Approved Final Draft Earthing Specification

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कर्षण संस्थापन ननदे शाऱय


भारत सरकार, रे ऱ मंत्राऱय


Specification No. TI/SPC/PSI/ERTHNG/0210




FOR 25 & 2X25 kV, AC 50 Hz, Traction Supply System.

This specification supersedes the specification no.

ETI/PSI/120(02/91) with A &C slips no. 1(10/93)

LUCKNOW – 226011

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Specification No. TI/SPC/PSI/ERTHNG/0210:

Technical Specification for Earthing of Power Supply

Installations for 25 & 2X25 kV, AC 50 Hz, Single Phase
Traction System.

Amendment Amendment /Revision Total pages Date of issue

(including annexure)

0 Specification no.
ETI/PSI/ 120(02/91)
with A &C slips no. 1

Prepared by Checked by Approved by




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Clause No. Subject Page No.

------- Cover Page 01 & 02
--------- Index 03
1.0 Scope
2.0 Terminology
3.0 Object of earthing
4.0 Governing specifications
5.0 Typical Value of Erath Resistance
6.0 Earth electrode
7.0 Earthing arrangement at Traction Sub Station
8.0 Earthing arrangement at Switching Post
9.0 Earthing of Neutral of Local Power Supply System
10.0 Earthing arrangement at Auxiliary Transformer Station
11.0 Method of Jointing
12.0 Painting of MS flats
13.0 Crushed Rock surface layer
14.0 Step and Touch Voltages
15.0 Reference Drawings
Annexure-I Formulae for Calculation of Earthing
Annexure-II Typical Earthing Grid (MS Rod)
Annexure-III Typical earthing layout of traction substation.
Annexure-IV Typical return current connection of buried rail at traction substation
Annexure-V Typical earthing layout of sub sectioning and paralleling station
Annexure-VI Typical earthing layout of sectioning and paralleling station
Annexure-VII Typical arrangement of an earth electrode
Annexure-VIII Typical earthing arrangement of an auxiliary Transformer station
Annexure-IX Connection arrangement to Buried Rail in TSS of V Connected
Annexure-X Connection
Transformerarrangement to Buried Rail of Autotransformer at Scott
Connected TSS and at SP/SSP of 2X25kV system
Annexure-XI Connection arrangement to Buried Rail at SP/SSP
Annexure-XI TI/SMI/0032 Revision 02

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1.1 This specification supersedes the specification no. ETI/PSI/120(02/1991) with A&C slip no. 01.
1.2 This specification of practice caters for general arrangements of system and equipment earthing
at 220/25 kV or 132/25 kV or 110/25 kV or 66/25 kV Traction Sub-Stations S witching stations,
booster transformer stations and auxiliary transformer stations (1X25kV & 2X25kV). Low voltage
(LT) electrical power distribution system, 25 kV overhead equipment system as well as signal and
telecommunication equipment do not come within the purview of this specification.
The following terms wherever occurring in this specification shall, unless excluded or repugnant
to the context, have the meaning attributed thereto as follows:-
2.1 Combined Earth resistance: The resistance of an earth electrode (s) with respect to earth, with the
earth electrode (s) connected in the metal work of electrical equipment other than parts which are
normally live or carry current and the masts/ structures but without connection with the traction
2.2 Earth: The conductive mass of the earth, whose electrical potential at any point is conventionally
taken as zero.
2.3 Earth Electrode: A conductor (mild steel (MS) pipe or group of conductors in intimate contact with
and providing an electrical connection to earth.
2.4 Earthing Grid: A system of a number of interconnected, horizontal bare conductors buried in the
earth, providing a common ground for electrical devices and metallic structures, usually in one
specific location.
2.5 Equipment Earthing: Earthing of all metal work of electrical equipments other than parts which are
normally live or current carrying. This is done to ensure effective operation of the protective gear in
the event of leakage through such metal work, the potential of which with respect to neighboring
objects may attain a value which would cause danger to life or risk of fire.
2.6 Mesh Voltage (E mesh): The maximum touch voltage to be found within a mesh of an earthing grid.
2.7 System Earthing: Earthing done to limit the potential of live conductors with respect to earth to
values which the insulation of the system is designed to withstand and thus to ensure the security
of the system.
2.8 Step Voltage (E step ) : The potential difference between two points on the earth’s surface
separated by distance of one pace that will be assumed to be one metre in the direction of
maximum potential gradient.
2.9 Power Supply Installation: The electrical equipments and associated structures provided at a
Railway Traction Substation or Switching Station, or booster/ Auxiliary transformer station on the
25 kV overhead equipment.

