Published by
Youth Innovation Lab
Banshidhar Marg, Kathmandu 44600
Tel: +977 9851115919
Email: info@youthinnovatiolab.org
Website: www.youthinnovationlab.org
Publication Team
Pradip Khatiwada
Sajana Maharjan Amatya
Carolyn O'Donnell
Pranaya Sthapit
Arnav Upadhyay
Designed by
Paras Shrestha
Youth Innovation Lab (2020). Global Regional and National Best Practices on BIPAD Portal related similar DIMS Platform and Lessons Learned for Nepal.
Funded by UK AID with the technical support from the Data for Development Programme under The Asia Foundation.
Table of Executive Summary............................................................. 4
Contents Introduction........................................................................... 5
Background...................................................................................................................... 6
I-React ................................................................................................................... 13
InaRisk ............................................................................................................... 14
DesInventar ...................................................................................................... 15
EM-DAT .............................................................................................................. 17
Features based on user type
Introduction Desinventar
Alert system
Classification of hazards
Customized charts
in Sri Lanka Features to improve map
Flood Factor
Real-time coordination
Japan Info on dataset and uses
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Local Level DRRM Acts
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The world is challenged by various the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster with stakeholders1. It helps to make better
catastrophes. For effective management of response plans and decision-making as it is a decisions in designing policies, response
disasters, precise and prompt organization system that records, collects, keeps, retrieves, planning, and management of disasters,
of information, collection, processing, and analyzes inputs, produces reports, and monitoring and evaluating disaster programs
and dissemination of chunks of data and required disaster information and renders and services and reducing damages.
communication in a clearly-defined and them to targeted people. The information
widely recognized mechanism are needed1. system also supports disaster management,
In the time of emergency, the information especially for coordinating activities,
system plays a vital role in improving processing information, and communicating
Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction independent platforms for national, provincial, Research Methodology
(2015-2030) highlights the importance of baseline and municipal governments with a bottom-up
The research is carried out through
information, assessment, management of approach of disaster data partnership. BIPAD
the study of some well-recognized and
information, the transformation of data into usable portal has a wide range of stakeholders as users
currently functional global, regional,
knowledge that aids in decision-making. This at each tire of government, and among them the
and national Disaster Information
emphasizes the development of an information key users are DRR focal person at a municipality
Management System (DIMS) platforms,
management system with updated information on (Local level), Mayor of the municipality (Local
their key features, and user interface.
disaster loss and damage that enables foreseeing level), An ordinary citizen/Bystander (Local
The research presents information on
disaster risk2. Acts and policies of Nepal in national, level), Researcher at a local NGO (Local level),
constituents and components of such
provincial, and local level has integrated the Disaster Response expert at Red Cross (Local
DIMS and the learnings from them have
constituents of Sendai framework3. DRRM Act 2017 level), Member of Provincial Disaster Management
been compiled as suggestions for the
has highlighted the development and functioning Committee/Council (Provincial level), Urban
inclusion in BIPAD portal.
of the Disaster Information Management System Planner at Provincial government (Provincial level),
(DIMS) for systematic and efficient collection, NDRRMA CEO (Federal level), and MoHA official
analysis, and processing of disaster-related (Federal level)7. BIPAD portal is developed to be Limitations
information and data in all levels of government4. used for informed decision-making in all aspects of
The report focuses on the key features
Likewise, the National Strategic Plan of Action DRRM by authorities in all tiers of the government
of respective DIMS that are relevant to
(2018-2030)5 emphasizes the importance of and all other relevant stakeholders.
