C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
To cite this article: S. S. Deshpande , Munir Cheryan , Shridhar K. Sathe , D. K. Salunkhe & B. S. Luh (1984)
Freeze concentration of fruit juices, C R C Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 20:3, 173-248, DOI:
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Volume 20, Issue 3 173
Authors: S. S. Deshpande
Munir Cheryan
Department of Food Science
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois
Shridhar K. Sathe
Department of Nutrition and Food Science
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
D. K. Salunkhe
Mahatma Phule Agricultural University
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Referee: B. S. Luh
Department of Food Science and Technology
University of California
Davis, California
Table 1
Protein (includes enzymes and Low, dried apricots and dried figs are highest
amino acids)
Carbohydrates (starches, sugars, Most all fruits, especially bananas, currants, dates,
and celluloses) and raisins
Fats (oils) Very low, except avocados and olives
Water Fresh fruits are usually high, and dried fruits are low
Calcium Blackberries, currants, dried figs, and rhubarb
Iron Dried apricots, dried figs, dried peaches, and prunes
Iodine Variable depending upon iodine content of soil
Phosphorus Dried peaches, dried raisins, and dried figs
Potassium Apricots, bananas, cherries, dates, currants, figs,
dried peaches, dried prunes, and raisins
Dried apricots, currants, dates, figs, dried peaches,
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
and olives
Vitamin A (carotene) Dried apricots, cantaloupes, peaches, orange juice,
and watermelons
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Citrus juices, cantaloupes, and strawberries
Vitamin B, (thiamin) Avocados, orange juice
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Avocados and dried peaches
Niacin Dried apricots, and dried peaches
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Bananas and raisins
Vitamin B, 2 (cyanocobalamine) Low
Vitamin D (includes D2 = calci- Low
ferol, and D 3 = irradiated
Vitamin E (tocopherols) Olives
Pantothenic acid Oranges
Biotin Bananas and strawberries
antedate the use of fire for cooking and the roots of the modern dehydrated, dehydrofrozen,
and granulated fruit industry can be traced back to this oldest method of fruit processing. 1 "
Fermentation was another popular mode of fruit juice processing and preservation. Fer-
mented beverages such as beer, wine, cider, brandy, cordials, and nectars have since given
way to fruit juices, punches, nectars, ades, and concentrates. These products could be canned,
frozen, dried, powdered, or concentrated.
Chemical preservation of whole, sliced, or sectioned fruit by soaking them in honey or
sugar syrup or by use of vinegar or wine represents one of the oldest methods of fruit
processing and preservation. Today, these products have been replaced by a variety of fruit
preserves, jams, marmalades, glazes, jellies, fruit butters, sauces, and pickles.23
A major breakthrough in food preservation occurred when Appert laid the foundations of
canning in France in the early part of the 19th century. Thermal processing of fruits, however,
remained an art rather than a science throughout the 19th century, the major hurdles being
the processing equipment, the containers, method of preparation, and procedures. 40 - 4 ' 1 "
With the advent of the National Canners Association (NCA) in 1907, thermal processing of
foods made rapid strides. The classic works of Bitting18 and Bigelow and Catheart,17 pub-
lished in a series of bulletins by the NCA, firmly established the principles underlying
canning and thermal processing of foods. Detailed descriptions and history of the science
and technology of thermal processing of foods are contained in two excellent articles by
Goldblith.40-41 Woodroof" cites the newer knowledge in applied bacteriology, developments
in processing technology, and in the improvements in processing equipment as the three
major factors behind the growth and success of the canning industry during the 20th century.
Volume 20, Issue 3 175
Table 2
Weight Water energy Protein Fat Carbohydrates
Fruit juice Measure (g) (%) (cal) (g) (g) (g)
Apple juice
Canned/bottled 1 cup 248 88 120 Tr Tr 30
Apricot nectar
Canned 1 cup 251 85 140 1 Tr 37
Cranberry juice
Cocktail, canned 1 cup 250 83 165 Tr Tr 42
Grapefruit juice
Fresh 1 cup 246 90 95 1 Tr 23
Canned, white
Unsweetened 1 cup 247 89 100 1 Tr 24
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Table 2 (continued)
Weight Water energy Protein Fat Carbohydrates
Fruit juice Measure (g) (%) (cal) (g) (g) (g)
Pineapple juice
Canned 1 cup 249 86 135 1 Tr 34
Prune juice
Canned/bottled 1 cup 256 80 200 1 Tr 49
Tangerine juice
Canned, sweetened 1 cup 249 87 125 1 1 30
Amount from the fruit. Additional Vitamin C may be added by the manufacturers.
For white-fleshed varieties, value is about 20 IU per cup; for red-freshed varieties, 1080 IU per cuo.
Present only if added by the manufacturer.
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Thus, the leading methods of processing fruits have shifted continuously through the
centuries from sun-drying and sugar and chemical preservation towards modern day, tech-
nology-oriented processing methods such as canning, artificial dehydration, concentration,
radiation, and freezing, and combinations of one or more of these methods. With it, the
consumption pattern of fruits also changed. The percentage of fruits processed as compared
to those eaten fresh steadily increased. According to Woodroof,1" this general trend appears
to have been due to improvements in varieties of fruits for processing, horticultural practices
and production of the fruits especially suitable for processing, mechanical harvesting of
fruits, techniques for processing large volumes of fruits, containers more suitable for proc-
essed fruit, extending the shelf-life of processed fruits, raising the standards and nutritional
value of processed fruits, and more attention to marketing of processed fruits, especially for
export purposes.
Vitamin A
Weight Ca Fe value Vitamin
Vitamin B, Vitamin B2 Niacin Vitamin C
Fruit juice Measure (g) (nig) (nig) (IU) (nig) (nig) (nig) (nig)
Apple juice
Canned/bottled I cup 248 15 1.5 — 0.02 0.05 0.2 2
Apricot nectar
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Table 3 (continued)
Vitamin A
Weight Ca Fe value Vitamin B, Vitamin B2 Niacin Vitamin C
Fruit juice Measure (g) (mg) (mg) (IU) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)
Lime juice
Fresh 1 cup 246 22 0.5 20 0.05 0.02 0.2 79
Canned, unsweetened 1 cup 246 22 0.5 20 0.05 0.02 0.2 52
Limeade, concentrate
Frozen, 6-fl oz can 1 can 218 11 0.2 Tr 0.02 0.02 0.2 26
Diluted with 4 1 /, parts water by 1 cup 247 2 Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr 5
Orange juice, fresh
All varieties 1 cup 248 27 0.5 500 0.22 0.07 1.0 124 a.
Canned, unsweetened 1 cup 249 25 1.0 500 0.17 0.05 0.7 100 2
Frozen concentrate
Undiluted, 6-fl oz can 1 can 213 75 0.9 1620 0.68 0.11 2.8 360
Diluted with 3 parts water by 1 cup' 249 25 0.2 550 0.22 0.02 l.Q 120
Dehydrated crystals prepared with 4 oz 113 95 1.9 1900 0.76 0.24 3.3 408
water (1 lb yields about 1 gal) 1 cup 248 25 0.5 500 0.20 0.07 1.0 109
Orange-apricot juice drink 1 cup 249 12 0.2 1440 0.05 0.02 0.5 40
Orange and grapefruit juice
Frozen concentrate
Undiluted, 6-fl oz can 1 can 210 61 0.8 800 0.48 0.06 2.3 302
Diluted with 3 parts water by 1 cup 248 20 0.2 270 0.16 0.02 0.8 102
Pineapple juice
Canned 1 cup 249 37 0.7 120 0.12 0.04 0.5 22"
Prune juice
Canned/bottled 1 cup 256 36 10.5 — 0.03 0.03 1.0 5"
Tangerine juice
Canned, sweetened 1 cup 249 45 0.5 1050 0.15 0.05 0.2 55
Amount from the fruit. Additional Vitamin C may be added by the manufacturers.
For white-fleshed varieties, value is about 20 IU per cup; for red-fleshed varieties, 1080 IU per cup.
Present only if added by the manufacturer.
Volume 20, Issue 3 179
Table 4
Expenditures per
Commodity group $ %
Table 5
Production (1000
boxes) Florida production
as % of total
Crop year Florida Total U.S. U.S. production
This shift from fresh to processed forms has been more striking with citrus than with
other types of fruits. The consumption of citrus fruits in processed forms increased from
about 43% of total citrus fruit production in 1950 to nearly 74% in 1980.104 Frozen citrus
juices alone contribute the major share of total fruits processed. Since its commercial intro-
duction in 1945/1946, frozen orange concentrate has become, in terms of fresh weight
equivalent consumed, the leading processed fruit product. More than 80% of the Florida
orange crop is reportedly converted to frozen concentrate.103
The upward trend in per capita consumption of processed citrus products, as compared
to the declining consumption of fresh citrus in the U.S., is shown in Figure 1. In recent
years, per capita consumption of both total and frozen citrus products indicates upward
trends. On the other hand, consumption of fresh citrus fruits has declined approximately by
80% in the past three decades. In recent years, canned and chilled fruit juices have captured
a significant share of the citrus fruit market. The increase in consumption of processed citrus
products thus more than offsets the decline in fresh citrus consumption. The consumption
of all citrus products, therefore, has steadily increased through the years. Per capita con-
sumption of processed and fresh citrus products amounts to 76.7 and 23.3%, respectively,
180 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
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1 I I
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
FIGURE I. U.S. citrus consumption per person (in kg), A = total; B = frozen juice; C = fresh fruit; D =
canned fruit and juice; and E = chilled fruit and juice. (From USDA, Econ. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C., 1978).
of the total, in terms of fresh weight equivalent consumed (Figure 2). In the U.S., among
the three most popular modes of utilization, frozen citrus concentrates alone share 66.7%
of total processed and 51.2% of overall per capita consumption of citrus products.
