable I) Sum assured under the Basic Plan OR the
at end of term. Fund Value of units, whichever is more is payable.
ii) Up to age 12 years, before the commencement of risk, Only Fund Value of units is payable.
(Up to age 10 Risk from age 7 or 2 years from DOC whichever is later.
For age 10 & 11: after age 12 and for age 12: instant risk cover.
A. Accident benefit: Available @ 0.50p per 1000 S.A. maxi. Rs.50 lakhs.
B. Critical Illness rider available: equal to S.A. or 5 lakhs, whichever is less; for age at entry 18 and above.
C. Settlement Option one month before maturity. The maturity benefit paid in instalments over 5 year’s period. It will be based
on the current NAV as on date of payment.
D. Life cover & Critical Illness charges will be based on the age nearer birthday of the Policyholder. The same
will be charged on the difference between SA and NAV, till such time the SA is greater than NAV.
D. Fund: The allocated premiums will be invested in any of the following fund selected by L.A.
1. Bond fund. 2. Secured fund 3. Balanced fund. 4. Growth fund.
Switch over from one fund to another fund is allowed FOUR times during the year free of charge.
F. Discontinuance of premiums: Where at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, the Life cover and Accident Benefit
shall continue for two years from the due date of first unpaid premium. During this revival period, the charges for Life Cover
and Accident Benefit cover will be taken by cancelling an appropriate number of units out of the policyholder’s Unit Account
every month.
G. Surrender: There will be no Surrender charge. Surrender possible even after 1st year but payment of S.V. will be made
only after completion of 3 years from Date of Commencement.
H. Partial withdrawals: The Policyholder can partially surrender units in the form of fixed amount or in the form of fixed number
of unit. Where at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, partial withdrawal will be allowed subject to a minimum balance of Rs.
10,000/- in the Policyholder’s Fund Value and for Single Premium Balance should be Rs 5,000/- (In case of minors: Partial
withdrawals shall be allowed on or after 18th birthday of the child)
I. Features:
1. Minimum age at entry- 0 years lbd
2. Maximum age at entry - 65 years lbd.
3. Policy Term: 5 to 20 years.
4. Premium Paying Term: 3,4, 5 years and Single.
5. Minimum Maturity Age: 18 years completed
6. Maximum Maturity Age: 70 years for 3 yrs ppt and for other terms 75 years
7. Min. Sum Assured - Regular Premium - Higher of 5 times the annualized premium or half of the policy term times
the annualized premium. Single Premium - 1.25 times the single premium
8. Maxi. Sum Assured: Regular Premium - Higher of 5 times the annualized premium or half of the policy term times the anzed premium
Single Premium - If Critical Illness Benefit Rider is opted for: 5 times the single premium if age at maturity is 55
years or less. 3 times the Single premium if age at maturity is 56 years or more. If Critical Illness Benefit Rider is not
opted for: 5 times the Single premium if age at maturity is 65 years or less. 3 times the Single premium if age at
maturity is 66 to 70 years. 2.5 Times the Single premium if age at maturity is 71 years and above.
9. Minimum Premium - Annual Rs.10,000 and Single premium Rs.20,000. No limit for maxi premium.
10. Mode: Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly, Monthly (ECS).
11. Non Medical: - N.M.G., N.M.S. & N.M.O. (Professional) Allowed.
12. Female: Category I, II & III eligible
13. Age Proof: All types allowed.
14. Grace Period: One month, if premiums are not paid within grace period, the policy lapses.
15. Top up, Policy Loan & Back dating: Not Allowed
16. Revival: Without any requirement: = within 2 years of F.U.P. if at least 3 years premiums paid.
With revival requirements: = within 2 years of F.U.P., if at least 3 years premiums not paid.
17. Compulsory Surrender: In case the policy is not revived during the period of revival, then the policy shall be terminated after
completion of three years from the date of commencement of policy or on expiry of revival period, whichever is later. Sub to mini
balance of Rs.5000/- fund value.
J . . Premium Allocation Charge, Mortality, Accident rider @0.50 p per 1000 s.a., policy administrative charges of Rs.60/- p.m. in 1st year and Rs.20/- thereafter. Service tax, fund management, Misc
charges and switching charges wherever applicable will be deducted by cancelling appropriate number of units. When less than 3 years’ premiums paid & the Policyholder’s Unit Account falls below
the monthly charges, the policy shall compulsorily be terminated. The balance amount, if any, will be refunded. If at least 3 years’ premiums paid, The Unit Account shall be subject to a minimum
balance of Rs.5000/-. In case, Unit Account falls below this limit, policy compulsorily terminated and the balance amount will be refunded.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
A. Maturity Value: (On vesting)
Fund Value of Units will be compulsorily converted into pension.
a. 1/3 Fund value can be commuted.
b. Choice of selecting any other insurance company to buy pension.
B. Death Benefit: before pension starts. (To nominee)
Natural death:
a. with life cover: Fund Value + S.A. of basic plan
b. without risk cover: Fund value
c. Lapsed condition. Fund Value as on date.
Nominee can take above in lump sum or in form of annuity or combination of both these for self.
A. Life cover: Regular mode: 5 to 20 times of Premium and for Single Prem. = S.A. = S.P.
B. Accident benefit: Available @ 0.50p per 1000 S.A.
C. Critical Illness Rider: equal to S.A. or 10 lakhs which ever is less.
Life cover (charges same thro out the term) and Critical Illness Benefit charges will be based on the age nearer
birthday of the Policyholder, hence may increase every year on each policy anniversary.
D. Fund: The allocated premiums will be invested in any of the following fund selected by L.A.
1. Bond fund. 2. Income fund 3. Balanced fund. 4. Growth fund.
Switch over from one fund to another fund is allowed FOUR times during the year free of charge. Thereafter, charge of
Rs.100/- per switch in that year.
E. Top up: The policyholder can also pay an additional premium, at any time, in multiple of Rs.1,000/-
F. For discontinued policy risk cover: Available maximum for 2 years after payment of 3 years premiums by
cancelling the units for morality charges.
G. Increase/ decrease in benefits: The risk cover can be reduced but cannot be increase.
H. Features:
Minimum age at entry:- 18 years lbd
Maximum age at entry: - 65 years nearer birthday with Risk and 80 yrs. Without risk cover
Mini. Deferment period: 5 years.
Mini Vesting age:- 40 years
Maxim. Vesting age:- 75 year last birthday with risk cover and 85 year lbd without risk cover.
Mini. Sum Assured:- Rs.25,000 & NIL for With Out risk cover
Maxi Sum Assured: - Equal to Single prem. for Single premium.
(i) Without CIR 20 times of Prem. up to age 40 yrs
10 times of Prem. for age above 41 yrs
(ii) With CIR 10 times of Prem. up to age 40 yrs
5 times of Prem. for age above 41 yrs
Minimum Premium: - Rs. 10,000 for Single premium. (without Risk)
Rs. 25,000 for Single premium (with risk)
Rs. 5,000 for Regular Premium. Rs.1,000 for Monthly ECS mode.
Mode:- Yearly, half yearly, quarterly,Monthly ECS & single.
Female:- Category I, II & III eligible
Policy Loan:- Not available.
Surrender:- Allowed but payable ONLY after 3 years of FUP, full FUND VALUE payable. No partial SV allowed.
I. Features: The flat charges of Rs.60/- p.m. in the 1st year and Rs.20 pm through out the term, fund management charges from
0.5% to 0.8%, the switching charges of Rs.100/-, life cover, accident benefit, critical illness, service tax charges and extra premium
charges if any will be deducted by cancelling appropriate number of units out of the Policyholder’s Unit Account as per the frequency
as provided for respective charges. The Corporation reserves the right to revise all or any of the above charges. The Corporation may also
introduce new charges, as and when such a Need may arise. The modification in charges will be done with prospective effect after giving the
policyholders a notice of 3 months.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO 193: MONEY PLUS – I (UIN) 512L248V01
A. Maturity Value: B. Death Benefit: (to nominee)
N A V of Units payable I) Sum assured under the Basic Plan OR the
at end of term. Fund Value of units is payable. Whichever is more.
ii) Up to age 12 years, before the commencement of risk,
only Fund Value of units is payable.
(Up to age 10 Risk from age 7 or 2 years from DOC whichever is later.
For age 10 & 11: after age 12 and for age 12: instant risk cover.
D. Accident benefit: Available @ 0.50p per 1000 S.A. maxi. Rs.50 lakhs.
E. Critical Illness Rider: equal to S.A. or 10 lakhs, whichever is less.
F. Settlement Option one month before maturity. The maturity benefit paid in instalments over 5 year’s period. It
will be based on the current NAV as on date of payment.
