1 Opposite words
1. Difficult X Easy 2. Full X Empty 3. Broad X Narrow 4. Kind X Cruel /
5. Lose X Gain 6. Life X Death 7. Dirty X Clean 8. Weak X Strong
9. Reward X Punishment 10. Soft X Hard 11. Bold X Timid (coward) 12.
Laugh X Weep
13. Arrive X Depart 14. Arrival X departure 15. Same X Different 16. Long
X Short
17. Slow X Fast 18. Accept X Reject/Refuse19. Young X old 20. True X
21. Right X Wrong 22. Rich X poor 23.Brave X Timid 24. Encourage
25. Patriot X Traitor 26. Triumph X Defeat 27.Superior X Inferior 28.
Intelligent X Dull
29. Always X Never 30. Demolish X Construct 31. Success X Failure 32.
Careful X Careless
33. Sweet X bitter 34. High X Low 35. Wise X Foolish 36. Presence X
37. Help X Hinder 38. Ignorant X Intelligent 39. Clever X fool 40. Mighty
X Weak
41. Useful X Useless 42. Permanent X Temporary 43. Proud X Humble 44.
Quick X Slow
45. Lenient X Strict 46. Heavy X Light 47. More X Less 48. Remember X
49. Safe X Unsafe/Dangerous50. Certain X Uncertain 51. below X Above
52. Reprimand X Praise
53. Achievement X Failure 54. Profit X Loss 55. Initially X Finally 56.
Serious X Casual
57. Great X Silly 58. Grieving X Enjoying 59. Bitter X Sweet 60. Strong X
Weak (feeble)
61. Mighty X Feeble 62. Miser X Generous 63. Come X Go 64. Tell X Ask
65. Buy X Sell 66. Right X Wrong 67. Right X Left 68. Remember X Forget
69. Give X Take 70.Master X Servant 71. Master X Student 73. Big X Small
74. Vanish X Appear 75. Glad X Grieve 76. Fast X Slow 77. Superiority X
78. First X Last 79. Dream X Realize 80. Alive X Dead 81. Celebrate X
82. Affluent X Poor 83. Generous X Miser 84. Good X Bad 85. High X Low
86. Active X Passive 87. Outer X Inner 88. Famous X Notorious89. Best X
90. Stronger X Weaker 91. Special X Ordinary 92. Silly X Great 93.
Together X Singly
94. Attack X Defend 95. Heavy X Light 96. Defeat X Victory (win)97.
Proud X Humble
98. Reward X Insult 99. Aristocrati X poor 100. Generosity X
Miserliness101. Oblige X Refuse
102. Dry X Wet 103. Won X Lost 104. Acknowledge X Reject105. Widow
X Widower
106. Lady X Gentleman 107. Hard X Soft 108. Patriot X Traitor 109. Less X
110. Silent X Aggressive111. Mean X Great 112. Brave X Coward 113.
Glad X Sad
114. Happy X Unhappy 115. Quit X Join 116. Present X Absent 117. Stop X
118. Full X Empty 119. Notice X Ignore 120. Poverty X Richness 121.
Foolish X Wise
122. Empty X Full 123. Clever X Foolish 124. Order X Request 125.
Beautiful X Ugly
126. Charming 127. Ever X Never 128. Prolific X Barren 129. Open X
130. Save X Spend 131. Cool X Hot 132. Frown X Smil 133. Bud X Flower
134. More X Less 135. Leader X Follower 136. Former X Later 137. New X
138. Ancient X Modern 139. Powerful X Powerless 140. Quickly X Slowly
141. Interesting X Boring
142. Begin X End 143. Suffer X Enjoy 144. Open X Close 145. Large X
146. Appeal X Command147. Request X Order 148. Strength X
Weakness149. Increase X Decrease
150. Expand X Contract 151. Fastest X Slowest 152. Highest X Lowest 153.
Feat X Failure
154. Easy X Difficult 155. Mighty X Feeble 156. Native X Foreign 157.
Tough X Smooth
158. Never X Always 159. Wrong X Right 160. Friend X Enemy
1. ability X inability 1. balance X imbalance
2. material X immaterial 2. material X immaterial
2. accurate X inaccurate 3. mature X immature
3. active X inactive 4. measurable X immeasurable
4. adequate X inadequate 5. memorial X immemorial
5. animate X inanimate 6. mobile X immobile
6. applicable X inapplicable 7. mobilize X immobilize
7. appropriate X inappropriate 8. mortal X immortal
8. capable X in capable
9. comparable X incomparable 9. modest X immodest
10. complete X incomplete 10. moral X immoral
11. consistent X inconsistent 11. movable X immovable
12. convenience X inconvenience 12. mutable X immutable
13. correct X incorrect 13. partial X impartial
14. decent X indecent 14. patient X impatient
15. discipline X indiscipline 15. perfect X imperfect
16. definite X indefinite 16. perfection X imperfection
17. direct X indirect 17. Permanent X Impermanent
18. divisible X indivisible 18. personal X impersonal
19. effective X ineffective 19. possible X impossible
20. equal X inequal 20. polite X impolite
21. expensive X inexpensive 21. probable X improbable
22. sufficient X insufficient 22. precise X imprecise
23. valid X invalid 23. proper X improper
24. visible X invisible 24. pure X impure
25.glorious X inglorious
26. gratitude X ingratitude
27. human X inhuman
1. rational X irrational
2. regular X irregular
3. repairable X irreparable
4. relevant X irrelevant
5. resolute X irresolute
6. responsible X
7. reversible X irreversible
8. religious X irreligious
1. advantage X disadvantage
2. agree X disagree
3. allow X disallow
4. appear X disappear
5. approve X disapprove
6. believe X disbelieve
7. comfort X discomfort
8. connect X disconnect
9. continue X discontinue
10. count X discount
11. harmony X disharmony
12. honest X dishonest
13. honour X dishonour
14. interest X disinterest
15. like X dislike
16. loyal X disloyal
17. obedient X disobedient
18. obey X disobey
19. place X displace
20. integrate X disintegrate
21. please X displease
22. respect X disrespect
23. satisfy X dissatisfy
24. similar X dissimilar
1. known X unknown
2. certain X uncertain
3. clean X unclean
4. comfortable X
5. common X uncommon
6. employment X
7. even X uneven
8. fit X unfit
9. faithful X unfaithful
10. fortunate X unfortunate
11. grateful X ungrateful
12. happy X unhappy
13. healthy X unhealthy
14.important X unimportant
15. lucky X unlucky
16. pleasant X unpleasant
17. reliable X unreliable
18. satisfactory X
19. popular X unpopular
20. load X unload
21. heard X unheard
22. successful X unsuccessful
23. natural X unnatural
24. necessary X unnecessary
25. selfish X unselfish
26. touchable X untouchable
27. worthy X unworthy
28. tidy X untidy
29. usual X unusual
30.well X unwe
1. behave X misbehave
2. calculate X miscalculate
3. chance X mischance
4. conduct X misconduct
5. fortune X misfortune
6. guide X misguide
7. handle X mishandle
8. judge X misjudge
9. lead X mislead
10. place X misplace
11. spell X misspell
12. spelt X misspelt
13. manage X mismanage
14. print X misprint
15. understand Xmisunderstand
16. trust X mistrust
17. use X misuse
Two or more words having similar pronunciation but different
spelling and meaning are
called Homophones.