Several factors influence the fruit consumption patterns. Year-to-year variations in fruit
production, resulting from changes in growing conditions in the various fruit producing
areas, may be a major factor. The per capita consumption of fruit products, as shown in
Figures 1 and 2, very well illustrates this factor. Population, income, price, technology,
impact of synthetics and substitutes on fruit product markets (especially fruit juices), rapid
growth of the food service industry, and increasing urbanization are some of the other factors
that have influenced changes in the pattern of fruit consumption over the past three decades.97
A major threat to the well-established fruit juice concentrate industry, however, may come
from the rapid development of the fruit juice substitute industry. Rapid strides made in
perfecting freeze-drying technology have given way to a surge of fruit juice powders, both
natural and synthetic, on the market. Breakfast drinks in particular seem to have caught the
attention of the consumer over the past few years. Taste-panel studies of a frozen synthetic
concentrate also indicated a greater consumer preference for the synthetic product as com-
pared to the natural.97 One study, conducted in 1966, predicted a 30% share of the more
than billion-dollar fruit beverage market for fruit juice synthetics and substitutes.'9
Several projections indicate excellent prospects for the fruit beverage industry for the next
two decades.3•2830-48-84 Because of population growth, the total demand for fruit products
is expected to increase in the years ahead. The per capita fruit consumption, however, is
expected to increase only marginally. Citrus fruit products are expected to contribute most
of the increased consumption. The shift from fresh to processed fruit consumption is also
expected to continue in the next two decades. Over the years, the prices of processed products
have increased at a substantially lower rate than those of fresh fruits. Further developments
in technology and use of energy saving processes may also help to increase the consumption
Volume 20, Issue 3 181
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FIGURE 2. U.S. citrus fruit consumption per person (in kg), fresh equivalent basis. A = total; B = total
processed; C = frozen juice; D = fresh juice; E = canned fruit and juice; and F = chilled fruit and juice. (From
USDA, Econ. Res. Serv., Washington, D.C., 1978).
of processed fruit products by stabilizing and/or lowering the market prices. The increased
convenience of processed forms, their year-round availability, and improved uniform quality,
so far, have been major factors influencing this shift. The rising standard of living, increasing
urbanization, increased employment of women, and the desire for more leisure time are
some of the factors expected to increase demand for processed fruit.97 Frozen fruit juices,
particularly citrus, are expected to account for the major share of increased consumption.
Because of their convenience and high quality, increased demands for chilled fruit juices
are foreseen in the near future. Improvements in handling and storage methods of fresh
fruits are expected to increase their consumption.
Table 6
LIQUIDS 1366112
Commodity (%)
Table 7
transportation modes for almost all frozen food products. However, even between these
modes there is a threefold difference in energy requirements. A greater emphasis on rail
transportation would substantially reduce energy requirements for distribution.
The cost of truck transportation for fruit and vegetable products is shown in Table 9.
Over a period of 5 years, from 1976 to 1981, the total cost of truck transportation increased
by 82%, while the rise in the fuel costs was 156%. The fuel costs rose from 20% of the
total cost in 1976 to 27% in 1980 and 28% in 1981. The cost of energy, therefore, has a
tremendous impact on the cost of food distribution. It is evident that refrigeration, storage,
transportation, and distribution costs of single-strength food liquids could be greatly reduced
by removing a substantial amount of their water content.
Concentration of liquid foods generally offers the following advantages:
Table 8
Transport-to-fuel ratio
Mode of transportation (ton/mi/gal)
Air • 4
Truck 60
Railroad and ship 190
Pipeline 300
Table 9
as 'x of
Amount % of 1976 % of 1976 total
fear* (cVmi) total cost Amount fuel cost cost
Month of March.
Fruit juices are watery mixtures of mostly unstable volatile organic compounds. They are
heat sensitive and their color and flavor deteriorate rapidly as processing temperatures are
increased. Even at moderate temperatures, many of their components are unstable. At
temperatures between 40 and 70°C, enzyme-catalyzed reactions can alter juice properties
within a few minutes. In order to inactivate the enzymes, juices must be heat treated. At
the same time, to obtain a quality product, it is essential to have sanitary conditions of high
standards. Since it is the aroma volatiles that give a food product its wide variety of flavor
sensations, even minor changes in aroma during concentration can greatly alter the sensory
qualities of the final product. Thijssen8890 specified the following conditions that must exist
in order to obtain high quality concentrates:
Apart from physical, chemical, and biological analyses, a key quality factor of the con-
184 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Table 10
centrate is its organoleptic quality. Aroma quality often determines the acceptability of a
food. The loss or retention of the food aroma during water removal is, therefore, one of the
major considerations in the design of any food concentration/dehydration process.
Selective water removal processes commonly used in the food industry can be divided
broadly into two classes: concentration and dehydration processes. The former includes
processes that increase solids content to about 50 to 60% (still in a liquid form) and the
latter those that reduce water content to less than 10% and the final product is in solids
form. These processes are listed in Table 10. The selection of any one of these processes
for removing water from a food product is primarily governed by the physical properties of
the form (liquid or solid), economics, and the desired quality of the final products.
Major breakthroughs in fruit juice processing occurred during World War II. Dried fruit
juice powders of lemon, orange, and grapefruit were first prepared for the armed forces
during this period by evaporating the water under vacuum. The introduction of frozen
concentrates during the 1945/1946 season had a tremendous impact on the juice industry.
By the late 1940s, over 60 to 70% of the U.S. orange crop was processed, with the largest
amount going for frozen concentrate production. Florida became the dominant force in the
marketplace, with over 80 to 90% of its crop now being processed into frozen concentrate.
On the other hand, the California orange industry has steadily declined in its market position
since the mid-1940s. Commercialization of freeze drying technology in the 1960s and that
of aseptic processing in the early 1970s also had a great impact. Substitute juice drinks were
first introduced in the mid 1960s, and since then they have been a major influence in
stabilizing levels of grapefruit and orange juice production.
As compared to concentration of liquid foods by evaporation, freeze concentration dates
back many years, although applied in a very elementary form. In Italy, when wines were
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exposed to the environment in the cold winter months, freezing temperatures caused part of
the water in the wine to freeze, resulting in a concentrated product.73 "Vernette Lamotte"
was the first technique of industrial importance in which artificially produced cooling was
employed for concentration of wines. Early attempts at concentrating wines by freezing,
however, were neither practical nor economical from the industrial point of view, mainly
due to losses in alcohol, colorant, and cream of tartar. The Monti process, developed in
Italy in 1902, was probably the first one in which quality factor losses were reduced and
significant concentration achieved. Subsequently this technique was used for preparing fruit
juice concentrates, where the advantages of low processing temperatures were evident in
the quality of the final product.
The technique, however, still was not commercially viable. The major limitations of
earlier processes included relatively high investment costs, difficulties in effective separation
of ice crystals without loss of food solids, and a relatively low upper degree of concentration
that could be achieved by this method. Technological beakthrough such as the development
of multistage evaporators and aroma recovery by vacuum distillation made thermal evapo-
ration the best developed and economically the most favorable technique for the concentration
of liquid foods. Heat damage of the product and fouling of the heated surface in the
evaporator, however, are still major limitations of concentration by evaporation.
Recent renewed interest in freeze concentration is mainly because of potential savings in
energy. The past decade has seen considerable developments in technology that have min-
imized the major drawbacks associated with the earlier freeze concentration processes. These
developments were largely pioneered by Struthers Scientific and International Corporation
in the U.S. and by Grenco Special Applications, a Dutch company engaged in industrial
and marine refrigeration. The formation of large spherical ice crystals during concentration
at very slight super temperatures now makes it easier to separate them from the concentrate.
Accordingly, this new technique for separating ice crystals and concentrate avoids the loss
of concentrate and aroma volatiles with the ice. The solid losses have been reduced to less
than 100 ppm. New designs, in which the concentration and separation of ice crystals are
combined in one step, and multistage freeze concentration processes, have substantially
reduced investment and maintenance costs. Energy costs per ton of water removed by freeze
concentration are, therefore, considerably lower than those for the evaporation process. In
the following sections, these developments are discussed in detail.
Concentration processes for fruit juices may be broadly classified based on whether
removal of water involves a phase change. Processes which require a phase change include
186 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Computing such energy requirements needs knowledge of process design and the equip-
ment used to achieve the desired degree of concentration. In simplistic terms, the minimum
energy required to transform unit mass of saturated liquid water to saturated vapor (at a
constant temperature and pressure) is equal to the enthalpy or the latent heat of vaporization.
