IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual

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The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits Number

2215 Sanders Road • Northbrook, IL 60062-6135 2.4.41

Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of
Electrical Insulating Materials1
Date Revision
IPC-TM-650 Originating Task Group

1.0 Scope 4.2 This method may be compared with Method D-696, but
tests made with this method use much smaller specimens.
1.1 This method covers determination of the coefficient of This eliminates the need for large liquid baths and greatly
linear thermal expansion of electrical insulating materials1 by reduces the time required to reach temperature equilibrium.
use of a thermomechanical analyzer. As a result, the time required for making a test is less than for
Method D-696, and the method can conveniently be used
1.2 This method is applicable to materials that are solid over over a wider temperature range than for Method D-696.
the entire range of temperature used, and that retain sufficient
hardness and rigidity over the temperature range so that irre- 5.0 Apparatus
versible indentation of the specimen by the sensing probe
does not occur. 5.1 The thermomechanical analyzer shall include:

1.3 Transition temperatures also may be obtained by this 5.1.1 A specimen holder and probe, into which the speci-
method. men can be placed. Changes in height of the specimen are
sensed by movement of the probe. The shape and size of the
2.0 Applicable Documents probe shall be such that for the material tested the load
ASTM D-618 Conditioning Plastics and Electrical Insulating applied to the specimen by the probe shall not cause inden-
Materials for Testing2 tation of the specimen within the range of temperatures of
ASTM-D-696 Test for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expan-
sion of Plastics3 5.1.2 Means for sensing movement of the probe resulting
from changes in height of the specimen and for translating
3.0 Summary of Method
these movements into a signal suitable for input to the
recorder. The sensing element should be capable of produc-
3.1 This method used a thermomechanical analyzer with an
ing a movement of the recorder pen of at least 1000 times the
X-Y recorder to graph the change of dimension as a function
change in height of the test specimen, with provisions for less
of temperature of a small specimen of a solid electrical insu-
sensitive ranges when needed.
lating material. Coefficients of linear thermal expansion can be
calculated from the graph. Other thermal observations may
5.1.3 Means for uniformly heating the specimen holder at a
also be made.
predetermined rate over the range of temperatures of interest.
Note 1—-Other rapid thermal analysis methods are being This will consist of a furnace and temperature controller with
studied by ASTM Subcommittees D09.17 and D20.30. provisions for precooking the furnace and specimen holder
when measurements at subambient temperatures are to be
4.0 Significance made.

4.1 Measurements of coefficient of linear thermal expansion 5.1.4 Means for measuring temperature in immediate prox-
are useful in evaluating the suitability of solid insulating mate- imity to the test specimen.
rials for use in combination with other materials where
mechanical stresses may develop as a result of differences in 5.1.5 An X-Y recorder for recording changes in specimen
coefficients. height as a function of specimen temperature.

1. This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-9 on Electrical Insulating Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D09.01 on Electri-
cal Insulating Varnishes, Powders, and Encapsulating Compounds.
2. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 39.
3. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 35.

Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of the IPC. This material is advisory only
and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or adaptation of this Page 1 of 3
material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.
Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by the IPC.
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2.4.41 Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Electrical Insulating 3/86

Note 2—Instruments from duPont and Perkin Elmer have men temperature should be in contact with the specimen, or
been found suitable. as near to the specimen as possible.

6.0 Test Specimens 9.3 Assemble the furnace to the specimen holder. If mea-
surements at subambient temperatures are to be made, cool
6.1 The test specimen shall be between .05 and 0.3 inches the specimen holder and furnace to at least 20°C below the
thick. This thickness may be as received or may be laminated lowest temperature of interest, using procedures as given by
by the user from pre-impregnated ‘‘B’’ stage and copper free the instrument manufacturer. The refrigerant used for cooling
‘‘C’’ stage material. It laminated by the user, the user shall be shall not come into direct contact with the specimen.
responsible to contact the manufacturer for the exact layup
Note 5—The temperature range to be tested shall be speci-
and process parameters used for quality acceptance at the
fied by the user, so that the manufacturer and user will test
manufacturers facility.
over the same temperature range. If tested over different tem-
Note 3—Repeatability of Test Results will vary with layup, perature ranges, the repeatability may be unacceptable.
bake out, laminating pressure/ramp speed, press time, etc.
9.4 Place weights on the sensing probe to ensure that the
6.2 Specimens should be between 0.3 and 0.4 inches in probe is in contact with the specimen with a 1 to 3-g load.
height and have flat and parallel upper and lower surfaces.
The surfaces to be measured shall be perpendicular to the 9.5 Increase the furnace temperature at 5 = 0.5°C/min.
fiber fillers and the identity of the direction of the fiber fillers over the desired temperature range.
shall be maintained throughout the test. The upper and lower
surfaces shall be polished with 600 grit paper to remove burrs 9.6 Record the specimen temperature and change in speci-
or strands of fiber filler. The specimens shall then be cleaned men height using appropriate ranges on the X-Y recorder.
using isopropyl alcohol, and dried for 1 hour at 10°C above
Note 6—A gas purge may be used to replace the air around
the maximum specified temperature of the run.
the specimen for measurement of expansion in different atmo-
Note 4—The 1 hour prebake may be eliminated if Condition spheres.
(7.), is performed immediately after final polish.
9.7 Test at least three specimens of the same material.
6.3 There shall be three specimens prepared from the same Retest of a specimen may be used only as reference and shall
piece of material for each direction to be measured. not be treated as an independent test of a new specimen.

7.0 Conditioning 10.0 Calculation

7.1 Conditioning of test specimen shall include immersion in 10.1 Calculate the average coefficient of thermal expan-
isopropyl alcohol with agitation for 20 seconds, followed by sions, α, over the temperature intervals of interest as follows:
Condition E-1/110 and C 1 40/23/50 in accordance with
α = (∆ H/∆T)/H
8.0 Calibration
H = original height of specimen,
∆ H = change in height of the specimen (in the same units)
8.1 Calibrate the apparatus in accordance with the instru-
over the temperature interval ∆T, and
ment manufacturer’s recommendations.
∆ T = temperature interval, °C (see Figure 1).
9.0 Procedure Note 7—∆H and ∆T may on some instruments be read
directly from the recorder chart. On other instruments con-
9.1 Measure the height of the specimen. stant factors may need to be applied to the chart readings to
obtain these values.
9.2 Place the specimen in the specimen holder under the
probe. The thermocouple or other means for sensing speci- 11.0 Report

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Figure 1 Specimen height versus temperature

11.1 The report shall include the following: 11.1.7 Transition temperatures, if noted.

11.1.1 Designation of the material, including the name of the 11.1.8 Instrument manufacturer and model number.
manufacturer and information on composition when known.
11.1.9 Purge gas, if used, and rate of gas flow, and
11.1.2 Method of preparation of the test specimen.
11.1.10 X-Y chart record.
11.1.3 Specimen orientation with respect to original sample,
if applicable. NOTE The preceding test method was originally ASTM
D3386-75, until modified for use by IPC for round-robin test-
11.1.4 Sample size. ing of organic substrate materials. Upon completion of the test
program, recommendations for revision will be made to
11.1.5 Temperatures between which the coefficient of linear ASTM.
thermal expansion has been determined.

11.1.6 Average coefficient of linear thermal expansion per

degree Celsius.

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