2.10 Traction Rail – Traction Rail means a non-track circulated rail of a wired track, not required for
signaling purposes and which may be earthed. In non-track circulated sections, both the rails of a
wired track are traction rails and in single rail track circulated sections, the traction rail is the non-
track circulated rail
2.11 Touch Voltage (E touch): The potential difference between a grounded metallic structure and a
point on the earth’s surface separated by a distance equal to the normal maximum horizontal
reach of a person, approximately one metre.

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The object of an earthing system is to provide as nearly as possible a surface under and around a
station which shall be at a uniform potential and as nearly zero or absolute earth potential as
possible. The purpose is to ensure that generally all parts of the equipment other than live parts
are at earth potential and that attending personnel are at earth potential at all times. Also by
providing such an earth surface of uniform potential under and surrounding the station, there can
exist no difference of potential in a short distance big enough to shock or injure an attendant
when short circuits or other abnormal occurrences take place. The primary requirements of a
good earthing system are:
i) It should stabilize circuit potentials with respect to ground and limit the overall potential rise.
ii) It should protect men and materials from injury or damage due to over voltage.
iii) It should provide low impedance path to fault current to ensure prompt and consistent
operation of protective devices during ground faults.
iv) It should keep the maximum voltage gradient along the surface inside and around the
substation within safe limits during earth faults.
Assistance has been taken from the following standards/ specifications of practices in the
preparation of this code of practice:
i) IS: 3043- 2018 code of practice for earthing (latest edition).
ii) IEEE Guide for safety in AC substation grounding, No. ANSI/IEEE standard 80- 2013.
At each power supply installation, an earthing system as specified in this specification shall be
provided. The combined resistance of the earthing system (with the connection to the running
rail(s) disconnected) shall be not more than the following values:-

SN Name of the Station The limit of combined earth resistance in ohms

1. Traction substation 0.5
2. Switching station 2.0
4. Auxiliary transformer station 10.0


6.1 The earth electrode shall normally be of mild steel galvanized perforated pipe of not less than 40
mm nominal bore, of about 4 m length provided with a spike at one end and welded lug suitable
for taking directly MS flat of required size at the other end. The pipe shall be embedded as far as
possible vertically into the ground, except when hard rock is encountered, where it may be buried
inclined to the vertical, the inclination being limited to 30 degree from the vertical. The connection
of MS flat to each electrode shall be made through MS links by bolted joints to enable isolation of
the electrode for testing purposes. A typical arrangement of an earth electrode shall be as per
Drawing number ETI/PSI/222-1 (Annexure-VII).

6.2 Earth electrodes shall be embedded as far apart as possible from each other. Mutual separation
between them shall usually be not less than 8.0 m (which is twice the length of the electrode).

6.3 If the value of earth resistance specified in clause 5 cannot be achieved with a reasonable number
of electrodes connected in parallel such as in rocky soil or soil of high resistivity, the earth
surrounding the electrodes shall be chemically treated. The earth electrode shall be surrounded in
an earth pit by alternate layers of finely divided coke, crushed coal or charcoal and salt at least 150

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mm all round. Though substantial reduction in earth resistance can be achieved by coke treated
electrode, yet as this method results in rapid corrosion not only of electrode but also of steel frame
work to which it is bonded, coke treatment shall be used only where absolutely necessary and such
electrodes shall not be situated within 8.0 m of other metal work.

