Field Study 5: Learning Episode 1. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING

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Field Study 5

My Learning Episode Overview

This Episode introduces assessment FOR learning, assessment AS

learning and assessment OF learning. Prepositions for, as and of mean a
lot. They make a big difference in assessment. Assessment FOR learning,
assessment AS learning and assessment OF learning have different
purposes. You learned them in your subjects on Assessment. In this
Episode, you will observe how they are applied in the teaching-learning

My Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 distinguish among the 3 forms of assessment

 draw concrete examples of these forms of

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

a) quality of my observations and documentation,

b) completeness and depth of my analysis,
c) depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections,
d) completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) time of submission of my portfolio.

My Learning Essentials

The preposition “for” in assessment FOR learning implies that

assessment is done to improve and ensure learning. This is referred to as
formative assessment, assessment that is given while the teacher is in
the process of student formation (learning). It ensures that learning is
going on while teacher is in the process of teaching.

Teacher does not lose anything if as he/ she teaches he/she checks
for understanding now and then, This is to ensure that before he/she
proceeds further or comes near the end of the chapter, unit or course or
grading period, the students understood the lesson.

It will be tragic and a waste of time if teacher just proceeds with

his/her teaching presuming that students understood the lesson only to
discover at the end of the unit or grading period that students after all did
not understand the lesson. So much time has already been wasted.

Besides, lack of understanding of the lesson must have been

compounded because the “ABCs” of the lesson weren’t mastered and
teacher already proceeded to “XYZ”. Too late to discover that at the end
of a unit or a grading period the students did not learn what was expected
of them.

Formative assessment also includes the pretest and the posttest

that a teacher gives to ensure learning.

Why the prestest? It is to find out where the students are or

determine their entry knowledge or skills so teacher knows how to adjust

Why the posttest? It is to find out if the intended learning outcome

has been attained after the teaching-learning process. If not all students
have attained it, then teacher has to apply an intervention or
remediation. Why do these have to take place? To ensure learning, thus
the term Assessment FOR Learning.

In Assessment FOR Learning, teachers use assessment results to

inform of adjust their teaching.

Assessment OF Learning is usually given at the end of a unit,

grading period or term like a semester. It is meant to assess learning for
grading purposes, thus the term Assessment OF Learning.

Assessment AS learning is associated with self-assessment. As the

term implies, assessment by itself is already a form of learning for the

As students assess their own work (e.g. a paragraph) and/or with

their peers with the use of scoring rubrics, they learn on their own what a
good paragraph is. At the same time, they are engaged in self-
assessment, they learn about themselves as learners (e.g. paragraph
writers) and become aware of how they learn. In short, in assessment AS
learning, students set their targets, actively monitor and evaluate their
own learning in relation to their set target. As a consequence, they
become self-directed or independent learners.

Figure 1. Various Approaches to Assessment

My Map
I will work my way through these steps:

My Learning Activities

I will observe two classes, record my observations with the use

of an Observation Sheet.


Indicators of Assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning

Resource Teachers: Winnielyn H. Zuniega Teacher’s

School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level:
Grade 7
Subject Area: English Date: January 31,

Assessment FOR Assessment AS Assessment Of Learning

Learning Learning

Write observed teacher Write observed teacher Write observed teacher

activities that manifest and student activities activities that manifest
assessment For learning. that manifest assessment OF learning.
(Assessment while assessment AS (Assessment at the end of
teacher teaches. Conduct learning. (Self- teaching).
of prestest and posttest assessment)
are included).

Generally, inside their Tests were given to the

class contains a question students based on the lesson
box wherein students they’ve discussed. There are

drop subject-related After class, students fill different varities of how the
questions before a certain up a learning log. A teacher assess her students.
time end, written in a learning log consists of Example of these are oral
piece of paper. Simply essays or simply a recitation, group presentation
asking questions during diary like assessment of given tasks, paper-and-
discussion/before starting where they write what pencil tests.
was often done inside the they have learned,
classroom. In that way, what they are
the students will be more expecting to learn the
open to other possible next day in their
learning and can share subject and how they
their ideas as well. are going to use what
they have learned in
the real world.

