Types of Curr Organization

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Curriculum Organization refers to the management of the elements of a
curriculum into a substantive entity. It is also influenced by the curriculum
specialist’s psychological and philosophical orientation.

Curriculum elements are:

Aims, goals, objectives

Subject-matter content

Learning experiences


Types of Curriculum Organization:

1. Horizontal Organization
- It is concerned with the concepts of scope and integration. That is the
side-by-side arrangement of curriculum elements.

Organization Dimension Considerations:

Scope deals with breadth and depth of the curriculum content.
Scope refers to all varieties and types of educational experiences
(cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and spiritual) that are to be provided
to the students through the school. Sometimes the scope of the
curriculum is represented just simply as a listing of the key topics and
activities to be considered.
- It refers to the linking of all types of knowledge and
experiences contained within the curriculum plan. It emphasizes
horizontal relations among various content topics and themes involving all
domains of knowledge recognized.

2. Vertical Organization
- It centers on the concepts of sequence and continuity.
- It is concerned with the longitudinal placement of curriculum elements.

Organization Dimension Considerations:

Sequence is related to continuity but goes beyond it. It is possible for a
major curriculum element to recur again and again but merely at the same
level so that there no progressive development of understanding or skill or
attitude or some other factors. Sequence as criterion emphasizes the
importance of having each successive experience builds upon the
preceding one but to go more broadly and deeply into the matter involved.

Five major principles for organizing curriculum units organization:

1-World - related sequence

o Relationship that exist among people, objects or events of the
2-Concept - related sequence
o This arrangement reflects the organization of the conceptual
world how ideas are related together in a logical manner.
3-Inquiry - related sequence
o This is based upon the scientific method of inquiry
4-Learning - related sequence
o This is based on the psychology of learning and how people learn

Four of the most frequently used approaches to sequence in curriculum


1. The chronological approach, this approach is closely allied to history,

political science and world events. The sequence can be arranged from
the most recent to the distant past or vice versa.
2. The prerequisite approach, it means that there are fundamental thing to
be learned ahead.
3. The whole to part approach, the meaning can be very well understood if
everything will be taken as a whole. 
4. The simple to complex approach, content and experiences are
organized from simple to complex, concrete to abstract, from easy to

Continuity deals with the vertical manipulation or repetition of curriculum

components. Specialists indicated that if, for example, reading skills is an
important objective, then “it is necessary to see that there is returning and
continuing opportunity for these skills to be practiced and developed”.
This means that over time the same kind of skills will be brought into
continuing operation.




Zara Jane M. Maralit

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