Point out the difference in meaning between the pair of words.
1) To =I go to Mysore.
Too = I eat sweets. I eat fruits too.
Two =I have two eyes.
2) Right = This is my right hand. / My answer is right.
Write = I write poems.
Rite =We perform final rites.
3) Principal = Chandrashekar is our principal.
Principle=He has good principles.
4) Pray = I pray God everyday.
Prey = He lion got its prey.
5) Week = Seven days make a week.
Weak = You are very weak.
6) Adopt =Lakshmibai adopted a child.
Adapt =Birds are adapted for flying.
Adept = Sachin is an adapt in batting
7) Rome =Rome is a city.
Roam = Don’t roam in the city.
8) Accept = Vivekananda accepted Sri Rama Krishna as his guru.
Except = I like all fruits except orange.
9) Advice = It is a good advice.
Advise =The docter advised not to eat oily food.
10) Practice =Praclice makes one perfect.
Practise = Practice well for exams.
11) Effect = The effect of the flood was very bad.
Affect = The flood affected the people of Karnataka.
12) Hair=My hair is black.
Heir =Tippusultan was the heir of Hyderali.
Hare =The hare lives in the forest.
13) Been =( Be- participle from) I had been to Mysore.
Bean = I eat beans.
14) Be (verb – is)= I want to be a doctor.
Bee = The bee is an insect.
15) Brake = Please apply the brake.
Break =Don’t break benches.
Tasks on Homophones
A.Fill in the blanks with appropriate word.
1. We had_____________ many apples to carry.(to/too/two)
2. I __________a horse at the Marina beach .(road/rode)
16) Bear = The bear is an animal.
Beer = Don’t drink beer.
17) Blue =The sky is blue.
Blew (past form of blow)=Krishna blew his flute.
18) Knew (past of know)= I knew English.
New = This is a new car.
19) Idol = This is an idol.
Idle = Don’t sit idle.
Ideal =I am an ideal student.
20) Bridal =The bridal dress is costly.
Bridle =The bridle is soft.
21) Buy =I buy a scooter.
By (prep)=Ravana was killed by Rama.
22) Cell = The cell is the unit of life.
Sell = Sell your car
Shell = The sea shell is beautiful.
23) Cereals =We eat cereals.
Serial = I watch serials. / My serial number is 25.
24) Dairy = We buy milk in the dairy.
Diary =I write my diary.
25) Deer =This is a dear.
Dear =You are my dear brother
26) Die =The dove died.
Dye =Dye the white shirt.
27) Fair =This is a fair. / This is not fair.
Fare =The bus fare is costly.
Fire = Don’t fire crackers.
28) Feat =It is a great feat.
Feet (plural of foot) I am five feet
29) Won =India won the match.
One =I need one day leave.
30) Wait = Don’t wait for me.
Weight =My weight is 60 kgs.
31) Waist = Don’t touch my wai
1. sense X nonsense
2. stick X nonstick
3. stop X nonstop
4. flammable X nonflammable
5. vegetarian X nonvegetarian
6. controversial X noncontroversial
1. health X ill health
2. favour X illfavour
3. legal X illegal
4. legible X illegible
5. liberal X illiberal
6. literate X illiterate
7. logical X illogical
3. Did you have a _________for lunch?(pare/pair)
4. The books are over__________on the shelf.(their/there)
B.Fill in the blanks with a suitable homophone and a complete the
This is a_________(storey/story) told by a
________(night/knight).Once he received
letter.When he_____________(red/read)it_________(through/threw),he
could not believe his own
eyes._______(For/Far),it was written _______(buy/by)none other than
the queen of the land.She
asked him to meet her_________(at/yet) a secret place.The knight was
in a fix.But he thought
_____(of/off) a plan to tide over this problem.He_______(vent/went) to
the meeting place,not
alone,but along with his__________(fair/fare)wife.Can you guess what
happened then?
C.Complete the sentence by using a suitable word in the bracket:
1 .Once a ______wnet to meet our _________Chief minister
2.Raju and I went to a shop to _____dresses__________a car.(by/buy)
3. Yesterday I watched a movie.I already_________the story from my
brother.So it did not seem
_____to me. (new/knew)
4.I have _______the scene of Sunset at Agumbe many times in my life.
1. Collecation
13. wheel – stool, paper, book, chair
14. police – nurse, conductor, constable, stand
15. hand – pants, sari, socks, kerchief
16. twinkling – stars, moon, sun, earth
17. break – lunch, dinner, fast, last
18. freedom – fighter, boxer, wrestler, swimmer
19. leave – answer, question, letter, box
20. brisk – run walk, sing, dance
21. shake – leg, mouth, hands, eye
22. mouth – talking, eating, watering, licking
23. nuclear – land, weapon, bottle, bolt
24. speedy – recovery, damage, task, time
1. Book – worm, ant, hand, pen
2. long – small, hen, run, food
3. earth – land, water, quake, sun
4. railway – station, chair, run, stop
5. post – book, box, paper, table
6. honey – moon, sun, star, earth
7. wall – door, table, clock, journey
8. blood – post, water, book, bank
9. photo – studio, table, lady, man
10. money – coins, letter, stamps, order
11. charming girl, hot, answer, book
12. self – discipline, myself, mother
5. The spelling of a word is jumbled writhe the word
6. Give one word for the following:
1.One who enters the house to steal. (burglar)
2.To speak in a very kind way. (polite)
3.To talk in a low voice. (whisper)
4 To make movements with hands. (gesture)
5.Lower the body close to the ground. (crouch)
6.One who travels to workplace daily. (commuter)
7.The man that a woman is engaged to. (fiancé)
8.A person who loves his country. (Patriot)
9.A piece of land which fruit trees are grown. (orchard)
10.A person who makes figures in stone, wood, metal etc.
11.A person who is especially good at some art or achievement.
Syllabification Definition:
Syllabification has SIX types, they are :
