Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance
To cite this article: Javad Sadeghi & Hossein Askarinejad (2010) Development of improved railway track degradation models,
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, 6:6, 675-688, DOI:
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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Vol. 6, No. 6, December 2010, 675–688
There is a need among railway track maintenance programmers for a better understanding of the long-term
behaviour of railway track systems and for improved predictive techniques. The use of accurate techniques to predict
railway track conditions increases track safety and maintenance effectiveness. The aim of this research is to improve
current track deterioration modelling techniques using a comprehensive field investigation. Statistical and
engineering approaches are adapted for this research and comprehensive track field data is collected and analysed
over a period of 2 years on approximately 100 km of railway line. Parameters that influence track degradation,
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including loading conditions, track maintenance status and track quality, are investigated, leading to the
development of correlations between the effective parameters and the track degradation. These constructed
correlations are then used to develop a new track degradation model in two formats. One format, based on track
geometry, relies on data obtained from track geometry inspections. The other, based on track structure, relies on
data obtained from visual inspections of the track structural conditions.
Keywords: railway track; degradation models; structure index; geometry index
Shenton defined six mechanisms of deterioration and, autoregressive techniques to develop predictive equa-
through the evaluation of these mechanisms, indicated tions of the following type:
that the main contribution to track deterioration
comes from the variability of ballast settlement.
Shenton investigated various parameters that influence y ¼ a þ b0 y0 þ b1 x1 þ þ bm xm ; ð3Þ
ballast settlement and derived a general equation that
quantifies the settlement of ballast: where y is the current TQI, y’ is the previous TQI, a is
an estimated constant term, b0 to bm are the estimated
regression coefficients and x1 to xm are physical
S ¼ KS ð0:69 þ 0:028LÞN0:2 þ 2:7 106 N ; ð1Þ parameters. Hamid and Gross indicated that the
20 addition of successive variables can improve the
predictability of the equation. In this model, TQI has
where Ae is the equivalent axle load, N is the total a linear relation with physical parameters. This model
number of axles, L is the lift given by tamping does not consider the track structural conditions and
machines and KS is a factor that is a function of does not yet indicate a procedure for the calculation of
sleeper type and size, ballast type and the subgrade TQI. This model is still under development.
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condition. Shenton’s model does not take into In the Bing and Gross (1983) degradation model,
consideration a number of influencing factors such as TQIs are calculated from the raw track geometry data
the vehicle speed and some of the track components for a track segment. They defined different causal
conditions. A practical and reliable method of parameters in the areas of traffic, track structure and
measuring KS has not been presented. maintenance. Using statistical and engineering ana-
In the Sato (1997) degradation model, track lyses, they presented a general form of the model and
deterioration is quantified by the growth rate of track calibrated it for two test zones. The TQIs chosen for
irregularity over time. Sato considered the coefficient this track deterioration model are the standard
of track deterioration to be in proportion to the deviation of the filtered cross-level and the standard
growth of track irregularity and derived the following deviation of the filtered profile. The model’s general
equation: form is:
S ¼ 2:09 103 T0:31 V0:98 M1:3 L0:21 P0:26 ; ð2Þ TQI2 VE a3 RA a4 TQI1P a5
¼ a1 exp ða2 TSSÞ
a6 a7 a9
where S is the average growth of track irregularity in a TQI1C BI a8 EMGT
track section (mm/100 days), T is the passing tonnage ð1 þ FSÞ
(million tons/year), V is the average running speed
(km/h), M is the structure factor, L is the influence
factor for jointed rail or continuous welded rail (CWR)
and P is a factor related to the subgrade conditions. In where TQI1 and TQI2 are the initial and the predicted
this equation, the structure factor is expressed as a track quality index in a time period, TSS is the time
function of spring coefficient between rail and tie, since surfacing (months), VE is the equivalent train
effective intermediate mass of tie and ballast, rail speed (km/h), RA is the rail age (years), BI is the
rigidity and the characteristics of the track car. The ballast index, EMGT is equivalent million gross tons
computation of the structure factor is complicated; the and FS is fraction of segment surfaced. The parameters
track spring coefficient is a variable quantity in a1 to a9 are determined by statistical analysis, and VE*,
different conditions and cannot be easily measured or TQIC*, TQIP*, EMGT*, RA* and BI* are the
calculated. arbitrary fixed reference values of each parameter.
