Field Study 5 Answer Sheet
Field Study 5 Answer Sheet
Field Study 5 Answer Sheet
My Concrete Experience
Bilbao 2010
Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe you. Place a / mark on the blank before each item
if the indicator fits you most of the time or an x mark if the description does not fit you most of the time.
_____13. I like to try out new things. ____ 43. I dress up appropriately.
_____14. I accept responsibility and do it well. ____ 44. I am simple, beautiful/handsome.
_____15. I utilize to the maximum every material. _____45. I am appealing to others.
_____16. I have happy disposition. _____46. I treat everybody with courtesy.
_____17. I appreciate other people. ____ 47. I behave appropriately in occasions.
_____18. I am tolerant of other people. ____ 48. I select social functions to attend.
_____19. I am kind and sympathetic. ____ 49. I use appropriate language.
_____20. I help voluntarily. ____ 50. I adjust comfortably in a crowd.
_____21. I adjust to different situations ____ 51. I have deep concern for others.
_____22. I look at the brighter side of life. ____ 52. I am always willing to share.
_____23. I enjoy the company of others. ____ 53. I volunteer to do task for others.
_____24. I laugh at my own mistakes. ____ 54. I give up personal time for the group.
_____25. I can adjust to any group as a member. _____55. I work for the group even w/out assurance in return.
_____26. I think that my suggestions are not always correct. _____56. I am fair in giving judgment.
_____27. I do not consider self as better than others. _____57. I am consistent in words and actions.
_____28. I treat everybody fairly. _____58. I am punctual in attendance.
_____29. I see other’s opinion as different from mine. _____ 59. I am sincere in giving suggestions.
_____30. I give equal chance for everybody to be heard._____60. I extend help to many others.
Legend for Interpretation: 5 - Very High 4 – High 3 – Average 2 – Low 1 - Very Low
My Observations:
1. To get the average, add the scores of the ten teachers and divide by 10.
2. Look at the legend in your own checklist, and determine the description of the average.
3. Study the results.
1. Which of the twelve attributes is the highest among the teachers? Refinement is the highest.
2. Which of the twelve attributes is the lowest among the teachers? Intelligence, Compassion, Self-Motivation is the
lowest attribute among teachers.
3. How many teachers are low in emotional stability? 2 teachers are low on Emotional Stability.
4. How many teachers are high in compassion? 4 teachers are high on compassion.
5. What six attributes are found to be strong among the teachers? Refinement, Resourcefulness, Cooperativeness,
Self-Confidence, Buoyancy and Objectiveness are among found to be strong on teachers.
6. What six attributes are found to be weak among the teachers? Intelligence, Compassion, Self-Motivation,
Emotional Stability, Pleasantness and Reliability are the attributes prove to be weak among teachers.
7. What interesting observations can you spot from the other data not asked?
Each and every teacher is different in personal qualities and attributes they are unique individuals.
Use the information from your personal results and those of the ten teachers in making your reflections that follow.
My Reflections:
1. Why are some teachers reported to have bumped a learner’s head on the wall or made a child swallow scratch paper
or pencil filings? What attribute do you think is low for this teacher?
I think emotional stability is an attribute that has a heavy bearing on a teacher professionally, emotions can come from
different sources either at home or in school or even on a personal social setting. A person can only take on too much
stress that a reaction to certain acts can be acted upon with violent or harsh response. It may be true that as a
professional teacher we may exercise restraint but when those emotions go out all the way, the collateral damage is
someone under authority.
2. Why do you think some teachers are better loved by students than others? I think that teachers are loved because
they are closest to home, they pose as second parents and at times the one that comforts the student learners in times of
grief, teachers word s can be a reassurance that something is and will come up for the better because they the teachers
always teach the students learners that the future is bright and we have the all the time in the world to make a change in
the student learners lives for upliftment and development. The teacher becomes the light in the darkness.
