Planning For A Health Career
Planning For A Health Career
Planning For A Health Career
o Social Work Those who work in this field are tasked with
o Clinical Psychology promotion of healthcare and training of health
o Psychiatry workers on managing change in healthcare. Their
o Guidance Counseling work involves assessing individual and
5. COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE community needs, planning, implementing and
evaluating health programs, promoting the
Specialists in this area focus on the maintenance, understanding of various health-related
protection, and improvement of the health of all bahaviors plus coordinating health education
community members services.
Sample Careers: Sample Careers:
MEDICAL PROFESSION is a group of individuals designed to recover from injury, illness, or
qualified to practice medicine. disease towards a normal condition as possible
ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS are lines of work that f. ADVOCACY - a method by which patients, their
still deal with healthcare but are distinct from medicine. families, attorneys, health professionals, and
citizens’ groups can work together to develop
WHO ARE THE MEDICAL AND ALLIED programs that ensure the availability of high-
HEALTH PROFESSIONALS? quality healthcare for a community
TECHNICIANS are those who undergo training to WHAT ARE THE ALLIED HEALTH
perform specific procedures. They are required to work PROFESSIONS THAT WE PRESENTLY HAVE IN
under the supervision of technologists or therapists THE PHILIPPINES?
THERAPISTS or TECHNOLOGISTS have more intensive
These are the common allied health professionals
training, which includes acquiring procedural skills.
practicing in the country with available education and
THERAPISTS or TECHNOLOGISTS evaluate patients, professional training.
diagnose conditions, develop treatment plans, and
understand the rationale behind various treatments in 1. AUDIOLOGIST – identifies and rehabilitates
hearing impairments and related disorders
order to judge their appropriateness and potential side
2. CHIROPRACTOR - diagnoses and treats
THERAPISTS or TECHNOLOGISTS also assess patients’ neuromuscular disorders, with emphasis on
responses to therapy and make appropriate decisions treatment through manual adjustment and/or
manipulation of the spine.
about continued treatment or modification of treatment
plans. Furthermore, they are licensed to perform these
3. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST - assesses, diagnoses,
tasks. treats and helps prevent mental disorders
Allied health professionals provide services and engage in
activities which include: 4. DIETITIAN / NUTRITIONIST - promotes good
health through proper diet and treatment of
a. PREVENTION - keep illness or injury from diseases
5. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN – also impairment, psychosocial dysfunction, mental
known as ambulance technician; responds quickly illness, or learning disability
to any emergency and life-threatening situation
to immediately treat serious injuries, physical or 14. ORTHOTIST/PROSTHETIST – makes and fits
mental trauma to increase a patient’s chances of prosthetics or artificial parts for the human body
15. PARAMEDIC - gives emergency medical
6. GUIDANCE COUNSELOR - assists students with treatment or assists medical professionals in
personal, family, education, and career decisions emergency situations
and concerns; also helps them develop job-
finding skills and other life skills needed to 16. PHARMACIST - prepares and dispenses
prevent and deal with problems medication prescribed by licensed health
professionals; also provides information to
7. HEALTH EDUCATOR - specializes in health patients regarding drugs, and consults with
education and promotes the development of healthcare professionals on advances in drugs or
health knowledge, life skills, and positive medicine
attitudes toward the health and well-being of
students 17. RADIOLOGIC
8. MASSAGE THERAPIST - performs the scientific professionals who perform imaging procedures,
manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for such as x-ray examinations, Magnetic Resonance
the purpose of normalizing those tissues; uses Imaging (MRI) scans and Computed Tomography
manual techniques that include applying fixed or (CT) scans (health
movable pressure on affected parts of the body
18. PHYSICAL THERAPIST - examines, evaluates,
9. MEDICAL ASSISTANT – performs, under the and treats physical impairments through use of
direction of a physician, various routine special exercise, application of heat or cold, and
administrative and nontechnical clinical tasks in other physical modalities
hospitals, clinics, and other similar facilities
10. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST – performs a variety diagnoses and treats patients with functional and
of tasks on body fluids, from simple blood tests to organic speech defects and disorders
more complex tests to uncover abnormalities in
the body, and underlying causes of illnesses, such 20. PHLEBOTOMIST - professionals with special
as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and cancer which are not training in phlebotomy or drawing blood from
easily detected through physical examination patients
11. MIDWIFE - professionals with the expertise and 21. RADIATION THERAPIST - administers radiation
skills in helping women maintain healthy therapy services to patients and observes
pregnancies, assist in or perform childbirth patients during treatment; other duties may
delivery, and help in women’s recovery process include tumor localization, patient follow-up,
through the postpartum period patient education, and record keeping
12. NURSE - trained to provide care for people who 22. RESPIRATORY THERAPIST - specializes in the
are sick or injured; monitors patients’ health and promotion of optimum cardiopulmonary function
records symptoms, assists physicians during and health; regularly deals with various chronic
examinations and treatment, and administers respiratory diseases, such as asthma and
medications. emphysema
13. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST - uses purposeful 23. SOCIAL WORKER - investigates, treats, and
activity and interventions to maximize the gives aid to people with social problems and
independence and health of any client who is helps people with mental illness, serious health
limited by physical injury or illness, cognitive conditions, financial difficulties, substance abuse
problems, domestic or child abuse, unwanted 10. NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGIST -
pregnancy and other social problems performs imaging procedures using radioactive
drugs and materials to make diagnostic
There are also allied medical professions whose
evaluations of the anatomic or physiologic
specialized training is available in other countries.
conditions of the patient’s body, and facilitates
1. CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGIST - uses therapy with the use of unsealed radioactive
imaging technology to help physicians diagnose sources
patients with cardiac (heart) and peripheral 11. ORTHOPTIST - investigates, diagnoses and treats
vascular (blood vessel) ailments defects of binocular vision and abnormalities
2. CLINICAL OFFICER - performs general medical related to eye movement; involves seeing
duties such as the diagnosis and treatment of patients of all ages from infants to the elderly
disease and injury, recommendation and 12. PEDORTHIST - are foot orthotic and orthopedic
interpretation of medical tests, performance of footwear experts trained in the assessment of
routine medical and surgical procedures, and lower limb anatomy and muscle and joint
referral of patients to other practitioners function
3. DENTAL HYGIENIST - specializes in the removal 13. PERFUSIONIST - assists in performing
of calcaneous deposits and stains from patients’ procedures that involve extracorporeal
and provides additional services and information circulation, such as during open-heart surgery or
on prevention of oral diseases hypothermia
ultrasonic imaging devices to produce diagnostic surgical team who serves as a scrub technician or
images, scans, videos, or 3D volumes of patients’ as a circulator
5. KINESIOTHERAPIST - develops and monitors
exercise programs to help people regain muscle HEALTH CAREER ORIENTATION is an activity –based
strength and function lost due to injury or disease career exploration to broaden your knowledge about
6. NEUROPHYSIOLOGIST - specializes in the careers in the health field. Health career orientation helps
diagnosis of conditions affecting the nervous you to:
system such as neuromuscular diseases, epilepsy, o evaluate and assess such factors as personal
and nerve entrapments needs, interests and skills
7. MEDICAL DOSIMETRIST - designs treatment o provide an opportunity to identify and explore
plans for patients by means of computer and/or health careers • learn about the duties and
manual computation to determine a treatment responsibilities of health professionals
field technique that will deliver the prescribed o acquire an awareness of a wide variety of
radiation dose while taking into consideration the educational training and resources for both
dose-limiting structures academic and vocational fields
o pursue health career pathways for future
8. MEDICAL RADIATION SCIENTIST - performs education/ training
complex diagnostic imaging studies on patients
and plans and administers radiation treatments