Alonzo Ramos Factual Resume
Alonzo Ramos Factual Resume
Alonzo Ramos Factual Resume
Alonzo Ramos, the defendant, Robert C. Hinton, Jr., the defendant's attorney, and
the government agree that the following elements are correct. The parties also agree that
the stipulated facts are true and that these facts support Ramos' guilty plea to Count One
To prove the offense alleged Count One of the pending information, the
government must prove each of the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:
Count One
Interstate Travel in Aid of Racketeering
(Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1952(a)(I»
Second: The defendant did so with the intent to distribute the proceeds ofany
unlawful activity; and
Factual Resume - Page 1
Content of this page agreed to by the defendant: ---L±- (defendant's initials)
Case 3:11-cr-00088-L Document 4 Filed 03/29/11 Page 2 of 4 PageID 14
In 2007, L.T. was arrested and detained in Louisiana for drug trafficking and L.T.
began cooperating with federal authorities. In January 2008, L.T. infonned federal
authorities that Alonzo Ramos, the defendant, came to the jail in Louisiana from Texas to
visit him unexpectedly. Ramos is an attorney from Laredo, Texas. L.T. explained that
Ramos visited him to make sure that L.T. was not cooperating with the authorities.
Consequently, federal authorities began recording phone calls between L.T. and Ramos in
February 2008.
On March 5, 2008, Ramos and L.T. spoke in a recorded telephone call. Ramos
offered to facilitate a monetary payment that was the proceeds of unlawful activity - drug
trafficking - to L.T. In a subsequent call that day, Ramos and L.T. discussed putting a
relative ofL.T. in touch with Ramos to receive the payment. Ramos also promised to
traveled to Louisiana from Texas with the intent to distribute the proceeds of an unlawful
and thereafter he performed and attempted to perform an act to distribute the proceeds of
such unlawful activity. Specifically, Ramos traveled from Texas to Louisiana via a
commercial airline flight, traveling through and stopping in the Northern District of
Texas, and met L.T. at the jail in Louisiana for the purpose of distributing drug trafficking
During the meeting, Ramos informed L.T. that he had received $48,500, which were drug
trafficking proceeds, and that he had the money at his house in Laredo. Ramos and L. T.
then discussed the details of how the money would be transferred to L.T. Ramos agreed
wanted Ramos to deliver the money to his relative. Ramos told L.T. to have his relative
contact him. Unbeknownst to Ramos, L.T.'s relative was also cooperating with federal
law enforcement officers. On March 13,2008; L.T.'s relative contacted Ramos via
telephone. The phone call was recorded. Ramos instructed L.T.'s relative to meet him at
a location in Laredo; Texas. Later that day, Ramos gave L.T.'s relative the $48,500 at the
prearranged location. The delivery was recorded and L.T.'s relative surrendered the cash
Ramos agrees and stipulates that on or about March 1, 2008, he did travel in
interstate commerce with the intent to distribute the proceeds of unlawful activity, and he
did distribute the proceeds of unlawful activity, as alleged in Count One of the
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Special Attorney to the U ited States Attorney General
Assistant United States Attorney
Louisiana Bar Roll No. 22665
1100 Commerce Street, Third Floor
Dallas, Texas 75242-1699
Attorney for Defendant
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