3. If you were to choose, which personal attributes should all teachers possess? Why? I think all teachers should have
compassion. Compassion for the profession and compassion for the student learners because without compassion I
would not use my intelligence to teach and share my knowledge, I would not practice restraint to be emotionally stable, I
would not be resourceful enough to have an objective and a goal, I would not be motivated to come to school early
before my students, I will not be well-groomed and refined in coming to class because if you like me fine, if you don’t, I
will still receive my salary ,I come to class with confidence so that my self -appreciation rubs on you, I come with good
vibes so you can be too. I want my students to rely on me because I am about to offer them the future.
My Affirmed Concept:
After reflecting on this episode and recalling my previous subjects, I have realized that there are several
concepts in the teaching profession about personal attributes I learned that has been affirmed and confirmed; examples
of which are given below:
1. Innovative
2. Creative
3. Humility
4. Technology Inclined
5. Organized
6. Social
7. Diverse
8. Committed
9. Dedicated
My Future Application:
Using what I have learned in this episode, when I become a teacher, I should…develop compassion for teaching.
Because this attribute will teach me to humble myself and pray, live and learn, to build goodwill and better friendship ,
will make me beneficial for all concerned.
My Concrete Experience:
Each of us has a philosophy of education or a set of fundamental beliefs regarding how we think schools should be run.
What is your philosophy of education? To find out, read each of the following statements about the nature of education.
Decide whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Use the following numbers to express your response:
4-agree strongly 2-disagree
3-agree 1-disagree strongly
______1. The student learning should be centered on basic subjects such as reading, writing, history, math and science.
______2.the school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the past.
______3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities rather than reading.
______4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
______5. Subject matter is taught effectively when it is broken down into small parts.
______6. The school subjects should be determined by information that is essential for all students to know.
______7. Schools, above all, should develop students’ abilities to think deeply, analytically, and creatively; than develop
their social skills or provide them with a useful body of knowledge about the ever-changing world
______8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of problems they will face outside the
______9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There is no objective and universal reality.
______10. People are shaped m6uch more by their environment than by their genetic dispositions or the exercise of
their free will.
______11.students should not be promoted from one grade to the next until they have read and mastered certain key
______12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society.
______13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and needs of the students.
______14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so.
______15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching information.
______16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
______17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curri culum.
______18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.
______19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
______20. Students learn best through reinforcement.
______21. Effective school assigns a substantial amount of homework.
______22. Education should focus on the discussion of timeless questions such as “what is beauty/” or “what is truth?”
______23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction schools should plan for substantial social
interaction in their curricula.
______24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find the meaning of their existence.
______25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know.
______26. Countries must become more competitive economically with other countries hence school must bolster their
academic requirement to facilitate such competition.
______27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake, because it will help them in the ir
______28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and women.
______29. Each person has free will to develop as he and she sees fit.
______30. Reward students well for learning and they will remember and be able to apply what they learned, even if do
not understand why the information is worth knowing.
______31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional Filipino values of teaching students.
______32. Teacher-guide discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students.
______33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
______34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to be.
______35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which student behaviors are acceptable
and which are not.
______36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books, peopl e and events that
have shaped the Filipino heritage.
______37. Philosophy is ultimately at least as a practical a subject to study as is computer science.
______38. Teachers must stress for students the relevance of what they are learning for their lives o utside, as well as
inside, the classroom.
______39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn specific concept.
______40. Learning is more effective when students are give frequent tests to determine what they have learned.
My Philosophy of Education
Among the three of you, who is more inclined to be an essentialist, perennialist, progressivist, existentialist or
Among us three, I am more inclined to be an existentialist, essentialist, and behaviorist. Teacher 1 tends to be more
inclined to be essentialist. Teacher 2 is more inclined to be a perennialist, progressivist, and behavioris t.
