Factitious Disorders: Definition and Symptoms - Quiz & Worksheet
Factitious Disorders: Definition and Symptoms - Quiz & Worksheet
Factitious Disorders: Definition and Symptoms - Quiz & Worksheet
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question 1 of 3
Which of the following most closely describes a person who may have a
factitious disorder?
Theresa sees visions and talks to people who aren't there. Harriet starves herself and is
convinced that she is overweight.
Maria tricks her mom into thinking that she has a fever so that her mom will comfort and care for
her. Nancy does not remember a particularly tragic event in her life.
Print Worksheet
1. Gregg was caught speeding, and has been given a mandatory court
date. Gregg does not want to go to court, so he makes himself sick in
order to get out of it. Which of the following best describes Gregg's
a. Factitious
b. Typical
c. Psychotic
d. Malingering
Why a person who is engaging in malingering would deliberately make himself/herself sick
Points in history when the disorder has been present
Origin of the term Munchhaussen syndrome
Skills Practiced
This quiz and worksheet allows students to test their knowledge by using the following skills:
Additional Learning
To learn more about factitious disorders, review the accompanying lesson entitled, Factitious
Disorders: Definition and Symptoms. This lesson covers the following objectives:
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Psychology 106: Abnormal Psychology
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Chapter Exam
Factitious Disorders
Status: Not Started
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You are viewing lesson 1 in chapter 23 of the course:
Psychology 106: Abnormal Psychology
26 chapters | 161 lessons | 13 flashcard sets
Ch 1. Intro to Abnormal Psychology
Ch 2. Clinical Research for Abnormal...
Ch 3. The Biological Model of...
Ch 4. The Psychodynamic Model of Abnormal...
Ch 5. The Behavioral/Learning Model of...
Ch 6. The Cognitive Model of Abnormal...
Ch 7. The Humanistic-Existential Model of...
Ch 8. The Sociocultural Model of Abnormal...
Ch 9. The Diathesis-Stress Model
Ch 10. Clinical Assessment in Abnormal...
Ch 11. Introduction to Anxiety...
Ch 12. Mood Disorders of Abnormal...
Ch 13. Stress Disorders
Ch 14. Somatoform Disorders in Abnormal...
Ch 15. Dissociative Disorders in...
Ch 16. Eating Disorders in Abnormal...
Ch 17. Sexual and Gender Identity...
Ch 18. Substance Use Disorders
Ch 19. Psychotic Disorders
Ch 20. Cognitive Disorders
Ch 21. Lifespan Development Disorders
Ch 22. Personality Disorders in Abnormal...
Ch 23. Factitious Disorders
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