BIPAD and its users and does not include
Geographic Information System (GIS) based on
To institutionalize BIPAD portal and ensure its detailed study and analysis of the overall
DIMS and the institutionalization of the system.
sustainability, BIPAD portal needs to be developed system. Also, the operational management
Disaster Information Management System (DIMS) such that it can provide robust, and timely services (including technical or financial aspects) of
should be designed and guided by several goals in challenging environments. Features in BIPAD the systems were not explored. The paper
such as improve decision-making before, during, portal should enhance the usability, accessibility, includes comparison of UI/UX of DIMS,
and after emergencies through improved access and effectiveness of the system such that its users visualization of data and its relevancy
and quality information, provide information that is can easily navigate the system, understand aspects to BIPAD irrespective of the datasets
specifically designed to meet users’ needs, promote of DRRM, coordinate with relevant stakeholders, presented and use and analysis of the data
efficiency and effectiveness, and stimulate and and eventually aid in decision making. in the respective DIMS. The case studies
facilitate mitigation. on their uses in disaster scenarios and
what features of DIMS worked and did
The Government of Nepal (GoN), with technical Objective of the Research not work in real disaster scenario were
support from Youth Innovation Lab (YI-Lab), has not explored during the study. Also, the
The research aims to study key features in the challenges and opportunities faced by
built a disaster information management system
global, regional, and national Disaster Information each DIMS and measures implemented
called the Building Information Platform Against
Management System (DIMS) platforms, and provide during their institutionalization process
Disaster (BIPAD)6. It is built upon the concept
recommendations for enhancement of BIPAD portal have not been included in this report.
of creating a national portal embedded with
and ultimately increase its usage in DRRM.
DIMS platforms
across the globe
There are numerous global, regional, and national
disaster databases currently available. Various
such international disaster information system was
explored and their key features were studied. Some
of them are introduced in next page.
Bosai Platform
The Japan Bosai Platform8 adopts a holistic approach to
reduce disaster impacts and aims to make society disaster-
resilient and sustainable by sharing solutions to the world
to reduce the impacts. It supports all phases of disaster
management with a wide range of technologies applied to
various natural hazards and links to the database of solutions
through a systematic Bosai solution map. The comprehensive
solution map can be accessed from a multi-perspective
approach comprising individual components from three
different perspectives: Hazard, Solution purpose, and
Solution theme that altogether cover each major aspect of
DRRM. Measures of disaster impact reduction of each hazard
category of all DRM phases based on the multiple solution
themes such as risk assessment, research and investigation,
disaster prevention plan, infrastructure technology, education,
and training, etc. can be accessed in the platform.
Pacific Disaster
Center -
Global Disaster
Alert and
System (GDACS)
05 I-React
Reporting is a bi-directional communication
that enables efficient communication between
www.i-react.eu disaster managers and responders to
communicate crucial updates and information
in real-time, and between citizens and
I-React16 is the first European-wide platform authorities with possibilities to receive alerts
that integrates emergency management data and send reports. The I-REACT EMS integrates
of multiple sources, including that provided all resources into a single big data platform
by citizens through crowdsourcing and social capable of providing visualizations of data
media. The platform has been very effective through real-time map layers. It also integrates
in producing information faster and allows a Decision Support System (DSS) capable of
citizens, policymakers, and civil protection generating suggestions to the users in real-time
services to plan for the prevention and based on the specific protocols of actions of the FEATURES APPLICABLE FOR BIPAD PORTAL
reaction against disaster. organization.
The platform has three components; I-React Information categorization towards different user types
Social, Reporting and EMS. I-REACT Social is The platform organizes all the information into categories targeted
a Machine Learning enabled module capable towards different user types: Citizens, Responders, Decision-makers,
of scanning twitter for finding publications and business groups. Relevant hazard data, tools, and technologies
in six different languages that provide the relating to the DRRM are all segregated for each of the user types, hence
most accurate disaster information. I-REACT decluttering the platform and making it easier and quicker for use.
INFORM17 initiative began in 2012 as a with similar risk, regional and income-group
confluence of interests of UN agencies, averages, and more information at the indicator
donors and NGOs, and research institutions level through a separate “country profiles” page.
to establish a common evidence base for This page also interactively visualizes indicators
global humanitarian risk analysis. It identifies (GRI, Hazard & exposure, Vulnerability, and
the countries at higher risk of the humanitarian Lack of coping capacity) for each country.
crisis that is more likely to require international INFORM also prioritizes the subnational index
assistance. The INFORM Risk Index model is which shows a detailed picture of risk and
based on risk concepts published in scientific its components within a region or a country. FEATURES APPLICABLE FOR BIPAD PORTAL
literature and envisages three dimensions of INFORM epidemic consists of the information
relating to the INFORM Epidemic Risk, which
risk: Hazards & Exposure, Vulnerability, and The flexibility of data download
Lack of Coping Capacity. INFORM comprises is a hazard dependent risk index that was
in-depth information on each country and created in 2018 and is under experimentation – INFORM allows downloading of year-wise results and data on Global Risk
shows trends, comparisons with other countries primarily targeted towards assessing the risk of Information (GRI) which are openly available. All the source data and the
various countries to epidemic outbreaks. calculation steps for functional levels, categories, and dimensions as well as
indicators for each country are downloadable in excel format.