My Observations:
1. Observed actions of a teacher who is a progressivist: The progrssivist teacher is more inclined to critical thinking and
allows her students to be critical thinkers and initiate plans to improve learning. She encourages her studen ts to carry
out their projects with their own initiative and plans. She allows the holistic development approach to learning that is
teacher 1.
2. Observed actions of a teacher who is a behaviorist: The behaviorist teacher rewards positive behavior in class, gives
praises on positive work and encourages participation by the students during class activities. He is focused on positive
behavior that show learning.
My Reflections:
Based on your concrete experience and the actions of the teacher you have observed, how important is your
philosophy of education to your future career as a teacher? How would your experiences and observations contribute to
your becoming a teacher?
As a teacher in the near future, the positive impact on me about the teachers is that encouragement and positive
behavior is best be rewarded and noticed and praised. I think that this will boost confidence and appeasement to the
student learners self appreciation. It is encourage able that the simple rewards can develop student learne r to grow
My philosophy in teaching is that “I believe that teaching is the foundation in all learning. I also believe that the student
surpasses the master.
My goal is to teach in a way that it should make a difference in a student’s life. I want to teach where I can connect to
students so that these students are a responsible citizen that is part of a community. I want my learning environment be
competent and professional aspiring for excellence, integrity and the truth.
It is my hope that the students I will teach in the future will have enough knowledge and tools to survive life, aspire for
self-happiness and be men for others.”
Me becoming a teacher, being a teacher is like a rock that erodes over time but the great thing about it is that being a
rock, it stays with the times, ever firm in its commitment to challenge the ever changing surroundings, and true to its
calling to teach those who come their way. Being a teacher is a committed profession, demands a great deal of effort
and requires love and passion to stand with it through the hardships and the diversity of its intended audience. Teaching
has many challenges and reasons not to engage the profession. The diversity of the learning students, their behavior,
psychological, emotional, mental and physical needs that needed honing. Varying skills that needed improvement and
development and better yet recognizing the skills of the learners for their upliftment.
My Affirmed Concept:
Identify at least three concepts learned in your previous subject like The Teaching Profession which are related
to the Experiential Learning Episode 3 (Teaching Belief/Philosophy) that are confirmed or affirmed in this activity?
1. Affirmed Concept 1
Every teacher has a very unique philosophy to follow, these are influenced just by the same criterion, the reason
why we teach and undergo rigorous training and emotional stability exercises, as a teacher we are influenced by
our backgrounds, personalities, preferences, beliefs, religious orientation, the community around us. Like the
student, learners the teachers are a diverse flock that individually follows their distinct teaching philosophies.
Each one is unique.
2. Affirmed Concept 2
The teachers’ philosophies adapt to the environment the teacher is teaching in. The diverse background of the
student learners are integrated into the program of the learning experience so that they can relate and a set of
standard or base is formulated based on their capacity and capability to comprehend a learning experien ce.
3. Affirmed Concept 3
Every teacher applies the more effective, efficient, simple and direct teaching, style and method to assess the
child at their competency levels. The teachers’ technique is relatively a unique one is honed as skill overtime.
The teacher allows the theories and methodologies of teaching education into something new, something
her/his own style. An adaptation of the known teaching methods being applied, a variation of all known styles a
teacher can grasp to reach to student learners in her classroom.
My Future Application:
Using the first hand experiences in this activity, how will I use these when I become a teacher in the future?
A. In teaching and learning as a teacher the need to consider needs of the student learners should be top priority in
relation to coming up with the learning environment that a teacher will provide, the environment should be in such a way
that student learners should be able to comprehend what is being taught.
B. In addressing diversity of learners as a teacher the need to address the diversity of students is to integrate the best
effective method or tool to apply to these student learners. Usually the most effective way is the simplest and most
effective teaching style to use. The teaching philosophy should cater to different groups of learners in the school the
teacher teaches in.