6.4 In high embankments, it may be difficult to achieve earth resistance specified in clause 5 even after
chemical treatment of electrodes. In those locations, use of electrodes longer than 4 m so as to
reach the parent soil is recommended. Mutual separation between them shall usually be twice the
length of the electrode.

6.5 As far as possible, earth electrodes for Traction Sub-Stations/ Switching Stations shall be installed
within and adjacent to perimeter fence. At large sites, apart from securing a sufficiently low
resistance and adequate current carrying capacity a reasonable distribution of electrodes is also
7.1 Earthing Grid.
7.1.1 An earthing grid is formed by means of bare mild steel rod of appropriate size as indicated in
clause 7.1.2 buried at a depth of about 600 mm below the ground level and connected to earth
electrodes. The connection between the earth electrode and the grid shall be by means of two
separate and distinct connections made with 75 mm x 8 mm MS flat. The connection between
the MS flat and the MS rod shall be made by welding, while that between the earth electrode
and the MS flats through MS links by bolted joints. The earth electrodes shall be provided at the
outer periphery of the grid as shown in Annexure-III. As far as possible the earthing grid
conductors shall not pass through the foundation block of the equipments. All crossings between
longitudinal conductors and transverse conductors shall be jointed by welding. The transverse
and longitudinal conductors of the earthing grid shall be suitably spaced so as to keep the step
and touch potentials within acceptable limits; the overall length of the earthing grid conductors
shall not be less than the calculated length (refer Annexure- I).
7.1.2 The size of the earthing grid conductor shall be decided based on the incoming system voltage
and fault level (refer Annexure I). The fault level considered shall take into account the
anticipated increase in fault current during the lifespan of the station. The size shall be as given
SN System voltage Fault level ( MVA) Diameter of the grid conductor
( kV) ( MS rod ) in mm
1. 66 Upto 4000 32
above 4000 upto 5000 36
above 5000 upto 6000 40
2. 110 Upto 6000 32
above 6000 upto 8000 36
Above 8000 upto 10,000 40
3. 132 Upto 7000 32
Above 7000 upto 10,000 36
4. 220 Upto 12000 32
Above 12000 upto 16000 36
Above 16000 upto 20,000 40

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7.2 Buried rail.

7.2.1 A steel rail of section 52 kg/m (the one used for the railway track) and length about 13m shall be
buried near the track at the traction substation at a depth of about one metre to form part of
the earthing system. Two separate and distinct connections shall be made by means of 75 mm x
8 mm MS flat between the earthing grid and the buried rail. The buried rail shall also be
connected by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 75mm x 8 mm MS flat
to the traction rail in a single rail track circuited section and to the neutral point (s) of the
impedance bond(s) in a double rail track circuited section.
7.2.2 In cases where the feeding post is located separately away from the traction substation, the
buried rail shall be provided at feeding post (where one terminal of the secondary winding of
the traction power transformer of the substation is grounded).
7.3 System earthing.
7.3.1 One terminal of the secondary winding (25 kV winding) of each traction power transformer shall
be earthed directly connecting it to the earthing grid by means of one 75mmX8mm MS flat, and
to the buried rail by means of another 75mmX8mm MS flat in case of 21.6/30.24MVA
transformer. In case of 30/42MVA Transformer two number 75mmX8mm MS flat to be directly
connected to earthing grid, and to the buried rail by means of another two number 75mmX8mm
MS flat.
7.3.2 One designated terminal of the secondary of each potential, current and auxiliary transformer
shall be connected to the earthing grid by means of two separate and distinct earth connections
made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat.
7.4 Equipment earthing.
The metallic frame work of all outdoor equipments such as transformers, circuit breakers,
interrupters and isolators as well as steel structures shall be connected to the earthing grid by
means of two separate and distinct connections made with MS flat of size as indicated below.
One connection shall be made with the nearest longitudinal conductor, while the other shall be
made to the nearest transverse conductor of the grid.