D. Life cover & Critical Illness charges will be based on the age nearer birthday of the Policyholder. The same
will be charged on the difference between SA and NAV , till such time the SA is greater than NAV.
D. Fund: The allocated premiums will be invested in any of the following fund selected by L.A.
1. Bond fund. 2. Secured fund 3. Balanced fund. 4. Growth fund.
Switch over from one fund to another fund is allowed FOUR times during the year free of charge.
F. Discontinuance of premiums: Where at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, the Life cover and Accident Benefit &
CI rider, if any, shall continue for two years from the due date of first unpaid premium. During this revival period, the charges for Life
Cover and Accident Benefit cover will be taken by cancelling an appropriate number of units out of the policyholder’s Unit Account
every month
G. Option to continue the cover: If at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, the policyholder may opt for
continuation of cover even beyond the revival period without reviving the policy and paying any further premiums.
H. Surrender: There will be no Surrender charge. Surrender possible even after 1st year but payment of S.V. will be made
only after completion of 3 years from Date of Commencement.
I. Partial withdrawals: The Policyholder can partially surrender the units. Partial Surrender may be in the form of
fixed amount or in the form of fixed number of units, subject to mini. Balance of 2 annualized premiums where
premiums for at least 3 years been paid.
J. Features:
I. Minimum age at entry- 0 years lbd
II. Maximum age at entry - 65 years lbd.
III. Policy Term: 5 to 30 years
IV. Minimum Maturity Age: 18 years completed
V. Maximum Maturity Age: 75 years nearest birthday
VI. Mini. Sum Assured - 5 times the annualized premium
VII. Maxi. Sum Assured: - 30 times the annualized premium if age at entry is up to 45 yrs
20 times the annualized premium if age at entry 46 to 60 yrs
10 times of annual premium if age at entry is 61 yrs & above
VIII. Minimum Premium - Annual Rs.5, 000, and Rs.1,000/- for ECS mode. (Maxi Premium: No limit)
IX. Mode: Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly, ECS
X. Non Medical:- N.M.G , N.M.S. & N.M.O.( Professional) Allowed.
XI. Female: Category I, II & III eligible
XII. Grace Period: One month (min.30days): If premiums are not paid within grace period, the policy
XIII. Top up, Policy Loan & Back dating: Not Allowed
XIV. Revival: -Allowed: Without any requirement:= within 2 years of F.U.P. if at least 3 years premiums paid.
With revival requirements:= within 2 years of F.U.P.,if at least 3 years premiums not paid.
XV. Compulsory Surrender: In case the policy is not revived during the period of revival, then the policy shall be terminated after
completion of three years from the date of commencement of policy or on expiry of revival period, whichever is later.
K.. Premium Allocation Charge, Mortality, Accident rider, critical illness, policy administrative, fund management and switching charges wherever
applicable will be deducted by cancelling appropriate number of units. When less than 3 years’ premiums paid & the Policyholder’s Unit Account falls
below the monthly charges, the policy shall compulsorily be terminated. The balance amount, if any, will be refunded. If at least 3 years’ premiums
paid, The Unit Account shall be subject to a minimum balance of one annualized premium. In case, Unit Account falls below this limit, policy
compulsorily terminated and the balance amount will be refunded.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table 194: Child Fortune Plus: UIN 512L251V01 (Unit liked plan)
A. Maturity Benefits: Policyholder’s Fund Value is payable to L.A. or the child nominee. (NAV payable when
child is of age 25 years l.b.d. or till the life assured attains age of 75 years NBD, whichever is earlier.)
B. Death Benefit: The risk cover on the life of the parent life assured. No insurance coverage to child. The policy
IS based on the age of the child.
i) On death of Life Assured, if the child is alive: Sum Assured is payable to the nominee. For
regular premium policy, all future premiums waived. Units’ equivalent to amount equal to all future premiums including
outstanding premiums shall be credited to the policy fund. The policy shall continue. If less than 3 years premiums have
been paid & lapsed policy, then Fund Value shall become payable to the nominee and the policy will terminate.
ii) On death of the Life Assured, after the death of the child: Sum Assured plus policyholder’s fund value together
with an amount equal to all future premiums including outstanding premiums, if any, shall be payable to the nominee.
iii) On death of child before L.A.’s death: Policy continues till maturity or till the life assured survives, whichever is
iv) On death of child after life assured’s death: Value of units shall be payable to the nominee & the policy
C, Discontinuance of Premium: Where at least 3 year’s premiums have been paid, the Life Cover & Premium Waiver
Benefit cover shall continue during the revival period i.e. 2 years from FUP, or till the date of maturity, or till the Fund
Value reduces to one annualized premium. The life assured may opt for continuation of cover even beyond the revival
period without reviving the policy.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
i) No need to pay further premiums &
ii) Maturity Benefits as above are paid to nominee. (PAYABLE ONLY ON
b) Accidental Death:
Minimum Age at Entry - 18 years Completed
Maximum Age at Entry - 60 years
Maximum Maturity Age - 70 years
Terms Allowed - 5 to 25
Minimum S.A. - Rs. 50,000/-
Maximum S.A. - No Limit
Modes Allowed - Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly,ECS & SSS
Rider: D.A.B., Term & CI Allowed
Policy Loan: - Available.
Age Proof: Std. & non-std. age proof accepted.
Female: Category I, II & III Allowed.
Non-medical scheme: NMG, N.M.S. & NM (Prof.) Allowed.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
1. BENEFITS: (% paid of Sum Assured)
2. Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
Sum Assured + Accrued Bonus till death + FAB if any.
b) Accidental Death:
One additional Sum Assured along with above benefit will be paid to nominee.
(Survival Benefit paid by LIC to Policy Holder is ignored while settling the Death Claim.)
3. Special Benefits:
a) Critical Illness (CI) benefit (with option of Premium Waiver Benefit.)
An amount equal to the Sum Assured (subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lacks) will be payable on the
occurrence of any one of the listed Critical Illnesses.
i. Free Insurance cover for 3 yrs after2 years’ premium payment. (only if CIR not opted)
(If CIR is opted than subject to submission of proof of continued insurability of the Life Assured)
ii. Flexibility to pay premiums in advance at discount @ 5%
iii. Encashment of survival benefits as and when needed @ 4% enhancement.
iv. Option to receive maturity benefits in the form of an annuity.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 114: JEEVAN AADHAR: (Without Profit):
(Limited payment whole life policy.). For handicapped child.
If the child dies before the maturity the proposer has the option to covert the policy
into a reduced paid up sum assured or take refund of the premium.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 136: JEEVAN VISHWAS: (Without Profit):
For handicapped child
1. Maturity Benefit:
2. Death Benefit:
B) If the child dies before the maturity the life assured will have the option to
get the surrender value or keep the policy in force to get the lump sum
benefit or to get the annuity as stated above.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE 189: JEEVAN AKSHAYA- VI (With profit)
1) On vesting:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 169: JEEVAN NIDHI (With Profit)
S.A. + Accrued G.A. @ RS.50/- for 1st 5 years + Bonus for remaining term. This will be
compulsorily converted in Annuity.
a) Commute 1/3 of the above in cash and to select any other life insurance company to provide
annuity at vesting. 3% rebate if annuity opted from LIC.
2) Death Benefit:
a) Natural Death:
i) Full Sum Assured with G.A. and Bonus paid to nominee OR nominee can opt for annuity.
b) Accidental Death:
Mini. Age at Entry - 18 years Completed
Maxi. Age at Entry - 65 years (Nearer Birth day)
Mini. Maturity Age - 40 years
Maxi. Maturity Age 75 years.
Minimum S.A. - Rs. 50,000/-
Maximum S.A. - No Limit
Policy Loan: - Not Available.
Modes Allowed - Yly, Hly, Qly, SSS,ECS & Single
Mini. Deferment 6 yrs for S.P.& 5 Yrs. For Regular mode.
Maxi Deferment 35 years.
Mini Annual Premium Rs.3000
Mini Single Premiium Rs.10,000
Rider: D.A.B. ,Term & CI Allowed
Female: Category I,II & III eligible.
Age Proof: Standard or NSAP-I allowed.
Non-medical scheme: NMG, N.M.S. & NM (Prof.) Allowed.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
These are the deferred annuity plans where the pension starts after few years from the date
of purchase.
1) On vesting:
N.C.O. + Bonus + F.A.B. (if any) with or without 25% computation will be compulsorily
utilized for pension with following options to L.A.:
• Annuity for life.
• Annuity for life with guaranteed period of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years.
• Joint life last survivor pension @ 50% to spouse on death.
• Life pension with return of purchase price.
• Life pension with increase of 3% every year.
• Pension for life with a provision for 100% pension to the spouse for life on the
death of the pensioner.
