Two Important Facts of Knowledge Representation For Computer-Based System That Support Clinical Care
Two Important Facts of Knowledge Representation For Computer-Based System That Support Clinical Care
Two Important Facts of Knowledge Representation For Computer-Based System That Support Clinical Care
2. It is often developed to provide sets of terms and definitions ADVANTAGES OF ADVANCED OF TERMINOLGY SYSTEM
of concepts for human interpretations with computer Two Important Facts of Knowledge Representation for
interpretation as only secondary goal. computer-based system that support clinical care:
1. Describing concepts
2. Manipulating and reasoning about those concepts
3. Knowledge that is eminently understandable to human is
using computer-based tool.
often confusing, ambiguous or opaque to computers and
consequently, current efforts have often consulted in
terminologies that are inadequate in meeting the data needs of ADVANTAGES from First Facet:
todays healthcare system. 1. Nonambiguous- representation of concepts
2. Facilitation of Data Abstraction without loss of original data.
3. Nonambiguous mapping among terminologies.
4. Data reuse in different contexts.
Concept oriented approaches-understanding
definitions of and relationships among things in the
world(objects), our thoughts about things in the
1. Automated classification of new concepts and an ability to
world(concepts) and the labels we use to represent and
support multiple inheritance of defining characteristics. (e.g
communicate our thoughts about things in the world (terms)
“acute postoperative pain”)
1. Acronym resolution, word completion, term completion,
spelling correction, display of t form of the authoritative form of
the term entered by the user and decomposition.
2. Automated classification
3. Conflict management, detection and resolution
INFORMATICS AND HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS (1986)- Patrcia Schwirian -proposed a model of nursing
DEFINITIONS informatics intended to stimulate and guide systematic
Informatics- is a science that combines a domain research in the discipline.
science, computer science, information science, and – The model provides a framework for
cognitive science. identifying significant information needs,
Healthcare Informatics-integration of healthcare which in turn can foster research.
sciences, computer science, information science ad – There are four elements arranged in a
cognitive science to assist in the management of pyramid with a triangular base.
healthcare information.
Medical Informatics
Pharmacy Informatics
Dental Informatics
Nursing Informatics
Nursing Informatics- is the use of information technologies in
relation in to any nursing functions and actions of nurses
(definition as proposed by Kathryn Hannah
is the specialty that integrates nursing science,
computer science and information science in Turley Model
identifying, collecting, processing, and managing data – (1996)- Turley model core components of informatics
– (cognitive science,, information science, and
computer science) are depicted as intersecting circle.
Nursing science has a larger circle completely ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD
encompasses the intersecting circles. EHR – any information related to the past, present or future
physical/mental health or condition of an individual. (ASTM)
the information resides in electronic system used to
TURLEY MODEL capture, transmit, receive, store, retrieve, link and
manipulate data for the primary purpose of providing
healthcare and health related services.
NCVHS- identified patient medical information
necessary for HER
Membership and active participation in professional
organization demonstrate compliance in the provision 8 & (9 of
Code of Ethics for Nurses
1. American Medical Association- dedicated for the
development and application of medical informatics in the
support of patient care, teaching, research, and healthcare
– All data requirements related to the problem defined 4. SYSTEM PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT-
in the project scope agreement are collected and – the final step in the system analysis stage is to
analyzed to gain a sound understanding of the current create a system proposal document.
system, how it is used and what is needed in the new
system. – It sets forth the problems and/or goals and the
requirements for the new system’s overall design.
1. Data collection – It outlines the standards, documentation, and
2. Data Analysis procedures for management control of the project,
3. Data Review and it defines the information required, the necessary
4. Benefits identification resources, anticipated benefits, a detailed workplan,
5. System Proposal Development and projected costs for the new system.
1. Functional specifications
Use the functional design document developed in the THE TESTING PHASE
system analysis phase of a CIS and builds on the
the new system or commercially available must be
design by formulating a detailed description of all
tested to ensure that all data are processed correctly
system inputs, outputs, and processing logic required
and the desired outputs are generated. To ensure if
to complete the scope of the project.
programs are written correctly, the ff are done.
It further refines what the proposed system will
o Unit testing- conducted by individual
encompass and provides the framework for its
o Alpha testing-done by system assurance
Commercial software vendors provide manuals,
group within the development organization
usually application-specific, include an introduction, a
o Beta testing- occurs at the first client site
section for each pathway, and technical section.
The hospital’s departmental and project teams
produce the organization’s functional specification by When commercially available software, the ff are
evaluating the available commercial software’s recommended.
functions with the workflow documents and making 1. Functional test-departmental teams test and verify
decisions on the pathways and functions to be used databases.
by the institution. 2. Integrated system test- total system is tested; this includes
interfaces between systems as well as interplay between
applications within the same system.
2. Data Manipulation and Output
3. Final testing- is within the end user training
The design team creating the new application often
works closely with the programmers, making
adjustments in the design and specification based on
new perspectives, programming logic, and DOCUMENT SYSTEM
technologies. documentation begins with the final system proposal
several manuals are prepared like user’s manual, a
3. Technical Specification reference manual, and operator’s maintenance
Technical manager works on the four major areas
1. Hardware: the ability to operate the new application on
multiple hardware platforms is often desired.
Ex. terminals., handheld devices, printers, upgrade a network,
building computer rooms training takes place before and during the activation of
the new system.
two training takes place; project team and selected
2. Application Software: establishing technical specifications members of the departmental team and the end user
outlining the operational requirements for the new system. training
- specifications detail the procedures required to maintain the
application software IMPLEMENTATION PHASE
describes series of events required to begin using the
3. Interface System: defines those programs and processes system or application in the production or live
required to transmit data between two disparate system. environment and details the necessary computer and
software maintenance operations required to keep the
system running.
Activation approaches
• Parallel
• Pilot
•Big bang theory
describes and assesses, in detail the new system
4. Conversions: conversion of data from legacy system to the performance identifying the strenght and weaknesses
new system of the implementation process.
- determining the conversion requirements and developing and
determine whether it has accomplished the stated
if it continuously meet the need of the users.