Evaporation may be conducted in a batch or continuous mode depending on the need. In
food industry, the latter type is more commonly used. Most vacuum evaporators consist of
multistage units. The heating medium for each stage may be steam, water vapor from the
previous stage, or both. When water vapor from previous stage (boiling juice) is used as
heating medium to evaporate water from juice at a lower temperature, the process is known
as an "effect". As many as seven stages and four effects have been used to concentrate
orange juice. Several aspects of the types of evaporators used in the food industry have been
of the fruit juices are present in only trace amounts. Since these aroma compounds are, in
general, more volatile than water, they may be lost either partly or completely if the vapor
is discarded during concentration of fruit juices by evaporation. The "cutback" process
used to restore partly the quality of concentrated juice was not suited for the production of
concentrates other than citrus juices. l5 With newer, improved technology, the volatile aromas
can be recovered by removing them from either the feed before evaporation or from the
vapor produced in the evaporator. These dilute aqueous aromas can then be concentrated
by distillation or freeze concentration and are returned to the concentrate of nonvolatiles
from the evaporator. Several reviews have described the aroma recovery systems available
for the production of flavorful fruit juice concentrates.15-22-89 The schematics of general
aroma recovery process are shown in Figure 3. A summary of the possible combinations
for aroma removal is given in Table 11.
B. Pervaporation
Fruit juices can be concentrated by using polymer membranes that show a selective
permeability to water.92 On a laboratory scale, such an approach has been shown to produce
juice concentrates without any appreciable loss in aroma quality.
Unlike other membrane separation processes, concentration by pervaporation involves a
phase change of solvent. The water on the vapor side of the membrane may be removed by
a current of relatively dry gas or by applying a vacuum well below the equilibrium vapor
pressure of the water in the membrane. The major advantage for such a process patented
by Thijssen and Paardekooper93 is the retention of aroma constituents of fruit juices that
otherwise would have been lost to the water vapor. However, high flavor retention is observed
only if the water concentration in the vapor side of the membrane is below 8%. Thijssen
and Middelberg92 have summarized the drawbacks associated with the pervaporation proc-
esses as follows:
1. High energy consumption, since the multieffect evaporation principle cannot be applied
to pervaporation (at least 1 kg of steam is required per kilogram of water removed)
2. Low dewatering capacity (approximately 2 kg of water per square meter membrane
area per hour)
3. Longer retention times in the process apparatus
4. High capital investments
(e.g., heat, inert gas,
or solvent)
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(for luther concentrating,
drying, or packaging)
FIGURE 3. Schematics of general aroma recovery process. (From Bomben, J. L., Bruin, S., Thijssen, H. A.
C , and Merson, R. L., Adv. FoodRes.. 20, 1, 1973. With permission.)
Table 11
dewater several aqueous solutions at ambient temperatures. In direct osmosis, when water
solutions of unequal concentrations are separated, at equal pressures, by a semipermeable
membrane (ideally, permeable to water but impermeable to low molecular weight com-
pounds), water will pass from where it is concentrated to where it is more dilute, i.e., from
low-Brix solutions to high-Brix solutions. In general, because of the presence of solute
molecules, the chemical potential or activity of the solvent is lower in concentrated than in
dilute solutions. The high activity solvent, in turn, will tend to change into low activity
solvent so as to reduce the total free energy of the system. Such spontaneous transfer of
water occurs from the low to the high concentrated solution till the osmotic pressure of the
system equals the atmospheric pressure.
If pressure is applied to the concentrated solution in excess of its osmotic pressure, fresh
water flows through the membrane in the direction opposite to the normal osmotic flow.
Such a process is known as "reverse osmosis". This process has long been recognized as
Volume 20, Issue 3 189
Table 12
Concentration without flavor loss, e.g., apple, citrus juices, coffee, jams, jellies, essences
Economic water recovery, e.g., from brackish irrigation run offs, processors' effluents
Concentration without temperature rise, e.g., egg white, beer, fruit juices
Concentration that removes salt, e.g., molasses, whey
Concentration that removes acid, e.g., citrus juices, syrups
pounds, such as proteins. Several aspects of membrane separation processes were recently
Concentration of fruit juices by direct osmosis has been limited to laboratory scale only.
A filter-press dialyzer has been developed by USDA to concentrate fruit juices, wines, and
coffee.l2 The water is removed from fruit juice or wine by dialysis into a hypertonic solution
of sodium chloride. Cellulose acetate membranes are used to produce concentrates free from
salt. An obvious advantage of direct osmosis process is that the dewatering can be performed
at low temperatures. In addition, it provides an easy method of preparing flavorful fruit
juice concentrates economically.
In addition to advantages such as low operating temperatures and selective dewatering,
the reverse osmosis process, from an energy point of view, is superior to all the other
concentration processes.6292 The only energy expended is the pumping of the juice to a
pressure adequate for reverse osmosis. The process has many potential uses in the food
processing industry (Table 12). So far, cellulose acetate membranes have been the preferred
choice for reverse osmosis processes. However, they have limited temperature and pH
capability. Therefore, the process has been restricted to low pressure/low temperature ap-
plications. Recently, the Reverse Omosis Division of Paterson Candy International, in Great
Britain, has developed noncellulosic membranes that are capable of operating at up to 80
bar pressure.14 According to the company, such high working tolerances overcome the high
osmotic pressure barrier of most fruit juices. In addition, the noncellulosic membranes have
a wide pH (3 to 11) and temperature (up to 80°C) range. The membrane also has good
separation and permeation capacity, and can be cleaned with caustic and acid cleaners at
high temperatures. A combination of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis, using noncellulosic
membrane, has been used to preconcentrate apple juice prior to its concentration up to 72°
Brix in an evaporator. The schematics are shown in Figure 4.
The selection of any given concentration process is governed by several factors. However,
for fruit juices and liquids containing aroma volatiles, the concentration process has to be
highly selective. The relative energy consumption and economics of different processes also
influence the choice of method to be used. Freeze concentration is superior to many of the
processes described above and has great process flexibility as far as the applications to
different food products are concerned. In the following sections, several aspects of concen-
tration by freezing are described.
Freeze concentration involves partial freezing of the product and removal of the pure ice
crystals, thus leaving behind all of the nonaqueous constituents in the concentrated phase.
190 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Juice Condensate
Diffuser 1-2 Brix I
n Plant Plant Evaporator
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9-10° Brix
Centrifuge Aroma
Apple Juice 4
Sludger- 72 Brix
FIGURE 4. Combinations of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis processes using noncellulosic membranes for
preconcentration of apple juice from 9 up to 16° Brix. (From Anon., Food Eng., p. 106, February 1983. With
Although water constitutes more than 85% by weight of most fruit juices and other food
liquids, its properties differ greatly than those of pure water under identical conditions,
Some of the phase transition properties of pure water, under standard conditions, are sum-
marized in Table 13. These properties are greatly influenced by the type and the amount of
dissolved solids in water.
A simple phase diagram indicating the several physical states of water at equilibrium is
shown in Figure 5. Fennema and Powrie37 have defined a "phase" as a homogenous and
physically differing part of a system separated from the other parts of fixed borders. The
equilibrium conditions between the solid, liquid, and gaseous states of water are temperature
and pressure dependent. A state of equilibrium of ice, liquid water, and water vapor exists
only at the triple point with a pressure of 4.579 mmHg and a temperature of 0.0099°C
(Figure 5; Table 13). Below the triple point, the ice is directly sublimed into a gaseous state.
This forms the basis of the freeze-drying technology. As shown in Figure 5, water can exist,
under proper conditions of temperature and pressure, in 11 different physical states. These
include one each for liquid and vapor phases, and nine different crystalline solid phases.
The latter are the different high-pressure polymorphs of ice. Fennema36 has reviewed the
literature on the solid-liquid equilibria of water.
Separation by freezing is based on the difference in component concentrations between
solid and liquid phases that are in equilibrium. The phase transitions that occur in true
solutions can be analyzed fairly accurately based on the regularities of ice formation in
nonstructural systems. However, for multicomponent or pseudosystems, many generaliza-
tions have to be made. Guegov43 has summarized the most important phase transitions in
food products of plant origin that take place at low temperatures as follows:
Volume 20, Issue 3 191
WE Eufecfic concentration
o TE Eutectic temperature
TA Initial temperature of solution
WA Initial concentration of solution
Tf Freezing point of pure solvent
TA- Freezing point of solvent
wB Final concentration of solution
TB Final temperature of solution
o: Solution
a. and
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wA wB wE
FIGURE 6. Phase diagram for a simple binary system. (From Karel, M., in Principles of Food Science. Part II:
Physical Principles of Food Preservation, Karel, M., Fennema, O. R., and Lund, D. B., Eds., Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1975a, 265. With permission.)
The formation of ice in a simple, diluted binary (two-phase) system is accompanied by:
(1) the separation of water as pure ice crystals, (2) a progressive increase in the concentrations
of the dissolved substance, and (3) a gradual decrease in the melting point of the concentrated
solution. At eutectic temperature, both the unfrozen water phase and the substance dissolved
in it crystallize simultaneously in a fixed relationship, forming a mixed conglomerate (hy-
drate).4376-82 In multicomponent solutions, the dissolved solids crystallize out successively
according to their.eutectic temperatures. Unfrozen water is retained in the systems till the
lowest eutectic temperature becomes saturated.