07 Global Risk Data Platform
The Global Risk Data Platform18 is an effort of The primary objective of the platform was
08 InaRisk
InaRISK20 is a risk assessment portal that InaRISK can be used by all parties,
multiple agencies. The objective is to provide sharing all scientific data produced during uses ArcGIS server as data services that including the community in drawing
global information on hazards, vulnerabilities, the project by making them visible to the describe the coverage of disaster threat up disaster management plans and in
exposure, and disaster risks in support of the largest possible audience and to promote areas, affected populations, potential addition to being a portal for spatial
implementation of the Hyogo Framework the concept of data reusability19. It is a physical losses, potential economic losses, data sharing in the form of service is.
of Action. PREVIEW contains the global risk platform that is used to provide general and potential environmental damage and InaRisk can be used for dissemination
information produced for the 2009 and 2011 hazards, exposure, and risk context for integrated with the realization of disaster of disaster risk assessment results to the
Global Assessment Reports on Disaster Risk the disaster community and the media19. risk reduction activities as a monitoring tool Government, Local Government, and other
Reduction of the United Nations Strategy for It offers the possibility to freely and easily to reduce the disaster risk index. It provides stakeholders, which can be used as the
Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). access data that could be useful for information on the disaster risk index of basis for planning disaster risk reduction
preparedness, response, and mitigation the entire nation. It has a built-in tool for programs. And will help in assisting the
phases by decision-makers. monitoring the SFDRR targets. Government, Local Government, and the
parties in formulating strategies for the
implementation of programs, policies, and
InaRISK has been officially launched by the
activities to reduce the risk of a disaster at
Head of the National Disaster Management
the national to regional levels.
Agency (BNPB) on November 10, 2016.
https://www.desinventar.net/ 09
DesInventar21 is a conceptual and methodological tool for
the generation of National Disaster Inventories and the
construction of databases of damage, losses, and in general
the effects of disasters.
Flood Factor
Flood factor22 is a free online tool that has been created
by the nonprofit First Street Foundation to make people
of America find their property’s risk of flooding and
also understand the changing risks of flood due to the
changing environment22. The foundation aims to quantify
and communicate America’s flood risk by providing
flood risk data freely which helps the community in
preparing for and mitigating the risk of flood. Flood factor
encourages to be used in conjunction with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps to
have more powerful data for decision-making.
in Sri Lanka
https://public.emdat.be 12
The EM-DAT25 database managed by CRED Its main objectives are to assist
is a publicly accessible international disaster humanitarian action at both national
The Disaster Information Management tool that helps to analyze the disaster trends
database including information on global and international levels; to rationalize
System23 in Sri Lanka is a sustainable and their impacts in a systematic manner. With
natural and technological disasters. Events decision-making for disaster
arrangement within an institution for the an increased understanding of the disaster
are entered on a country-level basis and preparedness, and to provide an
systematic collection, documentation, and trends and their impacts, better prevention,
information collected includes, amongst objective basis for vulnerability
analysis of data about losses caused by mitigation, and preparedness measures can
others, location, date, number of people assessment and priority setting. For
natural and man-made disasters. The Disaster be planned to reduce the impact of disasters
killed/injured/affected, number homeless, example, it helps policymakers identify
Management Centre (DMC) of the Ministry of on the communities23. The platform follows the
and estimated damage costs. The database the disaster types that are most common
Disaster Management and Human Rights (M/ Desinventar methodology for maintaining the
is searchable by country, disaster type, or in each country and that have had
DM&HR) with technical and financial support disaster database.
period. significant historical impacts on human
from the Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
program of the United Nations Development Also, Sri Lanka Disaster Risk Information
Programme (UNDP) and the UNDP Regional Platform is a public platform that holds GIS
Centre in Bangkok (RCB) has initiated the data of hazard, exposure, and base data such
development of the database on the past as landuse and elevation24. The system allows
disaster incidents from 1974 to date. The the overlay of various layers while visualizing
Disaster Information Management System is a the maps.
for BIPAD portal
There are numerous global, regional, and national
disaster databases currently available. Various
such international disaster information system
was explored and their key features were studied.
