Amide Nalidic Acid
Amide Nalidic Acid
Amide Nalidic Acid
Abstraet [] Amides from amino acid ester and nalidixic acid were synthesized. The
solubility characteristics and partition coefficient of the compounds were studied. The
hydrolysis of the compounds was studied in the simulated gastric fluid and simulated
intestinal fluid. Some compounds showed better antibacterial activity than nalidixic acid.
Nalidixic acid (1-ethyl-7-methyl-4-oxo-l,4-dihydro- stirred under reflux for 4 hours. The solvent was
1,8-napthyridine-3-carboxylic acid) is an antimicro- removed under reduced pressure and the residue
bial agent. Most widely used against infections due was triturated with several 20 ml portions of cold
to gram negative organisms and specially in the ether at 0~ The crude product was recrystallized
urinary tract infections J). It has a high melting point from hot methanol (25 m/) by slow addition of ether
(225-231~ and has a relatively poor water and lipid (150-200 m/) followed by cooling at 0~ L-alanine
solubility. methyl ester hydrochloride (79% yield, mp. 153-155 ~
The present work aims at the preparation and L-phenylalanine methyl ester hydrochloride (81%
evaluation of some amide derivatives of nalidixic yield, rap. 158-163 ~ DL-glycine methyl ester hydro-
acid which would be non-irritable, readily absorb- chloride (83% yield, mp. 162=164~ and DL-trypto-
able, rapidly showing its effects and has got a grea- phan methyl ester hydrochloride (76% yield mp.
ter half life in body. 201~ ~) were thus synthesized.
The objective of this study was to investigate: a)
whether amide derivatives of nalidixic acid would Nalidiric acid chloride
behave as prodrugs, b) to what extent the physical Nalidixic acid 40g (0.17 mol) was dissolved in 300
properties of the prodrugs vary with structure, c) ml of chloroform and then the solution was added
to what degree the in vitro cleavage rates vary with to 23.8 g (0.2 moo of thionyl chloride. The contents
structure and d) to seek prodrug derivatives of na- were refluxed for 4 hours at 60~176 The solvent
lidixic acid which would be non-irritant, readily ab- and excess of thionyl chloride were distilled off un-
sorbed and rapidly hydrolyzed to release free drug. der reduced pressure to give the pure nalidixic acid
chloride in the solid form.
Amides from amino acid ester hydrochloride and nalidixic
General procedure for the synthesis acid chloride
The compounds were synthesized in the following The procedure based on modified Scholten-Bau-
steps: Methyl ester hydrochloride of amino acid uti- men reaction3) was adapted. Amino acid methyl es-
lizing the process of Ronald 2), methyl ester hydroch- ter hydrochloride (0.025 mol) was added slowly to
lorides of L-alanine, L-phenylalanine and trypto- 50ml ice cold potassium carbonate solution (10%),
phan were synthesized. Amino acid (0.05 mol) was and the reaction mixture was stirred for 30 minutes
added to a solution of thionyl chloride (0.05 mol at room temperature. To this solution nalidixic acid
in methanol) and the reaction mixture was then chloride (0.025 tool) was added gradually and finally
Na//ktbdc Acl~ Prodrugs 49
the mixture was stirred vigorously for 2 hours at 37~ were determined in 0.1 N HC1 and benzene
10~ The compounds thus obtained were washed (spectral grade) in rotating bottles using an assem-
with 0.5% cold sodium hydroxide solution and recry- bly reported earlier4). HC1 (0.1 N) was employed in
stallized from chloroform. The physical data of order to ascertain that the compounds remained
these compounds are listed in Table I and II. completely unionized in the aqueous medium and
also to reduce the degree of hydrolysis of the com-
EVALUATION OF PRODRUGS pounds during equilibration. The aqueous samples
were rotated for 6 hours and the benzene samples
Solubility studies for 16 hours. Excess compound was removed by
The saturation solubilities of the compunds at filtration through a sintered glass funnel and sam-
50 As/wsh Toori Rojosh Nero& D.~ Koh/i ond H.l( Uppodhyay
Table III. In vitro hydrolysis of prodrugs in simulated gastric and intestinal fluid
Dr. H.S. Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar (M.P.) for 4. Sounder, J. C. and Ellenbogen, W. C.: Control
providing necessary facilities to carry out this work. of damphetamine sulphate sustained release cap-
We are also thankful to Dr. Meena Tripathi, Resear- sules, Drug Std. 26, 77 (1958).
ch Associate, Department of Pharmaceutical Scien- 5. Dittert, L. W., Irwin, G. M., Chong, C. W. and
ces, Dr. H. S. Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar (M.P) Swintosky, J. V.: Acetaminophen prodrugs. II-En-
for valuable suggestion. zymic and non-enzymic hydrolysis of carbonate
esters, J. Pharm. Sci 57, 780 (1968).
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