My Learning Activities

Indicators of Assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning

Resource Teachers: Cloudy A. Alipala Teacher’s


School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level:

Grade 7

Subject Area: Math Date: January 31,


Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment OF


Write observed teacher Write observed teacher Write observed teacher

activities that manifest and student activities activities that manifest
assessment For learning. that manifest assessment OF
(Assessment while assessment AS learning. learning. (Assessment
teacher teaches. Conduct (Self-assessment) at the end of teaching).
of prestest and posttest
are included).

Tests were given to the

students based on the
Certain questions were Daily logs of what they lesson they’ve
asked, like background want to learn. discussed. There are
knowledge about the different varieties how
topic. the teacher assess her
students. Oral
recitation, group
presentation of given
tasks, paper-and-pencil

My Analysis

1. Did you observe assessment practices for the three forms of

assessment? Explain your answer.

Yes. Practices were thoroughly practiced to that subject.

2. Are results of assessment OF learning affected by the

observance/implementation of assessment FOR learning?
Explain your answer.

It didn’t affect to the implementation of assessment for learning.

Parallel to the objectives, the result of the assessments must be
all the same. So the outcome must be the same as the other
assessment results.

3. Based on your observations, to what extent is Assessment AS

Learning (self-assessment) practiced compared to Assessment
FOR (formative) and OF Learning (summative)?

Compared to assessment “of” learning and “as” learning,

assessment “as” learning is not often practiced. Assessment
“as” learning is the use of task or an activity to allow students
the opportunity to use assessment to further their own learning.
Self and peer assessments allow students to reflect on their own
learning and identify areas of strength and need.

4. Which phrase refers to assessment FOR learning? Assessment

OF learning? Assessment AS learning??

DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states: “Assessment is a process that

is used to keep track of learners’ progress in relation to learning
standards…, to promote self-reflection and personal
accountability among students about their own learning and to
provide bases for the profiling of student performance on the
learning competencies and standards of the curriculum.”

My Reflections

Write your reflections on the following:

1. As a student, did you like assessment? Do students like

assessment? Why or why not?

As a student, I like being assessed my works and class standing.

Teachers assess students to see whether they’ve learned what
they are expected to. Teachers can guide students who weren’t
able to grasp the lesson. Mostly students don’t like assessment.
Assessment has an innate impact to students especially when
taking exams. For students have a limited span of attention.

2. What can you do to eliminate students’ fear of assessment?

Can frequent formative assessment (Formative assessment)
reduce if not eliminate fear of assessment?
Yes, variety of how we are going to demonstrate the
assessment could help. Interactive assessment could be

effective to students for they like when they are being involved
and they could share opinions.

3. Do you like the idea and practice of self-assessment

(assessment AS learning)? Why or why not?

Personal assessment is helpful for students for they can

maintain or have the idea of what they have to and want to

My Learning Portfolio

1. Distinguish assessment FOR, OF and AS learning by way of graphic


2. Research on:

 3 innovative formative assessment activities and techniques to add

to the usual teacher questioning and observation techniques.

Formative Assessment Activities and Techniques

1. Write it down Have the students write down an

explanation of what they have
understood. Read these explanations to
help inform your instruction, and write
comments on them or discuss them with
the student to give them feedback.

2. My Favorite No Assign students a warm up problem or

two. Handout index cards to the
students. Sort the index into yes/no
piles. Choose your favorite no question
response and analyze it as a class.