1.Monosyllabic 2.Disyllabic (or) Bisyllabic 3.Trisyllabic 4.Terasyllabic
6.Polysyllabic (or) Multisyllabic
But the basic syllabifications are Mono-syllabic, Di-syllabic and Poly-
Some times we must break a word at the end of a line. Avoid doing so
possible; expecially avoid breaking two successive lines. When
breaking a word is
zoed – doze
lbssening – blessing
stpudi – stupid
odutb – doubt
sotaliry – solitary
gola –goal
areg – rage
rreor – error
diayl- daily
maitbion – ambition
suonmm – summon
egare – eager
fare – fear
beonck – beckon
rpeytt - pretty
olyla – loyal
ggrade – ragged
dede – deed
baoed – abode
now – own
areg – rage
rcawl – crawl
obthre – bother
flitre – trifle
rftalret – flatter
lgisetn – glisten
lgaem – gleam
trmcou – tremour
lasoce – solace
unavoidable, mark the division with a hypen (made with one stroke on
the t ypewriter[-
It is splitting of words according to the syllables or units of sounds that
must have vowel sound
oft Sun ,bus, few, act, bid,
red, one,cat
few act bid
red one cat
raid dumb Moon
slew life base
head plot high
soul fear love
week head rage
base door drop
yard heat pole
cord vile path
step sack soul
week high fear
sword steel sweep
tongue wrong spoke
cause worse crown
blame mourn scene
break dumb faith
count glove steep
knees snake pause
month bomb month
cheeks yelled tongue
7. Pick out the right phrase:
1. The match was ...................... due to heavy rain. (put off/put out)
Ans:put off
2. The bird ........................... the statue. (flew over/flew on)
Ans: flew over
3. Many soldiers ....................... the war. (died of/died in)
Ans:died in
4. Many people .......................... plague. (died of/died in)
Ans:died of
5. The teacher could not ........................ what the student had written.
Ans:make out (make up/make out)
6. Ramu ...................... his mind to study hard. (made up/made out)
Ans:made up
7. The crowd ........................ to the chief guest. (gave away/gave way)
Ans: gave way
8. Smita was ............................ the lost book. (looking into/looking for)
Ans:looking for
school – school = 1
people – peo-ple-2
primary – pri-ma-ry = 3
section – sec-tion =2
taller – tal-ler = 2
English – eng-lish = 2
anger – an-ger = 2
ago – a – go – 2
probability – pro-ba-bi-li-ty=5
idea – i-dea = 2
vanish – va-nis=2
accept – ac-cept =2
again – a-gain =2
canteen – can-teen = 2
conscience – con-sci-ence=3
reflection – re-flec-tion=3
direction – di-rec-tion=3
quiz – quiz – 1
whole – whole – 1
continent – con-ti-nent = 3
adventure – ad-ven-ture = 3
determine – de-ter-mine =3
wide – wide = 1
9. Mother advised Neha to .................. junk food. (give up/give in)
Ans:give up
10. Don’t ................... others for help. (depend at/depend on)
Ans:depend on
11. Happy man was ..................... what he had. (contented
with/contented at)
Ans:contented with
12. Akbar ................... his uniform and rushed hurriedly. (put on/put
Ans:put on
13. Jaya ................... walk to school daily. (used for/used to)
Ans:used to
14. We should not ................ upon the old people. (look down at/look
Ans:look down
8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the word given in
1 A son was .................. to the king and his ........... was celebrated
the kingdom. (born).
Ans: born, birth
2 Police ............ the thief but his ................ was not answered.
Ans: questioned, question
3 Edison .............. bulb and his ............ is used throughout the world.
Ans: invented, invention
4 Some people ............ that their .......... are always right. (think)
Ans: think, thoughts
5 Don Anselmo ........... to sign the .................. (agree)
Ans: agreed, agreement
6 Air ............ everywhere but its .............. cannot be seen. (exist)
Ans: exists, existence
7 Doctors .............. patients to exercise regularly though most of
their ......... are not followed.
Ans :suggest, suggestions
8 ................. letter was posted to the ............ candidate. (appoint)
Ans: appointment, appointed
9. James ........... huge amount in dairy farming. His ......... went down
drains when most of the cows died of disease. (invest)
Ans: invested, investment
10. Doctor .......... the patient and sent his ................ report to his senior.
Ans: examined, examination
Exercise for practice
1) India is a ……….country( develop)
2) Suresh is an………. Man(honour)
3) Cricket is an………. Game(interest)
4) He was ………. In keeping the news secret(success)
5) Are you really………. In the subject ? (interest)
6) I need you………. At this moment (present)
7) The more expensive articles are not ……….better (necessary)
8) Leelavathi has………. In her students ability (confident)
9) She writes……….(beatuty)
10) She solved the problem………. (intelligent)
11) ……. Is the foundation of democracy(educate)
12) The sunset is a ……. Sight (beauty)
13) He bought the land for …….(develop)
14) People need to be ……. On the dangers of drug taking.(educate)
15) Our relationship is based on mutual……. (depend)
16) There is no……. in the results (differ)
17) He looked at me in……. (confuse)
18) The Tata Institute is recognized as a centre of……. In research
19) The product is still at a ……. Stage. (develop)
20) Anil Kumble is a highly ……. Bowler. (depend)
21) He has done the work……. (satisfy )
22) Sarala is a ……. Girl (truth)
23) The teacher has made ……. in my note book (correct)
24) Andy was a ……. (simple)
25) Don’t take hasty……. (decide)
1) Developing 2) hounourable 3) interesting 4) successful 5) interest ed
6) presence 7) necessarily
8) confidence 9) beautifully 10) intelligently 11) education 12) beautiful
13) development 14)
educated 15) dependence 16) difference 17) confusion 18) excellence
19) developmental 20)
Dependable 21) Satisfactorily 22) Truthful 23) Correction 24)
Simpleton 25) Decision.
Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow:
1. Homework has historically been given to students to reinforce what
they learn at school, and
ultimately to help them learn the material better. However, too much
homework is not helpful,
and can be counter-productive.
Excessive amount of time spent on completing homework can take
away the kid’s social life,
family time, and it limits their participation in sports or other activities.
The amount of
homework a teacher has to give to a student should be restricted.
a. Why is homework given to students?
b. “Too much homework can be counter" – productive. How?
c. What is to be restricted?
d. What do kids lose, by doing homework?
2. You must have heard about the Hussain Sagar Lake. It is in
Hyderabad. It is one of the largest
man-made lakes. Hyderabad and Secunderabad are the twin cities of the
state. The lake
connects these cities. It was originally constructed to supply drinking
water. Now it is not used
as a drinking water source. People say, “This is sad. There is plenty of
water. Nobody can
drink it”. The lake faces a few threats. The main threat is encroachment
by both private and
public agencies. The lake also faces the problem of pollution. One of the
locals said: “oh,
sometimes it stinks horribly”. This is due to the continuous discharge of
domestic wastes and
industrial chemicals. Hence it is our duty to save the Hussain Sagar
a. Which are the twin cities connected by Hussain Sagar Lake?
b. Why was Hussain Sagar Lake constructed?
c. Why do people feel sad?
d. How is the lake getting polluted?
3. Mark Twain who had earned a reputation as a humour writer got an
invitation to address a
public meeting.
He reached that city on the day of meeting. He felt that his programme
had not been
sufficiently publicized. There were not many posters either on the city
walls or in the area near
the railway station. He decided to find out if the citizens had advance
knowledge of his
programme. So, he went to a shop.
He asked at the shop’s counter “Brother, is there any interesting
programme in the city, where
a traveler could spend his evening usefully and relax?”
“I think there is some lecture in the evening” the shop keeper replied in
a comforting tone.
“On what basis, have you made this guess?” asked mark Twain.
“I will tell you that, today we have had a tremendous sale of eggs” said
the shopkeeper and
busied himself in work.
a. What made mark think that his programme had not been given
enough publicity?
b. Which words/phrase in the passage say that the shop-keeper did not
have definite
information about the meeting?
c. How did mark Twain try to find out whether his programme has been
d. How did the shopkeeper guess that there was a lecture?
In Japan the whole year is a time of fund and festivals for the children.
In the spring the
countryside and the hills are full of small streams. The young boys love
fishing in them. Summer
brings many festivals. One festival is ‘Tanahata’. On this day children
decorate bamboo branches
with coloured paper and pray for a good handwriting. Autumn brings
the festival of thanks – giving
for good crops. People make small shrines called “Mikoshi’ and take
them in a procession through
the streets. Children enjoy carrying the shrines turn by turn. They
believe that this would bring good
luck to homes and shops. In Northern Japan, where there is snow all
round in winter, the Japanese
celebrate the festival of ‘Kamakura’. They make snow huts. Children
invite their friends and offer
them oranges and glasses of warm sweet rice wine.
