Sikaflex®-11 FC+: Product Data Sheet
Sikaflex®-11 FC+: Product Data Sheet
Sikaflex®-11 FC+: Product Data Sheet
Sikaflex®-11 FC+
Multipurpose elastic adhesive and joint sealant
Sikaflex®-11 FC+ is a 1-part, multipurpose elastic ad- ▪ Sikaflex®-11 FC+ is certified according "Low Emitting
hesive and joint sealant with very good application Materials as per Al Sa'fat - Dubai Green Building Eval-
properties which bonds and seals most construction uation System" by Dubai Central Laboratory (DCL)
material substrates. Internal and external use. certificate No. CL18020589
▪ Conformity with LEED v4 EQc 2: Low-Emitting Mater-
USES ials
▪ IBU Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) avail-
An adhesive to bond construction components and able
materials such as: ▪ VOC emission classification GEV-Emicode EC1PLUS, li-
▪ Concrete cense number 2782/20.10.00
▪ Masonry ▪ Class A+ according to French Regulation on VOC
▪ Reconstituted or cast stone
▪ Ceramic
▪ Wood
▪ Metal ▪ CE Marking and Declaration of Performance to
▪ Glass EN 15651-1 - Sealants for non-structural use in joints
A sealant to seal vertical and horizontal joints. in buildings - Facade elements - F EXT-INT CC 25HM
▪ CE Marking and Declaration of Performance to
CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES EN 15651-4 - Sealants for non-structural use in joints
in buildings - Sealants for pedestrian walkways - PW
▪ Movement capability of ±35 % EXT-INT CC 25HM
▪ Bonds well to defined substrates without surface ▪ ASTM C920-11 class 35, Sikaflex-11 FC+, MST, Report
pre-treatment ▪ Certificate of Compliance Sikaflex-11 FC+, ISEGA, Cer-
▪ Good mechanical and weathering resistance tificate No 43792 U 16
▪ Very low emissions
▪ Adhesive-sealant with CE marking
Composition i -Cure technology polyurethane
Packaging 300 ml cartridge 12 cartridges per box
600 ml cylindrical foil pack 20 foil packs per box
Refer to current price list for packaging variations
Colour Colour range to be defined by local sales organisation
Shelf life 15 months from the date of production
Storage conditions The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged pack-
aging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +25 °C. Always
refer to packaging.
Density ~1,35 kg/l (ISO 1138-1)
Shore A hardness ~37 (after 28 days) (ISO 868)
Secant tensile modulus ~0,60 N/mm2 at 100 % elongation (+23 °C) (ISO 8339)
Chemical resistance Resistant to many chemicals. Contact Sika® Technical Services for addition-
al information.
Service temperature −40 °C min. / +80 °C max.
Joint design The joint dimensions must be designed to suit the movement capability of
the sealant. The joint width must be ≥ 10 mm and ≤ 35 mm. A width to
depth ratio of 2:1 for facade joints must be maintained (for exceptions, see
table below).
Yield Bonding
Yield Dimension
1 Cartridge (290 ml)
~100 spots Diameter = 30 mm
Thickness = 4 mm
~15 m bead Nozzle diameter = 5 mm
(~20 ml per linear meter)
Joint width Joint depth Joint length Joint length
mm mm m per Cartridge m per foil pack
(300 ml) (600 ml)
10 10 3,0 6,0
15 12 1,6 3,2
20 17 0,9 1,8
25 20 0,6 1,2
30 25 0,4 0,8
Consumption depends on the roughness and absorbency of the substrate.
These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional material
due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level or wastage etc.
Backing material Use closed cell, polyethylene foam backing rod
Sag flow ~1 mm (20 mm profile, +23 °C) (ISO 7390)
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA over-painting results are obtained when the adhes-
ive is allowed to fully cure first. Note: non-flexible
All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based paint systems may impair the elasticity of the adhes-
on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary ive and lead to cracking of the paint film.
due to circumstances beyond our control. ▪ Colour variations may occur due to the exposure in
service to chemicals, high temperatures and/or UV-
radiation (especially with white colour shade). This
FURTHER INFORMATION effect is aesthetic and does not adversely influence
the technical performance or durability of the
▪ Pre-treatment Sealing and Bonding Chart
▪ Method Statement: Joint Sealing ▪ Always use Sikaflex®-11 FC+ in conjunction with
▪ Method Statement: Joint Maintenance, Cleaning and mechanical fixings for overhead applications or
Renovation heavy components.
▪ Technical Manual: Facade Sealing ▪ For very heavy components provide temporary sup-
port until Sikaflex®-11 FC+ has fully cured.
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS ▪ Full surface applications / fixings are not recommen-
ded since the inner part of the adhesive layer may
▪ For good workability, the adhesive temperature never cure.
must be +20 °C. ▪ Before using on reconstituted, cast or natural stone,
▪ Application during high temperature changes is not contact Sika Technical Services.
recommended (movement during curing). ▪ Do not use on bituminous substrates, natural rubber,
▪ Before bonding or sealing, check adhesion and com- EPDM rubber or on any building materials which
patibility of paints and coatings by carrying out pre- might leach oils, plasticisers or solvents that could
liminary trials. degrade the adhesive.