Annuity rates of New Jeevan Akshaya at the date of vesting will be applicable for
calculation of pension payable.
• Minimum Age at Entry - 18 years Completed
Maximum Age at Entry - 65 years lbd
Minimum vesting age - 50 years lbd
Maximum vesting age - 79 years lbd
Minimum deferment period – 2 years.
Minimum N.C.O. – 50,000 for regular mode policy only.
Minimum Single Premium – Rs.10,000
Minimum Annual Premium – Rs.2500/-
Maximum deferment period – 35 years.
Modes Allowed – Single, Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly,ECS & SSS
Rider: Term & CI Allowed
Age Proof Standard or NSAP-I allowed.
Loan. Not available.
Female Category I & II Allowed.
Non-medical scheme: N.M.S. & NM (Prof.) Allowed.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Table No 171: Bima Nivesh-2005 (Guaranteed addition)
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
Sum Assured + accrued Guaranteed Additions. If Term Assurance Rider has been
taken, the Term Assurance Rider Sum Assured is also payable.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 164: Anmol Jeevan-I: -
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 190: Amulya Jeevan-I
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
This is a limited payment (3, 4 or 5 years) premium back plan with provision of simple reversionary bonus
and final additional bonus on per thousand of total premiums paid.
Maturity Benefit: Total Premiums Paid + Bonus (per 1000 of Premium) + FAB if any.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 43: Temporary Assurance: - (Without Profit)
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 58: Convertible Term Assurance: -
(Without Profit)
Pure Term Assurance plan that gives an option to the policyholder to covert the same in to an
endowment type policy or limited payment whole life policy. The option should be used before the
last 2 years from date of commencement.
1) Maturity Benefit:
2) Death Benefit:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 52: Mortgage Redemption: (Without Profit)
This plan is most useful for a person who has an outstanding loan against him. It offers insurance
cover equal to outstanding loan amount at a very low premium which is payable for a limited term.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
HEALTH PLUS (Plan No. 901)
Unit linked Health Insurance plan which provides for insurance cover against following health risks:
1. Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB)
2. Major Surgical Benefit (MSB)
3. Reimbursement of domiciliary treatment expenses
HCB is on per day basis. MSB shall be a percentage of sum assured.
The Principle Insured (PI) can take the policy covering himself / herself. The spouse and/or dependent children can be covered under
the policy. To be covered under the policy at inception of the policy only and if not done, will not be covered under the policy in future.
MATURITY BENEFIT: Net N A V is Payable at end of the term (Maxi. Age at maturity is 65 yrs of PI)
1. If policy is issued on a single life: N.A.V. Payable to nominee.
2. If one or more Insured lives (other than PI) are covered
a. On death of PI < 3 years from doc: N.A.V payable to nominee & policy terminates.
b. On death of PI > 3 years from doc – payment of premiums cease. And cover continue for the surviving Insured
lives till the maximum benefit ceasing age or till the fund is sufficient to recover charges for hospital cash cover &
surgical benefit cover, whichever is earlier
Feature Principal Insured (PI) Insured Spouse (if any) Insured Dependent Children
Mini. Initial Daily Benefit Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/-
Maxi. initial daily amount Rs. 2,500/- Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 1,500/-
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
3. Domiciliary treatment exp.
• If at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, it is payable out of Policy Fund. This is paid over & above those paid through
hospital cash/ surgical benefits.
• The claimed amount should be at least Mini.Rs. 2,500.
• Maximum amount to be paid shall be 50% of the Policy Fund.
• Minimum one annualized premium left in the Policy Fund after the payment.
• During a year, not more than 2 payments shall be allowed.
• Benefit cease for child on the child reaching age 25 years.
A. Min. age at entry (for PI) :18 yrs nbd (3 mtn for dependent child)
B. Maxi. age at entry (for PI) :55 yrs nbd ( 17 yrs for dependent child)
C. Maxi. Maturity age :65 lbd for PI
D. Mini. Premium :Rs5000/-Single life & Rs7500/-p.a.(two lives) Rs.10,000 for more than 2 lives.
E. Maximum Premium :No Limit.
F. Increase or decrease in premium :Allowed. (Sub to Condition.)
G. Mode of Payment :Yly, Hly and Monthly (ECS).
H. Non medical :NMG NMS allowed. (separate limits given in circular)
A. DISCONTINUANCE OF PREMIUMS: If premiums have not been paid within the days of grace under the Policy, the Policy
will lapse. The PI shall have an option to revive the policy at anytime within a period of two years from the due date of first unpaid
A. Where at least 3 years’ premiums paid, HCB & MSB for each Insured shall continue by cancelling an appropriate number of
units every month. This will continue to provide relevant risk covers for two years from the due date of first unpaid premium, or
till the end of policy term, or till such period that the Policy Fund value reduces to one annualized premium, whichever is
B. Premium Holidays: If the policy lapses after payment of at least 3 years’ premiums, at the time of revival of the policy, the PI
may pay all due premiums in full. However, the PI may also choose to pay at least the latest installment premium due without
interest and avail premium holidays for the period for which premiums have not been paid. The premium holidays can be availed
only if the policy fund has a balance of at least one annualized premium at the time of revival.
C. Revivals:
A. A lapsed policy can be revived during the period of two years from the due date of first unpaid premium or before the end of
policy term, whichever is earlier. The period during which the policy can be revived will be called “Period of revival” or “revival
B. If premiums have not been paid for at least 3 full years: The policy may be revived within two years from the due date of first
unpaid premium. The revival shall be made on submission of proof of continued insurability to the satisfaction of the
Corporation and the payment of all the arrears of premium without interest.
C.If at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid and subsequent premiums are not paid: The policy may be revived within two
years from the due date of first unpaid premium but before the end of policy term, if earlier. No proof of continued insurability is
D.Revival of surrendered policy will not be allowed
D. Compulsory surrender: If 3 years or more than 3 years’ premiums have been paid and the Policy Fund value, during the
revival period, reduces to one annualized premium, the policy will be compulsorily terminated. Reinstatement of compulsorily
surrendered policy will not be allowed after the period of revival.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Unit linked Health Insurance plan which provides for insurance cover against following health risks:
1. Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB)
2. Major Surgical Benefit (MSB)
3. Domiciliary treatment expenses
HCB is on per day basis. MSB shall be a percentage of sum assured.
The Principle Insured (PI) can take the policy covering himself / herself. The spouse and/or dependent children can be
covered under the policy. To be covered under the policy at inception of the policy only and if not done, will not be covered under
the policy in future.
1. In case of death of the PI (policy on single life) or on death of all Insured members : N.A.V. payable nominee/ legal heir.
2. If one or more Insured lives (other than PI) are covered
c. On death of PI: Premiums will cease. Cover to continue for the surviving Insured lives till the maximum benefit
ceasing age or till the fund is sufficient to recover the charges for hospital cash cover and surgical benefit cover or
till the benefits are terminated.
d. On death of Insured member(s), other than PI : The payment of premiums and cover for PI and other Insured
members, if any, shall continue.
e. On death of PI and spouse (whether insured or not under the policy) - The benefits in respect of the children, if any,
shall continue and can be claimed by the eldest major child covered under the policy. If all the children covered are
minor, then benefits will be claimed by the legal guardian.
1. Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB)
• HCB is payable on per day basis.
• This Benefit will increase at each policy anniversary by 5% till it reaches a maximum of 1.5 times the Initial Daily Benefit.
• ICU Daily Benefit: Twice Applicable Daily Benefit of that policy year.
• Stay in hospital exceeds a continuous period of 48 hours, then for any continuous period of 24 hours or part thereof thereafter.
Maxi. 18 days hospitalization & including not more than 9 days in intensive care unit in the 1st policy year for each insured.
• Maxi. 60 days hosp. and including not more than 30 days in I.C.U. in the 2nd & subsequent policy years for each insured.
• Limited to a maximum of 365 days during entire policy term for each insured.
• Insured Child up to age 5 yrs: Maximum period of 90 (ninety) days.
• Applicable only within India.
• Waiting period: 180 days for new policy & 90 days after revival. No waiting period for Accidental Bodily Injury.
• Termination: After his/her reaching 75 years (for child age 25 years) OR Maximum lifetime claim limit of 365 days.
Feature Principal Insured (PI) Insured Spouse (if any) Insured Dependent Children
Mini. Initial Daily Benefit Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/- Rs. 250/-
Maxi. initial daily amount Rs. 2,500/- Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 1,500/-
Maxi age for cover 75 years 75 years 25 years
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
3. Domiciliary treatment exp.
If at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, it is payable out of Policy Fund. This is paid over & above those paid
through hospital cash/ surgical benefits.