C. In creating a conducive learning environment, safety should be the priority concern. Next follow what is needed by the
student learners in learning and what is actually being taught, the materials needed, it should also include the capacity
and ability to comprehend learning of the student learners. Comfort should also be considered, will the student learner
encounter distractions to a learning environment that will disturb their concentration or is the teacher comfortable in
that learning environment, and will the teacher teach at her full capacity?
My Concrete Experience:
District of______________________________________
Division of______________________________________
Grade 7
Period Minutes Learning Activities
Morning Session 45 Flag Raising Ceremonies
60 English
60 Science
30 Recess
Afternoon Session 60 Math
60 Filipino
Interview the teacher to verify the class program
My Observations
At the time you are in school, what significant observations have you made?
My Reflections:
Based on the teacher’s program, your observations and your interviews, would you now see teaching to be full
time job? Why? Why not?
I can see it as a fulltime job, I already and set up my mind that being a teacher and choosing the profession demands a
fulltime gig. It is because the time that the paper works demands and the time for teaching the student learners
amounts to a whole day job plus inserting in and adjusting to the student learner diversity and honing my craft as a
teacher it will demand a lot of productive time.
How do you feel about the teacher’s workplace? Are the conditions, healthy for the welfare of both the leaners
and teachers?
It was decent and designed to be a learning workplace, conducive to both learners and teachers. Security of both parties
is placed in clearly. The environment is peaceful and quiet; the surroundings are clean and pleasant. Learning at this
school environment is utmost very ideal.
Do you find the relationships of the teachers and the learners pleasant? Explain your answer.
He teacher co-league relationship was cordial and professional, I did not sense the vibe of negativity nor did I feel
awkwardness when teachers gather around. The interrelationship amongst the staff and the teachers and the students
are ordered and organized. People know where and what their place in the organization chart is at. They were friends at
most of the time I observed.
My Affirmed Concepts:
My previous learning in the content courses that were confirmed by this learning episode is the following:
1. That…… a teacher I need to be vigilant to my actions as to not to offend anyone either my colleagues or students,
superiors. I understand that being cooperative is a teachers’ trait.
2. That………as a teacher I should have compassion to the learners and to the teaching profession.
3. That………as a teacher I should bring in a positive vibe to every classroom instruction and to the entire school member
including the parents and other persons outside of campus.
My Future Application:
How can I improve the school that I have observed when I become a teacher?
1. Classroom arrangement, the classroom is okay but needed repainting. New color makes it look new and pleasant
brings in positive vibe together with the surroundings.
2. Bulletin Board display the display is okay but there is always room for improvement.
3. School playground should be safe and free from danger especially when it is small and just too many students prowl
the area.
4. Classroom routines it should be efficient, effective and maximizes time.
5. Teacher Activities every of class they should have picked up something otherwise I need to change tactics.
6. Co-curricular Activities encouragement should be fully introduced and supported with.
7. Extra-curricular Activities encouragement of these activities should be fully supported it is with sports that self
confidence and self disciplined is being developed.
My Concrete Experience:
1. Barangay Location
II. Demography
1. lowland
2. upland
3. mountainous
4. coastal
1. Jeepney 5. Bicycle
2. Bus 6. Horseback
3. Tricycle 7. Animal drive Transpo
4. Trisikad 8. Others (specify)
1. BrigadaEskwela
2. Clean and Green
3. Gulayanng Bayan
4. Peace and Order
5. Others (please list)
1. Barangay Fiesta
2. Community festival
3. Sports festival
4. Search for Ms. Barangay
5. Christmas Celebration
6. Others (please list)
My Observations:
In your interview, you may ask your Resource Teacher the following questions:
1. What school activities do you conduct that allow the participation of the people in the barangay?
The one activity that will involve the community is “Brigada Eskwela” and the Bayanihan will involve both parents and
the barangay community residents.
2. Are the community activities that you, as teachers join? Please name. Do your students/pupils also join these
activities? I, in the future will encourage my students to join in on community activities like fiesta parades, barangay day
3. What learning do your pupils gain from the activity? I think that they as community members will appreciate further
the efforts that their parents and teachers, including the barangay officials to improve the community and by getting
involve they will to be responsible members of society.