In the Hamid and Gross (1981) degradation model, The suffixes C and P refer to cross-level and profile
track quality indices (TQIs) are figures of merit that in TQIs.
objectively quantify the track condition. According to Chrismer and Selig (1993) considered the settle-
Hamid and Gross, TQIs can monitor track degrada- ment of a track as the main controlling factor of track
tion and maintenance operations and display the degradation. According to them, track settlement
condition of large sections of track. They derived arises from the plastic strain of the ballast, sub-ballast,
TQIs from the data collected by automatic track and subgrade. They conducted a test to measure the
geometry cars. TQIs utilise the standard deviations of ballast, sub-ballast, and subgrade contributions rela-
gauge, warp, alignment and unbalanced super- tive to the settlement of a newly constructed track. In
elevation data. Hamid and Gross used linear their model, the total settlement is obtained by
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 677
multiplying the ballast and sub-ballast strains by their suggested by engineering analyses and that which lends
respective thicknesses and adding this to the subgrade itself to statistical analyses. In this research, the
compression: engineering and statistical analyses rely on field
observations of the performance of a railway track
SL ¼ eN ball Hball þ eN subball Hsubball þ dN subg ; ð5Þ main line in central Iran.
since any major maintenance operation (T) is con- is calculated using the following formula (Mundrey
sidered as the main maintenance parameter. Methods 2003):
by which the track quality indices and traffic and
maintenance parameters can be obtained are discussed 2UI þ TI þ 6AI þ GI
TGI ¼ : ð7Þ
below. 10
Table 2. Distresses in TSI. where CI (low), CI (mid) and CI (high) are the lowest,
Group Distress types medium and highest amounts for RCI, SCI and BCI,
respectively. More details can be found in Sadeghi
Rail R1: rail defects, R2: joint defects, R3: (2005).
fastening defects, R4: base plate (pad)
defects, R5: gauge rod defects, R6: rail
anchor defect
4.3. Traffic and maintenance parameters
Sleeper S1: single defective sleeper, S2: defective
sleeper cluster, S3: defective sleeper clus- According to the literature, vehicle type, speed,
ter that includes one joint sleeper, S4: tonnage, axle load and load cycle may make contribu-
adjacent defective sleeper cluster, S5: all tions to the track long-term behaviour; however, based
joint sleepers defective, S6: missing slee-
pers, S7: all joint sleepers missing, S8:
on previous experience (Mundrey 2003), the main
improperly positioned sleeper contribution to track deterioration comes from the
Ballast B1: dirty (fouled) ballast, B2: vegetation
tonnage and the running speed. In this research, the
growth, B3: settlement of ballast or total million gross tons passing the track (EMGT) in a
subgrade, B4: hanging sleepers at bridge time period (T), and the average running speed (V) are
approach, B5: Centre bound track, B6: taken into consideration for the development of
pumping sleepers, B7: alignment devia-
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Number of segments
Number Commencing and of block Straight Curve- Curve-
of block ending stations (km) line Curve Bridge Tunnel bridge tunnel Turnout
1 A B 12 9 8 4 2 1 2 1
2 B C 14 11 7 3 1 1 3 2
3 C D 10 6 7 3 2 1 2 2
4 D E 12 9 6 2 3 2 2 2
5 E F 13 10 4 2 2 1 4 2
6 F G 10 8 5 1 2 3 3 2
7 G H 14 9 10 2 3 2 2 2
8 H I 12 10 7 1 2 3 2 1
diameter of 40 to 50 mm), and the Wossloh fastening TQI1) due to the changes in the remaining parameters
system. are recorded.