3. Text Rendering Students read an informative text

independently, highlighting or writing
down a few sentence they found
important or interesting, of note, or that
give them an “Ah ha!” moment. Then
group the students and have each share
a sentence from text. Next, have each
student pick and share a phrase from the
sentence they shared. Finally, each
student will pick one word from that
sentence and share. Have students then
discuss if the words, phrases and
sentences they chose sum up the main

 2 innovative summative assessment tools that measure higher-order thinking skills

Summative Assessment Tools

1. Performance Task Students are asked to complete a
task that will test a specific set of
skills and/or abilities and determine
what the students knows and are
capable of doing. A rubric, checklist,
or other form of scoring guide should
accompany this type of assessment.
2. Written Product Students are asked to write an
original selection. There are many
written forms that teachers can use
to get students to write. In addition,
students may be asked to write about
a previous activity such as field trip
or guest speaker. Students may also
be asked to create a piece of
[pursuasive writing or a reflection
about their learning experience. A
rubric, checklist or other form of
scoring guide should accompany this
type of assessment.

Learning Episode 2:

My Learning Episode Overview

For the assessment process to accomplish its purpose, i.e.,

to ensure learning, we must be guided by basic
assessment principles. This Episode is focused on basic
guiding principles of assessment.

My Intended Learning Outcomes


After this Episode, I must be able to:

 determine application of the guiding principles in given
situations and
 apply the basic assessment principles in the teaching-
learning process.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following: .
a. quality of my observations and documentation,
b. completeness and depth of my analysis,
c. depth and clarity of my classroom observation -based
d. completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e. time of submission of my portfolio

My Learning Essentials

The following are the principles that should guide you in

the conduct of assessment.
1.Begin by specifying clearly and exactly what you want to
assess. What you want to assess is/are stated in your
learning outcomes/lesson objectives.

2. The intended learning outcome/lesson objective NOT

CONTENT is the basis of the assessment task. You use
content in the development of the assessment tool and
task but it is the attainment of your learning outcome NOT
content that you want to assess. This is Outcome-Based
Teaching and Learning.

3. Set your criterion of success or acceptable standard of

success. It is against this established standard that you will
interpret your assessment results.
Example: Is a score of 7 out of 10 (the highest possible
score) acceptable or considered success?

4.Make use of varied tools for assessment data-gathering

and multiple sources of assessment data. It is not
pedagogically sound to rely on just one source of data
gathered by only one assessment tool. Consider multiple
intelligences and learning styles. DepEd Order No. 8,
s.2015 cites the use of multiple ways of measuring
students’ varying abilities and learning potentials.
5.Learners must be given feedback about their
performance. Feedback must be specific. “Good work!” is a
positive feedback and is welcome but actually is not a very
good feedback since it is not specific. A more specific
better feedback is “You observed rules on subject-verb
agreement and variety of sentences. Three of your
commas were misplaced”.

6.Assessment should be on real-world application and not

on out-of-context drills.

7.Emphasize on the assessment of higher-order thinking.

8.Provide opportunities for self-assessment.

My Map

I will work my way through these steps:

Step 1. Read the Learning Essentials given above.

Step 2. Observe at least three (3) classes with a learning

partner. I will choose one class from each of the three
Group 1- Language/Science/Math

Group 2- Physical Education/ICT, TLE

Group 3- Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/Araling Panlipunan


Step 3. Discuss my observations/answers to the questions

with my partner.

Step 4. Write down my answers to the questions.

Step 5. Reflect on my observation.

Step 6. Come up with my portfolio.


My Learning Activities


Resource Teachers: Cloudy A. Alipala Teacher’s Signature:

School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7

Subject Area: Math Date: January 31, 2017

Which of the following principles were observed by the Resource


Observations (Describe observed

behaviors of the Resource Teacher
that is/are aligned to each
Principles of Assessment principle).

