Kamra Proj BIM and PLAn

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HQ 496 EngrGp

C/O Sigcen (FWO) Chaklala

Tel : 051-9280591
Fax : 051-9280593
636 /NASTP/Kamra/Proj
May 2020
To: Mr. Salman Shahid
Chief Engineer/ Project Manager
NESPAK House, G-5/2, Islamabad

Info: Rizwan Mehmood

Engineer’s Representative


Air Headquarter’s, Islamabad

HQ FWO (Plans Dte)

ID: Proj Branch (HQ 496 Engr Gp)

Subj: Delay in submission of Work Programme and Cash Flow Estimate / BIM
NESPAK ltr no. 3995/321/SS/02/3258 dated 03 April 2020, NESPAK ltr no.
3995/321/RM/02/dated 16 May 2020, NESPAK ltr no. 3995/321/SS/02/4632 dated 29
May 2020 and no even ltr no .3995/321/SS/02/4633 dated 29 May 2020 Ref.

1. It is affirmed that apologies pertaining to prolongation of response vide your a/r ltrs
no. dated 29 May 2020 may be accepted by M/S FWO. Conversely, it is to draw your
attention that due to persistent and prevailing lockdown situation because of pandemic
COVID- 19, M/S FWO has faced immense disturbance in work performance as well as
momentum to focus on project matters which cannot be overlooked. By considering the
fact it is repeatedly and timely intimated through correspondence of our previous ltrs and
telecom conversion with RE that our project staff and manpower associated with this
project has been sent to their home stations to ensure their safety and instructed to
remain quarantine up till further instructions issued by M/S FWO. Further in addition to
that, Currently, M/S FWO is in good state and all the project staff and manpower are on
board in order to cater for the discrepancies / issues raised by M/S NESPAK as earliest
with in due course of time and maintain proper coordination with RE at site to avoid
inconveniences onwards.

2. Inspite of this fact , by realizing the interest of Project , M/S FWO has already
initiated to work out the deficiencies related to Work Programme and Cash Flow Estimate
vide your a/r ltr no. dated 3 April 2020 and provide the same as earliest within 3 days
from 1 June 2020 onwards. .

3. Moreover, vide your a/r ltr no. dated 29 May 2020 regarding (Building
Information Model) , M/S FWO is bound to follow contractural obiligations in pursuant to
clause 14.5 (d) ( Detailed Programme and Monthly Progress Report) in particular
conditions of contract.. The up gradation of As build condition on BIM model for progress
monitoring and tracking is in process / will be finalized within 3 days prior to this ltr and
same will be shared with M/S NESPAK. On the other hand, the coordination session
between BIM professionals of M/S FWO and M/S NESPAK will be please re schedule as
per mutual consent at site with RE to ensure smooth tracking of the project as availability
of our BIM engineer will be there from 1 june 2020 onwards.

4. It is pertinent to mention that M/S NESPAK words “We are available for all your
support, wherever needed; in the best interest of the Project “really matters allot and
are highly appreciated and commendable for us.

5. Submitted for your nec info/record.

Lt Col
Proj Manager
(Asif Riaz)

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