In order to investigate the role of each influencing A bench mark (or reference value) is made for the
parameter (i.e. TQI, vehicle speed, equivalent million properties of those parameters kept unchanged (see
gross tons and time period) on the track degradation Table 4). The initial TGI is varied from 100 to 61, the
coefficient, a comprehensive field investigation under initial TSI from 100 to 64, the train speed from 30 to
the support of the Ministry of Road and Transporta- 100 km/h, the total million gross tons from 3 to 18 and
tion of Iran was made. This investigation took more the time period from 0 to 12 months. In all cases, the
than 2 years and the changes to the track degradation test zone is set up based on Table 4. Then, the changes
due to the variations in each parameter were studied. in the track degradation coefficient are recorded while
Parametric analyses were made to derive correlations changing the conditions of one parameter and keeping
between track degradation and the effective para- the conditions of the other parameters unchanged.
meters, using the data recorded in the field. To conduct The quality indices (TGI and TSI) are computed
these analyses, the conditions of all parameters, except based on data collected from the visual and automated
the conditions of one parameter, are kept constant and inspections. The geometric data, consisting of gauge
the changes in the track degradation coefficient (TQI2/ (track plane), profile (longitudinal vertical plane),
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 681
Effective Initial Initial Train gross Time
parameters TGI TSI speed tons period
Referenced 100 100 30 km/h1 3 1 month
Table 5. The values of a1, b1, a01 and b01 for different types of lines.
Line type Straight line Tunnel Curve Curve-tunnel Turnout Bridge Curve-bridge
a1 1.0121 1.0121 1.0151 1.0151 1.0151 1.0151 1.0182
b1 70.0004 70.0004 70.0005 70.0005 70.0005 70.0005 70.0006
a01 1.0090 1.0090 1.0090 1.0121 1.0121 1.0121 1.0121
b01 70.0003 70.0003 70.0003 70.0004 70.0004 70.0004 70.0004
the amounts of TGI and TSI for all the block segments
are calculated. The degradation coefficient is calculated
by dividing the new TQIs by the initial TQIs. The
results obtained are graphically presented in Figure 3.
As in the last section, since each block had more than
one segment of each type, an averaging method is used
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Table 6. The values of a2, b2, a02 and b02 for different types of lines.
Line type Straight line Tunnel Curve Curve-tunnel Turnout Bridge Curve-bridge
a2 1.0093 1.0099 1.0108 1.0112 1.0121 1.0127 1.0142
b2 70.0031 70.0033 70.0036 70.0037 70.004 70.0042 70.0047
a02 1.0057 1.0060 1.0069 1.0075 1.0078 1.0087 1.0093
b02 70.0019 70.002 70.0023 70.0025 70.0026 70.0029 70.0031
Table 7. The values of a3, b3, a03 and b03 for different types of lines.
Line type Straight line Tunnel Curve Curve-tunnel Turnout Bridge Curve-bridge
a3 0.8521 0.8521 0.8437 0.8353 0.8269 0.8187 0.8025
b3 0.0016 0.0016 0.0017 0.0018 0.0019 0.0020 0.0022
a03 0.8958 0.8958 0.8869 0.8869 0.8693 0.8607 0.8521
b03 0.0011 0.0011 0.0012 0.0012 0.0014 0.0015 0.0016
and the train speed, EMGT and the initial TQIs are equivalent million gross tons, and initial TQIs, respec-
examined (applying all of the curve-fitting options in tively. To obtain f(T) and f 0 (T), the track and loading
Excel program). As presented in Equations (10) to conditions are set up according to Table 4 and kept
(15), the exponential form was found to be the most constant for a period of 12 months. Then, the TQIs are
suitable approximation, based on the method of least measured every 2 months. The results are graphically
squared errors. The same form of correlation (approx- presented in Figure 5.