SN Equipment System Voltage and fault level Ground conductor size

1. Equipment on the 66 kV, upto 3000 MVA
primary side of 110 kV, upto 5000 MVA 50 mm x 6 mm
traction power 132 kV, upto 6000 MVA
transformer. 220 kV, upto 10,000 MVA
66 kV, above 3000 upto 6000 MVA 75 mm x 8 mm
110 kV, above 5000 upto 10,0000 MVA
132 kV, above 6000 upto 12000 MVA
220 kV, above 10,000 upto 20,000 MVA
2. Equipments on the 50 mm x 6 mm
secondary side of
traction power
3. Fencing uprights/ 6 SWG G. I. Wires.
steel structures.

7.5 Earthing inside control room.

An earthing ring shall be provided inside the control room by means of 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat
which shall be run along the wall on teak wood blocks fixed to the wall at a height of about 300

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mm from the floor level. The earthing ring shall be connected to the main earthing grid by means
of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat. The earthing ring shall
also be connected to an independent earth electrode by means of two separate and distinct
connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat. The metallic framework of control and relay
panels, LT AC and DC distributions boards, battery chargers and such other equipments shall be
connected to the earthing ring by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 8
SWG galvanized iron wire. The connections shall be taken along the wall and in recesses in the
floor. All recesses shall be covered with cement plaster after finishing the work. Connections
between the MS flats shall be made by welding.
7.6 Earthing of SCADA/RTU Equipments
A separate earth electrode shall be provided as per clause 6.1 & 6.2 of this specification. The RTU
body/frame shall be suitably connected to this earth electrode using two no. 8SWG bare copper
wires. The earth Resistance of this electrode shall be between 2 ohm to 10 ohm or better,
depending upon the soil resistivity. This earth electrode shall not be connected to any other
earthing arrangement.

7.7 Earthing of lightning arrester.

In addition to the earth electrodes provided for the main earthing grid, an independent earth
electrode shall be provided for each lightning arrester. This earth electrode shall be connected to
the ground terminal of the lightning arrester as well as to the main earthing grid by means of two
separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat for the 25 kV side lightning
arresters, and with 75 mm x 8 mm MS flat for the primary side lightning arresters. The earth
electrode shall be provided as close as possible to the lightning arrester and the connections shall
be as short and straight as possible avoiding unnecessary bends. For lightning arresters provided
for the traction power transformers, there shall also be a connection as direct as possible from the
ground terminal of the lightning arrester to the frame of the transformer being protected; this
connection shall also be made by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 50
mm x 6 mm MS flat for 25 kV side arresters, and with 75 mm x 8 mm MS flat for primary side
lightning arrester.
7.8 Earth Screen.
The area covered by outdoor substation equipments shall be shielded against direct strokes of
lightning by an overhead earth screen comprising 19/2.5 mm galvanized steel stranded wire
strung across the pinnacles of the metallic structures. The earth screen wires shall be strung at a
height as indicated in the approved traction substation layouts not less than 2.5 m above the
live conductors) and shall be solidly connected to the traction substation earthing grid at each
termination by means of 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat.
7.9 Earthing of fencing uprights and panels
Each metallic fencing upright shall be connected to the traction substation main earthing grid by
means of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat. In addition, all
metallic fencing panels shall be connected to the uprights by means of two separate and distinct
connections made with 6 SWG G. I. wire. All the metallic door panels shall also be connected to the
supporting uprights by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 6 SWG G. I. wire.

7.10 Earthing at the point of 240 V ac 50 Hz supply for oil filtration plant.
The 240 V ac 50 Hz distribution board for power supply to oil filtration plant shall be connected to
the main earthing grid by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6
mm MS flat.