Fill up this table
Season Festival How they Celebrate
Summer 1) ................................... 2) ....................................
3) ...................................... Festivals of Thanks giving
4) .....................................
5) ...................................... 6) .................................... Make snow huts
and invite friend
1. Tanahata
2. decorate bamboo branches with coloured papers
3. Autumn
4. make small shrines called Mikoshi and take them in a procession.
5. Winter
6. Kamakura
5 Look at the following picture. Then answer the questions.
A. The teacher in the classroom is facing South. Now look at the
picture carefully and fill in
the blanks.
1. The children are facing towards the ......................
2. The door is towards the ........................
3. The table is to ................................ of the cupboard.
4. The blackboard is in the ............................
Forecast : Mist in the morning mainly clear sky. Not much changes in
high temperature.
Temperature : Maximum temperature on Friday 27.6o C and the
minimum 16.1o C.
Maximum relative humidity on Friday 96 percent and the minimum 56
Sunset (Saturday) : 5.36 p.m.
Sunrise (Sunday) : 6.34 a.m.
Moonrise (Sunday) : 6.29 p.m.
Moonset (Saturday) : 9.02 a.m.
Detailed National and International weather on Page 2.
Here is a weather report from a news paper dated 6 November 199,
Saturday. Read it and
answer the questions.
A. Choose the correct answers
1. There will be mist in the .....................
a. morning b. evening c. afternoon
2. The sky will be mainly ..............................
a. cloudy b. clear c. bright
3. Change in night temperature will be .................
a. little b. more c. not much
B. Choose the correct answer
4. What was the maximum temperature on Friday? (27.6oc/16.1o c)
5. What was the minimum temperature on Friday? (27.6oc/16.1oc)
6. What is the scale used to measure the temperature ?
7. What kind of day will Saturday be? (Cloudy/Sunny)
C. Answer in one word only :
8. Mention the time for moonrise on Sunday ............................
9. What will be time for Moonset on Saturday? ..................................
D. Pick up words from the passage to fill in the blanks :
10. Detailed national and international weather can be seen
on ...............................
11. The time for sunset on Saturday is ................................
12. The time for sunrise on Sunday is ................................
E. Choose words from the passage which mean
13. fog 14. heat and moisture in the air.
Raju is a student of class X. Look at his Report Card and notice his
marks and grades in I and II
Terminal Tests in different subjects.
Subject Maximum Marks 1st Terminal Test 2nd Terminal Test
English 20 12 14
Hindi 20 15 17
Sanskrit 20 17 18
Maths 20 05 05
S. Studies 20 07 07
Gen. Science 20 10 12
Drawing Gr. B Grade A Grade
Music Gr. A Grade A Grade
A Answer the following questions
1. In which term did Raju do better?
2. Which is his weakest subject ?
3. In which subject did he get the highest marks?
4. In which subjects has Raju improved his marks?
5. In which subjects has he shown no improvement?
6. Which subjects have only grades and not marks?
7. In which subject did Raju get the same grade in both the Terminal
8. By how many marks did he improve in general science in the second
B. Complete the sentence :
9. Raju should give more attention to ................ and ..................
10. Raju loves music. That is why he got .................. in both the terms.
11. Raju has to study .................. subjects in Class X.
12.The maximum marks in the Terminal Test for each subject ......
13 Raju’s Report Card shows that he is ................... in
XII Read the following graph and answer the questions that follow
24. How much perchantage did private school get in 2014?
25. Which type of school did get the highest percentage in 2013?
26 Which school did get the highest percentage in 2014?
27 Which school did get the highest percentage in three years?
9.Read the message and answer the questions that follow:
1.23rd June 2015 2.30 p.m. Mr. Pandit, CEO of Suncity company
arriving on 28th of this month.
Book a room in Hotel Taj. Arrange for a luxury car.
a. When does the CEO arrive?
b. What has to be arranged for CEO?
2. 4th October 2015, 10.00 a.m.
Dear Vinu,
Your yoga teacher called to inform you that the yoga class today is
cancelled. Tomorrow’s
class will be at 4 p.m.
govt school% Aided school Private School
9 Kg
a. Who had called Vinu?
b. Why did she make a call?
3. 4th February 2014, 3.30 p.m.
Keys are in Akbar’s house. Complete your homework and eat snacks
which are kept on
the table. Keep the doors locked.
a. Who is the message addressed to?
b. What is the work assigned to him?
4. 7th November 2014 4.00 p.m.
Secretary of BBM company had called. You have to attend the
interview for steno’s
post on 11th November sharp at 10 pm at head office of the company.
Bharath Rao
a. Who has written the message?
b. When is the interview?
Look at the pictures. Write a sentence using the correct form of
word on what you read.
1. Frame a sentence using ‘bigger than’
Ans:Ball A is bigger than ball B
2. Heavier than
Ans:Bag B is heavier than bag A
3. Larger than
Ans:Box B is larger than box A
4. Taller than
Ans:Mango tree is taller than neem tree
5. Longer Than Ans:Line B is longer than
6. Shorter Than
Ram Joseph Ans:Ram is shorter than Joseph
7. Smaller Than
Ans:X is smaller than Y
8. Lighter than
3 cms
Line A
7 cms
Line B
5 grams 8 grams
Pot A Pot B Ans:Pot A is lighter than pot B
9. Thicker than
Ans:Stick B is thicker than stick A
Re-arrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentence.
Ans:Does Radha sings film songs?
Ans:What a beautiful sight!
3.your/how/treat/parent s/do/you
Ans:How do you treat your patients?
4.snakes/afraid of/you/are
Ans:Are you afraid of snakes?
Ans:He took the money and signed deed
Ans:Whose argument do you agree with?
Ans:Do you agree with the price?
Ans:There was a poor area in Tibet’s
Ans:What’s so special about music?
10. walking/a/bridge/he/along/was/narrow
Ans:He was walking along a narrow bridge
Read the conversation and answer the question that follow.
1. Suman : Hello, Can I speak to Arun?
Arpitha : I’m afraid Arun is not at home. May I know who is speaking?
Suman : I’m Suman. Please tell Arun to meet me near Gandhi Square
bus stop at
5 p.m.
a. Who did Suman want to speak to?
Stick A
3 cms
Stick B
8 cms
b. What message did Suman leave for Arun?
2. Warden : Can I take the message for Sowmya?
Arpitha : Yes, tell Sowmya that her mother will be reaching her school
at 12.30 p.m. and she’ll bring her dance costume.
a. Which word in the conversation means ‘dress’
b. Where do you think Sowmya stayed?
3. Mrs. Ravindra : Could you leave a message for Saravana.
Mr. Naganna : Oh. sure
Mrs. Ravindra : Tell him, that he is required for the Sub-Junior tennis
trials to be held on
14th November, 2015 in Gangotri Stadium at 10 a.m.
a. Who should go to Gangothri Stadium on November 14th 2015.
b. Why was he asked to go there?
4. Manasa : Please inform mom that I’ll be late today.
Manoj : Why?
Manasa : I’m going to Varsha’s house to complete my project work.
a. What message did Manasa leave to her mom?
b. Why was Manasa going to Varsha’s house?