Fruit juices are not "true" solutions, since in addition to water, they contain a large
number of soluble components. However, for reasons of simplicity, fruit juices are considered
as pseudobinary systems where all substances dissolved in water are considered as one
A simple phase diagram of a binary mixture is shown in Figure 6. If a binary mixture is
cooled from its initial temperature TA under conditions allowing equilibrium to be attained,
then a solid crystalline phase (pure ice crystals) begins to appear in the liquid phase. This
corresponds to composition WA and the freezing point T A ' in the phase diagram. Usually
only one component in the binary mixture crystallizes out in a pure form. Theoretically,
this allows a single-stage operation of the process, as compared to the incremental separation
and multistage processes required in vapor-liquid separations.
At the initial freezing temperature (TA') where the crystallization process begins, only
192 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Table 13
°C °K
360 m
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
L ^ ^ ^
40 VII
0 IV -M
-40 I
^ 1
VI /
• I
a -80
1 :^
\ I
-120 160
*• '.
\ *
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Pressure (kbar)
FIGURE 5. Phase diagram of water. (From de Quervain, M. R., in Freeze Drying and Advanced Food Tech-
nology. Goldblith, S. A., Rey, L., and Rothmayr, W. W., Eds., Academic Press, London, 1975, 3. With
Volume 20, Issue 3 193
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Concentrate to achieve
(% D.S.)
FIGURE 7. The percentage of feed to be removed from the feed in the form of pure water to achieve a certain
concentration level. (From Van Pelt, W. H. J., Bull. Grenco Special Applications, b.v., Netherlands, 1981. With
coffee extract
apple juice
strawberry juice
blackcurrant juice
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
20 30 40
.solids concentration, wt %
FIGURE 8. Freezing point curves of sucrose, coffee extract, and some fruit juices. (From Thijssen, H. A. C ,
FoodManuf., 44(7), 49, 1969. With permission.)
«, _ c P - c f
under suitable conditions.43 These conditions are determined by the correlation between
temperature, cooling water, solute concentrations, magnitude of forces orienting the mol-
ecules in the liquid, the movement or agitation of the cooled liquid, and the characteristics
of the border phase. The nucleation process is categorized as homogeneous or heterogeneous,
depending on how the nuclei of crystallization are formed. Homogeneous nucleation in-
volving the so-called "ice nuclei"69 occurs due to random aggregation of pure water mol-
ecules into ice structures. In the absence of any preformed ice or other foreign substances,
pure water has to be supercooled to a temperature less than - 39 to — 41°C before freezing
can set in.37-69 Heterogeneous nucleation occurs when solid substances that are usually
insoluble in water act as "ice-forming nuclei" or "freezing nuclei". Heterogeneous crys-
tallization thus always occurs at temperatures higher than those required for homogeneous
crystallization, and occurs without exception during the freezing of all foods. The maximum
limit of supercooling in such a system usually does not exceed 6.6°C in model systems, and
the supercooling temperature of plant tissues cannot be lower than —5 to — 10°C.37
The type of crystal structure and its size primarily determine the solids losses that may
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occur during concentration. Improper crystallization during freezing can cause solids losses
up to 20%." The success and efficiency of the modern-day freeze concentration processes
may largely be attributed to realizing this important phenomenon. Ice crystal size during
freezing may be controlled by properly monitoring several process variables, the foremost
being the degree of supercooling.
As mentioned earlier, the aqueous liquids have to be supercooled below their true freezing
points to initiate crystallization. This is the primary driving force responsible for the growth
of existing crystals and for the formation of new crystal nuclei. The supercooling phenomenon
for model food systems has been extensively investigated by Thijssen and co-workers. Their
investigations suggested that the mean residence time required to obtain a certain mean
crystal diameter is inversely related to the bulk supercooling. In addition to the residence
time and the bulk supercooling of the liquid in the suspension, agitation rates and the dissolved
solids concentration also influence the mean crystal size.90-91
From a separation point of view, the formation of a few but large ice crystals is desirable.
Very high supercooling can create a large number of smaller new crystals. Lower rates of
supercooling are, therefore, desirable to prevent excessive nucleation. A decrease in the
bulk supercooling of the liquid with increasing residence times and at a constant crystal
concentration linearly influences the ice crystal size.91 At any given rate of heat withdrawal
per unit mass of suspension, the high supercooling required for high ice crystal growth rates
can only be maintained if the total surface area of the crystals per unit mass of suspension
is small. Thus, lower nucleation rates are required to produce reasonably large ice crystals
at an acceptable residence time. Thijssen90-91 suggested increasing the agitation rates, within
certain limits, to lower the nucleation rates. However, it must be noted that very high mixing
rates may promote nucleation due to mechanical damage. Based on their studies on ice
crystallization and nucleation, Thijssen and co-workers developed "ripening" types of crys-
tallizers in which the larger ice crystals grow at the expense of the smaller ones. These type
of crystallizers are described in the following section.
Thus, over the past decade, the understanding of the basic phenomena behind ice nucleation
and crystallization has resulted in newer, improved freeze concentration processes. The
losses of dissolved solids due to occlusion in the ice crystals have been considerably min-
imized. The now possible formation of large, fairly spherical ice crystals by properly con-
trolling the process parameters also facilitates adequate and efficient ice crystal washing and
separation operations. These operations and the equipment required are discussed in the
following section.
196 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Directly cooled Indirectly cooled
(Vacuum crystallizer)
Internally cooled Externally cooled
Suspension Layer
crystallizer crystallizer
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
Liquid recirculation Suspension recirculation
FIGURE 9. Classification of crystallizers used in freeze concentration processes. (From Van Pelt, W. H. J.,
Bull. Grenco Special Applications, b.v., Netherlands, 1981. With permission.)
A. Crystallization Section
Almost all the freeze concentration processes developed for concentrating the food liquids
employ indirect-contact crystallizer designs. In these designs the evaporating refrigerant or
coolant is separated from the process fluid by a rigid metal wall, thus eliminating any
problems associated with refrigerant toxicity. The direct-contact crystallizers, which allow
intimate mixing of the refrigerant with the process fluid, are widely used for nonfood
Volume 20, Issue 3 197
Water vapour
oromo ..
2 mmHg
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
Vacuum separator
crystallization Concentrated
FIGURE 10. Flowsheet of a vacuum crystallizer with aroma recovery. (From Thijssen, H. A. C , in Freeze
Drying and Advanced Food Technology, Goldblith, S. A., Rey, L, and Rothmayr, W. W., Eds., Academic Press,
London, 1975, 481. With permission.)
applications, such as sea water desalination and for concentrating and separating chemical
solutions. A general classification of the various types of crystallizers is shown in Figure
1. Direct-Contact Crystallizers
In the direct-contact crystallizers, water vapor itself can be used as the primary refrigerant.
This, however, requires operation of the crystallizer under high vacuum, and compressing
large volumes of vapor at lower pressures. Based on the method by which the vapors are
removed, these may be further classified as: (1) vacuum-freeze, vapor-compression systems,
(2) absorption-freeze, vapor-compression systems, and (3) vacuum-freeze, ejector-absorption
systems. To eliminate problems associated with high vacuum systems, secondary refrigerant
cycles using refrigerants such as freon or butane may be used to facilitate operation of the
crystallizer under normal (near atmospheric) conditions.
Direct cooling of the incoming feed by contact with the refrigerant has some distinct
advantages over indirect cooling.91 It eliminates the cooling wall, which reduces the rate of
heat transfer, and consequently the use of expensive scraped-surface heat exchangers. Con-
siderable energy savings can be achieved by properly controlling the process parameters.
For example, Aackter and Barak1 have reported power requirements as low as 8 kWh/1000
kg ice removed for large evaporation plants with vapor compression. Vacuum-freezing,
vapor-compression systems have been used extensively for seawater desalination.45-66-91
The advantages of low capital costs and low energy costs, particularly in case of vapor-
compression systems, are somewhat offset by the lower quality product obtained as compared
to the quality of concentrate obtained from indirect-contact crystallizers.91 Ordinary vacuum
crystallizers are not suited for products whose quality is primarily determined by their aroma
composition. The aromas can be lost with the vapors leaving the vacuum crystallizer.
Thijssen91 has described a design for a vacuum crystallizer with aroma recovery (Figure
10). In this design, the gas-vapor mixture leaving the condenser is stripped countercurrently
198 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
in an aroma absorber with the concentrated liquid leaving the ice-concentrate separator. If
the temperature of the condensers is maintained properly and by recirculating a part of the
noncondensables leaving the first section of the aroma absorber through the condenser, the
condensation of the aromas in the condenser can be prevented. Thus, aromas will be removed
only from the gas-vapor mixture by the liquid in the aroma absorber. Using such a design,
with most fruit juices aroma losses could be reduced to an organoleptically barely detectable
2. Indirect-Contact Crystallizers
The indirect-contact crystallizers have been in wide use in food applications. 6691107 Based
on the method of heat removal, these types of crystallizers can be categorized into two
groups (Figure 9). In the internally cooled crystallizers, the heat of crystallization is removed
through the wall of the crystallizer. The externally cooled crystallizers operate on the adiabatic
principle, in which the heat is removed outside the crystal growth section.
