Italy at Expo 2020 1632316814
Italy at Expo 2020 1632316814
Italy at Expo 2020 1632316814
“I am confident
that Expo 2020
Dubai will provide
a great opportunity
to make a further
leap forward in our
bilateral relations”
Message from His Excellency
Nicola Lener, the Ambassador of Italy to
the United Arab Emirates
s the first global event ment to build and run an amazing and agritech). By showcasing the the UAE Universities and research
after the outbreak of Pavilion (in keeping with its role as beauty of Italian technology, in- centres); and share a strong com-
the pandemic, Expo “incumbent” after the success of deed, the Italian Pavilion will mitment to developing the cul-
2020 Dubai is expect- the Expo Milan in 2015), but also highlight the contribution that tural dialogue (as confirmed by
ed to be a platform of for the deep commitment from all Italy is providing to the global the establishment in Abu Dhabi of
extraordinary value to reflect on the main public and private en- effort to improve the life of our the first Italian Cultural Institute
the role of cooperation as a key tities to bring to Dubai the best of people, to protect our planet and in the GCC).
factor to enhance the resilience the Italian capabilities to create, to increase our prosperity in an I am confident that Expo 2020
of our societies and our capability innovate and network in order to inclusive and sustainable way, in Dubai will provide a great op-
of addressing global challenges, contribute to enhance the recovery keeping with Italy’s priorities as portunity to make a further leap
through innovation and connec- and resilience of our societies. current presidency of the G20. forward in our bilateral relations,
tivity. The Universal Exhibition “Beauty connects people” is the In doing so, Italy will also build through the number of initiatives,
will also confirm the strong role of Italian theme statement at Expo on its deep and wide relations projects, meetings, experiences
the UAE as a commercial, finan- 2020 Dubai. Beauty, though, as with the UAE in all fields, from that will involve our companies,
cial and logistics hub for the wid- a classical concept, encompass- security to trade, from science to our institutions, our research
er MENASA (Middle East, North ing not only what is aesthetically culture. Indeed, Italy and the UAE centres and our societies, and
Africa and South Asia) Region and pleasing, but also what is right maintain a strategic dialogue on that will outlast the Universal
the success of its development and useful to mankind, which the main international and re- Exhibition.
model based on diversification, today means also inclusive and gional files at Foreign Ministers’ The Embassy, together with
attractiveness and projection to- sustainable. This is the beauty level; feature a dynamic trade ex- the Consulate General in Dubai,
wards the future, in a year that that permeates the unique Italian change (in 2020 the UAE was the the Italian Trade Commission Of-
will mark the Golden Jubilee of landscapes and architecture, but 1st market for Italian export in fice, SACE and the Italian Cultural
the Federation. also the Italian manufacture and the MENA region, while Italy was Institute, and in close coopera-
For Italy, the participation in innovation in the most advanced the 2nd supplier of the UAE in the tion with the Office of the Italian
Expo 2020 Dubai will be the main sectors (from renewable to waste EU and among the first 10 glob- Commissioner General for Expo,
promotional project in the last six management, water treatment, ally); cooperate increasingly on are keen to facilitate and sup-
years, not only for the entity of the aerospace, sustainable mobility, research and technology (around port all these activities and their
investment made by the govern- life sciences, artificial intelligence 70 Italian scientists work today in follow ups.
CEO AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Abdul Hamid Ahmad | DIRECTOR — SALES AND PUBLISHING Anshuman Joshi | PUBLISHER David George Printed and published by Al Nisr Publishing LLC
DESIGN DIRECTOR S.M. Arshad | PRODUCTION EDITOR Floyd Gonsalves Distributed by Al Nisr Distribution LLC
4 ITALY AT EXPO 2020 Monday, September 20, 2021 | Gulf News
I We expect to
taly was one of the worst af- How big a part will an event
fected when the effects of such as the Dubai Expo 2020
the pandemic were first felt play in helping boost Italy’s tour-
of ‘experiential
pared is the country to kick start ter the pandemic and, therefore,
tourism again and what are the it will be a great opportunity to
precautions in place? relaunch international relations
Indeed, last year Italy was the between countries and peoples.
first Western country to be hit For Italy, it will undoubtedly be
by the Covid-19 pandemic and, a great opportunity for the inter-
thanks to the measures adopted by nationalisation of our economic
our Government that also paved
the way to other countries’ con- Giuseppe Finocchiaro, Consul system, the relaunch of our ex-
ports and the attraction of direct
tainment policies, we managed General of Italy, on how the EXPO investments also towards our
to get the outbreak largely under small and medium-sized enter-
control by the summer. In light of 2020 will help visitors discover less prises and innovative start-ups.