Letter Writing
Official Letter
1 From address
2. Date
3. To address
4. Salutation
5. Subject
6. Body of the letter
7. Complimentary ending
Format Official Letter
Imagine that you are Shanthi / Shivanna, 10th Std, Govt. high School,
Haveri . Write a letter to the
Editor of a newspaper about the roads and drainage system in your
10th standard
Govt. High School Haveri
Date – 6-1-2016
The Editor,
Deccan Herald,
Dear Sir
Respected sir
Subject:- Regarding bad conditions of roads
1 from address
2 Date
3 To address
4 Solutation
5 Subject………………………………………………………………….
7 Complimentary ending
There are four main roads and ten bye lanes in our village. The roads
have not been swept for nearly
one month. Flies and mosquitoes have been haunting us. I request you
to draw the attention of
concerned authorities to get the roads swept without fail.
Thank You,
Yours faithfully,
2) Personal letter.
1. Personal letter
2. Official letter
Steps of personal letter
1 From address (address of writer)
2 Date
3 Salutations
4 Body of the letter
5 Complimentary ending
6 To address
Format of personal letter
1 From
2 Date -------------
3 My dear ………………………….
4 Body of letter
5 Yours Affectionately / yours sincerely
6. To address
Imagine that you are Suresh / Sudha Xth standard, Govt High
school, Belgaum.
Write a letter to your father requesting him to send Rs. 500, for
your school
Excursion, using the following clues given below:-
Your studies – period of holidays – school’s plan for a trip – places
to be visited -
Amount of expenditure – request for money.
Suresh / Sudha
Xth Standard
Govt, High School,
Date : - 01-01-2016
Dear Father,
I am fine, How are you? I hope you and mother are also fine.
I am studying well, My teachers are teaching well. I study for six hours
a day. We have 15 days
holidays. Our school teachers have planned for excursion (tour) to
Belur, Halebidu, Mysore,
Srirangpatana. They have fixed Rs. 500 for excursion. I want to go on
excursion. Please send me
Rs. 500/-
Yours Affectionately
2. Imagine that you are Raju/Rajani Door No. 345, Patel Road,
Write an application to the General Manager KSRTC requesting
for more number of
buses to your place.
3. Imagine that you are Rajesh/Ravi from Bengaluru
Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the sports day in
your school.
4. Imagine that you are Prajwal/Pamela of S.K. high School,
Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend this summer
holidays in your house.
5. Imagine that you are Latha/Lohith of Cambridge high school,
Write a letter to the commissioner for the need of more number of
public parks in a
crowded city like Bengaluru
Paragraph composing using a profile
Below is a profile of Mr. Ramakrishna the school clerk. Write the
information in the form
of a paragraph.
age : around 40 years
Height and weight: 6 feet, solid built
Family: small – one male and a female-college –going
Reason for his popularity: helpful, best gardener
Education; B.Com graduate
Hobbies: gardening, bee keeping, coin collection
Mr. Ramakrishna is 40 years old. He is a school clerk. He has solid built
physique and six feet tall.
He is happy with his small family –wife, a son and a daughter. Both his
children are college going
.He is a commerce graduate. Gardening, bee keeping and coin collection
are some of his hobbies.
He is a very popular person in his locality because, he is helpful and soft
spoken. He is not only a
loving father but also an ideal gentleman among his neighbors. Note:
Prepare a boi-sketch of your
father/mother. Then write a paragraph based on it.
1 Given below is a profile of Amar the grocer. Write a short
biographical sketch of Amar. Take the
help of the clues given below
Age - 45 years,
Height/weight - 6 feet, well built.
Residence - Naganahalli
Family - large, three daughters, two sons.
Education - high school dropout
Reason for his popularity - courteous, kind and honest.
2 Given below is a profile of Shruthi, a teacher in Don Bosco School
write a short
biographical sketch of Shruti with the help of the clues given below
Age - 24 years
Height/weight - 5 feet, slim
Appearance - fair, curly hair
Education - MA (English) Med
Behavior - always smiling, punctual, well dressed, loved by students.
Story writing /Paragraph Writing
Hints for writing
Construction of paragraphs or stories on the given outline is a very good
exercise to bring out the
student’s imagination and capacity to write in simple language.
1. While writing the paragraph / story follow the outline given carefully.
Do not omit any point.
Keep to the order in which the points are given in the outline.
2. Be careful to connect the points given in the outline naturally so that
the whole willbe read well
as a connected piece of good composition. You must use your
imagination in filling the details of
action, gesture and conversation that should connect one point with the
3. If you are asked to supply a heading or title to the paragraph or story,
you may choose the main
character, object or incident of the story or a proverb or well-known
quotation that suits the story.
4. See that your composition is grammatical , idiomatic and in good
simple English. Revise your
work, and if necessary, rewrite it until it is as good as you can make it.
5. Please do take the help of sentence structures while constructing
Once an ant fell into a stream. In vain it tried to catch hold of a leaf or
twig to save itself. It was
carried along the stream. A dove was watching the ant from the branch
of a tree. Out of pity it let
fall a leaf into the stream. The ant climbed upon the leaf and was saved.
Another day, a hunter took aim at the same dove with his gun. The dove
knew nothing about this
hunter; but the ant saw him. It knew that the dove was in danger. It
quickly came to the hunter and
bit his toe. The hunter missed his aim and the dove flew away. That was
how the grateful ant did
good turn to the kind dove.
Once a king became seriously ill. The doctors said that he could be well
again if he wore the shirt of
a perfectly happy man. The king sent his men all over to find a perfectly
happy man. They could not
find one. After a weary search, they came upon a begger. He was
singing. He was laughing. He was
perfectly happy. He was brought before the king. The doctors asked him
to give his shirt to the king.
He laughed and said," I have no shirt at all."
Once the mice living in a certain house were very much afraid of a cat,
for it killed and ate many of
them. They held a meeting to decide how to get rid of the nasty cat. One
mouse said that they
should leave the house. Another said that they should not come out of
their holes. Then a young
mouse stood up and said, "Why not tie a bell round the cat’s neck? We
can then hear it coming, and
get away easily out of its way." All the mice cheered,"What a good
plan!" Now an old mouse stood
up and said, "The plan is, no doubt, very good, but who will bell the
cat ?" No mouse now came
forward to do it. Suddenly the cat appeared and all the mice ran into
thier holes.
A farmer had several sons. But they were lazy and would not help him
to work in the fields. The
famer fell ill. He knew he was dying. So he called all his sons together
and told them that they could
find all his wealth burried in his fields. The farmer died. His sons at
once went to the fields and dug
every bit of land, but they found no treasure. They were very sad. Soon
the rains fell and, as the
earth had been well dug, they sowed the corn. There was a very fine
crop that year. The sons now
learnt what their father meant by treasure. The treasure could be got
only by hard work.
1. A farmer had a goose - it laid a golden egg every day - gready farmer
- wanted to more golden
eggs at once - thought of a plan - killed the goose - opened its stomach -
no golden egg - Moral.
2. A slave escaped from bondage to the forest - soldiers came after him
to catch - entered a cave - a
lion was roaring with pain - its paw was swollen - the slave approached
it and removed the thorn -
they became friends - later the soldiers arrested the slave - took him to
the king - the king ordered
the soldiers to throw the slave to the hungry lion - the lion rushed at the
slave - recognised the slave
- remembered the kindness shown by the slave - then licked the feet of
the slave - the spectators
amazed - the slave explained the situation to them - the king set him
3. Cap seller - going to market - felt tired - slept under a tree - a basket -
caps for sale - monkeys on
the tree - came down - opened the basket - took the caps - wore them -
started making noise - Cap
seller woke up - no cap in the basket - looked up in wonder - monkeys
wearing caps - tried several
methods to collect the caps - failed - out of frustration threw his cap -
monkeys also threw the caps -
Cap seller collected the caps and went aways happily.
