Machine Learning Theory QB MK

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Question Bank

Subject : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Course : Data Science
1. What is Artificial Intelligence? What are the components of AI?
2. Write a note on Minimax problem.
3. Write a note on Alpha-Beta search.
4. What are the areas of AI application? Explain in detail?
5. Describe the architecture of knowledge-based agent.
6. Explain how inference in First order logic is generated using forward chaining
7. Explain how inference in First order logic is generated using backward chaining
8. Explain with example the frame-based knowledge representation technique. Write
Advantages and limitations of frame-based knowledge representation technique.
9. Explain with example the semantic web-based knowledge representation
technique. Write advantages and limitations of semantic web-based knowledge
representation technique.
10. Briefly explain alpha beta pruning algorithm. Give example of some case-based
study where alpha beta pruning algorithm is applicable.
1. Explain the following PROLOG programming features with syntax and example:
a. Facts
b. Rules
2. What are the advantages of using PROLOG for programming in AI ? Explain the
following PROLOG Syntax:
a. Terms
b. Atoms
c. Numbers
d. Variables
e. Compound Terms
3. Explain how query answering mechanism in PROLOG. Describe Matching and Goal
Execution query answering techniques in detail.
4. Demonstrate with examples the various list manipulations techniques which can
be used in PROLOG.
5. With the help of block diagram, give an overview of how machine learning is used
to address a given task.
6. What is machine learning? Explain the following terms in context with machine
a. Task
b. Algorithm
c. Model
d. Features
e. Training machine learning algorithm.
7. Write short note on machine learning geometric models.
8. Write short note on machine learning logical models.
9. Write short note on machine learning pprobabilistic models.
10. Explain ffeature construction, transformation and selection
Question Bank
Subject : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Course : Data Science
1. Briefly explain supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised and reinforcement
2. Discuss training error, test error, generalization error, overfitting, and underfitting.
3. What are the different types of cross-validation? When do you use which one?
4. Explain the following terms with its equations :
a. Confusion Matrix
b. Accuracy
5. Briefly describe linear regression
6. Briefly describe Polynomial Regression.
7. Explain Class probability estimation process with its assessment.
8. Write and explain Least general generalization algorithm.
9. Explain the Regression performance aassessing techniques in detail.
10. Discuss multiclass classification in detail.

1. Write and discuss Multivariate Linear Regression algorithm
2. Explain how one can use least square regression for classification.
3. Write and explain Support Vector Machines algorithm.
4. Why do we need kernel trick Support Vector Machines algorithm? in List and
explain the different types of kernel which can be used with Support vector
Machines algorithm.
5. Write and explain K-means Algorithm.
6. List and explain various distance measures which can be used in distance based
models .
7. Write and explain Hierarchical clustering Algorithm.
8. Write and explain KNN Algorithm.
9. Write note on perceptron algorithm.
10. Describe Soft margin SVM.
1. Explain with example the Association rule mining.
2. Discuss the process Rule learning for subgroup discovery.
3. Write and explain Decision tree algorithm.
4. Explain Entropy and Information gain based attribute selection measures in
decision tree algorithm.
5. Explain Gini index attribute selection measure in decision tree algorithm with
6. Explain Regression tree algorithm.
7. Briefly explain Naïve Bayes Classifier.
8. Describe discriminative learning with maximum likelihood.
9. Explain Estimation-Maximization Method.
10. Discuss Normal Distribution and Its Geometric Interpretations.
Question Bank
Subject : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Course : Data Science

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