the importance tourism plays in As to the tourist sector more spe-
our bilateral relations, and as ac- known, but beautiful and rich territorial cifically, the Italy Pavilion will
knowledgment of the effective an-
ti-Covid measures adopted by the
identities from across Italy showcase our excellence not only
at national, but also at regional
UAE Government, tourists from level. With Italian Regions playing
the United Arab Emirates have an important role as full-fledged
been allowed to travel to Italy on partners at Expo 2020, visitors
the so-called ‘Covid-tested flights’ will have the opportunity to dis-
as of June 1 this year. With over cover less known, but not less
73 per cent of the eligible Italian extraordinarily beautiful and cul-
population fully vaccinated and turally rich, territorial identities
all necessary safeguard measures across Italy, which are definitely
in place, Italy succeeded to reopen worth visiting. Along with a more
shops, theatres, restaurants, cine- traditional form of tourism, we
mas and museums so tourists have expect to trigger a new flow of
been enjoying a return to a largely ‘experiential tourism’ where peo-
normal way of life. ple wish ‘to experience’ Italy and
its Regions by engaging with our
How has the Italian Consulate unique history, people, culture,
helped Italian residents here in food and environment.
the UAE during the pandemic
months? How much did the lockdown
The Covid-19 pandemic has affect the trade balance between
posed unprecedented and sudden Italy and the UAE?
challenges to the entire Italian Italy is very much loved in the
public administration, both in It- UAE as it is synonymous with
aly and abroad, as all public offices culture, art, refinement in fash-
had to rethink and reinvent differ- ion, design, technology and high
ent ways of providing assistance to quality food. This is also thanks
their compatriots. Since the very to the work of the Italian entre-
first phase of the pandemic under attractions that the pavilion has ing conceived by Oscar-winning preneurial community in the UAE
my predecessor, this Consulate lined up? Italian director Gabriele Salva- that is made up of over 600 com-
General had to swiftly find a bal- A number of media have been tores. At the beginning of the panies, including those operating
ance between the need, on one anticipating the ‘once in a life- impressive journey, visitors will through local agents.
hand, to ensure the continuity in time experience’ visitors will en- bask in the beauty of the finest In spite of the constraints im-
the provision of essential consular joy at the Italy Pavilion, with its Italian landscapes then contin- posed by the pandemic, the Ital-
services and, on the other hand, architecture providing a creative ue on to narrative architectures ian Trade Agency in Dubai, in
to safeguard the health of our and very innovative presentation that express Italy’s talents, com- close cooperation with the Ital-
employees and customers alike, of the key theme of our Pavilion petence and beauty: from cine- ian Embassy in Abu Dhabi and
strictly in line with the anti-Covid “Beauty that Connects People”, ma to theatre, from landscapes the Italian Consulate General in
regulations introduced by both It- where Beauty is intended as com- to innovative enterprises, from Dubai, continued to facilitate
aly and the United Arab Emirates. petence, innovation and a conduit cutting-edge technologies to sus- business opportunities for Italian
Consequently, the pandemic has for knowledge. tainability. The Pavilion aims at companies through the organi-
catalysed the digitalisation of the As remarked by the Commis- highlighting the importance of sation of business missions and
consular services, with an increas- sioner General for Italy at Expo history, tradition and memory in participation in the most import-
ing number of them now available 2020, Paolo Glisenti, who heads sparking innovation and creativ- ant trade fairs.
online, but has also often demand- the office in charge of organising ity, while paying tribute to the Notwithstanding the slowdown
ed a shift of human resources to and implementing my country’s seafaring peoples that have pop- in global trade brought by the
emergency consular assistance participation at the world event, ulated the Mediterrenean basin pandemic, in 2020 Italy became
tasks in order to help those fellow the Italy Pavilion will be an in- through history. Let us recall that the first commercial partner of
citizens affected by Covid-19 and novation hub with a structure Italy has always been a bridge, the UAE in terms of total bilateral
in dire situations for different rea- inspired by the most advanced el- above all with the Mediterranean trade and the second commer-
sons. In this regard, I would like to ements of sustainability and cir- and the Arab and Middle Eastern cial partner as to exports to UAE
commend the extraordinary work cular economy demonstrating the world, which have nourished our (among European Union Member
done by the Consulate’s staff. height of Italian ingenuity. culture and shaped a common States). We are glad that the first
The exhibition route of the Pa- cultural heritage. During the se- quarter of 2021 confirmed such a
The Italian Pavilion will be one vilion will take the visitor on a mester, the Italian Pavilion will positive trend with an increase of
of the most visited venues at spectacular journey across the host hundreds of very interesting 43.44 per cent of the total trade
Dubai Expo 2020. What are the Peninsula through the storytell- events. with the UAE.
6 ITALY AT EXPO 2020 Monday, September 20, 2021 | Gulf News
or Italy, participation in Expo
2020 Dubai is more special
than it is for other countries.
Having successfully hosted the
previous Expo in Milan in 2015,
Italy comes into the Dubai Expo
in the special role of incumbent.
