Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Concepts
Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Concepts
Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Concepts
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1 author:
Lavinia Socaciu
Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca
All content following this page was uploaded by Lavinia Socaciu on 13 February 2015.
Abstract: The energy storage systems can contribute significantly to meeting society`s need for more
efficient, greening use in building heating and cooling, and domestic hot water applications. Another
significant advantage of efficient energy storage is that, although it may have been designed primarily for
the storage of solar energy, it is not restricted to that. This literature review paper attempts to summarize
developments of seasonal solar thermal energy storage, using different storage concepts. The aim is to
provide the basis for development of new intelligent seasonal thermal energy storage possibilities for use
in combination with space heating and domestic hot water applications. Key words: thermal energy
storage, heat storage, storage of thermal energy, seasonal heat storage, technologies for seasonal heat
storage, sensible energy storage, latent energy storage, thermo chemical energy storage.
based on the criterion of the state of the energy Most heat storage concepts with the
storage material. exception of phase change material and thermo
chemical storage have one basic challenge in
common. When heat or cold is charged into or
discharged from the store, there will be
temperature differences in different parts of the
storage volume. It is then of the utmost
importance that the storage medium can
maintain a structured layer, for instance with
the warmest water on the top, and the coldest at
the bottom. The effective storage capacity will
be drastically reduced if mixing occurs and the
overall temperature approaches some sort of
average value over the whole volume [7].
In figure 3 is presented different types of
liquid form for heat storage. The most
commonly used liquid for sensible heat storage
Fig. 1. Classification of thermal energy storage
is water. Nowadays, with the reasonable cost
technology based on the criterion of the state of the and simple implementation, water storage
energy storage material technology is widely used in the solar thermal
engineering field, according to the
The main technological concepts for thermal aforementioned characteristics:
energy storage (heat/cold) are presented in • Water has relatively high specific heat
figure 2. capacity and almost no degradation under
thermal cycling.
• Water has good compatibility with most of
containment material (stable, mild and no
corrosive chemical properties).
• Water is widely available and cheap.
The cost of the sensible heat storage solution roof area and on the vertical walls. It is usually
mainly depends on the characteristics of the built as steel or reinforced pre-stressed concrete
storage material. It is very common to utilize tank, fully or partially buried in the ground
very cheap materials; for liquid such as water, [9],[10],[11].
oils and certain inorganic molten salts and solid
like rocks, sands, pebbles and refractory as the
storage medium. In the case of solids, the
material is invariably in porous form and heat is
stored or extracted by the flow of a gas or a
liquid through the pores or voids.
heat exchanger and injected into the hot well. In pipes. Stratification should be supported by the
discharging periods the flow direction is charging devices. No load-bearing frame
reversed. Because of the different flow structure is required because forces are taken
directions both wells have to be equipped with down to the side walls and to the bottom by the
pumps, production- and injection-pipes [11]. gravel. The store has heat insulation, at least at
For high temperature heat storage a good the side walls and on the top. Depending on the
knowledge of the mineralogy, geochemistry size and shape bottom insulation can be
and microbiology in the underground is advisable as well. Because of the liner
necessary to prevent damage to the system materials, operating temperatures are limited to
caused by well-clogging, scaling etc [10]. approximately 90 °C.
alcohol to allow the system to work below the That is because the heat transfer is mainly
freezing point, if so required [3]. driven by heat conduction and not by
Borehole thermal energy storage does not convection. At the borders the temperature
have an exactly separated storage volume. Heat decreases because of the heat losses to the
is charged or discharged by vertical borehole surroundings. The horizontal stratification is
heat exchangers which are installed into a depth supported by connecting the supply pipes in the
of 30–200 m below ground surface (figure 9). centre of the store and the return pipes at the
At the top of the store there is a heat insulation borders [11].
layer to reduce heat losses to the surface.
good thermal contact between the heat temperature of one kilogram of water one
exchangers and the ground is required to allow degree Celsius.