4. A fox fell into a well - a thirsty goat came to the well - fox invited the
goat to have a drink of
fresh water - the foolish goat jumped into the well - fox tried to step on
the goat’s back and jumped
off - promised to draw out goat afterwards - the goat agreed - the fox
went away - foolish goat
stayed there.
5. A hungry fox - saw a crow with a piece of meat in its beak. Fox
thought of a plan - praised the
crow - the crow listened - felt very happy - fox requested the crow to
sing a song - foolish crow very
pleased - began to sing - the piece of meat fell down - Fox picked up -
ran away .
6. A wood cutter - cutting wood - dropped his axe in the pond - started
weeping - god appeared -
asked what the matter was - brought a golden axe from the pond - wood
cutter did not accept -
brought a silver axe - not accepted - brought an iron axe - accepted -
pleased with the honesty of the
poor wood cutter - offered all the axes to him.
7. Two friends - travelling in a forest - a bear appeared - afraid - one
hastily climbed up a tree - the
other lied down motionless - the bear came near and sniffed the boy -
went away - the friend on the
tree climbed down - inquired - what did the bear tell him - replied - "
Don’t trust a false friend."
8. Robert Bruce - King - lying on the ground in a dejected mood - failed
to defeat his enemies - was
thinking of giving up the attempt - saw a spider falling down from the
ceiling - the ceiling far away
- wondered how it would get there - the spider fell back again - again it
tried - again it fell - it made
nine such attempts - no success - climbed up once more - at last
succeeded in reaching the roof -
Bruce imitated its example - he too tried once again - was successful.
9. A dog with a piece of bone in its mouth - crossing a river - saw its
reflection - mistaken it for
another dog with another piece of bone - dropped its bone to snatch the
other bone - Moral.
Drafting a wedding invitaton
Task; Imagine you are the son of Mrs.Ramya & P.Siddartha,Senior
electrical Engineer,TKB
STSTEMS,Hubli.Your sister Shalini.S is getting married with Shiva
Kumar .R s/o Srimathi
Radha& Ramappa .C, Lecturer in Socialogy,Chitradurga on 25th
October,2015 at Tulasi
Kalyana Mantap ,Huliyar Road Hiriyur at 11-20 am to11-55 am.
Read the conversation and choose the question to get the italicized
sentence as answer.
1. Teacher : Do You know Cariyappa?
Student : Yes, General Cariyappa was a man of principles.
a. Why was he man of principles?
b. Who was a man of principles?
c. How was he man of principles?
d. Whom was he man of principles?
2. Ramu : Mr. and Mrs. Gupta had arranged a Diwali party?
Somu : Were you invited?
a. Why Mr. and Mrs. Gupta had arranged a party?
b. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Gupta arranged?
c. Who had arranged a party?
d. When did Mr. and Mrs. Gupta arrange a party?
3. Mani : Yesterday we visited Mysore Zoo.
Mrs.N.Ramya & P.Siddartha
( Senior electrical Engineer,TKB STSTEMS,Hubli)
We request the honour of your gracious presence at the marriage of
our daughter
Shiva Kumar .R
(s/o Srimathi Radha& Ramappa .C, Lecturer in Socialogy,Chitradurga)
On 25th October,2015
at 11-20 am to11-55 am.
at Tulasi Kalyana Mantap ,Huliyar Road Hiriyur
Monu : Mysore Zoo is one of the best zoos in India.
a. When is one of the best zoos in India?
b. What is one of the best zoos in India?
c. Which is one of the best zoos in India?
d. How is one of the best zoos in India?
4. Syed : Shahjahan built Tajmahal in memory of his wife Mumtaz.
Savitha : Yes, it is one of the seven wonders of the world.
a. What did Shahjahan build in memory of his wife?
b. When did Shahjahan build in memory of his wife Mumtaz?
c. Which did Shahjahan build in memory of his wife Mumtaz?
d. When did Shahjahan build in memory of his wife Mumtaz?
5. Anil : Mom, I want Some more sugar for my coffee.
Mom : It is on the Kitchen Shelf take it.
a. Where is sugar?
b. Why is sugar?
c. Which is sugar?
d. How is sugar?
6. Sita : I’m going for shopping to buy a sari.
Mom : Mysore silk is the costliest sari.
a. Which is the costliest sari?
b. What is the cost of the sari?
c. Where do we buy Mysore silk sari?
d. When do you buy Mysore Silk sari?
7. Ram : My brother is going to States.
Mom : He is going to study Ms.
a. Why is he going to States?
b. Where is he going?
c. When is he going to States?
d. Who is going to States?
8. Janaki : I did not see Asha for past 3 days.
Rani : Asha had been to Bengaluru.
a. When had Asha been to Bengaluru?
b. Where had Asha been?
c. Why had Rani gone to Bengaluru?
d. When did Rani go to Bengaluru?
9. Vishnu : Why did you not come for evening walk yesterday?
Vinu : I went to Yoga class at 5 p.m.
a. How did Vinu go to yoga class?
b. Where was the yoga class?
c. Whom did Vinu meet in yoga class?
d. When did Vinu go to yoga class?
10. Teacher : Does anyone wish to entertain the class?
Mom : Sir, Mamatha will sing classical songs.
a. What song will Mamatha sing?
b. When will Mamatha sing the song?
c. Where will Mamatha sing the song?
d. Why will Mamatha sing the song?
Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in brackets:
1. Every seat in this bus ......... a number (has/have).Ans:has
2. The crowd .............. dispersed by the police (was/were).Ans:was
3. One of my friends ................ visiting palace this evening
4. Number of questions ......... asked by the students
5. All seats in this bus .............. numbers (have/has)Ans:have
6. Either Ram or his friends ............... taken it (has/have).Ans:have
7. She, as well as you, .................. intelligent (is/are).Ans:are
8. The match .............. very interesting (was/were).Ans:was
9. Each of the girls ............. done her homework (has/have)Ans:has.
10. Bread and butter .............. his daily diet (were/was).Ans:was
Fill in the blanks choosing the right form of verbs given in brackets:
1.My friend ............. (be+drive) when the car accident took place.
He ............ (buy) that car last
month. He ............... (be) severely wounded.(was driving,bought,was)
2. Satish ................ (have+discover) another pastime which he .............
(can) indulge in. He
................ (begin) filling pages and pages with doodles. (had
3. Several ................ (visit) to the doctors ................ (follow) with
nothing improving for Satish.
He ............... (remain) in his silent world and ........... (manage) to paint
and draw for
4. One day Ganesh ............. (ride) the bicycle, and ............. (lose)
control. He hit against an
electric pole. His left leg ............... (fracture) and ........ (be) badly
5. The first baby bomb ................. (be+drop) on the city of Hiroshima.
Many people .............
(be+kill) and injured.(was dropped,were killed)
6. A dancer_______ (offer) prayers asking forgiveness to the earth
goddess before she .......
(begin) the dance. Chefs offer a prayer to the stove before they ...........