1. Make use of the varied tools for Which assessment tools did
assessment data-gathering and multiple Resource Teacher use?
sources of assessment data. It is not  Simple Recall type: Before
pedagogically sound to rely on just one introducing new subject matter
source of data gathered by only one he gave a recitation to his class
assessment tool. Consider multiple for him to assess them if they
intelligences and learning styles. still remember their past topic.
 Rubrics was one of the
assessment tools used by the
teacher. Printed sets of criteria
for assessing knowledge,
performance or product and for
giving feedback. The following
tools are examples of rubrics and
how they are used in schools.
2. Learners must be given feedback Give examples of comments of
about their performance. Feedback must teacher on students’ work/answer.
be specific. “Good work!” is a positive
feedback and is welcome but actually is
not a very good feedback since it is not
One of the positive feed backs given
specific. A more specific better feedback
were “Great Job!” and “Good Work!”.
is “You observed rules on subject-verb
agreement and variety of sentences.
Three of your commas were misplaced”.

3. Assessment should be on real-world How was this demonstrated?

application and not on out-of-context

The teacher gives activities with real

world application and she allow the
students to give their realization
about the said activity. She assessed
student’s performance through
rubrics or checklist.

4. Emphasize on the assessment of How was this done?

higher-order thinking.
It is done after the discussion of

5. Emphasize on the self-assessment. Were the students given the

(Assessment as learning) opportunity to do self-assessment?

Yes, through student led and three

way conferences.

My Learning Activities


Resource Teachers: Winnielyn H. Zuniega Teacher’s Signature:

School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7

Subject Area: English Date: January 31, 2017

Which of the following principles were observed by the Resource


Observations (Describe observed

Principles of Assessment behaviors of the Resource Teacher
that is/are aligned to each

1. Make use of the varied tools for Which assessment tools did
assessment data-gathering and Resource Teacher use?
multiple sources of assessment
data. It is not pedagogically sound Simple Recall Type: Before
to rely on just one source of data introducing new subject matter he
gathered by only one assessment gave a recitation to his class for him
tool. Consider multiple intelligences to assess them if they still
and learning styles. remember the topic.

2. Learners must be given feedback Give examples of comments of

about their performance. Feedback teacher on students’ work/answer.
must be specific. “Good work!” is a
positive feedback and is welcome
but actually is not a very good
feedback since it is not specific. A
more specific better feedback is One of the positive feedbacks given
“You observed rules on subject-verb were “Great Job!” and “Good
agreement and variety of Work!”.
sentences. Three of your commas
were misplaced”.

3. Assessment should be on real- How was this demonstrated?

world application and not on out-of-
context drills.
The teacher interacted with the
students on how she is going to
grade the presentation.

4. Emphasize on the assessment of How was this done?

higher-order thinking.
It is done after the class.

5. Emphasize on the self- Were the students given the

assessment. (Assessment as opportunity to do self-assessment?

Assessing themselves and their

classmates through self and peer

My Learning Activities


Resource Teachers: Jesus Maria Arsenio Salvilla Teacher’s Signature:

School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade


Subject Area: Social Studies Date: February 14, 2017

Which of the following principles were observed by the Resource


Observations (Describe observed

behaviors of the Resource Teacher
Principles of Assessment that is/are aligned to each

1. Make use of the varied tools for Which assessment tools did
assessment data-gathering and Resource Teacher use?
multiple sources of assessment
data. It is not pedagogically sound  Observation Assessment: As the
to rely on just one source of data students make their drawings
gathered by only one assessment the teacher watches them on
tool. Consider multiple intelligences how they work.
and learning styles.  Performance based: After the
teacher discussed their lessons,
she let the students draw
orthographic objects.
2. Learners must be given feedback Give examples of comments of
about their performance. Feedback teacher on students’ work/answer.
must be specific. “Good work!” is a
positive feedback and is welcome
but actually is not a very good
feedback since it is not specific. A “Very good!” were often seen at the
more specific better feedback is feedback by the teacher.
“You observed rules on subject-verb
agreement and variety of
sentences. Three of your commas
were misplaced”.

3. Assessment should be on real- How was this demonstrated?

world application and not on out-of-
context drills.
The teacher assess after the

4. Emphasize on the assessment of How was this done?

higher-order thinking.
It is done after the class.

5. Emphasize on the self- Were the students given the

assessment. (Assessment as opportunity to do self-assessment?

