Mla Citation Guide
Mla Citation Guide
Mla Citation Guide
MLA is a style of formatting and citation that would be used for classes like your
English class. It is one of the most common styles for citing resources and giving credit
to outside sources. This list will include the most common ways you may use this style
to cite resources in Earth Science.
In Text
If you are referencing an outside source in the body of your text, you need to properly
cite it (Note: you must also cite it in the Works Cited Page, which will be talked about
The basic way of citing a resource in a text is by including the author’s last name and
the page number in parentheses, like this:
Author in the When you name the author in Terra says that “Earth Science
sentence the sentence, you only need can be used to study rocks, stars,
the page number in the oceans, and more” (4).
No author When you don’t know the Every geologist thinks that rocks
author’s name, include the are pretty gneiss and they never
title of the resource. take them for granite (“Rock
puns” 4).
In Works Cited
When you cite a resource, you also need to include it in a separate section called the
Works Cited page.
Below are some examples of how you would cite different resources in the Work Cited
Books Basic Format Last Name, First Name. Title of the Book. City
of Publication (only if before 1990), Publisher,
Date Published.
Two Authors Terra, Rocky and Luna Stellar. Earth and Space
Science. Solar Publishing, 2021.
Additional Information
“But wait,” you may say, “I included pictures in my work! I referenced a Youtube video!
How do I cite those?” No worries, there are ways to cite these resources as well!
Videos Basic for Youtube Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Video.”
Youtube, uploaded by Channel Name, Date
uploaded, URL