a good heat transfer rate per unit area of the Any latent heat thermal energy storage
heat exchanger tube [9]. system should have at least the following three
Some important parameters for a successful components: a suitable phase change material
borehole thermal energy storage project are: in the desired temperature range, containment
rock with high specific heat, medium to high for the storage substance, and a suitable heat
thermal conductivity, and compact rock mass carrying fluid for transferring the heat
with (virtually) no ground water flow. Other effectively from the heat source to the heat
important parameters are the type of rock storage. Furthermore, the phase change
including grain size and the types of minerals materials undergo solidification and therefore
[7]. Suitable geological formations for this kind cannot generally be used as heat transfer media
of heat storage are e.g. rock or water-saturated in a solar collector or the load [2].
soils. Phase change materials are either packaged
in specialized containers such as tubes, shallow
4. LATENT HEAT STORAGE SOLUTION panels, etc., or contained in conventional
building elements (wall board, ceiling) or
In latent heat storage the principle is that encapsulated as self-contained grains [5].
when heat is applied to the material it changes In figure 11 are illustrated some application
its phase from solid to liquid by storing the heat areas for phase change material in buildings.
as latent heat of fusion or from liquid to vapor This are:
as latent heat of vaporization. When the stored • No.1:Latent heat store for space heating.
heat is extracted by the load, the material will • No.2:Plaster and compound systems with
again change its phase from liquid to solid or high heat storage capacity.
from vapor to liquid. The latent heat of • No.3:Transparent insulation and day lighting
transformation from one solid phase into schemes.
another is small. Solid-vapor and liquid-vapor • No.4:Shading phase change material
transitions have large amounts of heat of compounding system.
transformation, but large changes in volume • No.5:Phase change material in gypsum
make the system complex and impractical. The products and paints.
solid-liquid transformations involve relatively • No.6:Phase change material to buffer
small changes in volume [2]. temperature variations in solar-air-
Phase change materials can therefore be systems.
used as a thermal storage medium for both
heating and cooling. One common application
is buffering of indoor temperature variations,
and this means that heat and cold is stored in a
temperature interval of only a few degrees. The
use of phase change material for temperature
buffering will lead to energy savings, and it is
also expected that the thermal comfort will
improve [7].
Heat storage through phase change has the
advantage of compactness, since the latent heat
of fusion of most materials is very much larger
than their enthalpy change for 1 K or even 0 K.
For example, the ratio of latent heat to specific Fig. 11. Application areas for phase change material in
heat of water is 80, which means that the buildings
energy required to melt one kilogram of ice is Many phase change materials have poor
80 times more than that required to raise the thermal conductivity and therefore require large
heat exchange area. Others are corrosive and instance vaporization of water. At the charging
require special containers. Latent heat storage process is energy withdrawn from the system
materials are more expensive than the sensible for instance by condensing water.
heat storage media generally employed, like Another reaction is adsorption of water
water and rocks. These increase the system vapor in a zeolite material. Zeolites are alumina
cost. silicates with high micro-porosity and open
Due to its high cost, latent heat storage is structure. When dry zeolite material comes in
more likely to find application when: contact with water vapor, the water vapor will
• High energy density or high volumetric enter the internal crystal lattice and causes a
energy capacity is desired, e.g., in habitat reaction that leads to the release of heat. The
where space is at a premium, or in process is reversed by heating the zeolite
transportation where both volume and material to more than 100 0C when the water is
weight must be kept to a minimum. driven off (desorption). The adsorption and
• The load is such that energy is required at a desorption processes can be repeated almost
constant temperature or within a small range indefinitely without any significant
of temperatures. deterioration of the zeolite material [7].
• The storage size is small. Smaller storage For a bond reaction to be considered for
has higher surface area to volume ratio and energy storage, the following conditions should
therefore cost of packing is high. be met:
Compactness is then very important in order • The reaction should be run near equilibrium,
to limit the containment costs. Similarly, i.e. reversible.
heat losses are also more or less proportional • The reactant, with or without addition of a
to the surface area. Compactness is also an photo-sensitizer, should be able to use as
important factor to limit the heat losses in much of the solar spectrum in the terrestrial
storages of small capacities [2]. atmosphere as possible.
• The energy stored in the bond energy should
5. THERMOCHEMICAL HEAT be large enough.
STORAGE SOLUTION • The reactants should be cheap [2].