They are given a chance to assess

themselves and their classmates,
they spend time for self-

My Analysis

1. Which of the principles of assessment were observed to have been

The most observed principle was learners must be given feedback
about their performance. Feedback must be specific. “Good work!” is a
positive feedback and welcoming but actually it is not specific. A more
specific and a better feedback is “You observed rules on subject verb
agreement and variety of sentences. Three of your commas were
misplaced”. For the students are motivated after seeing good
comments on their works.

2. Which principle/s was/were least observed / not observed?

Emphasize on the assessment of higher order thinking was the
principle that was least observed.

My Reflections
We assess what we value and value what we assess. What should I do
to make assessment worthwhile?
To make assessment worthwhile, teachers must consider as well the means
of how they are going to assess their students. Teachers have their own
opinion or way of how they assess students, and the result of the

My Learning Portfolio

1. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-context

drill. Research on GRASP of G. Wiggins and Jay McTighe. Construct a real-
world performance assessment task.

The task is to make the students have a realization of the values they can
acquire behind the lessons discussed. The goal is to implant students

2. Here is an intended learning outcome: “the student must be able to apply

the basic assessment principles in the teaching-learning process.” Assess the
attainment of that objective learning outcome by way of 2 multiple choice
test items.
Thomas and Thorne (2009) suggest a multi-step process for teaching and
learning concepts, which includes:
1) Name the critical (main) features of the concept.
2) Name some additional features of the concept.
3) Compare the new to the already known.
4) Name some false features of the concept.

Learning Episode 3:


My Learning Episode Overview

There are different assessment methods, assessment tools and

assessment tasks to assess several domains of learning - cognitive, affective
and psychomotor.

No single assessment method /tool/task can assess all forms of learning.

With Gardner’s learner’s multiple intelligences, learning when assessed can be
demonstrated in nine (9) different ways and therefore can be assessed in nine
(9) different ways, too. Teacher, therefore, should make use of varied
assessment tools and tasks. In fact, one principle of assessment is to make use
of varied methods and tools.

In this Episode, you will see which methods, tools and tasks are used
for learners with varied multiple intelligences and in different domains of

My Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 identify different assessment methods, assessment tools, assessment

tasks and

 select the appropriate assessment method/tool/task for different

domains of learning and for the 9 intelligences.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following: .
a. quality of my observations and documentation,
b. completeness and depth of my analysis,
c. depth and clarity of my classroom observation -based reflections,
d. completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e. time of submission of my portfolio

My Learning Essentials

Assessment methods can be classified as traditional and authentic.

Traditional assessment method refers to the usual paper-and-pencil test while
authentic assessment refers to non-paper-and-pencil test. Authentic
assessment is also called alternative assessment, it being an alternative to
the traditional.

The paper-and-pencil test (traditional assessment) assess learning in the

cognitive domain (Bloom) or declarative knowledge (Kendall and Marzano,

The paper-and-pencil test however, is inadequate to measure all forms of

learning. Psychomotor learning (Kendall and Marzano, 2012) or procedural
knowledge (Kendall and Marzano, 2012) cannot be measured by a paper-and-
pencil test.

Assessment tools for the cognitive domain (declarative knowledge) are

the different paper-and-pencil tests. Basic examples of paper-and-pencil tests
are shown in Figure 2.

Selected Constructed
response response


Short answer
Matching Type

Restricted or
Multiple non-restricted

Problem solving

Figure 2. Two groups of Written Tests and Specific Examples

Examples of authentic assessment tools are the demonstrations of

what have been learned by either a product or a performance. (Refer to
Figure 3).

Product Performance

Product Output Performance


Visual- e.g. graph, e.g. experiments,

collage oral presentation,
reflective- dramatization

Figure 3. Groups and Examples of Authentic Tasks

We make use of varied methods because there are many forms of

learning- cognitive, affective, and psychomotor (Bloom). For Kendall
and Marzano there are also three (3) - information (declarative
knowledge), metacognitive procedures (procedural knowledge) and
psychomotor procedures (physical / motor / manipulative skills. (See
Figure 4).

