Don't Be Insane, Drugs Ruin The Brain

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Theme: “Don’t be Insane, Drugs Ruin the Brain”

With the recent events happening in Philippine citizenry, where people are killed
because of using and distributing illegal drugs, Filipinos are now aware of what might be
the consequences of their actions as they engaged in illegal drugs. Still, some people are
under enslavement and inevitable pleasure of drugs, especially the youths. As curiosity
sneaks up to their minds, they have the urge to do something, despite its illegality just to
satisfy their curiousness. One question will stuck in every minds, "What's with these drugs
which humanity are gravely engaged on using it?"
Cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis, and the most common type of drug, the
methamphetamine (shabu) are some of the examples of illegal drugs youths are engaged
and addictively using it. These drugs give one's body a great pleasure, provide
"something" which people keep on an obsessively and persistently usage. However, as
much as these drugs give you great temporal pleasures, it slowly targets human's brain,
which controls the whole body to function well. As these drugs penetrates the brain,
physical and mental health deficiencies started to affect intensively, to the point of ruining
it. Those have numerous physical effects on one's body, but, mentally, it affects people's
thinking, drive, as well as goals. In other words, drugs make humanity insane.
Responsibility. The first step on how we can avoid being engaged in illegal drugs.
As youths become responsible enough, know what are the right things to do, we live our
lives responsibly. We stand and justify that we can do right in this society.
Goal-Driven. Youths need to focus on their goals and aspirations. Living under the
addictive pleasures of illegal drugs makes dreams, goals and objectives in life sank
beneath regrets. Being a goal-driven youth transpires exceeding accomplishments and
success and inspires other youths to do so.
We will never win with drugs, we will never make our lives succeed and progress.
We stand for what is right because we will never be inflicted with drugs. Youths are not
insane, drugs will never ruin our brains.

Little Tanay Ville, Brgy. Tandang Kutyo, Tanay, Rizal

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