4. What does the community benefit from joining n your school activities? The future of the barangay depends on the
citizens that are living in the said barangay, if they show to the student learners that they do not care in the future these
future citizens will likely, would not care for it also.
5. As per your observation, are the lessons that you taught in the school transferred to the homes or the community? I
am depending and betting that the current education systems motives and values are for the students learner to
absorbed it in to themselves and apply to the real world.
6. What community resources have you used in your teaching? As a teacher I am encouraging and approach the
barangay help and support for children health and health education. Also, I will see to it that every barangay official will
back school activities, getting them involved because these children will mirror the type of community the school and the
community has built in due time.
My Reflections:
1. Describe the data that you have gathered from your community survey.
Make a narrative report below describing the data which you gathered. Present 1-2 pictures of the community
or barangay in your photo essay.
The schools’ community can greatly influence the way it is run, with the support and cooperation, collaboration, the
community can dictate standards and basis for learning but the values formation and level of learning that the school
community can offer to the student learners, the important thing that the community can do is support and back every
community activity that the school is involve in.
2. Make a narrative report on the interview that you have done with the teacher.
View of a Teacher
1. Which resources that you have identified are present in the community/ Can these be utilized in your teaching? How?
My Affirmed Concepts:
What concepts learned from your previous courses are affirmed by this Experiential Learning Episode?
Concept Remarks ( / or x)
1. A teacher can utilize resources available in the
2. A teacher should teach with a view in mind that
the learners transfer their learning in home and
3. teachers are agents of change of the community
4. Barangay officials, health workers and other
human resources can be invited as resources
speakers in school
5. The teacher should always be willing to support
the community in various activities.
6. teachers and schools should be unmindful of the
community activities
7. Communities should provide support for the
learning of their children in school.
8. The sole responsibility of the teacher is to teach
in the school
9. All schools are part and parcel of the community
where they are situated
10. Community officials should take over the
responsibilities of the teachers/.
My Future Application:
Based on Experiential Learning Episode 4, I should do the following when I become a teacher (please list at least
3 things)
1. Develop my compassion for teaching. In this way my love for the profession will grow for the better.
2. Develop my interpersonal and intra-personal skills so that it goes both ways, communication is the key to havi ng
learned learners, good relationship with colleagues, a healthy relationship with the school’s staff and
administrators, a growing relationship with the parents and the community citizenry.
3. Never ever choose who to teach.
My Concrete Experiences:
My Observations:
1. Based on your personal interview of the Filipino Teacher on the competencies of the national standards for teachers,
has the teacher met the requirements? Explain.
Yes, in terms of years of service, competency level, competency trainings and seminars, competency and professional
ratings, she can pass to be a global teacher.
2. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed meet the challenges of global
education? Why? Why not?
Yes, simply put the level of teaching the teacher I interviewed has met the National Standards for Teachers competency
requirements and level of effectiveness and efficiency.
3. Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other countries in terms of the standard requirements of a
professional teacher? Explain your answer.
They differ in terms of Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Engagement.
4. Would Filipino teachers be comparable to their fellow teachers in other countries? Explain your answer. Yes, in terms
of culture traits, the Filipino is known to be hardworking, has higher level humility levels and very experienced and
intelligent. Take for example the number of students the public teacher handles from year level to every year is in every
sense a challenge. Even the educational materials like textbooks are outdated and way beyond the current generation
standards, the current education system demands global change and standards that the average schools in the public
sector is not ready for, in materials to be used , in environmental challenges and cap acity, likewise the budget for the
school buildings and salaries of the faculty. The teacher adapts easily to these changes because they had no choice but to
answer the call for globalization.
My Reflections:
Indeed, becoming a global teacher requires certain standards. As observed, there are more similar expectations
of teachers, the world over.