▪ Sikaflex®-11 FC+can be overpainted with most con- ▪ Do not use on polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP),
ventional water-based coating and paint systems. polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE / Teflon), and certain
However, paints must first be tested to ensure com- plasticised synthetic materials. Preliminary trials are
patibility by carrying out preliminary trials. The best recommended or contact Sika® Technical Services.
▪ Do not use to seal joints in and around swimming Aktivator-205 applied with a clean cloth. After a wait-
pools. ing time of > 15 minutes (< 6 hours). Apply Sika®
▪ Do not use for joints under water pressure or for Primer-3 N by brush.
permanent water immersion. Allow a further waiting time of > 30 minutes (< 8
▪ Do not use to seal glass or sanitary joints. hours) before bonding / sealing,
▪ Do not use for trafficked floor joints. Contact Sika ® PVC has to be cleaned and pre-treated using Sika®
Technical Services for advice on alternative products. Primer-215 applied with a brush.
▪ Do not use for bonding glass if the bond line is ex- Before bonding / sealing, allow a waiting time of > 15
posed to sunlight. minutes (< 8 hours).
▪ Do not use for structural bonding. Porous substrates
▪ Do not expose uncured Sikaflex®-11 FC+ to alcohol Concrete, aerated concrete and cement based
containing products as this may interfere with the renders, mortars and bricks, prime surface using Sika®
curing reaction. Primer-3 N applied by brush.
Before bonding / sealing, allow a waiting time of > 30
ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY minutes (< 8 hours).
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety Note: Primers and activators are adhesion promoters
Data Sheets before using any products. For informa- and not an alternative to improve poor preparation /
tion and advice on the safe handling, storage and dis- cleaning of the joint surface. Primers also improve the
posal of chemical products, users shall refer to the long term adhesion performance of the sealed joint.
most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing physic- Contact Sika Technical Services for additional informa-
al, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related tion.
Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION method statements, application manuals and working
instructions which must always be adjusted to the ac-
The substrate must be sound, clean, dry and free of all tual site conditions.
contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, cement laitance, Bonding Procedure
old sealants and poorly bonded paint coatings which Application
could affect adhesion of the adhesive / sealant. The After the necessary substrate preparation, prepare the
substrate must be of sufficient strength to resist with end of the cartridge / foil pack before or after insert-
the stresses induced by the sealant during movement. ing into the sealant gun then fit the nozzle.
Removal techniques such as wire brushing, grinding, Apply in triangular beads, strips or spots at intervals of
sanding or other suitable mechanical tools can be a few centimetres each. Use hand pressure only to fix
used. the components to be bonded into position before
All dust, loose and friable material must be completely skinning of the adhesive occurs. Incorrectly positioned
removed from all surfaces before application of any components can easily be unbonded and repositioned
activators, primers or adhesive / sealant. during the first few minutes after application. If neces-
Sikaflex®-11 FC+ adheres without primers and/or ac- sary, use temporary adhesive tapes, wedges, or sup-
tivators. ports to hold the assembled components together
However, for optimum adhesion, joint durability and during the initial curing time.
critical, high performance applications the following Fresh, uncured adhesive remaining on the surface
priming and/or pre-treatment procedures must be fol- must be removed immediately. Final strength will be
lowed: reached after complete curing of Sikaflex®-11 FC+, i.e.
Non-porous substrates after 24 to 48 hours at +23 °C, depending on the en-
Aluminium, anodised aluminium, stainless steel, PVC, vironmental conditions and adhesive layer thickness.
galvanised steel, powder coated metals or glazed tiles,
slightly roughen surface with a fine abrasive pad. Sealing Procedure
Clean and pre-treat using Sika® Cleaner P or Sika® Masking
Aktivator-205 applied with a clean cloth. It is recommended to use masking tape where neat or
Before bonding / sealing, allow a waiting time of > 15 exact joint lines are required. Remove the tape within
minutes (< 6 hours). the skin time after finishing.
Other metals, such as copper, brass and titanium-zinc, Joint Backing
clean and pre-treat using Sika® Cleaner P or Sika® After the required substrate preparation, insert a suit-
able backing rod to the required depth. LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
Prime the joint surfaces as recommended in substrate Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
preparation. Avoid excessive application of primer to declared data and recommended uses for this product
avoid causing puddles at the base of the joint. may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Application Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.
Prepare the end of the cartridge / foil pack before or
after inserting into the sealant gun then fit the
nozzle. Extrude Sikaflex®-11 FC+ into the joint ensur-
ing that it comes into full contact with the sides of the The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
joint and avoiding any air entrapment. tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
Finishing products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
As soon as possible after application, sealant must be rent knowledge and experience of the products when
firmly tooled against the joint sides to ensure ad- properly stored, handled and applied under normal
equate adhesion and a smooth finish. conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
Use a compatible tooling agent (e.g. Sika® Tooling tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
Agent N) to smooth the joint surface. Do not use tool- strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ing products containing solvents. ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
CLEANING OF EQUIPMENT particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika® from this information, or from any written recom-
Remover-208 immediately after use. Once cured, mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
hardened material can only be removed mechanically. user of the product must test the product’s suitability
For cleaning skin use Sika® Cleaning Wipes-100. for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.