Some of them are introduced below:
Inclusion of various reports RE
Information for
and publications relating to symbols and R E FF LAT
The platform has defined
Terminologies Desinventar
disaster information the key terminologies
DIMS in Srilanka used for hazards included
in their database.
Japan Bosai
The feature to include acts, policies and other BIPAD portal provides information on hazards, in the module:
documents is already available in BIPAD portal. alert, incident, damage and loss, and risk info. However, the
Inclusion of publications, documents on hazard, details on what the listed hazards mean and represent are
disasters related solution purpose, and solution theme unclear as specific definitions for each hazard and indicators
which will help make BIPAD portal a comphrehesive are missing. With such information, decision-makers, especially
platform for disaster information. those with less DRRM expertise, will be benefitted.
Recommendations Recommendations
The reports and publications that present the contents BIPAD portal hosts data and information on all aspects of
of various phases of the DRM cycle, preparedness, the DRRM cycle. Not all users of BIPAD portal will have a
response plans, and other relevant documents along thorough knowledge of the terminologies used in the system.
with existing acts and policies should be included. This This information might be more useful for decision-makers
helps the users in knowing all the aspects of a disaster with lower DRRM expertise better understand and efficiently
at a single platform. The feature to include acts, policies navigate the platform. It will better inform the end-users on the
and other documents is already available in BIPAD portal available datasets on BIPAD portal.
and the finalization of inclusion of other categories of
documents can be done in an immediate run. The information on the symbols and definitions for the
terminologies used in the system could be incorporated by
including a document with the aforementioned information or
a tip icon could be added in each module that would display the
details on the terminologies and symbols used.
Customized charts for REFFERED PLATFORM
data visualization
Although the Damage and loss module and the incident module
of BIPAD portal provide visualizations of the data in the form of
charts, customized charts are not included yet. This feature could
help decision-makers and researchers in developing a deeper
understanding of the data on disaster loss and damage trends
The customized chart helps better visualize the data as per the
needs and requirement, hence aiding in Mitigation, Preparedness,
Response, Recovery.
BIPAD portal has been following the Nepal The classification of hazards into hydro- more beneficial during the mitigation and
Government’s hazard classification and meteorological hazard, biological hazard, preparedness rather than response activities.
classifies the hazard into natural and technological hazard, and many more has Also, the Disaster Risk and Management
non-natural. However, it lacks further been one of the key considerations in the Act 2017, which is the governing act in
classification under natural and non-natural Sendai Framework as it broadened the scope Nepal for DRRM, categorizes hazards
hazards like; hydro-meteorological hazards, of hazards and emphasized the inclusion of into two categories in terms of origins
biological hazards, technological hazards, biological, technological, and environmental of hazards- natural and non-natural. It
and many more. The classification will help in risk approaches in understanding risk. The further categorizes natural origin hazards as
segregating the required information easily. classification of hazards can aid in obtaining geophysical, meteorological, hydrological,
information quicker and helps in making loss climatological, and biological hazards.
information comparable.
Useability in DRRM cycles The classification of hazard clusters adopted
Classification of hazards into categories by UNDRR could also be integrated into
The classifications are important in adopting and their subcategories will help the BIPAD portal portal portal. The hazards
the same language and in classifying disasters researchers and decision-makers understand are classified into meteorological and
that quite often present the co-existence hazards in terms of the cause of their hydrological hazards, extraterrestrial
of multiple hazards27. The classification and origin which will ultimately help them hazards, geohazards, environmental hazards,
identification of hazards can be useful in plan DRRM related activities by working chemical hazards, biological hazards,
segregating the necessary information and around the field of expertise and getting technological hazards, and societal hazards.
also plan accordingly for the preparedness, related experts involved. For instance, for
mitigation, and emergency response of the earthquake-related planning, expertise in
particular hazard. the field of geohazard would be the most
important. The classification would be
Unique ID for each EMDAT The unique ID generated is of the following format:
Year (4-digit number): unique number (4 digits):
disaster incident Country (3 letters)
Query of hazards Desinventar The platforms allow queries of disaster data using loss
and incidents and damage datasets as well.