• The claimed amount should be at least Mini.Rs. 2,500.
• Maximum amount to be paid till age 75 years shall be 50% of the Policy Fund.
• Maximum amount to be paid after age 75 years & till death shall be 100% of the Policy fund.
• Minimum one annualized premium left in the Policy Fund after the payment.
• During a year, not more than 2 payments shall be allowed.
• Benefit cease for child on the child reaching age 25 years.
R. Min. age at entry (for PI) :18 yrs nbd (3 mtn for dependent child)
S. Maxi. age at entry (for PI) :55 yrs nbd ( 17 yrs for dependent child)
T. Maxi. Premium ceasing age :65 lbd for PI
U. Maxi Cover expiry age :75 lbd for insured and 25 for child
V. Mini. Premium :Rs.5000/-Single life & Rs7500/-p.a.(two lives) Rs.10,000 for > than 2
W. Maximum Premium :No Limit.
X. Increase or decrease in premium :Allowed. (Sub to Condition.)
Y. Mode of Payment :Yly, Hly and Monthly (ECS).
Z. Non medical :NMG NMS allowed. (separate limits given in circular)
AA. The allocated premiums will be invested in :Health protection Plus fund- Low risk.
BB. Allocation Rate :1st year 30% and 6% 2nd & subsequent year of the premiums paid.
CC. Surrender, Partial withdrawals & Loan :Not allowed.
DD. Administrative Fees :Rs.75/- pm in 1st year and Rs.25/-pm. through out remaining term
EE. Fund Management charges :1.25% p.a. of N.A.V.
FF. Health Insurance Charges :There will be two separate monthly charges for the following benefits:
I) Hospital Cash Benefit. (Not on the 5% increase benefit) ii) Major Surgical Benefits
GG. Service Tax Charges : Applicable on health insurance chg. Current rate 12.36%.
HH. EXCLUSIONS for HCB MSB :Refer original Circular.
A. DISCONTINUANCE OF PREMIUMS: If premiums have not been paid within the days of grace under the Policy,
the Policy will lapse. The PI shall have an option to revive the policy at anytime within a period of two years from the
due date of first unpaid premium.
The Hospital Cash cover and Major Surgical Benefit Cover shall continue till the maximum benefit ceasing age for
each insured life or till the Policy Fund is sufficient to recover the charges, whichever is earlier. During this period,
the charges for these covers shall be taken, in addition to other charges, by cancelling an appropriate number of
units out of the Policy Fund every month. This will continue to provide relevant risk covers.
B. PREMIUM HOLIDAYS: If the policy lapses after payment of at least 3 years’ premiums, at the time of revival of the
policy, the PI may pay all due premiums in full. However, the PI may also choose to pay at least the latest
installment premium due without interest and avail premium holidays for the period for which premiums have not
been paid. The premium holidays can be availed only if the policy fund has a balance of at least one annualized
premium at the time of revival.
A. A lapsed policy can be revived during the period of two years from the due date of first unpaid premium or
before the end of policy term, whichever is earlier. The period during which the policy can be revived will be called
“Period of revival” or “revival period”.
B. If the fund value is sufficient to recover the charges during the revival period, the policy can be revived by
payment of all the arrears of premium without interest. No proof of continued insurability is required in that case.
C. If at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid at the time of revival of the policy, the PI may pay all due
premiums in full without interest or may avail premium holiday.
D. Compulsory surrender: In case the policy is not revived during the revival period and the balance in the Policy
Fund is not sufficient to recover the charges the policy shall compulsorily be terminated with a notice to the PI.
Nothing shall be payable under such circumstances.
E) Right to revise charges: The Corporation reserves the right to revise all or any of the above charges except Premium Allocation charge. The
modification in charges will be done with prospective effect with the prior approval of IRDA and after giving the policyholders a notice of 3 months.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Open from 8th Dec, 2008 to 21st Jan, 2009.
Maturity Benefit: Maturity Sum Assured along with Guaranteed Addition and Loyalty Addition,
if any, shall be payable. (Maturity Sum Assured shall be 1/6th of Basic Sum Assured.)
Death Benefit:
During the first policy year: Basic Sum Assured with G. Addition.
After 1st policy year, excluding last policy year: 1/3rd of Basic S.A. with G. A.
During last policy year: 1/3rd of Basic S. A., G. A. & loyalty addition, if any.
Guaranteed Addition:
Rs. 100 per thousand of Maturity Sum Assured per year for a policy of 10 years term.
Rs. 90 per thousand of Maturity Sum Assured per year for a policy of 5 years term.
Eligibility Conditions and Restrictions:
a) Minimum Entry Age : 13 years (completed)
b) Maximum Entry Age : 60 years (nearest birthday)
c) Minimum Basic Sum Assured: Rs.150,000
d) Maximum Basic Sum Assured: No Limit
The basic sum assured shall be available in multiples of Rs. 30,000.
J) Large Sum Assured Rebate:
Basic Sum Assured
5 Year 10 Year
Below Rs. 3, 00,000 Nil Nil
Rs. 3, 00,000 to Rs.5, 99,999 Rs. 2.00 Rs. 3.00
Rs. 6, 00,000 to Rs. 11, 99,999 Rs. 2.50 Rs. 3.50
Rs. 12, 00,000 and above Rs. 3.00 Rs. 4.00
e) Policy Term 5 or 10 years.
f) Mode of Premium Payment: Single premium.
g) Loans Available after 1 year.
h) Back-dating interest : Allowed @ rate of 10%. for dating back in excess of one month.
i) Non medical: NMG & NMS allowed (S.U.C= 1/3 of Basic sum assured)
k) Age proof: Std & Cat I, II & III allowed.
l) Female: Cat I, II & III allowed.
i) Premium Rates are given below:
5 Yrs 5 Yrs 5 Yrs
Age 10 yrs prem Age 10 yrs prem age 10 yrs Prem.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
TABLE NO. 196: Jeevan Varsha: 9 & 12 YEARS MONEY BACK POLICY:
(With Guaranteed Additions and Loyalty additions.)
2. Maturity Benefits:
Balance 60% Sum Assured + G A + LA. (If any) for 9 years term
(GA @ Rs.65/- per 1000 Sum assured.)
Balance 40% Sum Assured + G A + LA. (If any) for 12 years term
(GA @ Rs.70/- per 1000 Sum assured.)
3. Death Benefit:
For entire term excluding last policy year: S. A.+ Accrued Guaranteed Additions.
During last policy year: S.A. + Accrued G.A.+ Loyalty Addition, if any.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Term rider: It offers an amount equal to term rider Sum Assurance along with Basic
S.A. ON DEATH ONLY during the term of the policy.
162,165,168,169,171 & 178
Mini. Age at entry: 18 lbd
Maxi. Age at entry: 50 lbd
Maxi. Age at maturity: 60 years.
Term 10 to 35 years.
Mini. S.A.: 100,000
Maxi. S.A.: Equal to the Basic S.A. Subject to maxi. 50 lakhs.
Female Proponent: - Category I & II only allowed.
S.U.C.: Duly rated up S.A. under the basic S.A. and the T.R. S.A.
Cost of Medical Borne by the LIC
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
z Critical illness rider: An amount equal to Sum Assurance will be paid to the LA
on surviving for a period of 28 days from the date of occurrence of any of the
following specified critical illness during the term of the policy. (One time
Premium Waiver Benefit: The proposer can avail this benefit by paying extra premium.
The future premiums, till maturity, will be waived in case of claim arising due to critical
illness. It is charged on premium for basic plan + D.A.B.+ T.R. premium (If opted)
147,148,168,169,178,181 & 188
Mini. Age at entry: 18 lbd
Maxi. Age at entry: 50 lbd
Maxi. Age at maturity: 60 years.
Term 10 to 35 years.
Mini. C.I. S.A.: 50,000 & in multiple of Rs.10,000.
Maxi. C.I. S.A.: Equal to the Basic S.A. Subject to maxi. 5 lacs.
Female Proponent: - Category I & II only allowed.
S.U.C.: Duly rated up S.A. of basic S.A. & C.I.R. S.A.& P.W.B.
(Above age 35 ECG, HAEMOGRAM AND BST is compulsory.)
Cost of Medical Must and fees borne by the LIC
Age at maturity of main plan should be less than 60 years. The policy & PPT of rider should match
with the policy term and PPT of main plan.
Waiting period: Six months.
Premiums: Subject to revision after 5 years from D.O.C.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Rules for Special Medical Report
For determining FMR by DMR/ZMR, Special Report, MHR & Underwriting power SUC
will be calculated by taking into account the actual SA as in table given below
Plans Actual SA
Table Nos. 133 (T No. 105 for revival only) 3 times of basic SA
Table Nos. 88 (T No. 104 for revival only) 2 times of basic SA
T- Nos. 103, 160, 168 (T. Nos. 110 & 121for revival only) 1.5 times of basic SA
All the remaining plans including Table Nos.