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8.1 A minimum number of three earth electrodes (excluding the one to be provided separately for
control room, refer clause 8.5) shall be provided at each switching station, and they shall be
interconnected by means of 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat forming a closed loop main earthing ring. This
ring shall be connected by two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS
flat, to the traction rail in a single rail track circuited section and to the neutral point of the
impedance bond in a double-rail track circuited section of the nearest track, so as to limit the
potential gradient developing in the vicinity of the switching station in the event of a fault.
8.2 In addition to above earthing, separate earthing station of Buried Rail, near the switching posts is
to be provided as per the SMI No. TI/SMI/0032 Rev.02. (Annexure-XI)
8.3 System earthing.
One designated terminal of the secondary of each potential, current and auxiliary transformer
shall be connected to the main earthing ring by means of two separate and distinct connections
made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat.
8.4 Equipment earthing.
8.4.1 All masts, structures, fencing uprights, and all outdoor equipment pedestals including auxiliary
transformer tank shall be connected to the earthing ring by means of two separate and distinct
connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat. All fencing panels shall be connected to the
supporting uprights by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 6 SWG G. I.
wire. All the metallic door panels shall be connected to the supporting uprights by means of two
separate and distinct connections made with 6 SWG G. I. wire.
8.4.2 The metal casing of potential and current transformers shall be connected to the mast/
structures by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat.
8.4.3 The ground terminal of lightning arrester shall be connected directly to the earth electrode by
means of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat. The earth
electrode shall be so placed that the earthing leads from the lightning arrester may be brought to
the earth electrode by as short and straight a path as possible.
8.5 Earthing inside Control Room.
An earthing ring shall be provided inside the Control Room by means of 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat.
The earthing ring shall be run along the wall on teak wood blocks fixed to the wall at a height of
300 mm from the floor level. The earthing ring shall be connected to an independent earth
electrode by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat.
The metal casing of LT AC and DC distribution board, battery chargers, terminal board and other
such equipments shall be connected to the earthing ring by means of two separate and distinct
connections made with 8 SWG GI wire. The connections shall be taken along the wall and in
recesses in the floor. All recesses shall be covered with cement plaster after finishing the work.
Connections of earth strips to each other shall be made by welding.

8.6 Earthing of SCADA/RTU Equipments

A separate earth electrode shall be provided as per clause 6.1 & 6.2 of this specification. The RTU
body/frame shall be suitably connected to this earth electrode using two no. 8SWG bare copper
wires. The earth Resistance of this electrode shall be between 2 ohm to 10 ohm or better,

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depending upon the soil resistivity. This earth electrode shall not be connected to any other
earthing arrangement.


At traction substations and switching stations where power supply at 415 V/ 240 V, ac 50 Hz is
taken from the local supply authority and having neutral earth at some distant point in the
premises of the supply authority, the neutral of such supply shall also be earthed by means of two
separate and distinct connections made with 6 SWG GI wire by connecting to an independent
earth electrode.
10.1 The combined earth resistance at an auxiliary transformer station shall not be more than 10.0
ohms. Normally, one earth electrode is sufficient at each auxiliary transformer station. The earth
electrode shall be connected to the mast on which the auxiliary transformer is mounted by means
of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat. In addition, the mast
shall be connected to the nearest traction rail or to the neutral point of the impedance bond in a
double rail track circuited section by means of 50 mm x 6 mm MS flat.
10.2 The earthing terminal on the transformer tank shall be connected to the mast on which the
transformer is mounted by means of two separate and distinct connections made with 50 mm x 6
mm MS flat. One terminal of the secondary winding of the auxiliary transformer shall be connected
to the earthing terminal on the transformer tank and as well as to the mast by means of 50 mm x 6
mm MS flat. These connections shall be as short and straight as possible and avoiding unnecessary
All the joints between the MS flats, MS rods or between MS flat and MS rod shall be made by welding
only. No soldering shall be permitted. For protection against corrosion. All the welded joints shall be
treated with red lead and afterwards thickly coated with bitumen compound.
For protection against corrosion, all the exposed surface of earthing connections (MS flats) above
ground level shall be given all around two coats of painting to colour grass green, shade 28 of 1S:5.


At the traction substations and switching stations, a surface layer of crushed rock shall be provided to a
thickness of about 100mm. If considered necessary from the point of view of containing the step and
touch voltages within the acceptable limits, higher thicknesses may be provided depending on
calculation based on site conditions.