As a pre-service teacher education student, how do you see yourself, ten years from now vis a vis the other
teachers from all over the world?
I see myself teaching my specialization to a certain degree as an expert at my field and be able to teach with the
confidence that I met the national standards for efficiency in my field of expertise. That under my teaching, I can show
the learners the possibility of a future wherein they will be able to grasp it in a global scale, an opportunity that
previously was a dream but with the globalization is possible with dedication and commitment and the more important
the student earner has the passion for it, to be better.
After undergoing this Experiential Learning Episode, what prior learning in the previous courses has been
The concepts I have learned before and are affirmed now include the following:
Concept 1: Global teachers are always competitive enough to be able to continually harness their craft and fields of
expertise, continually grow for the better to uplift lives of the learners and the community.
Concept 2: Global Teachers are responsible for current knowledge that are being introduced, a new idea , new learning
methodology, a new teaching approach, a new way to approach the learners with their ever diverse emotional stability
and also for the teachers, their emotional stability as well.
Concept 3: Global teachers must be able to adapt to different cultures, religion, customs, beliefs and traditions that can
be wall, blockade to learning.
My Future Application:
My Concrete Experiences:
Find a professional teacher in your neighborhood school. Conduct an interview with the teacher by asking the
following questions:
1. Where did you graduate your degree? When? Xavier University, BS ED 2003
The university provided me with the necessary tools and knowledge plus an immersion that would change my point of
view about teaching. I was taught to be a man for others. My aspirations in teaching were t o make a difference. My
vision of success is not about material gain but self fulfillment. I may have change along the years but the very
foundation that I hang on to is to be “Men for others.”
3. When did you pass the Licensure Examination for teachers? What was your passing rating? August 2004 86.68%
4. When did you start teaching in the public school? August 2005
5. What makes you happy as a teacher? The greatest joy for me is watching reluctant and distant learners find their
voice, passion, and curiosity. It thrills me when the "light bulb" goes on and I know I have helped electrify the situation.
At the end of the day, it's all about the positive relationships and the powerful learning. That is happiness for me.
I want to address my disappointment with my fellow teachers. I am only referring to what I experience with my own
colleagues and perhaps I should not generalize to teachers in general. Furthermore, my remarks refer only to high
school teachers – I have a feeling that different skill sets may be more important in elementary and High schools. My
disappointment with my colleagues has to do with their lack of love for teaching in general. My thesis is that you have to
love your job before you can be a good teacher. I also believe that the reverse is true – all the empathy, teaching
techniques and patience can not make a good teacher, without a DEEP understanding and love of it.
8. Are you a member of a professional organization/ what is the name of the organization?
Professional eLearning Society, Alliance of Concerned Teachers, and National Organization of Profes sional Teachers.
9. As a professional teacher, what Code of Conduct do you strictly follow? Can you name the specific behavior that
should be followed to the utmost?
“Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical
and professional competence.”
“To enjoy academic freedom and enjoy the privilege that comes with it”. This is one that is my favorite among others
because it exemplifies the right for education even me as a teacher, I have the freedom for growth and development.
10. What kind of teacher would you dream to become before you retire? Do you have a career path? Describe what kind
of professional teacher you are along the timeline presented below: Describe the point as: Beginnin g Teacher/ Inductee;
Developing Teacher/ Young Professional; Mentor Teacher; Expert teacher/ Sterling
1-3 years in service this will be my first step into the teaching profession, At this time I will be able to live my passion
and develop more my love for teaching.
4-10 years in service at this point I will be on the road to honing my skill sets and field of specialization by growing and
building enough backyard knowledge that will implore other options for growth.
15 years and above years in service at this time I will be an expert teacher, having a field of expertise that is close to
perfect but needs continuous growth for the field because earning is growth and is continuous. The re will always be
other steps much easier than the previous ones.
My Observations:
From the answers given by the teacher you interviewed, is the teacher a professional teacher?