106, 107, 108, 43, 52, 58, 137 (T 94 for revival only), Term Basic SA
rider SA, Critical Illness SA
Table No. 140 Risk SA
Original Premium paying term less than or equal Basic SA less premiums paid
to 5 including single premium mode (1.5 times under Table 168 with single premium mode)
For other plans, unless otherwise specified, Sum at risk for above purpose may be taken as equal sum
assured only.
S.U.C.: It is the sum of “Actual Sum Assured” under all the current proposals and policies taken in last TWO full years
on the basis of date of commencement. The same rule is also applicable for non-medical business. (No more T.A.S.A.
Medical Report by T.P.A or D.M.R. required When S.U.C. is equal to or more than 25 lakhs or Age above 60 years
lbd and S.A. is greater than or equal to 5 lakhs.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Financial Underwriting
Maximum Sum Assured allowed as per income of Proposer:
Age group Sum Proposed allowed
Up to age 30 years. 22 times of gross income.
31 to 40 years. 17 times of gross income.
41 to 50 years. 12 times of gross income.
51 years and above. 10 times of gross income.
20% more S.A. than above limit can be granted on strength of M. H. R. by Sr. D. M. Or M. M.
The above-mentioned income proof is required to be signed by the proposer, his C.A. and duly verified
by the agent.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Rules for Non Medical Business: (effective date 15-9-2008)
Non Medical General (Others)
Age group Standard NSAP-I Class of lives Plans allowed
(NBD) Age Proof (Maxi.Term 25yrs)
18 TO 35 4 lacs 3 lacs Major males and literate females Table No. 5 (with PPT 5 to 10), 8, 14,
having own income (earned or
36 TO 45 2 lacs 2 lacs 48, 75, 90, 91, 93, 103, 106, 107, 108,
unearned) and married women
falling under female category III 136, 149, 165, 168, 178, 179, 181, 186,
46 TO 50 1 lacs 0.50 lac (house wife) 187, 188 (PWB, Term rider & CI rider
(Sub to Husband’s Insurance) are not allowed).
Age Sum
Scheme Class of lives Plans allowed
group (NBD) Assured
Major Males and All Plans including Term rider and
Non 18 to 35 15 lacs PWB but excluding Table Nos.43, 52,
SSC passed females with
Medical minimum service of 1 year 58, 164 and CI Rider
(Special) 36 to 45 10 lacs with Specified employer.
As above & excluding 162 & 167
46 to 50 4 lacs ( Only Standard Age Proof)
Professional C.A., Doctor, Teachers, All Plans including Term rider and
( Only 18 to 35 12 lacs Lawyer, architects, PWB but excluding T Nos.43, 52, 58,
Standard Age Engineers, Computer & 164, 190 and CI Rider
Proof) 36 to 45 8 lacs Management Consultant, LIC As above & excluding 167,190
46 to 50 4 lacs agents etc As above & excluding 162
Sum under consideration will be the basis for calling for special reports. Where S.U.C is such that it falls within the limits of non-
medical business, no special reports will be called for. Refer Corporation Circulars no U & R 3, 4 & 22.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Medical Rules for Minor / Major Children
(Ref.: Actuarial/2090/4 Dt. 01.11.2006)
All Risk Plans for minor (including Plan 102 and 159)
Sum Assured Age
Below 5 years 5 to 9 10 to 17
Up to Rs.8 Lacs No medical No medical No medical
Copy of School Report Height/Weight in ACR Height/Weight in ACR
(if Attending school) Copy of School Report Copy of School Report
Rs.8,00,001 No medical No medical Juvenile FMR
to Immunization Record Height/Weight in ACR Copy of School Report
Rs. 25 Lacs of the Child Copy of School Report
The brief guidelines for KYC are as follows: (exemption allowed up to a total Annual Premium of
Rs.10000/-on all the life insurance policies held by a single individual.)
A) Recent Photo of Life Proposed. (Proposer’s photo).
B) Proof of Legal name:
a. Passport e. Letter from any recognised public
b. PAN card authority or a public servant
c. Voter’s Identity card verifying the identity and residence
d. Driving license. of the customer.
C) Proof of Residence.
a. Passport e. Ration card.
b. Telephone Bill f. Letter from any recognised public
c. Bank Account Statement authority.
d. Electricity Bill
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose for his unit
agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Female Underwriting
Other requirements /
Women with Earned
Income Employed with Govt,
I by Employment Quasi-Govt, or reputed As usual
(even if N.M.S NOT commercial firms e.t.c.
A: Min. S.S.C. B: Std. A/P.
(with proof of income)
EMPLOYED Employed with Institutions C: Prescribed Female Cat. I
II 1. TRSA up to 15 =
WOMEN other than above Addendum. D: Mini. 1 Yr. Service
I NOT required.
E: Firm must be > 3 Yr Standing
2. 15 to 25 = CA Certi. or
PROFESSIONAL Doctor, Lawyer, C.A., and
III PFQ If satisfy with II (a) & (b) above
WOMEN any Insurance Agents e.t.c.
3. > 25 = ITR for 3 Yr. OR
FILING ITR such as Form no. 16 A: Min H.S.C. (12TH) pass
Tailoring, Beautician Baby
SELF EMPLOYED B: Std. Age Proof and NSAP-1
IV sitting, Typist, Tuitions,
WOMEN C: Min 2 Yr. ITR
Shop Owner, Premises
D : 3 Yr. ITR required
A: 3 Yr. ITR or CA Certificate with
PAN to be given
Having sizeable personal
WOMEN WITH AT PAR WITH MALE B: Other Family Member are
properties and / or
II - UN-EARNED Sub. to Max. ONE adequately Insured
investments yielding
INCOME CRORE C:Having good Edu./Social background
income and filing ITR
D: MHR by competent Authority with
income source
1. WITHOUT INCOME 15 Lac / 40 Lac ¿ Not to Exceed Husband’s Insurance
Max. Entry Age 60,
A Married Women 1Lac (if 8th Std) Max. SA U/T 89 = 2 or 15 ¿ lac,
2. With Own Income
5 Lac (if 9th and > ) U/T 106, 107,108 – 5 or 15 ¿ lac,
(Not filing ITR)
Not to Exceed 7 times of T.No. 43, 52, 58, 88,133 150, 164, TR,
MHR by competent Authority
Single Women
III B (between Age 25 WITHOUT INCOME NOT TO ALLOW Not Applicable
& 50 Years) WITH OWN INCOME As per III (A) / 2 Above As per III (A) / 2 Above
¿ Produce the proof of being Graduate and possession of Passport or Credit card or Driving license or having Mediclaim cover.
¿ For Pregnant women: Chest X-Ray and CTMT report is NOT to be called. Ultra Sound sonography can called only if
needed by DMR/ZMR, other rules remain un-altered.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training
purpose for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
List of forms that are in current use is given below.
Other Forms
There are other forms, which the agent should make himself familiar with. These are as
follows: -
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training
purpose for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Special reports are valid for 1 year in case of standard life and 6 months in case of
Sub- standard life. However, the Elisa test is valid only for 6 months.
The medical report is valid for 6 months for standard life and 3 months for sub-standard life.
If a proposal remains incomplete for any reason than the D.G.H. in form no.460 is required to be
submitted as follows.
1. For male life after 3 months but before 6 months from date of medical.
2. For unmarried female life after 3 months but before 6 months from date of medical.
3. For married female life after 1 month but before 6 months from date of medical.
4. Thereafter up to 1 year fresh medical and D.G.H. in form no 460 will be required.
Single extra of Rs.2/- @1000 S.A. for caesarean operation cases with no discharge card/Report
and at Ordinary Rates, if available (sub. To D.M.R. reference.)
Pregnant women cat I & II can be granted insurance with Gynaecologist report No. 3341, provided
the proposal is submitted within 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Age proof:
There are two types of age proofs acceptable in corporation:
A) Standard age proof. And B) Non standard
A) Standard age proof:
1. Municipal records.
2. School/college certificate.
3. Passport.
4. Domicile certificate.
5. Certified extract for service register in case of Govt./ Quasi Govt. employees
6. Identity card issued to the defence personnel.
7. Certificate of baptism
8. Marriage certificate issued by a roman catholic church.
9. Horoscope {Manager (N.B.) to approve}
B) Non standard age proof: (Type –I, II, III)
Type-I ( No N.S.A.P. Extra payable)
1. Driving licence 2. P.A.N. Card.
All plans allowed also TR & CIR up to 2 lacs. Sub to conditions.