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In the first type of crystallizers, the liquid is supercooled which, to a large extent, takes
out the heat of crystallization. The primary aim is to avoid heterogeneous crystallization
within the crystallizer. The inside wall of the heat exchanger has to be highly polished or
coated with a hydrophobic plastic to minimize changes of primary nucleation and crystal-
lization within the heat exchanger.91-94 With this type of crystallizer, local supercooling of
the feed is virtually eliminated.
Volume 20, Issue 3 199
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FIGURE 11. Schematics of the Grenco "ripening" type crystallizer. (Fom Grenco Catalogue, Grenco Special
Applications, b.v., Netherlands. With permission.)
In the second type of crystallizer, the entire feed is recirculated from the crystallizer to
the heat exchanger. The residence time of the crystals in the heat exchanger is generally
short compared to that in the crystallizer.91 The longer residence time in the crystallizer
allows proper crystal growth.
The last type of externally cooled crystallizers can be considered as "second-generation"
crystallizers, since the nucleation and crystal growth sections are separated.107 A feed heat
exchanger is used to produce very small ice crystals. The very high heat flux through the
walls of the scraped heat exchanger induces a very strong nucleation. This in turn limits the
residence times to only a few seconds. The slurry containing the small ice crystals is then
fed continuously to a "ripening" crystallizer. Ripening is based on the fact that smaller ice
crystals melt at a lower temperature in a solution than the larger ones.107 Thus, when small
and large ice crystals are mixed in suspension, the mean bulk temperature of the liquid
settles down to a value between the extreme values of the various melting temperatures of
the crystals and nuclei. Since the mean average temperature is higher than the melting
temperature of the small crystals, they melt. This results in a driving force for the growth
of the larger crystals and for the melting of the smaller crystals. The size of the melting
crystals in an adiabatic crystal suspension is called subcritical and the growing ones are
known as supercritical.42 The development of the ripening crystallizer is credited to Thijssen
and co-workers, and it is commercialized by the Grenco Special Applications b.v. The
schematics of such a crystallizer used by Grenco in their process are outlined in Figure 11.
In a continuous operation, the subcritical crystals or "nuclei" are produced in a heat ex-
changer external to the recrystallizer. The extremely small crystals with a residence time of
a few seconds are continuously fed and mixed with the suspension in the recrystallizer. At
steady-state operation, the ice crystal size ranges from 0.2 to 0.3 mm. The small subcritical
crystals melt almost instantaneously, thereby providing the heat of crystallization of the
growing large crystals. The two technical concepts based on this process involve a crystal-
free recirculation design, in which a crystal-free solution is fed to the heat exchanger, whereas
in the suspension recirculation design, a part of the concentrate containing the ice crystals
200 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
is recirculated.42-107 Ice crystals of diameters varying from 0.5 to 1.0 mm can be produced
in such a crystallizer, based on the type of feed and by varying the residence times.
B. Separation Devices
Ice crystal separation from the mother liquor is probably the key factor that influences
the dissolved solids losses most. The failure, on a commercial scale, of the freeze concen-
tration processes may largely be attributed to this one process parameter, particularly in
concentrating aroma-rich liquids. Several separation devices have been tried, both on pilot
plant and commercial scales.
Several factors affect the ice crystal separation efficiency, the foremost being the viscosity
of the slurry and the ice crystal diameter. The capacity of all separation devices is inversely
related to the viscosity of the slurry and is directly related to the square of the mean diameter
of the crystals. Van Pelt107 cites the following equation for the superficial velocity of a liquid
through a packed-bed column:
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
E3 • d2 • 0 2 1 dP
~ 180 ( 1 - E ) 2 ' u / d Z
1. Wash Columns
Wash columns have been successfully used for both separating the crystals produced in
the crystallization section as well as purifying them. They are classified as the flooded
column and the drained column.107 The drained columns have been used in desalination
processes and are three-phase systems. The presence of a gas phase, in addition to the crystal
and liquid phases, is undesirable in case of food liquids, largely due to oxidative changes
and losses of aroma compounds.
The flooded wash column was first developed by the Phillips Petroleum Company to
separate xylene isomers, and later tried for liquid foods.56-58-60107 Later on, Thijssen devel-
oped a flooded wash column, especially suited for food applications at the Eindhoven
University of Technology, Netherlands which is commercially used in the Grenco freeze
concentration processes. The schematics of such a wash column are shown in Figure 12.
The ice crystal slurry is fed to one end of the column, and the mother liquor withdrawn
from the same side. The compacted ice bed is forced towards the other end of the column,
where it is melted by means of a grid of internally heated pipes. The melt water is used to
wash the crystals moving countercurrently in the column. Approximately 90 to 95% of the
melted ice is removed from the column, and the rest is recirculated as wash water. The
solids losses to melt water are usually less than 100 ppm. The Grenco wash columns have
a capacity of 3,000 to 10,00 kg/hr ice removal per square meter cross-sectional area of the
column, depending on the ice crystal size and the viscosity of the slurry.42
A major advantage of the wash columns is that since they are operated without a gas
phase, aroma losses are virtually eliminated. Similarly, based on design, a perfect ice crystal
and liquid separation can be obtained without any dilution effects. The formation of relatively
uniform and large (>0.2 mm) crystals is essential for the efficient operation of wash col-
umns.45 Similarly, in many cases, the upper limit on crystal content cannot be over 15 to
Volume 20, Issue 3 201
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20% for the slurry to remain pumpable. In such cases, the column has to remove a great
deal of liquid. Wash columns have been the most successful method for separating ice
crystals from low viscosity liquids and have found many applications in seawater desalination
and in the concentration of beer and wines. The theoretical concepts behind wash column
designs were recently reviewed. 8991107
2. Centrifuges
The filter centrifuges are preferred wherever high viscosity liquids are encountered. They
also have been used for crystal separation in xylene fractionation systems.45 Both batch types
202 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Pure ice
876 kg h"1
1914 Kg h"1
(24°/' ^
876 kg h ice ice
1914 kg h' liquid — susDension
; 1
/ 333 kg h"
1 1
•^ Concenrraie
1 1 (50-0%)
I 1
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
_L 1
and continuous types are in use.66-8991 The filtration capacity of filter centrifuges is strongly
dependent upon the shape factor of the crystals, the mean crystal size, the liquid viscosity,
and the gravity factor.22-91107 Centrifuges can provide forces up to 1000 X G, which forces
even viscous liquid off crystal surfaces. Some mother liquor, however, may still remain
adhered to crystals due to surface forces. Since the centrifugal ice bed is less densely packed
than in the case of presses, the solids losses can be minimized by washing of the filter cake
with water or crystal melt prior to their discharge to melter condenser. The spent wash water
is then returned to the crystallizer if solids are to be recovered. The possibility of washing
of filter cakes renders centrifuges more efficient than presses. The recirculation of spent
wash water, however, dilutes the concentrate or it may have to be treated separately. A
serious disadvantage of centrifuges is the aroma loss, since they must be operated with a
gas head space into which the volatiles can escape.22-89"91-107
3. Presses
Filter presses have proved less effective for crystal separation. Both hydraulic piston and
screw presses are in use. The loss of dissolved solids is primarily determined by the amount
of liquid that remains occluded in the compressed ice cake.22-8991 Depending on the con-
centration of the liquid and the size of the ice crystals, the amounts of occluded liquid can
vary between 0.03 and 0.1 kg/kg of compressed ice.53 Dissolved solids cannot easily be
removed by a wash process even after grinding the cake. The presses are, therefore, employed
for systems with a low concentration ratio, such as increasing the alcohol content of wines
and beers and to certain fruit juices. 74100
draulically. Scroll centrifuges have been used for fractional separations based on relatively
small differences in specific gravities, particularly in the chemical industry.45
In many cases, the most economical process can be obtained by a combination of a press
and a wash column." A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 13. The concentrated slurry
leaving the crystallizer is partly separated in a press. The ice cake still containing a substantial
amount of the occluded concentrate is then redispersed in the feed to the system. The diluted
ice suspension is then completely separated in a wash column, and the liquid separated from
the ice is fed back to the crystallizer. With the arrangement shown in Figure 13, the capacity
of the wash column can be increased by a factor of 8.3, since a less concentrated liquor is
being fed to a wash column. This in turn lowers the viscosity of the liquid, thereby increasing
the separation efficiency of the wash column. Thijssen91 cites another important reason for
using such a combination system. Slurries containing ice crystals of too small a mean diameter
or a high viscosity or both do not satisfy the stability criteria of a wash column, and thus
cannot be separated efficiently using a wash column. In such cases, a combination of press
and wash column can perform efficient separation of the ice crystals from the mother liquor.
