Congenital Insensitivity To Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA) Syndrome A Report of 4 Cases
Congenital Insensitivity To Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA) Syndrome A Report of 4 Cases
Congenital Insensitivity To Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA) Syndrome A Report of 4 Cases
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3 authors, including:
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hanieh Jafarieh on 11 July 2015.
Department of Pediatrics, Imam Komoini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Received: Dec 03, 2010; Final Revision: Sep 27, 2011; Accepted: Nov 20, 2011
Background: Background: Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA) is characterized by
recurrent episodes of infections and unexplained fever, anhidrosis (inability to sweat), and absence of
reaction to noxious stimuli, self-mutilating behavior, mental retardation and damages to oral structures.
Case Presentation: In this article, we have demonstrated the signs and symptoms of 4 children that refer to
the pediatrics department of the Imam Khomeini hospital and assay about their complications with this
disease. They mostly presented by recurrent osteomyelitis in their feet that severely controlled by antibiotic
therapy and even surgery. They had no pain sensation in spite of deep sore and infection.
Conclusion: This syndrome can be diagnosed by clinical and paraclinical tests together but it would be better
to confirm by genetic test. The diagnosis of this syndrome helps us to try for the better quality of life for the
patients and avoid unnecessary amputations.
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 22 (Number 3), September 2012, Pages: 412-416
Key Words: CIPA Syndrome; Congenital Pain Insensitivity; Congenital Analgesia; Osteomyelitis
* Corresponding Author;
Address: Pediatrics Division, Imam Khomini Hospital, Keshavarz Blvd, Tehran, Iran
© 2012 by Pediatrics Center of Excellence, Children’s Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, All rights reserved.
Iran J Pediatr, Vol 22 (No 3); Sep 2012 413
Fig. 1: Finger tip osteolysis (right) and painless heel sore (left) in a 12 year old boy with CIPA syndrome
414 CIPA Syndrome, a Report of 4 Cases; H Jafarieh, et al
Fig. 2: Mandibular lysis, dental deformity (right) and post amputation cellulitis, recurrent infection (left) in
a 13 year old girl with CIPA syndrome
an amputation was performed (Fig. 2). Three A Family history revealed that her parents were
weeks after the amputation, however, she came cousins, and she was the fourth child of this family
back with massive cellulitis in the site of surgery with other children being normal. She had a
which progressed to the knee but she didn’t feel history of recurrent seizures which were treated
any pain. Our case had also significant mandibular as a metabolic disease since she was 4 months old
lysis and dental laisions. She was mentally for 4 years but there was no efficacy (Fig 3).
retarded. Osteolysis on her fingertips was seen, Case 4: A 7 year old girl, the child of consan-
but there was no sign of ocular disturbance (Fig. guineous (first cousins) parents, presented to the
2). pediatrics department in Imam Khomeini Hospital
Case 3: An 8-year-old girl was referred to the 6 years ago with swelling and erythema in her
pediatric department of Imam Khomeini Hospital right foot. Two siblings died at 2 and 3 years
because of fever, severe edema of right leg, of age because of unknown reasons. She had a
inflammation and purulent discharge from the
fistula in both legs especially right foot. She was
mentally retarded and hit her heel onto the
ground without any sensation of pain. She did not
respond to any painful stimuli or heat shock, but
could feel pressure and touch. There were some
scars on her skin on different sites of the body
which were, according to her parents, heat scars.
Hands and fingers showed signs of biting. Because
of chronic osteomyelitis, debridement of infectious
site was performed and antibiotics administered
several times. An EMG-NCV revealed a small fiber
disturbance and low amplitude of SNAPS due to a
skin problem. Immune tests, viral markers, blood
gas and uric acid level were normal. She had no
abnormality in ocular system. The EEG was mildly
abnormal, and she was treated by antiepileptic
drugs. Fig. 3: Irregularity and lysis of bones
Iran J Pediatr, Vol 22 (No 3); Sep 2012 415
history of several episodes of osteomyelitis and patients with CIPA because they do not feel it,
gangrene of the right and left foot. Further, she therefore do not know that they need to be
had osteolytic lesions in her mandible and the hospitalized[2,21,22]. Although Patients with CIPA
vestibular epithelium of the mandible was often experience trauma, bony fractures, and
destroyed. She was advised to do bone graft osteomyelitis because of insensitivity to pain.
surgery. All of her teeth fell out when she was 3 Therefore, such patients may undergo surgery
years old, and she had total alopecia from 6th such as osteotomy and amputation, in three of our
month of age. She also had history of recurrent cases the involved joint was saved without
fever, respiratory infection, cellulitis and amputation by utilizing conservative measures[23].
osteomyelitis. The disease was misdiagnosed as Three of our patients had severe osteolysis in the
chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) and treated oral cavity with osteolysis and finger tips
with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). In this amputation as a result of self mutilation.
admission immunologic tests including Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhydrosis
complement, NBT, and electrophoresis of may be misdiagnosed as leprosy, based on similar
immunoglobulins were normal. Seven years ago symptoms of severe injuries to the hands and feet,
she became a candidate of amputation of her foot, which is not match with our cases according to
but as she didn’t agree, so received a graft and pin. other findings[24]. On the other hand, CIPA is the
Now she developed irregularity in the physeal and fourth type of hereditary sensory and autonomic
epiphyseal plate in tibia and fibula and had neuropathy (HSAN), known as HSAN IV (It is also
fracture of epiphyseal plate. Intelligence test was referred to as HSAN Type IV).
normal. The aim of reporting this syndrome is to make
physicians familiar with this condition and to
avoid unnecessary surgeries and even
amputations, to use conservative treatments and
make the diagnosis of this syndrome easier
Discussion without extra laboratory requests. Unfortunately
in our country we do not have the facility to
CIPA is an autosomal recessive disease[9], all of our confirm the diagnosis by genetic tests so we have
patients had consanguineous parents. There are to start treatment by clinical and paraclinical
few cases of insensitivity to pain described in the findings to make the patients quality of life better.
literature, but there is no standard treatment [2].
Patients with CIPA can live a fairly normal life
[4,7,10]. Three of our patients had mild mental
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