1. Why do you think so? Yes. He is a professional teacher. Because with the knowledge he has acquired he can’t just reel
it in, he has to share that knowledge because there is a need for it plus he personality demands that he talks about it.
And when he teaches he has that glow and enthusiasm that he loves teaching and that it has become he’s life already.
He had fallen in love with teaching. He is high when he teaches; he teaches with pride and refinement that when he
teaches it becomes aspiring.
Can you find other teachers who are professional teachers among the teachers whom you know? Yes.
A professional teacher is committed, makes the profession a mission, he has compassion and love for the teac hing
profession and has taken a oath and is registered with the Board for teachers, while the non-professional teacher is not
qualified enough to have the proper training and has not passed and or taken an oath as a teacher, he may not have
enough compassion for the profession and love for the job.
My Reflections:
Considering that you will be a future professional teacher, what standards should you uphold based on the Code
of Ethics for professional Teachers?
I think all that has been described by law. I think it should all cover the basis to be a professional teacher
My Affirmed Concepts:
Based on the learning I gained in my previous courses on the professional teacher, this experiential learning episode has
affirmed concepts that:
1. Professional teachers…remain teaching even though nobody recognizes their efforts because it is a mission.
4. Professional teachers…do teaching for pay and for service because it is a mission and a profession.
Bilbao 2010
Below are indicators of personal qualities which may describe you. Place a / mark on the blank before each item
if the indicator fits you most of the time or an x mark if the description does not fit you most of the time.
_____1. I am mentally alert. ____ 31. I work beyond the objectives set.
_____2. I make correct decision ____ 32. I do things without being fold .
_____3. I give attention to details. ____ 33. I do not give up easily on the task.
_____4. I analyze every situation. ____ 34. I set high goals for one self.
_____5. I am quick to make solutions. _____35. I work with a sense of urgency.
_____6. I maintain poise. _____36. I feel sure of what I do.
_____7. I remain undisturbed under pressure. _____37. I work for others.
_____8. I hold my anger. _____38. I initiate to do the job for all
_____9. I am calm in the midst of chaos. ____ 39. I assume responsibility w/ confidence.
____ 10. I maintain dignity in all circumstances. _____40. I work to succeed.
____ 11. I am very imaginative . ____ 41. I am pleasant in action, word and appearance.
____ 12. I create new things. ____ 42. I am clean and neat as a person.
____ 13. I like to try out new things. ____ 43. I dress up appropriately.
____ 14. I accept responsibility and do it well. ____ 44. I am simple, beautiful/handsome.
____ 15. I utilize to the maximum every material. _____45. I am appealing to others.
____ 16. I have happy disposition. _____46. I treat everybody with courtesy.
____ 17. I appreciate other people. ____ 47. I behave appropriately in occasions.
____ 18. I am tolerant of other people. ____ 48. I select social functions to attend.
____ 19. I am kind and sympathetic. ____ 49. I use appropriate language.
____ 20. I help voluntarily. ____ 50. I adjust comfortably in a crowd.
____ 21. I adjust to different situations ____ 51. I have deep concern for others.
____ 22. I look at the brighter side of life. ____ 52. I am always willing to share.
____ 23. I enjoy the company of others. ____ 53. I volunteer to do task for others.
____ 24. I laugh at my own mistakes. ____ 54. I give up personal time for the group.
____ 25. I can adjust to any group as a member. _____55. I work for the group even w/out assurance in return.
____ 26. I think that my suggestions are not always correct. _____56. I am fair in giving judgment.
____ 27. I do not consider self as better than others. _____57. I am consistent in words and actions.
____ 28. I treat everybody fairly. _____58. I am punctual in attendance.
____ 29. I see other’s opinion as different from mine. _____ 59. I am sincere in giving suggestions.
____ 30. I give equal chance for everybody to be heard . ____ 60. I extend help to many others.
Legend for Interpretation: 5 - Very High 4 - High 3 - Average 2 - Low 1 - Very Low