Type –II (N.S.A.P. Extra payable.)
1. ESIS Card.
2. Marriage certificate for Muslims.
3. Service record by employers.
Plans with term insurance element not allowed and also age above 50 years. Sub to conditions
Type-III (N.S.A.P. Extra payable)
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Final Additional Bonus (2007-2008). For all Policies. (Figure in small are for last year)
Terms in respect of maturities, Amount of Final (Additional) Bonus per Rs. 1000/- Sum Assured
discounted maturity claims / for policies with sum assured
Number of years’ premiums paid in Up to 25,001 to 50,001 to 2,00,000 & above
respect of claims by death(#) 25,000 50,000 1,99,999
15 0 0 20 40
16 0 0 40 60
17 0 20 55 90
18 20 35 80 110
19 35 55 110 165
20 50 45 120 110 200 165 300 220
21 90 55 196 165 280 220 390 265
22 130 90 272 230 360 285 480 330
23 170 130 348 300 440 350 570 400
24 210 175 424 360 520 430 660 475
25 250 220 500 430 600 500 750 550
26 345 285 600 500 700 580 860 605
27 440 350 700 580 800 660 970 700
28 535 430 800 660 900 735 1080 780
29 630 505 900 750 1000 815 1190 860
30 725 585 1000 835 1100 900 1300 945
31 830 660 1120 925 1220 990 1420 1035
32 935 735 1240 1010 1340 1080 1540 1120
33 1040 815 1360 1100 1460 1165 1660 1210
34 1145 890 1480 1200 1580 1265 1780 1300
35 1250 980 1600 1300 1700 1365 1900 1385
36 1375 1065 1700 1365 1820 1420 2040 1475
37 1500 1155 1800 1430 1940 1485 2180 1560
38 1625 1245 1900 1495 2060 1560 2320 1650
39 1750 1340 2000 1575 2180 1640 2460 1750
40& above 1875 1450 2100 1650 2300 1715 2600 1850
Under Money Back Type Plans: i.e. 75, 93, 106, 107, 108
15 to 19 0 0 20 30
20 to 24 40 50 75 100
25 75 60 100 75 150 100 200 125
Loyalty Additions:
Plan Policy Term Loyalty additions per 1000 SA
5 - 9 years 75
Jeevan Shree 112 10 years & more 150
New Jeevan Shree 151 > 4 years 45
Bima Nivesh 2002 158 5 years 45
Jeevan Samridhi 154 to 157 > 4 years 20
Komal Jeevan 159 All 20
Bima Nivesh 2004 166 5 years 45
Bima Kiran 111 15 to 19 Years 25% of prem. Paid less extra
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Policy servicing: -
During the term of the policy, the policyholder may require some servicing for his policy. The most common services
required are detailed below.
a) Change of address: a simple letter informing the new address along with the policy Number is to be submitted to
office. No charge for this service.
b) Nomination:
Fresh Nomination: Form No.3264 is to be filled where the life assured has become major or the policy that is
reassigned after the loan is repaid. No charge for this service. In case of the L.A. becoming major also apply for
inclusion of D.A.B. Form No.3772 is to be used. There is service charge to avail the inclusion of D.A.B.
Change of nomination: Form No. 3750 is to be filled where the life assured wants to change the nominee due any
reason like marriage or death of the existing nominee etc. No charge for this service.
C) Assignment: A policy can be assigned for valuable consideration or out of natural love and affection. It can be done
by an endorsement on the policy or by a separate deed. A notice of assignment in writing to the corporation is
necessary. All rights and benefits under the policy will be transferred to the assignee.
D) Revival:
Some times the policy gets lapsed due to non-payment of the premium. How ever the same can be revived at any time
before the maturity of the policy under following revival schemes of the corporation. Under any the following, the
common requirement is D.G.H. and medical report plus special reports, if required. Please remember that revival
means fresh contract and as such subject to early death inquiry if death takes place within 3 years from date of
D.G.H. Form No. 720 is to be used where the L.A. is below age 9.
Form No. 700 is to be used where the L.A. is between ages 10 to 17.
Form No. 680 is to be used where the L.A. is above age 18.
1. Ordinary revival scheme: This is the simplest way of revival by paying the arrears of the premiums with interest and
submitting the evidence of insurability.
2. Special revival: This method can be used where the policy has lapsed without having any surrender value. In this
method the D.O.C. is shifted forward and the premiums already collected are carried forward by adjusting them against
the revival dues. A period of not less than 6 months and not more than 3 years should have been elapsed from the date
of lapse till the date of revival application. The new D.O.C. cannot be shifted by more than two years from the original
3. Revival by installments: This scheme is allowed only when the special revival is not possible. Here the corporation
on submission of the evidence of insurability quotes the installments.
4. S.B. Due or Loan cum Revival: In this scheme the outstanding S.B. is adjusted towards the arrears of premium plus
late fees or the loan value is calculated presuming that the policy is in force and the loan is adjusted towards the
outstanding premiums and any shortfall is called from the L.A. or the balance is handed over to the L.A.
E) Days of Grace. The policy holder should pay the premium within one month or 30 days, whichever is more, excluding
due date. If such last day being holiday than next working day it can be paid without any late fee. The premiums can be
paid thereafter within 6 months from F.U.P. with late fee. However, if death takes place after the grace period, the risk
cover will be available ONLY on satisfying the conditions stated below.
Claim concession: - L.I.C. will pay the death claim even if premiums were not paid within the grace period subject to
a) Where the premiums were paid for 3 years and death takes place within 6 months of F.U.P.
b) Where premiums were paid for 5 years and death takes place within 1 year from F.U.P.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
2) Revival of policies at any time under pure endowment plan 21, annuity plans 96,45, 116, 145, 147,148 & Jeevan
suraksha plan 122 (without life cover)
3) Revival of policies during the last 12 months before date of Maturity in endowment type of policies, except under
Money back policies, Anticipated endowment, Jeevan surbhi, Jeevan sanchay, Jeevan smridhi, other money back type
4) Revival of policies during Free cover period under plan 87,91,128,192- if without Critical illness rider (I,e. after paying
at least 2 full years premiums, death cover is extended up to 3 years from date of FUP)
5) Revival under auto cover period which is granted under plan 165,174,179,184,185. (As per plan/policy T&C)
2) Revival of policies between 12 months to 18 months from date of FUP provided Premiums have been paid for 10
years or 1/1 of the policy term, whichever is more.
3) Revival of policies in last 12 months prior to the date of Maturity in case of all type of money back plans. Plan nos:-
24,25,26,73 to 76, 93,106-107-108(during PPT Only), 123 to 126,154 to 157,174,179.
4) In case of Endowment type of policies, ff arrears of premiums with interest is received within 12 to 24 months prior to
date of maturity and DGH is satisfactory.
Policyholder will also be requested to submit photo copy of photo-identity
III) Where in both revival Branch and servicing Branch EDMS phase is completed and
scanned policy docket image is available, revival of lapsed policy is allowed on the basis of
full medical report + DGH or under NMG/NMS also.
Where both the Branch offices are able to view the scanned image of policy docket, revival on the basis of medical
report with Declaration of Good health allowed. Revival on Non-medical basis also allowed. If no special report is
required or no any further requirement, the policy revived after applying usual rules.
If, any special report is required with medical report, then revival will be effected at servicing branch office only.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
The rules regarding issue of duplicate policy. Refer. Circular CRM 716/23 dated 15-12-2008
It has been decided not to call for surety or place an advertisement in the newspaper for issuing
duplicate policy or for settlement of maturity claim /death claim /or surrender value where original policy is
lost /misplaced irrespective of Sum assured or amount of maturity/ death claim/ surrender. This relaxation is
applicable for all type of policies like individual, annuity, ULIP.
This relaxation will not be applicable to:
1) Policies under which absolute assignment is operational or
2) In death claim cases where the title is open and waiver of strict legal evidence of title is to be considered.
However, for issuing a duplicate policy or settlement of claim where the policy is lost or in case of surrender
value payment without policy bond ,the life assured or claimant is required to submit:
1) Indemnity bond duly notarized as per requisite stamp value AND
2) Any one of the Photo identity proof:- Passport, PAN card, Voter's identity card, Driving license,
Personal identification card issued by Govt. organization or reputed commercial organization. AND
3) Any one of the residence proof:-Telephone bill, Bank A/c statement, Letter from any recognized public
authority, Electricity bill, Ration card, Valid lease agreement along with rent receipt which is not more than 3
months old, Certificate from employer as a proof of residence.
If the life assured or claimant is not able to comply with the above requirements, then our earlier
rules to issue duplicate policy or for settlement of claim will be applicable.