14.1 The formulae for calculating the tolerable touch and step voltages, estimated mesh and step
voltages, earth resistance, earth potential rise, size of earthing grid conductor and length of buried
grid conductor are given in Annexure-I.
14.2 The design for earthing grid shall be done separately for each location depending on the conditions
obtaining and those foreseen.
15.0 Earthing for 2X 25kV System (in reference to 160kmph guidelines issued vide letter no.
TI/PSI/TSS/POLICY/19 dated 24.11.2020)

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15.1 Earthing grid at the Traction Sub Station is to be designed as per the procedure followed in 25kV

15.2 For the Single phase Dual LV Transformer (In TSS of V Connected Transformer) – In these
transformers there are two secondary windings. The inner terminals of these two secondary
windings are to be solidly connected each other. This connection is to be connected with two no.
75X8mm MS Flats. One MS flat is to be connected with Buried Rail & another with the Earthing
grid (Annexure-IX).

15.3 In the TSS with Scott Connected Transformer, The autotransformer has been used. The neutral
Bushing of this transformer is also to be connected with two no. 75X8mm MS Flats. One MS flat is
to be connected with Buried Rail & another with the Earthing grid. (Annexure-X)

15.4 Earthing Grid at the SP/SSP is also to be prepared by taking the fault current of 12kA and duration
of 3 seconds. The Buried rail is also to be provided at the SP/SSP.

15.5 Neutral of the Autotransformer installed at the SP/SSP also to be connected with two no. 75X8mm
MS Flats. One MS flat is to be connected with Buried Rail & another with the Earthing grid. The
reference for the connection arrangement can be taken from Annexure-X.
The following drawings (latest versions) issued by RDSO in connection with this specification may
be used for reference:
SN Description Drawing No. Enclosed at
1. Typical earthing layout of traction substation. ETI/ PSI/224 ANNEXURE-III
2. Typical return current connection of buried rail at traction ETI/PSI/0212-1 ANNEXURE-IV
3. Typical earthing layout of sub sectioning and paralleling ETI/PSI/201-1 ANNEXURE-V
4. Typical earthing layout of sectioning and paralleling station ETI/PSI/202-1 ANNEXURE-VI
5. Typical arrangement of an earth electrode ETI/PSI/222-1 ANNEXURE-VII
6. Typical earthing arrangement of an auxiliary Transformer ETI/PSI/708 ANNEXURE-
station VIII

Remarks: Drawings as per the revision at the time of issue of specification are enclosed. The latest
version of the drawings should be followed.

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SUBSTATION GROUNDING, NO. IEEE 80-2013 & IS: 3043-2018

1.0 Tolerable Touch and Step Voltage

Etouch  1000  1.5C s  s 
V (for 50 kg body)

Estep  1000  6Cs  s 
V (for 50 kg body)

Symbol Representation
 
0.09  1  
1  s 
2  hs  0.09

ρs Resistivity of surface material (crushed rock) in Ω-m

ρ Resistivity of earth (Soil) in Ω-m
tS Duration of shock current in seconds (to be taken as 0.5 seconds)
hS Thickness of the crushed rock surface layer in m

2.0 Estimated mesh and step voltage

 .K m .K i .I G
2.1 E mesh = Volt

2.2 E step =  .K s .K i .I G Volt

Symbol Representation
Ki Correction factor for grid geometry, which accounts for the increase in current density
in the grid extremities, = 0.644+ 0.148 X n
IG/L Average current per unit length of buried conductor in amperes / metre
1   D 2  D  2h  h  Kii 
Km  ln     ln 
2   16hd 8Dd 4d  Kh   2n  1 
   
Kii 1, for grids with earth electrodes along the perimeter, or for grids with earth electrodes
in the grid corners, as well as both along the perimeter and throughout the grid area.
1/ {(2n)(2/n)}, for grids without earth electrodes or grids with only a few earth electrodes,
none located in the corners or on the perimeter.