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C. Refrigeration Unit
As mentioned earlier, a refrigeration unit is required to remove the heat of crystallization
during freezing and frictional heat resulting from hydraulic flow, wall scrapings, and agitation
of the slurry. Much of the refrigerant vapor, in turn, can be condensed at low temperatures
by melting the ice crystals. Either direct-contact or shell-and-tube devices can be used.45
The direct-contact condensers are used only with direct-contact crystallizers. In the indirect-
contact systems, the refrigerant remains isolated from the process fluid. Even in some direct-
contact applications, the use of an indirect melter condenser may be mandatory, particularly
where high product purity is desirable or when, due to solubility, excessive refrigerant losses
The mathematics of the performance of refrigerating unit in freeze concentration systems
have been recently reviewed by Van Pelt.l07 From an energy consumption viewpoint, smaller
differences between the evaporating and the condensing temperatures of the refrigerating
equipment are desirable. This can be achieved by two means. The condensation temperature
of the refrigerating unit can be lowered by using the heat of melting of the ice crystals. On
the other hand, utilizing the heat at the highest evaporation temperature of the refrigerating
unit can effectively lower the driving force for heat exchange. This is strongly dependent
on the type of product and concentration ratio.
Based on the type of crystallizer used or the freeze-refrigeration cycles employed, freeze
concentration processes are broadly divided into two categories: direct- and indirect-contact
A. Direct-Contact Processes
In direct-contact processes, the feed is allowed to come into contact with the refrigerant.
Heist45 has classified these processes as follows:
It, however, further concentrates the solution by crystallizing out a part of the water. As
the process continues, the solute eventually reaches or exceeds its saturation concentration
and simultaneous crystallization of ice and solute becomes possible. The temperature at
which a crystallized solute can exist in equilibrium with ice and the unfrozen phase has been
variously described as the "eutectic point" or "eutectic temperature" of the solute. The
term "cryohydric" is sometimes used in place of "eutectic", when water is the solvent.
Direct-contact, triple-point processes are further subdivided according to the method by
which the vapors are removed.
Vacuum-freeze, vapor-compression — In this method, a mechanical compressor is used
to remove the vapor phase. The vapor is compressed so as to permit it to condense either
directly as pure crystals or on a heat-transfer surface.
Absorption-freeze, vapor-compression — The vapors are absorbed in a material that
has a vapor pressure below the triple point. In this method, the absorbent has to be regen-
erated, i.e., the absorbed vapors have to be taken out of the system to keep the vapor pressure
sufficiently low. A conventional refrigeration cycle can be used to provide the heat necessary
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
Table 14
cause toxicological and food safety problems. Some of the direct-contact freeze concentration
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a. Carrier Process
Designed and built in 1960 by Carrier Corporation of Syracuse, N.Y., this was the first
freeze concentration desalination plant of appreciable size built in the U.S. 3435 - 64 The first
pilot plant built at Harbour Island, Wrightsville Beach had a capacity of processing 15,000
gal of seawater per day and used flashing water itself as refrigerant in the crystallizer.
A flow sheet of the Carrier process is shown in Figure 14. The incoming sea water is
first deaerated, cooled, and then fed to a direct-contact crystallizer. A constant pressure of
3 mm of mercury is maintained in the crystallizer by means of steam ejectors. The lowering
of temperature to about 25°F due to evaporation of water vapor causes ice crystallization.
The resulting ice-brine slurry is then pumped into the bottom of a separation column. There
the ice crystals are compacted into a bed which is carried upward by the brine. As it moves
upward, the ice bed is washed by 5% or less of fresh water. When the bed reaches the top
of the column, the crystals are scraped off into a tank and melted to form fresh water. A
concentrated lithium bromide solution is used to absorb the water vapor drawn off the
crystallizer. The resulting dilute absorbent is reconstituted in a generator by distillation. This
process yields a fresh water product containing less than 350 ppm dissolved solids and uses
wash water amounting to less than 5% of the production.
The original plant was dismantled in 1963, apparently because of difficulties encountered
in the refrigeration cycles of the triple-point process. Economics also played a role. Later,
the Carrier Corporation concentrated its efforts on freeze desalination processes using a
fluorocarbon R-C 313 as a secondary refrigerant.70-71
b. Blaw-Knox Process
This process was designed and developed by the Blaw Knox Company of Pittsburgh, Pa.
in 1960. The original pilot plant had a desalinating capacity of 35,000 gal/day. The process
uses a secondary refrigerant cycle with butane as refrigerant.64-71 A direct-contact heat
exchanger is employed both in the crystallizer and the melter condenser. Conventional shell
and tube designs are used for the auxiliary condenser and the heat exchanger. In this process,
all streams are recirculated, with no deaerator, debutanizers, or product water fillers provided.
The ice crystal-brine slurry is separated in wash columns. The ice crystals are compacted
at the bottom of the column and the ice bed thus formed is moved upward by the hydraulic
piston effect of reject seawater flowing up through the bed and exiting through screens near
the top. At the top of the column, the ice crystals are scraped off into a melter condenser
and are then melted by condensation of the compressed butane vapors to form drinking
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Table 15 to
Triple point Crystal separation
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FIGURE 14. Carrier freeze desalination process using fluorocarbon refrigerant Re-318. A = product stripper;
B = brine stripper; C = auxiliary compressor; D = flash precooler; E = main compressor, F = freezer; G =
receiver-decanter; H = melter; I = auxiliary refrigeration; and J = separation column. (Redrawn from Muller,
J. G., Bull. Inst. Int. Du Froid 46, Annexe 3, 1966a, 15. With permission.)
e. Struthers-Umano Process
This process was developed by the Struthers Scientific and International Corporation,
Washington, D.C. and its basic design was used for the two pilot plants constructed by the
Office of the Saline Water, U.S. Department of the Interior at its test facility in North
Carolina.64-68-70-79-98 The two pilot plants had capacities of 15,000, and 20,000 gal/day. The
schematics are shown in Figure 15.
Briefly, the process is as follows. The incoming seawater is first deaerated and filtered.
208 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
4 1 4
A t | j |- J i t
C - F 1
-Ij 1 1 - - 11L - 1
\ 1
r 4 1
i <
i LU
s m
"*~ 1
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
* E H
FIGURE 15. Struthers-Umano freeze desalination process (single-stage plant). A = debutanizer; B = heat
exchanger; C = filter; D = deaerator; E = ice crystallizer; F = main compressor; G = auxiliary condenser; H
= centrifuge; I = auxiliary compressor, and J = melter condenser. (Redrawn from Muller, J. G., Bull. Inst. Int.
Du Froid 46, Annexe 3, 1966a, 15. With permission.)
It then passes through a heat exchanger cooled by the outgoing brine and the product, fresh
water. The chilled seawater (about 35°F) then flows into the crystallizer. Further sensible
cooling down to about 26°F and ice crystal formation occur in the crystallizer. The basic
design of the crystallizer consists of a horizontal cylindrical vessel containing seawater brine
and butane as refrigerant. The ice crystals formed in the crystallizer are then pumped along
with the brine to a wash column. The crystals are scraped off from the top of the column
and melted in a melter condenser by direct contact with condensing butane gas. The resulting
fresh water is then passed through a feedwater heat exchanger to cool the incoming seawater.
It then flows through a debutanizer and activated carbon filter to remove all traces of
refrigerant from the product. Since the amount of refrigerant gas released in the crystallizer
is far greater than can be condensed by melting ice, an auxilary condenser is used to condense
the excess by direct contact with seawater.
This process can be designed and operated to suit both single- and double-stage plants,
and has been suggested for large-scale freeze concentration of chemical solutions.64
B. Indirect-Contact Processes
Indirect-contact processes make use of a closed-cycle refrigeration system, and the heat
transfer from the freezing solution occurs through a heat-transfer surface. The crystallizer
design is, therefore, based on indirect-contact heat removal. In indirect-contact ice crystal-
lizers, the evaporating refrigerant or coolant is separated from the process liquid by a rigid
metal wall. The typical indirect-contact crystallizer is a tubular heat exchanger. The tubes
(usually 6 to 10 in. in diameter) are submerged below the level of the evaporating refrigerant
or chilled heat-transfer liquid in the shell. Based on design, they are classified as follows.
equipped with a rotating scraper to remove the ice crystals which tend to freeze on the heat
exchange surface. The crystal build-up on the transfer surface reduces the rate of heat transfer.
Most conventional designs in freeze and/or thermal processing, therefore, use scraped surface
heat exchangers. A serious drawback associated with these types is their relatively high
power consumption (for rotation), complex design, and high capital costs.
food liquids, however, it may be possible to develop direct-contact processes using a com-
patible refrigerant such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and fluorocarbons such as per-
fluorocyclobutane (duPont Freon C318) or other food-grade freons. The commonly used
refrigerants for indirect-contact crystallizers include ammonia or fluorocarbons such as di-
chlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) and monochlorodifluoromethane (Freon 22). Occasion-
ally, liquids such as ethylene glycol can also be used.
Some of the indirect-contact freeze concentration processes are described below.
a. Daubron Process
This process was developed by Etablissements Daubron de Paris, France. Made of a line
of portable units, each line of the process uses a vertical ammonia-jacketed scraped surface
crystallizer.31 The ice crystals are separated from the concentrate in a filter press employing
hydraulically operated pistons. The largest of their standard designs has an ice removal
capacity of 505 kg/hr (1131 lb/hr). This process was primarily designed and developed to
meet the requirements of the French wine industry. According to the French law, the wines
must have a certain minimum alcohol content. Some wines having high water content,
therefore, need to be subjected to a modest degree of concentration to bring up the alcohol
content to the legal minimum. Daubron process is a simple batch process.
