Lesson Exemplar 2024
Lesson Exemplar 2024
Lesson Exemplar 2024
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the heat and temperature, and
the effects of heat on the body
Learning Competency: The learners differentiate between heat and temperature at the molecular
Code: S8FE-Ig-29
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) identify the types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and
b) distinguish between advantageous and disadvantageous;
Localization/ Utilizin
✔ Science 8: Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted
back on it. S8FE-Ia-16 (Explore) (Explain) (Elaborate)
A. References Science 8 Teacher’s Guide First Edition2013. Alvie J. Asun cion., et al. pp.
1. Teacher’s Guide:
2. Learner’s Materials: Science 8 Learner’s Module First Edition2013. Alvie J. Asuncion., et al. pp.
B. Other Learning Science Links 8 Teacher’s Resource Material (2020). Quezon City: Rex Book
Resources Store, Inc.
Book(s): MSA Science Handbook (2023). Quezon City: MSA Academic Institute
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Radiation: Transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves
(By group)
Ask students to think about everyday objects that heat up or cool down and
consider why this could be useful or problematic.
Instructional Materials cartolina/manila paper, marker, paper tape, rubric, scoreboard, worksheets,
rope, basin, slinky
EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include an interaction between teacher and students): 10 minutes
Teaching Strategy The teacher will distribute a worksheet with various scenarios and
objects (e.g., ice melting on a warm surface, a radiator heating a
room, standing near a bonfire).
Students work in pairs to identify the type of heat transfer in each
scenario and determine if it is advantageous or disadvantageous.
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Mean Percentage Score (MPS):______ Achievement Level: □ Mastered (96-100%)
□ Closely Approximating Mastery (86-95%) □ Moving Towards Mastery (66-85%) □ Average
(35-65%) □ Very Low (15-34%) Absolutely □ No Mastery (0-14%)
Prepared by:
Teacher I
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Attachment A
Shyrizze Mae is a very curious student. She always asks a lot of questions. Shyrizze is
also determined to be successful in her studies.
She lives in Brgy. White Beach, a remote island in Pagadian City. Though living afar, she
and her cousins still enjoy a 30-minute long boat ride just to get to their school every day. On their
way they like watching fallen leaves being swept away on the river as their boat move to their route.
In her thoughts, ‘How do these leaves move on different direction yet the water remains in its place?’
As part of their class discussion on that day, her science teacher explained, ‘leaves are
carried away because of the waves, it’s the energy being transferred on the leaves that make them
Her teacher also discussed different types of waves such as mechanical and
electromagnetic waves. She gained the knowledge she needed to understand how floating leaves on
the water move away while the water remains in its place.
Shyrizze also recalled on their experiment that energy from mechanical waves can’t be
transferred without any medium (solid, liquid, gas) passing through it. Shyrizze was very happy for the
new learning she gained in her science class. She is really eager to explore new discoveries and
learning’s specially by doing an experiment on her science class.
Shyrizze’s curiosity about waves was answered by their lesson. Travelling back home,
Shyrizze exclaimed, “How wonderful waves are created!” as she touches the crest of the wave. She
also has realized, “Waves are beautifully created by God” and she continues to listen to the sound of
the waves as she closed her eyes to feel it too. The waves that slightly hit their boat seemed to be a
beautiful scenery to all. It was indeed a great day.
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Attachement B
Creating Waves
By group/ individual
In this activity you should be able to draw different type of waves and describe how they are
produced. You will also describe the different type of waves.
Basin filled with water
Rainbow spring.
Guide Questions:
1. What in the source of the wave pulse?
2. How do you describe the motion of the hand as it creates the wave pulse?
What is the motion of the rope as it propagates the wave pulse?
3. On what direction of the wave pulse do you think move?
Guide Questions:
1. What in the source of the wave pulse?
2. How do you describe the motion of the wave pulse in the surface of the water when it is
dipped with the fingertip once?
3. What happens when the fingertip is dipped several times?
What is the motion of the wave produced?
Guide Questions:
1. What in the source of the wave pulse?
2. How do you describe the motion of the hand as it creates the wave pulse?
3. What is the motion of the rainbow spring as it propagates the wave pulse?
4. On what direction the wave pulse do you think move?
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Attachment C
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assigned task. and contributed to and contributed to
completing the completing the
assigned task. assigned task.
Time The group finished The group finished The group finished
Management the assigned task the assigned task the assigned task
at least a minute on in more than a for more than two
or before the minute of the minutes of the
allotted time. allotted time. allotted time.
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your choice before the number.
1. The amplitude of the wave in the diagram above is given by letter _D_.
2. Indicate the interval that represents a half wavelength.
a. A to E b. B to F c. A to B d. C to E
3. Mechanical waves transport energy from one place to another through
a. Alternately vibrating particles of the medium
b. Particles traveling with the wave
c. Vibrating particles and traveling particles
d. None of the above
4. In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium
a. move in circles
b. move in ellipses
c. move parallel to the direction of travel
d. move perpendicular to the direction of travel
5. Which of the following is not a mechanical wave?
a. transverse waves
b. surface waves
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c. longitudinal waves
d. electromagnetic waves
6. Which of the following terms is not related to the others?
A. Crest B. Compression
C. Trough D. Transverse
7. Which of the following terms is the measure of the distance between two neighboring crest
or trough?
A. Wavelength B. Amplitude
C. Hertz D. Frequency
8. What wave can travel in space?
B. Mechanical B. Transverse
C. Longitudinal D. Electromagnetic
9. What is being transferred by a wave?
B. Energy B. Matter
C. Particles D. Light
10. Which of the following can be a medium for a wave?
A. air B. water C. space D. all of the above
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