University of Delhi: Semester Examination May-June 2021 Statement of Marks/Grades
University of Delhi: Semester Examination May-June 2021 Statement of Marks/Grades
University of Delhi: Semester Examination May-June 2021 Statement of Marks/Grades
Statement of Marks/Grades
Abbreviations: O: Outstanding; A+: Excellent; A: Very Good; B+: Good; B: Above Average; C: Average; D: Pass; F: Fail; AB:
Absent; NA: Not Available, *: Old Awards; RA: Result Awaited;
Note: [1] This is web-based Statement of Marks/Grades and valid for all official purpose.
[2] Student obtaining Grade F or AB shall be considered failed in that paper/subject and be required to reappear in the
examination as per examination cycle.
[3] Student has to pass the ER to become eligible for degree as per examination cycle and span period.
[4] Final Percentage of marks (%)=C.G.P.A. based on all six semesters X 9.5
[5] The information provided in this marksheet will be used for the printing of degree, so students are advised to ensure that
all the information provided in the marksheet are correct. Corrections If any, contact the head/principal of the
Dean (Examinations)
Disclaimer: [1] The result displayed on university website is subject to correction, if any discrepancy is noticed at any
point of time.
[2] Student should immediately contact to the head/principal of respective department/college within one month after the
declaration of the result.
[3] Discrepancy related to AECC and SEC papers, students are advised to contact the office of the head/principal of the