Information procedures Psychomotor
(declarative (procedural procedures

knowledge) knowledge) (physical, motor/

manipulative skills)

Kendall’s and
Marzano’s New

Figure 4. Kendall’s and Marzano’s New taxonomy

Learners have multiple intelligences and varied learning styles.

Students must be given the opportunity to demonstrate learning that
isaligned to their multiple intelligences and to their learning styles. It is
good for teachers to consider multiple intelligences of learners to
enable learners to demonstrate learning in a manner which makes
them feel comfortable and successful.

Figure 5. Multiple Intelligences


My Map
I will observe three different classes. I will reflect on the guide
questions given below. To hit my target, I will follow these steps:

Step 1. Read the Learning Essentials given above.

Step 2. Observe at least three (3) classes with a learning partner.

I will choose one class from each of the three groups.

Group 1- Language/Science/Math

Group 2- Physical Education/EPP/TLE, Music and Arts

Group 3- Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/Literature/Araling Panlipunan

Step 3. Analyze my observations with the use of guide questions.

Step 4. Reflect on my observations and analysis.

Step 5. Come up with my portfolio.

My Learning Activities

I will observe 3 Resource Teachers and focus my observation on their

assessment practices with the help of an Observation Sheet.

OBSERVATION SHEET #2.1 - Traditional Assessment Practices*

Learning in the Cognitive Domain and Declarative Knowledge

Resource Teachers: Jesus Maria Arsenio Salvilla Teacher’s Signature:

School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade


Subject Area: Social Studies Date: February 14,


Paper-and-Pencil Test Please put a check (√) on the test which the teacher
used and give at least 2 test items as examples. You
may ask for samples of past tests that your
Resource Teacher used in the past to complete your


1. Alternate-response NONE

2. Matching type Pagtapat – tapatin. Isulat lamang sa Hanay A ang

letra mula sa hanay B.

Column A:
___ 1. Salaping tinatanggap ng tao kapalit ng
ginawang produkto at serbisyo.
___ 2. Pinakamataas na uri ng pangangailangan
ayon kay Abraham Maslow.
___ 3. Pagpapakilala ng mga produkto batay sa
katangian at kabutihan ng paggamit at pagbili nito.

Column B:
a. Kita
b. Presyo
c. Law of Diminishing Utility

3. Multiple Choice NONE

4.Others(Problem __________ 1. Bilang ng tao na naninirahan sa isang
solving) lugar.
__________ 2. Agham sa pag-aaral ng balangkas sa


1. Completion Isulat ang btamang pangatnig sa patlang upang

mabuo ang pangungusap.

1. Sa isang kisapmata, lumipad ang ibon ___

nawala sa mga halaman.
2. Tinangka noon ng Pilipinas na makuha ang
Sabah ___ may mga dokumentong nagpapatunay
naninirahan doon an gating mga ninuno.

2. Short answer type

Isulat sa patlang ang hinihingi ng mga sa

______ 1. Sino ang may-akda ng Florante at Laura?

______ 2. Kanino inialay ng may-akda ang Ibong

3. Problem solving Basahin at suriin ang sitwasyon na nasa loob ng

kahon at isagawa ang nakapaloob na gawain.

Sitwasyon: Nagkaroon ng higit sa 10 bahagdan

ng pagtaas sa presyo ng mga produkto at
serbisyo na nakalista sa ibaba. Sa kabila nito,
walang pagbabago sa suweldo mo. Ilagay sa
papel ang mga produkto at serbisyong bibilhin
mo pa rin kahit tumaas ang presyo nito.
4. Essay

a) Restricted None

b) Non-restricted Sumulat ng sanaysay tungkol sa tamang

pangangalaga ng mga yamang likas.

5. Others Matching Type:

Piliin sa hanay B ang hinihingi sa hanay A. Isulat sa

patlang ang titik ng sagot.

