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Unit 1

1. what are functions in python? Brief about them

2. explain control statements

3.Explain looping statements

4. how to use command line arguments in Python?

5. what are lists? Explain about lists

6. what is tuple in python? explain about them

7. write a brief about dictionaries

8. what is file I/O? Explain various file operations used in Python.

9. what is constructor? How to create and use various types of constructors in python?

10. what is abstraction? And Why Abstraction is Important in python?

1. what is control strategy in AI? What are its basic characteristics.
3. Explain, general problem solving characteristics in AI.
3. How can we define a problem as a state space search? Explain with the help of an

4. what is heuristics function? Explain Greedy Best First Search algorithm with an

5. Explain A* algorithm

6. Explain hill climbing procedure in AI

7. what is constraint satisfaction problem? Explain it with an example
Explain CSP with the example of SEND + MORE = MONEY
8. what is known as Adversarial Search? How it can be used in game playing? Use the
example of tic –tac-toe.

9. Explain Mini-Max Algorithm with example

10. Explain Alpha-beta pruning with example


1. Explain inference rules and prepositional equivallance with some examples

2. what is natural deduction system? Explain the rules of natural deduction with
3. what is the use of axiomatic system in AI? Write about its properties and explain its
model with an example.

4. explain the semantic rules with examples

5. how can we prove a particular theorem by using resolution technique. Prove with the
help of an example

6. explain resolution refutation proof with example


Explain with example, how can you proof inconsistency using resolution.

7. explain First order logic or predicate logic with example

8. What is knowledge representation? Give brief introduction about knowledge

representation in AI.

9. what are the various approaches to knowledge representation

10. how knowledge can be represented using semantic nets


Write about semantic network representation of knowledge

Unit 4

1. explain Expert System Architecture

2. write the steps to develop expert system

3. What is Truth Maintenance System / reasoning maintenance system ?

4. what is the cause of uncertainty in knowledge representation? How can we handle


5. what is probability? Define some basic terminology and axioms of probability theory

6. Explain abut conditional probability and its rules

7. Explain Bayes’ theorem with example

8. Explain Bayesian Belief Network with example

9. what is the use of Certainty Factor in AI? How can we measure it. Show with the
help of examples of MYCIN system.
10. what is the use of Dempster Shafer Theory  to solve the uncertainty problems ?
prove with example


1. what is the use of grammars in knowledge representation? Explain how can we

generate and use the grammar to represent the knowledge

2. explain about semantic web/net and its types

3. What is NLP? Write the components and applications of NLP

4. explain the architecture of NLP


Describe the phases of NLP with diagram

5. What is Grammar? Explain different types of grammars used in NLP

6. what is parser ? write a short note on it
7. what is the use of parsing in NLP ? explain the various types of parsing techniques

8. what is semantic analysis? How is Semantic Analysis different from Lexical Analysis?

9. what are the elements and building blocks of semantic analysis

10. what is the role of semantic analysis in case grammar?

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