The requirements for issue of duplicate policy or settlement of death claim or surrender value will be as follows:
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
The Rules Regarding Settlement of Claims
There are various types of claims that are broadly categorised below:
1. S.B. claim: For S.B. amount up to 60,000, the cheques are directly sent to the policyholder without asking
for discharge form and policy. For S.B. amount above Rs.60, 000, only the policy document required for
the necessary endorsement. No need for any discharge vouchers. (This facility is subject to condition that
no duplicate policy is issued or the policy is not assigned).
2. Maturity claim: On completion of the specified term, when the policyholder is alive than the policy benefits
are paid by way of maturity claim to the policy holder. The original Policy plus discharge voucher is required
for the final settlement.
If the life assured dies during the term of Policy, the death claim arises.
1) Death Claims are classified into two groups namely: Early Claims and non-Early Claims
a) Claim arising within 3 years of the date of risk or revival/reinstatement is termed as Early Claims.
Early claim is classified into:
i) Claim within 2 years from the date of acceptance of risk (or Revival) under a policy.
ii) Claim after 2 years but within 3 years of acceptance of risk or revival.
b) Claims arising more than 3 years after date of risk/revival are non-Early Claims.
Intimation of death
Written intimation of death of Life Assured normally from the nominee or Assignee or relative or
representative, trustees, employers or sometimes from Agent or Dev. Officer is received. Claimant should
(i) The number/s of the policy/ies.
(ii) The name of the policyholder.
(iii) The date of death.
(iv) The cause of death and
(v) His or her relationship with the deceased.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Requirements for Death Claims
i) Claim Form A (F.No. 3783(A))
ii) Original Policy document.
iii) Discharge form no 3801, if the policy is more than 3 years old and title is clear.
iv) Claim form ‘B’ from the Last Medical Attendant (only for early claim). , If L.A. had received
treatment in Hospital, Claim form `B-1' is to be obtained. (Only for early claim).
v) Claim form ‘C’ (Cremation or Burial) to be completed by a person present there, (If called for).
vi) Claim form ‘E’ from the employer is to be called for. (Only for early claim)
vii) If death is due to accident, or unnatural cause certified copies of F.I.R., Post Mortem Report, Police
Inquest Report, Panchnama Report and Magistrate's/ Coroner's Verdict are to be called for.
EX-GRATIA CLAIM: Following relaxations are applicable for Death Claims after at least two full years
premiums have been paid.
From the first unpaid premium Amount Payable to nominee.
Within three months Full Sum Assured with the bonuses is payable.
Between three and six months Half the Sum Assured; without Bonus
Between six months and one year Notional paid-up value payable.
The above relaxations are not applicable to Policies issued under Bima Sandesh, Mortgage
Redemption Plan and Convertible Term Assurance Plan, as also Bima Kiran Plan or any term assurance or
term rider plan.
4) Penal interest: If the settlement of any claim is delayed for more than 30 days on account of the fault of
the office, penal interest at 9% is payable along with the claim without waiting for such a request from the
5) Loans
As per the Privileges and Conditions given on the back of the policy document, Loans can be granted to the
extent of 90% of Surrender Value of the policies which are in force and 85% of the Surrender Value in case
of paid-up policies. Minimum amount of loan under a policy should be Rs. 150/-. At present interest on loan is
charged at the rate of 10.5% payable half-yearly corresponding to the date and month of commencement of
the policy.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Alterations, which are permissible:
1. In class or term.
2. Reduction in sum assured.
3. Mode of premium.
4. Splitting up of single policy into two or more policy.
5. Without to with profit plan.
6. Alteration in name.
7. Settlement option of payment of sum assured by installment.
8. Grant of accident benefit.
9. Grant of premium waiver benefit.
Alteration in plans and term:
From To
Table 1 table 2, 3, 5, 11, 14, & 27
Table 2 table 5, 14
Table 3 table 5, 11, 14, & 27
Table 5 table 14
Table 11 table 14.
Table 11, 14. Reduction in term only.
Table 27 table 28, 5, 14.
Table 47. Table 48.
Discounted Premiums= Annual premium X F2 (factor for no. of Premiums to be discounted) X F3 (factor
for full months)
Dis. Premiums = Half Yly Premium X F1 (factor for no. of premiums to be discounted) X F3 (factor
for full months)
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Rules Related To Backdating
Sr Tables / Insurance of plans Period for which dating back is to be Rate of simple
. charged Interest per annum
N to be charged
1 2, 5, 14, 43, 48 (excluding For the period in excess of one month. If 8% on each
Single premium) 58, 75, 88, however the policy is backdated to lean instalment of
89, 90, 91, 93, 103, 106, 107, months viz. April, May, July & August, premium subject to
108, 114,133, 149. interest is to be charged for period in minimum of Rs.5/-
excess of three months.
2 164,177 No interest within financial year Nil
3 41,50,102,159,162,165, For the period in excess of one month 8% subject to
168,169,171,174,175,178, minimum of Rs.5/-
4 136,147,148 Annual For the period in excess of 15 days 8% on each
Premium instalment of
premium subject to
minimum of Rs.5/-
5 (Single Premium) From the date of commencement of 8% subject to
8,48,147,148,138,159,162, Policies to the date of payment of minimum of Rs.5/-
168,169,171,175,178. premium (i.e.) for the total Number of
days the policy is dated back.
6 181,189, 187,188 Dating Back is not allowed
(I) Dating back can be allowed only within the same financial year. However, for Table 41 & 50, dating back to previous
financial year may be allowed in order to ensure that Life Assured attains majority on the deferred date.
(ii) In case of item Nos. (2) to (6) no concession in interest for backdating to lean months is allowed.
(iv) If a policy is dated back to n months interest for backdating will be charged as under:
(a) in case of item (1) for (n-3) months. When dated back to a lean months and for n-1 when dated back to other months
(b) In case of item (2) & (3) for (n-1) months.
(c) In case of item (4), if policy is backdated for 16 days or more, interest will be charged for the full month.
(v) Lean months concession as specified above is allowed only in respect of first premium.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Rates of Commission payable to Agents during the continuance of the agency.
Table Nos Where the premium paying period under the policy secured by the agent is
15 years or more 10 to 14 years 5 to 9 years 2 to 4 years
2,5,14,48,88,89, 90,91, 133,
149,159,160,162, 25 7.5 5 20 7.5 5 10 5 5 5 2.25 2.25
164,165,167,177, 178,184,185
52,43,169,181 7.5 2 2 7.5 2 2 7.5 2 2 5 2 2
41,50 10 5 5 10 5 5 7.5 5 5 5 2 2
58 - - - - - - 7.5 3 3 - - -
114, 136 15 10 6 15 8 5 - - - - - -
15 10 6 - - - - - - - - -
102, 15 5 5 - - - - - - - - -
179 15 7.5 5 15 7.5 5
168 25 5 5 20 5 5 10 5 5 - -
187 6 2
194 12 2 2
188 10 3 4 2
186 For 5 years ppt 7.5% & 5 % For 3 & 4 years PPT 4% 1st yr & 2.25%
All Single premium policies
8, 43, 48,102,147, Commission 2%
Where the premium paying period under the policy secured by the agent is
147 and 148
2 to 4 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and above Renewal in all cases
First year commission 5% 7.5% 7.5% 2%
Note: Policies under whole life assurance table 2 affected at the proposer’s age 56 or above will be treated
as policies where under premium ceases at the age 70 for the purpose of fixing premium-paying period.
1. Premium means premium received and adjusted in respect of a policy.
2. 1st year premium means the premium payable on a policy for the first year, 2nd year premium
means the premium payable on the 2nd year and so on.
3. The commission payable on 1st year premium will be referred as the first year commission and
the commission payable thereafter as renewal commission.
4. Under table nos 106 though the premium paying term is 12 years still the commission
receivable is for 15 years.
5. No commission shall be payable for the single extra premium.
6. Bonus commission not payable under all annuities including New Jeevan Suraksha – 1, New
Jeevan Dhara, New Jeevan Akshaya –5, Bima Sandesh (since withdrawn), all single premium
policies including New Bima Nivesh. Plan 43,52
7. Bonus commission is payable @ 40% of 1st year commission paid.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
WHO CAN BE KEY MAN: Key man can be a director or employee of the company.
OBJECTIVE OF KEY MAN INSURANCE : To protect the company from the adverse financial effect of an important employee’s
RESTRICTIONS: I) No proprietorship company allowed. II) Loss making firm or profit decreasing trend = NO KMI allowed.
III) The key man and his family should not hold more than 70% shares of the company. IV)Key man should not hold more than 51%
of share capital.
DEFINITION OF FAMILY: Family Includes Key Man, Spouse And The Minor Children.
