Crosstab Node Creation Option: Topic /com - Ibm.swg - Im.cognos - Antut - An.8.4.0.doc/antut - An - HTML
Crosstab Node Creation Option: Topic /com - Ibm.swg - Im.cognos - Antut - An.8.4.0.doc/antut - An - HTML
Crosstab Node Creation Option: Topic /com - Ibm.swg - Im.cognos - Antut - An.8.4.0.doc/antut - An - HTML
For example, in the previous diagram, if the option is turned on and you drag Country from
the Insertable Objects pane to beneath Product line, Country becomes a new peer
node to Product line. If the option is turned off, Country becomes a new peer node to
Product line and has Product type as a nested crosstab node. This happens because
instead of adding a new node, you are adding a new member to the existing node that
already contains Product line.
Tip: To create discontinuous crosstabs , turn the Create Crosstab Nodes option on. If
you want the items on the edges of crosstabs to be related (contain the same nested
items), turn the Create Crosstab Nodes option off.
If you apply the same styles, such as font color, to crosstab rows, columns, and crosstab
intersections, the styles are applied in the following order:
crosstab intersections
The style applied to the last object in the list overrides styles applied to previous objects. In
addition, class styles are applied before styles that you apply manually.
You can also quickly format crosstabs by applying table styles and add white space to a
crosstab by inserting crosstab space objects .
Render Variable: - Specify a variable based on which object can be conditionally rendered.
Style Variable: - Specify a variable based on which object can be conditionally styled. Style variable is
used to show or represent different report objects in different styles that are present in report.
In a report in a list if u want to display every alternate row with particular color
in this case, go to query explorer....
1) create a data item with name running-count with function "running-count" on particular unique
2) now create one more data item as mod with functon "mod" on that running-count data item.
Select List and in properties 'Properties' and select 'running-count' and 'mod' data
3)create a boolean varibale with expression mod=1
4)go to the page select List column Body style
5)In properties pane select Style Variable as boolean variable
6)click on YES variable and set its Foreground color as RED
7)click on No variable and set its Foreground color as Yellow
now run the report
if the case is like you want to see the particular page in HTML or PDF or CSV format then
1)Create 3 pages in your report
2)every page conatins some specific data
3)name these pages as HTML,PDF,CSV
4)create a String vaiable with 3 values as HTML ,PDF and CSV
5)now in string variable put expression as .....
Conditional Block:
Able to use conditional block on prompt page also used in report pages with Boolean
variable (query condition ReportOutput() in (‘PDF’, ‘HTML’)).