Using a Daubron apparatus, Jaulmes and Hamelle50 concentrated a wine of 12.7CGL to
20.8°GL. However, these authors reported losses of 36.5 m£ of wine, 0.22 g of tartaric
acid, and 0.33 g of potassium per liter of concentrate. Similarly, losses of wine equivalent
to 2 to 4% and of alcohol (0.755°GL), dry extract (1.5 g/€), and total acidity (0.34 g/€,
expressed as sulfuric acid) were observed in the melting water. These authors also reported
precipitation of nitrogenous substances, calcium, tannins, iron, and the coloring substances.
It therefore appears that the process may not be suited for concentrating liquid foods to a
very high degree without the loss of soluble solids, and thus the resulting product may be
of a lower quality.
b. Gasquet Process
This process is similar to the one described above and was developed by La Societe du
Filtre Gasquet, Bordeau, France, for the freeze concentration of wines.66 The largest of their
installations had a capacity of 1 ton of ice per hour. Horizontal scraped surface tubes, either
enameled or made up of stainless steel, are used to crystallize out water from food liquids.'
The ice crystals are separated from the mother liquor in a perforated basket-type centrifuge
or filter press employing hydraulically operated pistons.
210 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
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Pulse C^L
FIGURE 16. Phillips pulse purification column. (From Muller, J. G., Food TechnoL, 21(1), 49, 1967. With
c. Phillips Process
This process was developed by the Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. for use in
the brewing industry. It uses a novel pulse purification column to separate the ice crystals
from the concentrated slurry (Figure 16). The incoming beer undergoes sensible cooling and
ice crystallization in a vessel called "chiller". The resulting ice crystal slurry is then pumped
into the top of a crystal purification column. A portion of the liquid concentrate not occluded
by the ice crystals leaves the column at once through a filter zone. The ice crystals move
down the column past the filter zone and approach a heating element. Since the occluded
concentrate has already been removed by a displacement process, only purified ice crystals
actually reach the hot element. A part of the melted ice, due to pressure differentials within
the column, comes back up through the column countercurrent to the descending ice bed.
The refreezing of this water causes separation of the occluded concentrate from those ice
crystals which are farther removed from the heat transfer element. Because of pressure
differentials, the occluded concentrate so removed then rises up to the filter zone and is
Volume 20, Issue 3 211
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FIGURE 17. Flow diagram for the Struthers FreCon method for the freeze concentration of fruit juices. A =
precooler; B = crystallizer; C = melter-condenser; and D = centrifuge. (From Anon., Quick Frozen Foods, p.
90, March 1964. With permission.)
then removed from the column as liquid concentrate. The energy for filtration, bed movement,
and reflux driving force is supplied by a pulse unit in the concentrate product line.
If necessary, a two- or three-stage process could also be used for fractional crystallization
of chemicals.
The countercurrent contacting of the crystal bed with a portion of the crystal melt in the
Phillips process is similar to refluxing in a distillation column. This results in the removal
of the occluded concentrate from the surface of the ice crystals with negligible diluton of
the concentration. The loss of soluble solids with the discarded ice is, therefore, greatly
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FIGURE 18. Struthers Scientific freeze concentration process. A = crystallizer I; B = crystallizer II; C =
compressor; D = centrifuge I; E = mother liquor tank; F = centrifuge II; G = refrigerant vapor; H = refrigerant
liquid; I = feed tank; J = melter; K = precoolers; L = condenser; M = receiver; N = cooling water; O =
process water out; P = feed in; and Q = product out. (Redrawn from Muller, J. G., Bull. Inst. Int. Du Froid
46, Annexe 3, 1966a, 15. With permission.)
then melted in the melter condenser by heated refrigerant gas from the compressors. A part
of this ice water is used to wash ice crystals in the centrifuge free of any adhering concentrate
and is recycled; the remainder is used as cooling medium in the melter condenser. Some of
the advantages claimed for this process include a minimum loss of product (less than 1%),
low energy requirements (about 80 lb of water removed per kilowatt hour of energy con-
sumed), low capital costs, and lower corrosion rates.66
crystals are washed on the centrifuges with cold water and are melted in an agitated vessel
by contact with plate coils heated by warm water. The ice melt can be employed as a
centrifuge wash liquid and as a coolant for the incoming feed (Figure 18). The entire process,
including the crystallization and centrifugation steps, is a continuous one.
The Struthers crystallizers do not employ any scrapers. According to Muller,66 scraping
causes formation of an excessive number of nuclei or tiny new crystals. It is desirable that
the ice mass created in unit time be distributed among a limited number of crystals. This
allows the formation of large ice crystals. Consequently, solid losses to the ice crystals are
minimized. Similarly, in the Struthers process, the wash columns are replaced with centri-
fuges. Wash column has been the most successful method when liquid viscosity is low,
such as in the case of seawater desalination. Wash columns are not suited for high viscosity
liquids, whereas centrifuges perform well under these conditions.
concentration unit. The entire plant is mounted on a railroad flatcar or truck and consists of
all the necessary equipment, including two crystallizers, two centrifuges, a refrigeration
unit, pumps, tanks, and other accessories. Once delivered to a food or chemical plant, the
necessary piping and electrical connections can be made quickly, and within a few hours
of arrival, the whole unit could be made to function in a continuous operation. The mobile
unit can be operated at feed rates of aqueous liquids up to 600 lb/hr. The mobile unit has
been successfully used to concentrate a variety of liquid foods including apple juice, beer,
coffee extract, skimmed milk, and orange juice.66
1. Pulp separation
2. Deaeration to remove oxygen
3. Oil control treatment
4. Enzyme stabilization
5. Chilling
6. Freeze concentration
7. Addition of stabilized essence from evaporator feed
This process was commercially employed in the 1960s by the Minute Maid Division of
the Coca Cola Co. at Plymouth, Fla. One of the two plants installed had a rated capacity
of processing 5000 lb of fresh orange juice. The freeze concentrate produced was blended
with a more concentrated evaporator effluent to produce a 42° Brix product. This process,
however, was apparently abandoned a few years later in favor of evaporation, apparently
214 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
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FIGURE 19. Union Carbide freeze concentration process. A = single-strength feed; B = twofold concentrate;
C = ice generator (first stage); D = ice generator (second stage); E = centrifuge (first stage); F = centrifuge
(second stage); G = fourfold concentrated product; H = ice with entrained concentrate; I = recovered dilute
concentrate; J = final centrifuge; and K = pure ice. (From Muller, J. G., FoodTechnol., 21(1), 49, 1967.
With permission.)
due to economic reasons and difficulties in operation. The process was also promoted for
the freeze concentration of beer. However, because of legal restrictions in labeling of the
product, no commercial installations have been reported.
h. Grenco Process
Grenco Special Applications b.v., a Dutch company, has been actively pursuing research
in industrial and marine refrigeration for the past three decades. Their research in the field
of freeze concentration has resulted in eliminating several of the drawbacks associated with
the earlier processes. The success of this process is credited to the formation of large,
spherical ice crystals at very slight super temperatures under controlled conditions.42 The
large size of the spherical ice crystals also makes them easier to separate from the concentrate.
This new technique for separating the ice crystals from the concentrate avoids the loss of
concentrate with the ice. The high capacity of the Grenco Process has considerably lowered
the investment costs per ton of water removed, as compared to those using the existing
Briefly, the Grenco freeze concentration system consists of a crystallization section and
Volume 20, Issue 3 215
Concentrated Tank
Product with
Ice Crystals
Concentrated Product to be Feed
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Unconcentnted liquid is pumped to * h o t exchanger, where small crystals form in seconds. These small crystals melt
in the recrysiallizer, "feeding" the growth of large crystals. Concentrate with crystals is pumped to a wash column,
where separation takes place. Some crystals are melted to create pure wash water. Concentrate will circulate until a
set ralue is reached.
FIGURE 20. Grenco freeze concentration process. (From Wagner, J. N., Food Eng., p. 98, February 1983.
With permission.)
a wash column. In the crystallization section, the water is separated out in the form of ice,
and the wash column ensures a complete separation of the concentrate from the ice crystals.
The schematics of the process are shown in Figure 20.
Once the equipment has been filled with the food liquid which is to be concentrated, the
stirring device of the recrystallizer, the circulation pump, and the scraped heat exchanger
are started up. The liquid is cooled to its freezing point prior to ice crystal formation in the
scraped heat exchanger. The mixture of large and small ice crystals together with the mother
liquor is pumped into the recrystallizer. The larger crystals grow to large spherical crystals,
whereas the very small crystals melt. After a desired degree of ice concentration has been
reached in the recrystallizer, the wash column is started up, where the ice crystals are
separated from the concentrated liquor. The concentrated liquor, together with the feed, is
fed back into the crystallization section by the feed pump via the feed tank. When the desired
level of product concentration has been reached, the concentrate is forced, via the expansion
vessel, into a product storage tank. Detailed description of the process is given in the company
In the Grenco process, the concentration of the end product, as well as the capacity, are
automatically regulated at required values which are set beforehand. The dewatering capacity
can be set at any value between 40 to 100% of the design capacity.