Hanay A:

_____ 1. Ipinatapon ng pamahalaang Kastila noong

1872 dahil sa himagsikan sa Cavite.
_____ 2. Nag-anyaya kay Rizal na manithan sa

tirahang opisyal ng Legasyon.

Hanay B:

A. Jose Ma. Basa

B. Lecaros
C. Blabino Mauricio

OBSERVATION SHEET #2.2 - Traditional Assessment Practices*

Learning in the Cognitive Domain and Declarative Knowledge

Resource Teachers: Jesus Maria Arsenio Salvilla Teacher’s Signature:

School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade


Subject Area: Social Studies Date: February 14, 2017

Paper-and-Pencil Test Please put a check (√) on the test which the
teacher used and give at least 2 test items as
examples. You may ask for samples of past tests
that your Resource Teacher used in the past to
complete your matrix.

Selected-response type
1. Alternate-response None

2. Matching type Match column A with the correct answer in

column B. Write your answers before the

Column A
____1. He is known as the Father of Taxonomy.
____2. He established the concept of cell theory.

Column B
A. Gregor Mendel
B. Robert Hooke
C. Louis Pasteur
3. Multiple Choice None

4. Others (Enumeration) Give what is being asked:

1. Countries in Southeast Asia.

2. Countries that belongs in Middle East.


1. Completion None

2. Short answer type Isulat sa patlang ang hinihingi ng mga sa


______ 1. Sino ang ika-labing apat na presidente

ng Pilipinas?
______ 2. Kailan inilibing si Marcos sa libingan ng
mga bayani?
3. Problem solving
Gamit ang mid-point formula, ikompyut ang
coefficient para sa bawat aytem at tukuyin
kung anong uri ito ng elastisidad ng supply.

P1= 10Q1= 100 2. P1= 20 Q1= 200

P2= 15Q2= 120 P2= 30Q2= 400

4. Essay

a) restricted In a whole piece of paper. Write a 500 words

about the effect of global warming.

b) non-restricted If you’re given a chance to invent something

that can help maintain the environment, what is

5. Others None

OBSERVATION SHEET #2.3 - Authentic Assessment Practices*

Learning in the Psychomotor Domain, Procedural Knowledge,

Product and Performance

Resource Teachers: Winnie H. Zuniega Teacher’s Signature:

School: Jaro National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 7

Subject Area: English Date: January 31, 2017

Authentic Describe how a product/performance was assessed?


1. Product Example/s of product/s assessed. How was it/were

they assessed?

The product that was assessed in an English class in

the lesson of Figures and Speech was a poem at the
end of the class. It was assessed through a checklist.

2. Performance Example/s of performance/s assessed. How was

(Psychomotor) it/were they assessed?

The performance that was assessed in English is how

the students perform the poem they have written. It
was assessed through a rubric.

My Analysis

1. In what subjects was traditional assessment method used most?

Math is the one that often uses traditional assessment method.

2. Which among the traditional assessment tools/tests was/were used most


Paper-and-Pencil assessment.

3. In what subjects was authentic assessment method used most?

Authentic assessment was used more often to Social Studies, English and

4. Which products or performance were assessed? Give examples.

Students had a performance at English where they performed the poem they
have written..

5. What assessment tools and tasks were used to assess learning in the
cognitive domain, and declarative knowledge?

Rubrics, Review and Reflection Tools and Graphic organizers and Checklist.

6. What assessment tools and tasks were used to assess the learning of
psychomotor skills/procedural knowledge?
Rubrics and Feedback Tools.

7. Was there assessment of learning in the affective domain? Explain your


Yes, because it describes learning objectives that emphasize a feeling tone,

an emotion, or a degree of acceptance or rejection. It is usually used in
giving feedbacks to students performance.