imation) has been also recorded by others (e.g. From the results obtained, the most suitable form
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where TGI2, TGI1, TSI2 and TSI1 are the future track TSI2
geometry index, the present track geometry index, the ¼ a04 exp ðb01 V þ b02 EMGT þ b03 TSI1 Þ
future track structure index and the present track
structure index, respectively, f(T) and f 0 (T) are the ½l01 T 4 þ l02 T 3 þ l03 T 2 þ l04 T þ 1; ð21Þ
geometric and structural based degradation coefficients
as a function of time, C1 to C3 and C01 to C03 are the where a4 and a04 are obtained by multiplying a1 to a3
coefficients that are functions of the vehicle speed, and a01 to a03 , respectively.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 685
Table 8. The values of l1 to l4 and l01 to l04 for different types of lines.
Figure 6. (a) Train speed versus TSI2/TGI2 (initial TGI ¼ 100, EMGT ¼ 3), (b) equivalent million gross tons versus TSI2/
TGI2 (initial TGI ¼ 100, train speed ¼ 30 km/h), (c) initial TGI versus TSI2/TGI2 (EMGT ¼ 3, train speed ¼ 30 km/h), and
(d) time versus TSI2/TGI2 (initial TGI ¼ 100, EMGT ¼ 3, train speed ¼ 30 km/h), all for different types of lines and time
period ¼ 1 month.
Line type k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 k8
Straight line 0.0002 0.9940 0.0012 0.9964 70.0006 1.0604 0.0026 0.9978
Tunnel 0.0001 0.9970 0.0013 0.9961 70.0006 1.0604 0.0023 0.9980
Curve 0.0001 0.9970 0.0013 0.9961 70.0007 1.0706 0.0024 0.9992
Curve-tunnel 0.0002 0.9940 0.0012 0.9964 70.0007 1.0706 0.0025 1.0023
Turnout 0.0001 0.9970 0.0014 0.9958 70.0007 1.0706 0.0026 1.0024
Bridge 0.0001 0.9970 0.0013 0.9961 70.0007 1.0706 0.0024 1.0069
Curve-bridge 0.0001 0.9970 0.0016 0.9952 70.0007 1.0706 0.0040 1.0016
main track maintenance operations, are found to The degradation prediction from the proposed
have the greatest effects on the track degradation models can be utilised for future maintenance. That
coefficient (DC). is, one can schedule the maintenance and establish a
The research demonstrates that the influence of timetable for future maintenance activities using the
initial TQI on the rate of degradation is more than that degradation models developed in this research. This
of the other influencing parameters, particularly when enables us to predict the required maintenance time
the initial TQI is less than 70. Also, the results resources and, in turn, predict the required budgets for
presented in Figures 2 and 3 indicate that the EMGT future maintenance (i.e. the financial maintenances
has more impact on the track degradation in compar- programming).
ison with the train speed. Furthermore, a comparison More research is needed for both further evaluation
of the results demonstrates that the sensitivity of the of the accuracy of these models and also the
geometry degradation coefficient to the effective development of analytical techniques for maintenance
parameters is larger than that of the structural planning and repair management. Further research in
degradation coefficient. In other words, the geometry this area is in progress.
conditions of the track have a higher rate of degrada-
tion compared with the structural condition of the Acknowledgements
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rioration in ballasted track. In: Proceedings of 6th manual. Washington DC, USA: USACERL, Technical
international heavy haul conference, Cape Town, Report No. FM-93/14.
SouthAfrica, 576–590. Uzarski, D.R., Brown, D.G., Harris, R.W., and Plotkin,
Shenton, M.J., 1985. Ballast deformation and track dete- D.E., 1993. Maintenance management of US army rail-
rioration. Track Technology, Tomas Telford Ltd, 253– road networks – the RAILER system. Washington DC,
264. USA: USCERL, Technical Report No. FM-94/01.
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