Multi- Japan Bosai Platform The platform is multilingual
Lingual Addition of an OR
DIMS in Srilanka Although the platform is
Platform available only in English, alert system
InaRisk some data collection and
validation tools are available
in the local language.
As a crucial aspect of any DIMS platform, to ensure that the
accessibility of BIPAD portal reaches every level and type of It is recommended to add a feature where a user to
users, including the local people and communities who are the subscribe to alerts so that they can get email or SMS
ultimate actors in DRRM, it is crucial to have the platform in the alerts whenever there is any new notification for a
Nepali language, which is the formal language as well as the major particular disaster in the particularly selected region/
language used by most individuals and communities in Nepal. The area. The authorities in the government, disaster
use of the platform contents in local languages has been seen in responders as well as the general public could be
popular practice in many popular DIMS platforms. Though this allowed to subscribe to alerts to get timely updates.
is an important aspect of the localization of BIPAD portal, it will Although this addition could require significant time and
require significant time to implement. resources, this could prove to be a crucial feature of the
PLATFORMS Details on the background, a method
Fexibility on the Global Reference INFORM
used, and various publications from its
partners regarding the use and analysis
Allows the download of
data download risk data
spatial data in various materials about of INFORM
Once alerts and incidents are recorded in the system, a platform to
share information such as search, rescue, and relief teams, relief items,
A section for providing a communication and
situational reports, and other relevant information will drastically
coordination platform where organizations can
improve the coordination among the stakeholders. The coordination
share information about completed, ongoing,
of government authorities and other disaster responders is crucial
and planned mapping activities with other
for effective emergency response management. This section can also
stakeholders during emergencies could be
aid effective communication among all tiers of the government for
included in BIPAD portal. This will help the
demarcation of roles and responsibilities for effective management
dissemination of relevant information such as
during and after disaster incidents.
maps showing road blockage after an incident
and will reduce duplication of mapping efforts
BIPAD portal could include a section in the backend and provide
and increases awareness of existing products.
login credentials for the government authorities at each tier of the
government and humanitarian aid agencies for sharing relevant
information, a platform to discuss the plans for emergency response,
and to post updates as relevant.
A separate set of Features to improve REFFERED PLA
features based on I-REACT the map Flood Factor
user type
BIPAD portal has a variety of user types including different BIPAD portal relies on OSM and Mapbox for visualizing data.
tiers of government and authorities with various levels of In Nepalese context, lots of places and features are yet to
engagement and goals. BIPAD portal could provide separate be mapped while the features are rapidly changing due to
sets of features bundled together as per user types. BIPAD urbanization and development processes. Hence, to help ensure
portal has separate sub domains for provincial and local more accurate location information, a feature that allows users
levels . The sub-domain should only display information to suggest addition or edits of features in the base layer map
that is relevant to the specific user type. For instance, the could help create feature-rich maps that ultimately help with
district wise hazard map would not be much of a use to getting more accurate situational awareness as well as in more
the municipal government and could be filtered out for the efficient relief and preparedness efforts.
municipal level users.
Recommendations Recommendations
the recommendations would require additional time [Accessed 2021]. 33 B. Bjerge, N. Clark, P. Fisker and E. Raju,
18 “Global Risk Data Platform,” [Online]. “ Technology and Information Sharing in
and resources based on the complexity in each of the Available: https://preview.grid.unep.ch/index. Disaster Relief.,” PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161783.
doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0161783, 2016.
recommendations. php?preview=map&lang=eng. [Accessed November
2020]. 34 EU, UNOCHA, UN0SAT, “Global Disaster Alert
and Coordination System Guidelines.,” 2014.
Government of Nepal