Reaction Kinetics
Reaction Kinetics
Reaction Kinetics
DE energy
absorbed during the
reaction progress
Rate Law
For General Reaction:
aA + bB à cC + dD
Order of Reaction
• The sum of all the exponents of the
concentration terms in the rate equation
Sample Problem 1
How long will it take the carbon monoxide (CO)
concentration in room to decrease by 99 percent after
the source of carbon monoxide is removed and the
windows are opened? Assume the first order rate
constant for removal (due to dilution by incoming clean
air) is 1.2/hr. No chemical reaction occurring.
Half-Life (t½)
• It is defined as the time required for the
concentration of a chemical to decrease by
one-half (for example, [C] = 0.5[C]0).
Sample Problem 2
Subsurface half-lives for benzene, TCE, and
toluene are listed as 69, 231, and 12 days,
respectively. What are the first-order rate
constant for all three chemicals.
Sample Problem 3
• After a Chernobyl nuclear accident, the concentration of 137Cs
in milk was proportional to the concentration of 137Cs in the
grass that cows consumed. The concentration in the grass was,
in turn, proportional to the concentration in the soil. Assume
that the only reaction by which 137Cs was lost by soil was
through radioactive decay and the half-life for this isotope is
30 years. Calculate the concentration of 137Cs in cow’s milk
after 5 years if the concentration shortly after the accident was
12,000 bequerels (Bq) per liter. (Note: A bequerel is a measure
of radioactivity; 1 bequerel equals 1 radioactive disintegration
per second.)
Effect of Temperature on Rate Constants
Arrhenius equation
k = Ae –(Ea/RT)
A – preexponential factor (same as k)
Ea – activation energy (kcal/mole)
R - gas constant
T - temperature (K)
Sample Problem 4
The rate constant for carbonaceous
biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) at
20oC is 0.1/day. What is the rate constant at
30oC? Assume Ea = 1.072.
Thank you J