In CASE OF new firm having 2 years standing S.A. = 2 times average N.P.
In CASE OF new firm having 1 year standing S.A. = N.P.
In CASE OF new firm Less than 1 year S.A. = Nil
MANUAL REQUIREMENTS.: The company is the proposer. Proposal F.NO. 340 is required to be signed by the authorised person of
the company. Audited profit & loss accounts for last 3 years as also balance sheets. Board resolution to buy KM policy. Copies of the
article & memorandum of association of the firm. KM questionnaire duly filled in.
ON MATURITY: Take the maturity amount in lump sum OR in 5 instalments. (Taxable to the firm.)
OTHER HIGHLIGHTS: The Company is the sole beneficiary under this type of insurance. Premium paid by the company is allowed
as expenditure u/s 37 (1) of I.T.Act.1961. Plans allowed: only Anmol Jeevan and Amulya Jeevan plan. No term rider and A.B.
allowed under K.M. In case the KM leaves the firm, the policy can be assigned in his favour. The surrender value will be treated as
perquisite in the hands of the employee, if no surrender value is paid to the firm at the assignment stage. OR
Surrender value paid to the firm by the key man is added to the income of firm.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Partnership Insurance
In the partnership agreement it is generally provided that in the event of the death of any partner, the surviving partners will have the
option to purchase the deceased partners share in the firm. However for this purpose, the partnership firm should have sufficient
funds available and such ready cash will be available if the firm insures the lives of all its partners. A partnership firm has an insurable
interest in the life of the partners to the extent of the amount of purchase money required to be paid in respect of the share of each
Insurance premiums under partnership insurance are allowed as expenses as per Sec 37 (1) of IT Act 1961.
Proposals on the lives of partners can be entertained only if the following criteria are satisfied.
a. Partnership insurance is considered on the lives of all partners either joint life policy or individual policy.
b. The sum proposed should at least be Rs 25000 and it should not exceed the amount of capital brought in by any single
c. The difference between the ages of the youngest and the oldest proponents should not be large.
d. The policy terms should be such that the policy would mature before the oldest of the partners attains age 70.
e. The deed of partnership should contain a clause that the partnership is revocable definitely in the case of demise of a partner.
f. There should also be a definite provision regarding withdrawal of capital on the demise of any of the partners.
g. The following endorsement is to be made on the policy
a. Not withstanding anything mentioned in the contrary, it is hereby agreed and declared that in the event of
dissolution of partnership firm for any reason other than death of any of the partners issued under the policy, the
within policy will either be
b. Surrendered to the corporation for its cash value
c. Made paid up for such value if any
d. As acquired under the policy as on the date of dissolution of the partnership and such paid up policy shall be
absolutely assigned in favour of any one of the partners insured under the policy.
III Requirements
7. All the insurable partners must insure for the amount to theirs partners account.
8. Consent letter for placing an endorsement as shown above.
9. Copies of original partnership deed and supplementary partnership deed.
10. Copies of Income tax returns or assessment orders for the past 3 years.
11. Copies of latest audited profit and loss account and balance sheet for the last 3 years. Statement showing the capital
account of the partners.
12. The partnership business should be profit generating with sum proposed. All the proposals received in the branches
under partnership Insurance must be referred to divisional office for decision.
Special Note:
All references made about Income tax are only the opinion of the Corporation. However the agent / DO / party are advised to consult
their tax consultant and get their opinion. Corporation accepts no responsibility for benefits available under income tax.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Employer Employee scheme
Employer has an insurable interest in their employees and vice- versa.
I) An enlightened employer may like to make provision as a welfare measure, to give certain additional benefits, a reward of good
services or as a sufficient inducement or encouragement to the employee through life insurance for the dependants of the employee
in case of employee’s early and premature demised and old age provision for the employee himself.
b) The minimum sum assured shall be determined in terms of the rules relating to financial underwriting for individual assurance
taking into account the existing life of the individual.
c) If the employer is the proponent, the policy shall be assigned to the life assured at the earliest as per agreement between the
employer and employer. A separate letter from the employer, stating the object of insurance, the restrictions in respect of surrender,
loan etc., to be imposed and condition, timing etc. of assigning the policy to the life assured should be obtained with an undertaking
that the letter will form the basis of the contract.
d) The Proposal should be signed by the person authorised by resolution preferably by one of the directors. The restrictions imposed
by the employer should be reasonable. Normally these should not beyond 5 yrs. from the date of the policy in any case.
Taxation: As per section 17(2) (v) of the Income Tax/Act 1961, any sum payable by the employer whether directly or through a
funds other that a recognised provident fund or an approval superannuation. Fund to effect an assurance on the life of the assesses
or to effect a contract for an annuity for the benefits of an employee will be treated as a perquisites in the hands of such employee. If
the premiums are so treated as perquisite the employee will be entitled to claim income tax rebate under sec 80C of the said Act.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Insurance to Non- Resident Indians (NRIs)
(Vide C.O. Cir. Ref.: - Actl/1923/4 Dated 19th December 2003)
Non – Resident Indian: A non-resident Indian is a citizen of India temporarily residing in the county of his/her present residence
and holding a valid passport issued by the Government of India. The NRI should not be a green card holder. He / she should not
have applied for or planning to apply in the near future for acquiring citizenship of his/her present country of residence or any other
county. Foreign Nationals of Indian Origin are not to be treated as NRIs for the purpose of allowing insurance.
NRIs can be allowed insurance:
I. On their visit to India – OR ii. From their present country of residence – known as MAIL ORDER BUSINESS –where all or some of
the formalities regarding filling in the proposal forms, obtaining medical and special reports are completed in their present country of
Minimum Sum assured: Basic sum assured of Rs. 2 lacs. Sum assured over Rs. 2 lacs will be in multiple of Rs. 1 lac.
Maximum Sum Assured: No maximum sum assured limit when completed in India on the NRIs visit to India. A maximum sum
assured of Rs. 1 crore may be allowed under Mail Order Business.
Income Proof: Proof of income called for when the TRSA exceeds Rs. 15 lacs. If tax returns are not filed, then copy of
employment contract mentioning salary or a certificate from a Chartered Accountant regarding business/ other income is to be called
for. Personal Financial Questionnaire (PFQ) duly filled in and signed by the proposer and countersigned by the Official filling in the
MHR can be accepted as proof of income up to a rated up sum assured Rs. 25 lacs.
Type of cover: All plans will be allowed subject to the following restrictions: - Maximum SA under pure Term Insurance Plans –
Rs. 25 lacs - Term Rider benefit will be allowed up to Rs. 25 lacs - Critical Illness benefit will not be allowed.
Medical Business
a) On NRIs Visit to India – same procedure as applicable to Indian lives. A copy of the passport is to be called for.
B) Mail Order Business – the procedure to be followed is given in Annexure – I. Moral Hazard Report by Agent: the format of
special MHR to be filled in by agent when he visits the country of residence of the NRI for completing the formalities. All agents can
complete formalities under proposal from NRIs during their visit to NRI’s present countries of residence. Special Questionnaire for
Mail Order Business under Medical Scheme. If the agent does not visit the country of residence of the NRI for completing the
formalities, a special questionnaire has to be filled in by
1. The employer in the case of employed persons
2. Dean or Principal of educational institutes in the case of students
3. Personal physician in the case of self-employed / business people
The format of the special questionnaire is given in Annexure – 3.
NRI Questionnaire – Format of questionnaire to be completed by NRI’s and to be sent along with proposal form
Life Insurance Memorandum (LIM) Salient Features of Exchange Control Regulations governing issue of policies to non-
residents, collection of premiums, settlement of claims etc. as per “Life Insurance Memorandum (LIM)
Residence Rating for the Overseas Countries. Proposal from NRIs residing in certain countries are not to be entertained.
Residence extra is to be charged in respect of some of the countries.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Rules of eligibility for various clubs memberships
2007-08 1 CR. 170 100000 110000 550 85 LAC 120 100000 110000 550
2006-07 1 CR. 170 100000 110000 550 85 LAC 120 100000 110000 550
2005-06 1 CR. 170 100000 110000 550 85 LAC 120 100000 110000 550
2004-05 1 CR. 170 100000 110000 550 85 LAC 120 100000 110000 550
2003-04 1 CR. 170
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Benefits of club membership
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
The following of 3 F …. ARE IMPORTANT FOR YOU…
Implication of death
Family Collapses
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.
It is a very strange anomaly that men should be careful to
insure their houses, their ships, and their merchandise and yet
Prepared by: Harishkumar R Desai. Development Officer, Branch 888: Strictly for private circulation and only for the training purpose
for his unit agents. For detailed version please refer to circular issued by the Corporation.