An important factor to be considered in bond
Energy may be stored in systems composed process is the recovery of the reagents or the
of one or more chemical compounds that intermediary chemicals. It is estimated that in
absorb or release energy through bond each chemical cycle, recovery yields of 99.9 or
reactions. There are many forms in which even 99.99 % have to be achieved if the bond
energy can be stored through bond reactions. process are to be viable [2].
Bond storage involves an endothermic Thermo chemical heat storage is more
reversible reaction, which can be reversed when complex than other thermal energy storage
required to release heat. The chemical produced systems, but they are also more flexible.
can often be stored cold (without losses) and
can often be transported easily [2]. 6. SUMMARY OF THERMAL ENERGY
Several reversible chemical processes, all of STORAGE
them involving two media, are being
investigated for their suitability as a means of So far, the development of seasonal storage
thermal storage. has been aimed at heating large district system
One concept is using a salt, such as sodium stores instead of single house solutions, in order
sulphide and water. The salt can be dried using to fulfill technical viability and cost
for instance solar heat. This will accumulate effectiveness by using large storage volumes.
thermal energy, and this energy can be Compared to small solar domestic hot water
recovered by adding water vapor to the salt. systems for single-family houses, the solar heat
Energy at a low temperature level has to be cost can be cut at least in third. Long-term
provided in order to discharge the storage, for storage systems prove being more effective in
reducing fossil fuels use and complying with decisions should be based on an economic
CO2 emission policies. Which of the optimization of the different possibilities. After
technologies described above is selected construction the stores have start-up times
depends very much on the local hydro- between three and five years, depending on the
geological site conditions. Hot water storage storage concept, to reach normal operating
tank are technically feasible and work well. conditions. Within this time, the surrounding
However, construction costs and thermal losses ground is heated up and the heat losses of the
are still too high. The main cost for hot-water store are higher than during long-term
storage tanks is caused by the concrete operation [11].
construction, ground works, insulation, and the A summary of the main parameters of the
use of steel liners to reduce water permeability. different concepts for seasonal sensible heat
Considerable cost reductions can be obtained storage is shown in table 1.
with the development of high-density concrete
materials. For gravel-water stores, insulation Table 1
Comparison of storage concepts
and ground works account for significant part Storage concept Hot-water Gravel-water
of the costs. Moisture protection of the
insulation is important for both concepts. Storage medium Water Gravel-water
Heat capacity 60-80 30-50
Natural aquifers are a cost effective seasonal [kWh/m3]
storage concept but require water saturated Storage volume 1m3 1.3-2m3
sand layers with high permeability without for 1 m3 water
ground water movement. Well construction is equivalent
the predominant part of the costs for aquifer Geological -stable ground -stable ground
heat stores. The installation work for borehole requirements conditions, conditions,
-preferably no -preferably no
heat exchangers, including material and drilling ground water, ground water,
works, causes nearly half of the costs for -5-15m deep. -5-15m deep.
borehole heat stores [9],[10],[11]. Storage concept Aquifer Borehole
For all thermal energy storage concepts, a Storage medium Sand/Water- Soil/Rock
geological investigation has to be made in the gravel
pre-design phase. The decision to use a certain Heat capacity 30-40 15-30
type mainly depends on the local conditions [kWh/m3]
and, primarily, on the geological and hydro- Storage volume 2-3m3 3-5m3
for 1 m3 water
geological situation in the ground below the equivalent
respective construction site. The highest Geological -natural aquifer -drillable ground,
demands with regard to this are made by requirements layer, high -ground water
borehole and aquifer heat stores. The legal hydraulic favorable,
requirements have to be checked in the pre- conductivity, -high heat
-confining layers capacity,
design phase as well. on top and below, -high thermal
In most countries the usage of the ground for -no or low natural conductivity,
heat storage has to be approved by the local ground water -low hydraulic
water authorities to make sure that no interests flow, conductivity,
regarding drinking water are affected. This can -suitable water -natural ground
chemistry at high water flow less
also become necessary if the ground temperatures, than 1 m/a,
surrounding a storage tank is heated up by heat -20-50m -30-200m deep.
losses. thickness.
For the choice of a suitable storage concept
for a specific plant all relevant boundary
conditions have to be taken into account: local 11. REFERENCES
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