Environmental Theory of FN

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Nursing Theories and Works

Environmental Theory of FN - “everything from the patient’s food

and flowers to the patient’s verbal
- Manipulation of environment as a major
and non-verbal interactions.”
component of nursing care.
The Theory is applied in:
Concepts of the Theory:
 Nursing Practice
 Healthy Environment – pure air, pure
 Nursing Education
water, efficient drainage, cleanliness
 Nursing Research
and light.
 Proper Ventilation – Nurses should have
the responsibility to keep the air that
the patient breaths pure without
necessary chilling them.
 Adequate Light – Sick patients needs
both fresh air and light, directed
sunlight was what clients wanted.
 Cleanliness – “the greater part of
nursing consists in preserving
cleanliness.” Personal cleanliness was
also emphasized by FN and viewed the
function of the skin as important.
 Warmth – She outlined a procedure for
measuring patient’s body temperature
through palpation of or feeling for the
extremities in order to asses for heat
 Quiet – unnecessary noise can actually
be harmful to the patient who is ill.
 Diet – She addressed the importance of
variety in the food served to patients.
 Management – nurses are responsible
for controlling the environment so that
the patients are protected from physical
and psychological harm.

Major Assumptions of the Theory

 Nursing
- FN’s view of nursing was
comparable to that of motherly
instincts, having responsibility to
someone’s health. It is vocation
that needs formal learning and
application of scientific principles in
the care of patients.
 Person
- the one receiving care; dynamic
and complex being. Has physical,
intellectual and spiritual attributes.
 Health
- FN viewed health as being well.
- She wrote “Healthy is not only to
be well, but to be able to use well
every power we have.
 Environment
- “those elements external to and
which affect the health of the sick
and healthy person.”

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