(cook) for certain
religious functions. These ............... (be) rituals at various stages of
building a
7. The seamen ................. (have+lose) their patience. They ............
(think) that they were duped
Guilermo ............. (tell) Columbus that the seamen were men with
common feelings.(had
8. India .............. (be+rule) by the Britishers for 200 years. Youths like
Bhagath ........... (fight)
for freedom. Now our country ........... (be) a democratic country.(was
9. Ramu ............. (be+stand) in front of the school. The teacher
who ............. (see) him ..............
(question) him.(was standing,saw,questioned)
10. Maria ............... (have) a dog. She .............. (buy) it from London.
She ......... (be) severely
attached to her pet and her family also ............ (love) it.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions and articles:
1. Swami looked .......... Granny, hesitated, for a moment, and followed
his father into .............
office room.(at,the)
2. Swami had bitten ............. the flesh of one of ............... most
notorious house –
3. He had just seen a young woman ............ a black salwar – kameez
lying next to ..............
4. Geetha comes from ............. affluent family. She gets up ............... 5
am every morning.(an,at)
5. For ............ moment, Asha stared ............. the bird.(a,at)
6. Shankarappa is ................... M.L.A. He is the most favourite leader
____ his locality.(an,the)
7. Kabir is ............. angry person. So, he is not respected ............
8. I went ................ the market and bought apples to ................ children.
9. Columbus set out .................... a voyage in ................ ship to discover
new land.(for,a)
10. Freedom fighters have played .................. important role ............
shaping the history.(an,of)
Identify the language function:
1. Could you please spare some time, sir?
a. request b. apolize c. order d. Questioning
2. You’re absolutely right
a. expressing agreement b. expressing disagreement
c. Complimenting d. Wishing
3. If you don’t mind could I use your pen?
a. questioning b. seeking information
c. seeking help d. seeking permission
4. I’m really grateful to you
a. Complimenting b. Wishing
c. requesting d. expressing gratitude
5. I’m very sorry
a. apologizing b. ordering
c. complimenting d. expressing gratitude
6. You should consult a doctor
a. ordering b. expressing agreement
c. seeking information d. Suggesting
7. Don’t worry everything will be all right.
a. sympathising b. giving direction c. suggesting d. Requesting
8. Shut the door
a. suggesting b. requesting
c. ordering d. giving direction
9. Story books are on fifth shelf in second row from here.
a. giving direction b. seeking information
c. ordering d. Requesting
Fill in the blank with appropriate modal:
1. It .................. rain
a. can b. may c. would d. Could
2. ............ I come in?
a. may b. might c. will d. Would
3. ............ you carry these files for me?
a. should b. would c. may d. Might
4. ................ I have a look at your essay?
a. might b. would c. will d. May
5. You .................... help your friend.
a. need b. dare c. have d. Must
6. ............ you agree with this discussion?
a. may b. might c. would d. Must
7. ................ you speak English?
a. can b. must c. might d. Shall
8. .................... God bless you!
a. might b. may c. should d. Shall
9. We ................. wear helmet while riding.
a. should b. could c. might d. Need
10. Aunt .................. visit us tomorrow
a. have b. might c. dare to d. Could
Read the conversation and fill in the blank choosing the appropriate
1. Shallu : Saroja failed in the exam.
Sami : If she had studied hard, she ............. passed
a. should has b. would have c. will have d. Would
2. Manoj : I bought Audi
Krishna : Really! If I had money, I too ........... bought Audi
a. could have b. would be c. would d. Could
3. Srikala : Show me the photos of your trip to Ooty.
Nirmala : Oh, I forgot to take my Camera. If I had taken my Camera,
I ..............
taken photos.
a. will have b. could have c. would be d. could be
4. Abu : Do you own a house?
Avinash : I don’t have enough money. If I had money, I ........... bought
a house my
a. must be b. would has
c. would had d. would have
5. Swamy : Mona lost all her money in business and she is very upset.
Soma : If I had met her, I ........... advised her not to give up
a. would have b. would has c. would had d. would be
6. Nitin : Yesterday I went for a party. So I couldn’t complete my
Mohit : If I had any project, I ............ attended the party.
a. not would have b. wouldn’t have
c. wouldn’t has d. wouldn’t had
7. Nisha : Your drawing looks dull without any colours.
Mohit : If I had sketch pens, I ................. coloured it.
a. couldn’t have b. could has
c. could have d. could had
8. Ravi : I am very tired. I can’t walk.
Harish : If I had bike, I ............. dropped you
a. will have b. will be
c. would be d. would have
9. Preethi : You missed the train
Pramitha : If I had started early, I ............. missed it.
a. won’t have b. can’t have
c. shouldn’t have d. wouldn’t have
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words choosing from
the brackets:
1. .Vinutha ............ her sister entered the house,____ there was no
electricity ............... they took
out a box of matches and lit a lamp. ........... they couldn’t see anything.
(still, but, and, so) Ans:and,but,so,still
2.................. Venkatram is a rich man, he is not generous. ........... his
wife helps the needy
............. she was from a poor family ....suffered a lot..
(though,because,and,but) Ans:though,but,because,and
3. Suresh ..................... Mahesh went to the bus station ............... they
missed the bus.
.................. they entered the station, the bus left. ...............they could not
board the bus.
(but, as soon as, and, so) Ans:and,but,as soon as,so
4. Ramanna is rich ..................... sad .............. discontented. He owns
hundred acres of land
which he has inherited from his ancestors. He does not
possess .................... wife ................
(or, but, and, either) Ans:but,and,either,or
5. Abdul Kalaam was a disciplined person ................ he was from a
poor family, he became
popular. He made a name ................... as a scientist .............. as a states
man ................. he
was service dedicative.
(not only, though, but also, because) Ans:though,not only,but
6. Radhakrishnan was a teacher. Everybody liked him ................ he had
lot of patience while
teaching. .................... any student didn’t have money to pay fees, he
would give him money,
............... he was kind ............... service minded.
(If, and, because, as) Ans:because,if,as,and
7.The people did not help Roma____ they were afraid of being
involved._____Baleshwar alone
had to take Roma.He requested the passerby to help him_____,no one
heeded him.A tempo
truck driver stopped ____ took Roma to the hospital.
(so,but,and,because) Ans:because ,so but,and
8. The people of Tibet suffered from cold ................. hunger. They
decided to send Wangjia to
find bird of happiness........ he was a smart boy .......... he was a small
boy, he was determined
................... the others hesitated to go
(because, and, though, while) Ans:and,because,though,while
9. Ram ................ Raju are twin brothers. Ram is hard
working .................. Raju is lazy ...........
he is lazy he is smart. His father knows ................ he would achieve a
lot in his life.
(that, but, and, though) Ans:and,but,though,that
Add question tag?
1. Ramesh is a famous educationist, ............... The question tag to be
used above is
a. Isnt’ he? b. Is he? c. doesn’t he? d. Does he?
2. Leela and Sheela were awarded ...............
a. Isnt’ she? b. weren’t they?
c. Isn’t they? d. Aren’t they?
3. Amith never tells lies .................
a. Isnt’ he? b. Is he?
c. Doesn’t he? d. Does he?
4. Meera can do the sum ................
a. Can she? b. Can’t she
c. Isn’t she? d. Is she?
5. I’m fond of eating sweets, .............
a. Am I? b. Amn’t I?
c. Aren’t I? d. Are I?
