For Instance, If Your Marketing Goal Is To Increase The Sales by 4%, Then All Your Advertising Goals Should Work Toward Supporting That Overall Goal

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Advertising Metrics  the number of likes or favorites received,

 the buzz generated through comments,

A metric, simply put, is a quantified mentions and social media chatter and
measurement of something. Something that the sentiment of such buzz (whether it’s
helps you evaluate the success or failure of your overall positive or negative and how
ad campaign. does it shift over time?),
 increase in followers, fans and other
Metrics vs. Analytics ways of measuring the popularity of the
Whereas metrics are a quantification of things ad campaign through user engagement
you are interested in as a small business. with the ads.
Analytics are the calculations involving your
metrics and they provide a greater context for How do you measure behavioral changes
your metrics. and intentions?
Since digital media are interactive in nature,
Marketing Objectives actual user behavior or any indicators of it can
First, advertising objectives must fall under the be measured easily through metrics such as
overall marketing objectives. If you remember click-through-rates (CTRs), downloads,
from the previous lecture, advertising is one of registrations, subscriptions, purchase
the Four Ps of Marketing, so logically your considerations (like when a consumer puts an
advertising goals must be aligned with your item in the shopping cart online), website visits
marketing goals. and leads generated, and actual purchases.
 For instance, if your marketing goal is to  Actual purchases can also be used to
increase the sales by 4%, then all your measure sales in addition to metrics like
advertising goals should work toward revenue generated, changes to market
supporting that overall goal. share and customer lifetime values.

How do you measure sales?

Now, let’s look at some examples of specific In the advertising world, the number of sales that
advertising goals that small businesses could set can be attributed to an ad are called either
for their campaigns: (1) increase awareness, (2) conversions of actions.
change attitudes and beliefs, (3) change
behavior or behavioral intentions, and (4) to Without specific business goals, metrics are
increase sales. meaningless. As a small business, your overall
 So, sales traditionally is a marketing goals and objectives are what provide a context
goal rather than an advertising goal. and meaning to the metrics you measure. When
a metric is central to your organization’s goals,
HOW DO YOU THEN MEASURE SUCCESS objectives, and overall wellbeing, it is considered
FOR EACH OF THESE GOALS? a Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
How do you measure awareness? For something to be a KPI, it must indicate how
The total number of unique individuals who are well your organization’s goals are being met.
exposed to your ad campaign is called reach. Therefore, the problem with metrics is not how
In an online or digital environment, awareness well they’re measured or how exhaustive they
can be measured using a wide variety of are, but it is how well they are connected to your
measures like the: overall goals.
 volume of content generated by users
on social media, If we have three recommendations for those who
 actual number of impressions generated are getting started in digital advertising:
by the ad,
 page views,  Know your metrics.
 actual time spent engaging with the ad,  Choose the best metric to match your
 or second-degree reach through pass- objective.
alongs or retweets.  Have a system and plan in place that
allows you to measure your metric.
How do you measure attitude changes?  Be critical of the results. Was the result
Attitude changes can be measured using a host worth the spend?
of metrics such as:
 Benchmark your metrics against
commonly held ones for your industry. Is
it realistic to believe you could be doing

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