8. To which multiple intelligences did the assessment tools and tasks respond?
Come up with a Table of the intelligences which were given attention and the
corresponding assessment task used.
Multiple Intelligences Assessment
Ask students to write in a
Linguistic intelligence ("word smart") journal regularly.
Give oral exams and/or 34
essay tests.
Emphasize creative
writing- have students
write poems, plays and
Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning  Assign science labs and
smart") experiments.
 Have students complete
logic problems and
 Invite students to
Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") create collages, murals
and posters.
 Encourage students to
illustrate their ideas
using maps, charts, and
 Help students use
school equipment to
make a video or slide
 Challenge students to
Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") write and perform
 Have students build
models or use other
hands-on techniques to
show what they
 Challenge students to
Musical intelligence ("music smart") identify and explain
patterns in music or
 Ask students to write
new lyrics to familiar
melodies or to compose
a new song.
Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")  Stage a classroom
 Have students work
collaboratively to
brainstorm and prepare
a project.
 Ask students to identify
Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") their own academic
strengths and
 Have students think of
personal goals and give
progress reports.
Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")  Ask students to keep
environmental journals
and to share their
 Invite students to lead
classmates on a nature

My Reflections

What happens when your assessment method and tool do not match with
your domain of learning?

When the assessment and tool does not match with the domain of
learning, assessment method must be repeated

Have we been fair to learners whom we learned are equipped with multiple
intelligences when in the past we only used paper-and-pencil test which was
most fit only for the linguistically intelligent learners?

The past paper-and-pencil tests use weren’t favorable to learners with

multiple intelligencess because it is very objective-the past tests were only
focused on linguistic learners and not on different types of multiple

My Learning Portfolio

1. Refer to the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Select at least one competency for each domain of
learning and give an appropriate assessment tool/task.

Domains of Learning Competency Assessment Tool/Task

(Bloom, Kendall and

1.Cognitive/Declarative Demonstrates Organization - Codify,

Knowledge/ Process understanding of Discriminate Display,
concepts, of nouns and Order, Organize,
adjectives for Systematize and
identification and Weight.

2.Psychomotor/Motor Presents varied ideas Corresponding -

Skills independently and Complete, Comply,
shows interest Cooperate, Discuss,
enthusiastically in Examine, Obey and
diverse literacy-related Respond.

3. Affective Demonstrates Evaluation - central


understanding of component of attitudes,

literary concepts of imputation of some
appreciation of literacy degree of goodness or
- related activities/task. badness to an attitude;
positive or negative
attitude toward an
object; function of
cognitive, affect and
behavioral intention of
the object; stored in

2. Give the 9 Multiple Intelligences (MI) cited by Gardner. Give at least 1 example
of assessment tool/task to assess this particular intended learning outcome: “to
explain the meaning of Pygmalion effect”

Language smart - In 3 sentences, explain the meaning of Pygmalion effect.

Logic smart – Make up an analogies to explain Pygmalion effect.

Picture smart - Create a slide show, videotape or photo album of Pygmalion


Nature smart - Create observation notebooks of Pygmalion effect.

Body smart – Bring hands-on materials to demonstrate Pygmalion effect.

Music smart - Give a presentation with appropriate musical accompaniment on

Pygmalion effect.

Self smart – Write a journal entry on Pygmalion effect.

People smart – Teach someone about Pygmalion effect.

Spirit smart – Use Venn diagram to compare and contrast Pygmalion effect with
the heavenly bodies.

3. Research on 2 assessment tools/tasks for learning in the affective domain.

Present them here. Cite your references.

Self Report: The most common measurement tool in affective domain. It

essentially requires an individual to provide an account of his attitudes or

feelings toward a concept or idea or people. It is also called “written

reflections”. (Example: “Why I like or Dislike Mathematics”). The teacher
ensures that the students write something which would demonstrate the
various levels of taxonomy (Receiving to Characterization)

Rating Scales: Refers to a set of categories designed to elicit information

about a quantitative attribute in Social Science. Common examples are Likert
Scale and 1-10 rating scales for which a person selects the number which is
considered to reflect the perceived quality of a product. The basic feature of a
rating scale is that it consists a number of categories. These are usually
assigned integers.

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