6. Jazz met his friend in London, .................
a. does he? b. Didn’t he?
c. Did he? d. doesn’t he?
I Read the conversation. Based on it, Complete the reported form
given below.
Father : Why aren’t you doing your homework, Joseph?
Joseph : They didn’t give us any home work today Daddy.
Joseph’s father asked him why
a. .......................................................
Joseph replied that they hand n’t
b. ........................................................
Ans.: a. he wasn’t doing his home work
b. given them any home work that day.
II Read the passage. Report the questions given in the box and
complete the story :
Bhola asked his friends .............. They said they had heard the world
would come to an end the
evening. Bhola asked them ............... They said, ‘The priest’.
Ans. : Why they were so serious
Who had told them
iii. Read the conversation. Based on it complete the reported form
given below:
Rajev : How are
you? Rakesh : I’m
fine, you?
Rajeev : I’m fine, thank you. Why did you go to Delhi last week?
Rakesh : I went to Delhi to see the minister.
Rajeev asked Rakesh why ............................. Rakesh replied
that ....................
Ans. : he had gone to Delhi previous week. He had gone to Delhi to
see the
iv. Preethi : Will you please help me to cross the road?
Bharathi : I will help you to cross the road.
Preethi asked Bharathi whether .................Bharathi replied that ..............
Ans. : She would help her to cross the road.
She would help her to cross the road
v. Chand : Hello,
Prashant Prashant :
How are you?
Chand : I’m fine. Thank you. Are you working in this
company? Prashant : Yes, I am. I joined this firm last year.
Chand and Prashant greeted each other. Chand asked
Prashant ................ Prashanth replied he
was and
he ...................
Ans. : If he was working in that company had joined that firm the
previous year.
vi. Child: I want a balloon, which I can release into
the air. Balloon man : Which colour balloon do
you want?
A child told a balloon man that ...............
The balloon man ....................
Ans. : a. he wanted a balloon which he could release into the air
b. asked which colour balloon he wanted
vii. Son : Why are they asking for money,
mummy? Mother : It is because they are
poor, darling On seeing the beggars the son
When the mother replied that ..................
Ans. : a. asked his mother why they were asking for money
b. it was because they were poor
Captain : Do you know how to play cricket?
Laksh : Never had a chance to learn it.
The captain asked Laksh ................
Laksh replied .........................
Ans. : a. if he knew how to pay cricket
b. that he had never had a chance to learn it
x. Nishchu : Hi Lakshya how are you?
Lakshya : Life’s rather tough. I need a
Nishchu on meeting Lakshya asked .................
Lakshya replied ..............................
Ans. : a. how he was
b. that he was on the look out for a job
xi. Mother : I have washed the car for you
today Daughter : Thank you, Mom
The mother told the daughter that ...............
The daughter ...............
Ans.: a. she had washed the car for her that day also
b. thanked her mother
xii. Boss : Are there any more
files? Peon : Yes sir
Boss asked the peon ................
The Peon .................
Ans.: a. if there were any more files
b. replied respectfully yes.
xiii. Wife : Please stop this work immediately
Husband : I have to meet the deadline or the
editor will give the work to somebody else. The
wife requested
Her Husband requested
Ans. : a. requested
to stop
that work
b. replied
that he
had to
xiv. Astrologer : Will you give me five rupees. If you find my
answers satisfactory
Customer : No
The astrologer asked the customer ............
The customer ...............
Ans.: a. Whether he would give him five rupees if he
found his answers satisfactory.
b. replied no (negatively)
Choose the correct answer and write it. (Fintie and nonfinite
verbs) 1. She walks home
a. finite b. non – finite
c. Gerund d. Participle
Ans.: a. finite
2. She walked home.
a. finite b. non – finite
c. Gerund d. Participle
Ans.: a. finite
3. He loves camping in the woods
a. non – finite b. infinitive
c. participle d. finite
Ans.: a. non-finite
4. I need to go to sleep.
a. non – finite b. participle
c. finite d. noun
Ans.: a. non-finite
5. The sleeping dog caused a delay
a. non – finite b. Gerund
c. infinitived. finite
Ans.: a. nonfinite
6. I hate
a. non – finite b. finite
c. Adjective d. noun
Ans.: a. non-finite 7. I want to go there.
a. non – finite b. finite
c. Adjective d. Gerund
Ans.: a. non-finite
8. We ate our roasted marshmallows
a. non – finite b. Adjective
c. gerund d. infinitive
Ans.: a. non-finite 9. I live in Germany
a. finite b. non-finite
c. gerund d. infinitive
Ans.: a. finite
10. We went to school at 9 a.m.
a. finite b. non-finite
c. gerund d. infinitive
Ans.: a. finite
Decode the following sms into normal sentences.
1. u 1 d match (you won the match)
2. 2 n 2 makes 4 (two and two makes four)
3. Pls cum b4 its l8 (please come before it is late)
4. Vr r u? (where are u?)
5. Hw r u? (how are u?)
6. R u hpy? (are you happy?)
7. I 8 rice 4 lunch ( I ate rice for lunch)
8. Go hm erly (go home early)
9. Gud nt. (good night)
10. V r rdy to go. (we are ready to go)
To which source of information will you refer to know the
following. Choose the appropriate answer.
1. Pronunciation of a word ...............
(grammar book, atlas, dictionary, newspaper) Ans:dictionary
2. The place where first nuclear bombs exploded .............
(encyclopedia, dictionary, manual, the saurus) Ans:encyclopedia
3. To assemble the TV you recently bought.
(atlas, TV manual, newspaper, dictionary) Ans:TV manual
4. Details about the rivers of a country .................
(newspaper, manual, grammar book, atlas) Ans:atlas
5. To know who won world cup match which was played the previous
(atlas, encyclopedia, newspaper, thesaurus) Ans:newspaper
6. Variations of the word ‘Compose’
(newspaper, encyclopedia, thesaurus, atlas) Ans:thesaurus
7. To know the spelling of the word “encyclopedia”.
(newspaper, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas) Ans:thesaurus
8. Synonym of the word ‘Prosper’.
(manual, dictionary, atlas, newspaper) Ans:dictionary
Arrange the following words in dictionary order.
1. Charm, Churn, Choke, Chase.
2. Quaint, Quality, Quantum, Quarter
3. Prosper, Proper, Propel, Property.
4. Sympathy, System, Symptom, Symmetry.
5. Technical, Technician, Technology, Technique.
6. Adore, Address, Admire, Admit.
7. Bench, Beach, Beauty, Beast.
8. Garland, Gallow, Gamble, Gambit
9. debut, debit, debris, debate
10. reason, ranson, revenge, repair
11. ocean, orange, order, open
12. daughter, doctor, deter, dollar
13. rainbow, raindrop, railway, raincoat
14. supper, super, sleeper, slipper
15. mango, marriage, manager, mankind
16. tea, teacher, teach, teachers
17. crest, create, creep, credit
18. moment, movement, mute, manage
19. strained, strain, shrine, justice
20. better, butter, bitter, bite
21. cat, beat, suit, dog
22. door, yellow, busy, work
23. useless, friend, wise, tree
24. goat, high, waste, team
25. full, lawyer, white, read
26. damage, beautiful, garden, tiger
27. running, going, missing, joking
28. having, jumping, reading, leading
29. examination, preparation, situation, business
30. ambition, education, determination, popularity.