That is one of the reasons why the
country has gone all out with its
preparations for the world fair, in-
cluding a pavilion that promises to
offer visitors a ‘once in a lifetime technologies.
experience’. Apart from showcasing what
The Italy Pavilion embodies the the country has to offer, the Italy
key theme, which is “Beauty that Pavilion will also give equal rep-
Connects People”, where Beauty resentation to the different regions
is intended as competence, inno- within the country, with Italian
vation and a conduit for knowl- Regions playing an important role
edge. The Italy Pavilion will be as full-fledged partners at Expo
positioned as a hub for innovation 2020. Officials expect the Expo to
with a structure inspired by the vatores, taking them through the mosaics will lead to the ultimate prompt a new stream of ‘experien-
most advanced elements of sus- finest that Italy has to offer, with masterpiece of excellence of Italian tial tourism’ where people wish ‘to
tainability and circular economy the narrative demonstrating the culture and art — Michelangelo’s experience’ Italy and its regions by
that showcase the best of Italian country’s talents, competence and David! A real size 3D copy special- engaging with the country’s histo-
ingenuity. beauty: from cinema to theatre, ly produced in Florence to be dis- ry, people, culture, food and envi-
Visitors to the Italian Pavilion will from landscapes to innovative en- played at the Expo 2020 Dubai, the ronment.
experience a journey that has been terprises, from cutting-edge tech- David statue symbolises how the For more details and the full cal-
conceptualised by Oscar-win- nologies to sustainability. Galleries extraordinary historical legacy of endar of activities, visit the official
ning Italian director Gabriele Sal- lined with gilded Byzantine-style Italy meets the future of advanced website
The Italian Cultural Institute will be organising several events including concerts within Expo 2020
he Italian Cultural with MAECI and Politecni-
Institute in Abu Dha- co di Milano, Plessi’s Digi-
bi (IIC), one of the tal Splash by the celebrat-
83 Institutes around the ed artist Fabrizio Plessi,
world, part of the Diplo- Older than love, by artist
matic Network of MAECI and photographer Martina
(Italian Ministry of Foreign Zanin.
Affairs and International Worth mentioning is the
Cooperation), is the Cul- collaboration with Cinema
tural Section of the Em- Akil, Dubai, and Cinema
bassy of Italy to the UAE Space, Abu Dhabi, for the
and the only Institute in retrospectives dedicated to
the GCC. directors Federico Fellini
The IIC promotes the Ital- and Pupi Avati.
ian language and culture, Other activities and proj-
mainly through the organ- ects include those in the
isation of cultural events, fields of Italian language
also in collaboration with promotion and teacher
UAE and Italian Authorities training, science, and lit-
and Institutions. erature, such as the cele-
Among the several up- bration of the Italian poet
coming projects of the IIC, Dante Alighieri, to mark
the most notable will be the Il Nabucco, conducted by Giovanni Sollima; Paolo Art, in collaboration with the 700th anniversary of
concerts organised within Maestro Riccardo Muti; the Fresu jazz Trio. Sharjah Museum Author- his death, as well as pub-
Expo 2020, in collabora- Oscar-winner composer The IIC programme also ity and Fondazione Torino lishing (in collaboration
tion with the Embassy of Nicola Piovani; Orchestra includes exhibitions such Musei, DIVA! The Italian with Sharjah International
Italy and the Italian Com- di Piazza Vittorio; the 100 as Drop by drop life falls from Glamour, Italian fashion Book Fair), photography,
missioner’s Office at Expo: international cellists with the sky, Water, Islam and jewellery, in collaboration fashion, and design.
Gulf News | Monday, September 20, 2021 ITALY AT EXPO 2020 7
First quarter of 2021 shows positive trend with an increase of 43.44 per cent in total trade
Amedeo Scarpa
Italian Trade
Commissioner to the
UAE and ITA Dubai
n 2020, besides the pandemic, the total
balance trade between Italy and the UAE
stood at more than 8.4 billion Euros, out
of which 3.9 billion of Italian export and
4.5 billion of Emirati export (0.6 billion
Euros of surplus for the UAE), and Italy
became the first European commercial
partners of the UAE in terms of total bilat-
eral trade.
Italy represents the 9th supplier of the
UAE, with a market share increasing to
2.9 per cent during pandemic, compared
to the 2.5 per cent of previous years. Unit-
ed Arab Emirates instead ranked 18th
position among Italy’s suppliers (market
share: 1.23 per cent).
First quarter of 2021 confirms such a
positive trend with an increase of 43.44
per cent in total trade (out of which Italy’s
export saw growth of 22 per cent and Emi-
rati export saw growth of 183 per cent due
to the growth of gold and precious metal
exported towards Italy).
SACE, through its office in Dubai, focuses on
sectors of excellence for Italy, such as agrifood,
infrastructure and oil and gas
Pictures: Shutterstock
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