Name-Ananya Tiwari Class-9 Section-H Subject Teacher-Mrs - Stuti Mishra Topic-Weathering and Denudation

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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher
(Mrs.Stuti Mishra) as well as our principal (Mrs.Vineeta
Kamran)who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project on the topic (Weathering and Denudation), which also
helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so
many new things I am really thankful to them.
Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who
helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time
Weathering is the process of breaking down of rocks but not its removal. It is described as disintegration or
decomposition of a rock in size by natural agents at or near the surface of the earth. It is describe as disintegration
or decomposition of a rock in size by natural agents at near the surface of the earth. It is so called because the
disintegration or decomposition of rocks take place only by exposed.
Block disintegration-The splitting of rocks along the joints into blocks is called block
disintegration. It commonly occurs in those regions where there is a high difference in daily
range of temperature.
Granular disintegration-A form of weathering where the grains of a rock become loosened and
fall out, to leave a pitted, uneven surface.

Exfoliation- is a process in which large flat or curved sheets of rock fracture and are detached
from the outcrop due to pressure release:
Oxidation-is the reaction of rock minerals with oxygen, thus changing the mineral composition
of the rock. When minerals in rock oxidize, they become less resistant to weathering. Iron, a
commonly known mineral, becomes red or rust colored when oxidized. Olivine.
Carbonation- is the process in which atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to solution weathering.
... Carbonation takes place when rain combines with carbon dioxide to form a weak carbonic
acid which reacts with calcium carbonate (the limestone) and forms calcium bicarbonate.
Hydration- is a form of chemical weathering in which the chemical bonds of the mineral are
changed as it interacts with water. One instance of hydration occurs as the mineral anhydrite
reacts with groundwater. The water transforms anhydrite into gypsum, one of the most
common minerals on Earth
Solution-removal of rock in solution by acidic rainwater. In particular, limestone is weathered
by rainwater containing dissolved CO2, (this process is sometimes called carbonation).
Hydrolysis - the breakdown of rock by acidic water to produce clay and soluble salts.
•Plants can grow anywhere as long as there is water. Roots of
PLANTS,ANIMALS AND trees or plants in general can biologically weather rocks by
HUMANS- growing into the cracks and fractures of rocks and soil. As a
result, they become more prone to breakage and eventually fall
•When animals like birds forage for seeds and
earthworms, they create holes and erode the upper
surface of the soil, thus, contributes to weathering.
•Like any other animal, humans can also indirectly
contribute to biological weathering. By merely walking
and running makes the soil particles crushed into
smaller pieces. Other human activities such as planting
and road construction can also contribute to biological
• In equatorial climates, humidity and temperature are constantly high.
Weathering specially chemical weathering is more active in these regions.

• In Tropical climates, there is a marked dry season and wet season.

Differences in heating leads to consistently high rate of evaporation,
During wet season, precipitation of oxides of iron and aluminium takes
place from rocks. This promotes formation of laterite soils.

• In dry climates or deserts, mechanical weathering is most dominant due to

high diurnal range of temperature.

• In mid-latitudes or temperate climates, the most powerful agent of

weathering is the frost action. In limestone areas, solution or chemical
weathering operates on a large scale.

• In polar climates, physical weathering due to frost action is most

prevalent. Chemical and biological weathering is negligible.
Denudation is the name for the
processes of erosion, leaching,
stripping, and reducing the
mainland due to removal of material
from higher to lower areas like
valleys, river valleys, lakes and seas
with a permanent filling of low lands.
The various processes involved in denudation are-
3.Mass movement or mass wasting

The results of denudation are the formation of

erosional or depositional landforms on the surface
of the earth.
The running water of the river erodes the earth's surface resulting in the
formation of different landforms with the help of several other factors.
When the river falls at a steep angle over very hard rocks or down a deep
valley side it results in the formation of a waterfall. While the river enters
the plain it twists and turns forming large bends which are referred to as
meanders. Due to the routine erosion and deposition along the edges of a
meander, the ends of the meander loop come closer and closer.
In due course of time the meander loop cuts off from the main river and
forms a cut-off lake, which is also known as an ox-bow lake. Sometimes,
the river overflows the banks causing flood in the neighboring areas. As it
floods, it also deposits the layers of fine soil and other material called
sediments along its banks. This results in the formation of a fertile
floodplain. The raised banks on each side of the river are known as levees.
When the river approaches a sea, the speed of the flowing water
decreases, and therefore the river starts to interrupt up into several
streams referred to as distributaries. Then there comes a time when the
river becomes very slow and it starts to deposit its load. Each distributary
forms its own mouth and therefore the sediments collected from all the
mouths forms a delta, which may be a triangular landmass.
Air moves because of atmospheric pressure and this moving air is
known as wind. Winds blows because of variations in air
pressure. Wind always blows from high pressure to low pressure.
The direction from which wind is coming gives it the name of
same direction. Winds perform denudation activity also but their
erosion and transportation capacity is low as compared to water.
They work well in dry and desert areas. Desert areas receive
rainfall less than 25 centimeters annually and have high
temperature. Because of these conditions these areas do not have
any vegetation and moreover there are not many obstacles in the
flow of wind. Most of the deserts of the world are situated on the
western side of continents (20° to 30° N & S latitudes). The south
western semi-arid part of Punjab also resembles to desert region.

• Total Geography bookwritten by Dolly

E.Sequeria and Jasmine Rachel

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