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1 h
Ks 11
 
1 1
 1  0.5n2 
  2h D  h D
 for values of h between 0.25 and 2.5m

ho 1 metre (reference depth of grid)

D Spacing between parallel conductors of grid in m (same spacing in both directions)
n na × nb × nc × nd

na 
nb = 1 for square grids
nc = 1 for square and rectangular grids
nd = 1 for square, rectangular and L-shaped grids

nb = LP
4 A

(Since in Indian Railways, there are square or rectangular grids, other formulas of IEEE-
80 are not mentioned here)
h Depth of earthing grid conductors in metres
d Diameter of earthing grid conductor in metres
L Total length of earthing system conductor
Lc + Lr for grids without earth electrodes or with only a few electrodes located within
the grid but away from perimeter
Lc + 1.15 Lr for grids with earth electrodes along the perimeter
Lc Total grid conductor length in m
Lr Total earth electrode length in m
Lp Peripheral length of grid in m
ρ Resistivity of earth in Ω-m
A Area of the grid in m2
IG As defined in para 4.1 below.

Note: The estimated values of mesh and step voltage step voltages should be less than the
tolerable touch and step voltages respectively.

3.0 Earth resistance:

 
Rg  0.443 

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Symbol Representation
L Total length of buried conductors in m
A Area occupied by the earthing grid in m2
Rg Station ground resistance in ohms
ρ Resistivity of earth (soil) in Ω-m

4.0 Earth Potential rise:

4.1 Earth potential rise = Rg X IG

Symbol Representation
Rg Station earth resistances in ohms
IG Cp * Df * Ig
Cp Corrective projection factors accounting for the relative increase of fault currents
during the station lifespan: for a zero future system growth Cp= 1
Ig r.m.s. value of symmetrical grid fault current in amperes.
Df Decrement factor for the entire duration of faults (to allow for the effects of
asymmetry of the fault current wave).
1.0 for fault current duration of 0.5 second or more.

5.0 Size of earthing grid conductor

5.1 For the TSS A= I t

I t
5.2 For the SP/SSP of 2X25kV (160kmph) A=
Symbol Representation
A Cross sectional area of earthing grid conductor in square millimeters.
I r.m.s value of fault current in amperes.
t Duration of fault current in second (taken as one second for TSS & 3 second for SP/SSP
of 2X25kV (160kmph))
Note: - To allow for the effects of corrosion the size of the grid conductor selected shall be such
that its cross section area is nearly twice that calculated above.
6.0 Minimum length of buried grid conductor

Km X Ki X ρ X IG√ts
L> for E mesh < E touch
{116 + 0.174 Cs X ρs}
Symbol Representation
L Minimum length of buried grid conductor including earth electrodes in metres.
ts 0.5 second (assumed maximum duration of shock).
Cs, Km, Ki, ρ, IG and ρs have been defined earlier.

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Annexure –II


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Typical Earthing layout of traction substation, Drawing no. ETI/PSI/224

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Typical Earthing layout of traction substation, Drawing no. ETI/PSI/224

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Annexure- IV

Typical return current connection of buried rail at traction substation, drawing no. ETI/PSI/0212-1

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Typical return current connection of buried rail at traction substation, drawing no. ETI/PSI/0212-1

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Typical Earthing layout of sub sectioning and paralleling station Drawing No. ETI/PSI/201-1

Typical Earthing layout of sub sectioning and paralleling station Drawing No. ETI/PSI/201-1

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Typical Earthing layout of sectioning and paralleling station, drawing No. ETI/PSI/202-1

Typical Earthing layout of sectioning and paralleling station, drawing No. ETI/PSI/202-1

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Typical arrangement of an earth electrode Drawing No. ETI/PSI/222-1

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Typical arrangement of an earth electrode Drawing No. ETI/PSI/222-1

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Annexure- VIII

Typical Earthing arrangement of an Auxiliary Transformer station, Drawing No. ETI/PSI/708

Typical Earthing arrangement of an Auxiliary Transformer station, Drawing No. ETI/PSI/708

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Connection arrangement to Buried Rail in TSS of V Connected Transformer

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Connection arrangement to Buried Rail of Autotransformer at Scott Connected TSS and at SP/SSP of
2X25kV system

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