HW-1 Peg400
HW-1 Peg400
HW-1 Peg400
Homework # 1
Due on 17th February 2020
a- Your recently completed well is producing 40.3°API oil and 0.756 specific gravity gas at
1000 scf/STB. Producing gas-oil ratio has remained constant, so you believe reservoir
pressure is above the bubble-point pressure of the reservoir oil. Estimate bubble-point
pressure given that reservoir temperature is 205°F.
b- Estimate values of solution gas-oil ratio for pressures below bubble-point pressure for the
reservoir oil of Exercise 1. Start at a pressure of 3150 psig and decrease pressure in 500 psi
increments to a final pressure of 150 psig.
2- The solubility of the following gas in a 40.3°API stock-tank oil is 1000 scf/STB at 3385 psia
and 205°F. Calculate the formation volume factor of the oil at its bubble point of 3385 psia
and 205°F.
a. Estimate values of-oil formation volume factor at pressures below bubble-point pressure
for the reservoir oil of Exercise 1. Start at a pressure of 3150 psig and decrease pressure by
500 psi increments to a final pressure of 150 psig.
b- A black oil has a bubble-point pressure of 4000 psia at 225°F. The oil formation volume
factor at the bubble point is 1.519 res bbl/STB. Estimate the oil formation volume factor at
initial reservoir pressure of 6250 psia. Use a value of 9 X 10-6 psi-1for the coefficient of
isothermal compressibility.
a- An oil has Bob = 1.255 res bbl/STB, Rsb = 410 scf/STB for pb = 2265 psig at 214°F.
Produced gas specific gravity is 0.811 and stock-tank oil gravity is 23.7°API. Estimate a value
of viscosity for the black oil at the bubble point.
b- Estimate a value of viscosity for the black oil at 3000 psia.
a- Estimate a value of the coefficient of isothermal compressibility for use at 2000 psia for
the black oil of Exercise 1.
b- Estimate a value of the coefficient of isothermal compressibility for use at 4000 psia for
the black oil of Exercise 1.