In addition to lower investment cost, Grenco Special Applications cites the following
advantages for their process:
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FIGURE 21. Four time intervals during single-stage operation of freeze concentration process. (From Van Pelt,
W. H. J., Bull. Grenco Special Applications, b.v., Netherlands, 1981. With permission.)
The Grenco freeze concentration process can be used for almost all food liquids with a
low to medium-high viscosity. The company has successfully tested a number of products,
including coffee extracts (up to 45 wt % concentration), vinegar (48% concentration), sugar
solutions (52% concentration), beer and wine (up to 32 vol % concentration), fruit juices
(55% concentration), milk (36% concentration), several thousandfold concentration of ex-
tracts of various aromas, tea extracts (35% concentration), aqueous protein solutions, and
as a separation process for isolating mixtures of chemical fluids.
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FIGURE 22. Cocurrent multistage freeze concentration process. (From Van Pelt, W. H. J., Bull. Grenco Special
Applications, b.v., Netherlands, 1981. With permission.)
Most of these drawbacks of the single-stage freeze concentration processes can be elim-
inated by adopting a multistage design. The multistage freeze concentration process can
either be a cocurrent (Figure 22) or a countercurrent operation (Figure 23). In the multistage
freeze concentration process, the ice crystals are separated out at the end of each cycle and
the remaining concentrate is fed to the succeeding crystallizing compartment.107 Thus, in
continuous operation, the heat has to be removed at each level of crystallization. The ice
218 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
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FIGURE 23. Countercurrent multistage freeze concentration process. (From Van Pelt, W. H. J., Bull. Grenco
Special Applications, b.v., Netherlands, 1981. With permission.)
crystals, therefore, have to be grown and separated at different levels of concentration and
viscosity. The countercurrent system allows back-mixing of the concentrate within the thick-
ened ice. This results in a somewhat lower processing temperature and a slightly higher
degree of concentration at each level. Since heat has to be removed in both cases at nearly
the same level, both the co- and countercurrent multistage processes have similar energy
economics. Van Pelt,107 however, cites the following reasons, from a process point of view,
for selecting a countercurrent system:
1. Since ice has to be removed at the lowest dry solid concentration, lower viscosities,
and thus, higher separating velocities could be achieved.
2. Because of the lower dry solid content, larger ice crystals can result, influencing to a
great extent the separating velocity.
3. The ice crystals are formed under favorable conditions of viscosity and dry solid
content, resulting in shorter residence times (Table 16) and smaller-sized crystallizers.
4. Since ice is transported from the last stage to the first, it is not necessary to perform
the intermediate separation steps as perfect as for the last definitive separation in the
Volume 20, Issue 3 219
Table 16
SOLUTION 10% d.s., 50%
d.s. (SACCHAROSE)107
Residence time
System (hr)
Table 17
wash column. Slurry thickeners, therefore, can be used for the intermediate separation
and transportation action.
The major advantages of multistage over single-stage freeze concentration plants include
lower energy consumption (approximately 37% lower for cocurrent and 47% lower for
countercurrent systems), and approximately 50 to 70% lower operating costs.107
Some of the indirect-contact freeze concentration processs which are currently employed
on commercial scale are summarized in Table 17.
Before discussing the applications of freeze concentration to other areas of food industry,
it would be appropriate to review, briefly, the advantages and drawbacks associated with
this method of concentration. Concentration by freezing has several advantages over other
concentration processes such as evaporation and reverse osmosis. Some of the advantages
claimed are discussed below.
One of the obvious advantages of freeze concentration over evaporative methods is that
the energy needed to freeze a unit of water is much less than that required to evaporate it
(Table 13). At any given process temperature, approximately one seventh as much heat must
be withdrawn from a pound of water to freeze it as must be added to vaporize it as in
evaporative processes. Struthers estimated that with their process, 1 kWh of energy input
could produce approximately 70 to 80 lb of ice.66 Similarly, since the object is to freeze the
220 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
final product, considerably less cooling is required after processing and concentration. Sub-
stantial energy savings are, therefore, possible in many applications of freeze concentration
as compared to the more conventional evaporation processes. According to Davis,32 freezing
processes can be designed to either utilize electricity as the sole energy source or to operate
the process in an absorption cycle using waste heat at as low as 130 to 140°F. In many
industrial applications, waste heat at these temperature levels has no value and it represents
a disposal cost. Aceto2 estimated that, based on food industry averages, concentration by
freezing requires only between 1/10 to 1/15 the energy required for water removal by
conventional thermal evaporation. Actual cost analyses of concentration by several methods
will be discussed in a later section.
A distinct advantage of freeze concentration is the low temperature difference required
between the liquid and the cooling medium. Few, if any, food liquids appear to be adversely
affected by exposure to temperature below 0°C for a short time. Some food liquids actually
appear to be benefited by such treatment.66 The low process temperatures also prevent
degradation of heat-sensitive compounds. The food liquids can thus be concentrated without
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appreciable loss in taste, aroma, color, or nutritive value. Since the entire process is operated
at or below the freezing temperature of water, and since vacuum treatment is not required,
the loss of low boiling flavor and aromatic esters is almost completely avoided. Aromas are
better retained in the juice and thus polymerization and condensation reactions of the aroma
components, which may occur during aroma stripping in distillation, are fairly well inhibited.
Volatile carryover is thus completely prevented in freeze concentration.
From a process point of view, corrosion rates of equipment are much lower in freeze
concentration as compared to evaporation processes. Corrosion is a major problem in the
concentration of corrosive chemical solutions and seawater desalination. For every 10°C
temperature rise, corrosion rates are doubled. Since most of the process is operated at or
below 0°C, freezing has much lower corrosion rates than evaporative processes. Therefore,
less expensive materials of construction can be used. Davis32 suggested the use of steel
vessels, aluminum heat transfer surfaces, and PVC piping in seawater desalination and 316
stainless steel for concentration of corrosive chemicals.
An inherent advantage associated with lower corrosion rates during freezing is that the
pretreatment of the feed for scale control can be omitted. Scaling is not a problem in direct-
contact processes, where no heat transfer surface is required. Scaling is minimal in indirect-
contact processes where scraped surface heat exchangers are used. Depending on the sol-
ubility, the scaling materials may either leave the process with the concentrate (e.g., the
less soluble calcium sulfate) or must be separated from the ice prior to their washing (e.g.,
high soluble materials such as sodium sulfate).
The loss of soluble solids to the ice crystals could be avoided by proper monitoring of
process parameters. Controlled crystallization allows formation of large, nearly pure ice
crystals, and with adequate washing and recrystallization, dewatering could be made almost
selective. Recycling a part of the ice melt and thus of any entrained solids to the crystallizer
may also reduce solids losses. With modern processes, the solids losses have been reduced
to less than 100 ppm. Unlike membrane separation processes, there is no danger of short
circuiting the process by leaks.
In desalination, freezing concentration offers several other advantages as compared to
distillation and membrane separation processes:64-70-98 freeze desalination plants can employ
direct-contact heat transfer designs. Therefore smaller temperature differences, high cycle
efficiencies, and low energy consumption can be achieved. As much as 90% of fresh water
can be recovered, particularly from high saline-containing feeds. Because of scaling, such
high recoveries are not possible with membrane demineralizers and distillation units. Unlike
freeze desalination, membrane processes cannot handle feeds containing high-dissolved
Volume 20, Issue 3 221
difficult, and may require larger-diameter wash columns. The minimum desirable size of
the ice crystals is reported to be 100 to 300 (im.32 Larger ice crystals can be grown by
increasing the retention times of the feed in the crystallizer. This may, however, partially
offset the overall economics by lowering the output as well as increased energy requirements.
Since freeze concentration is capable of preserving almost all of the original chemical
constituents, flavor, and aroma of fruit juices, the raw material should be of the highest
quality.66 Thus, rigorous quality control of the feed material is required ensuring that they
are free of below-standard elements.
A major problem, which still remains to be solved, is that the final degree of concentration
that could be achieved by freezing is much lower than that by evaporation process. Because
of low process temperatures, and thus high viscosities, most food liquids cannot be con-
centrated beyond 50 to 55% w/w. The high viscosity retards the rate of crystallization and
makes pumping of the concentrate and washing of crystals increasingly difficult.32-51-64-66-89-90
This also presents difficulties in separation of ice crystals from the mother liquor. Davis32
suggests that some of the problems of high viscosity could be overcome by redesigning
process flows and components. Research conducted at Grenco Special Applications b.v.
also indicates that under such conditions a multistage countercurrent freeze concentration
system is better.107 In such a design, all ice has to be separated at the lowest dry solids
concentration. The resulting lower viscosities, therefore, allow higher separation velocities.
Another problem encountered in the freeze concentration process is that most solids are
only sparsely soluble at freezing temperatures.51 Beyond a certain degree of concentration,
the solubility limit of such solids is exceeded. As a consequence, pure crystals of these
compounds precipitate in addition to ice and are lost. In chemical industries, this may actually
turn out to be beneficial, since in addition to pure water, pure byproducts could be extracted
during the concentration process.32 In food industries, however, the precipitation of solids
can interfere with efficient operation of crystallizers and separators. This problem can be
overcome by modifying the process design. Struthers Scientific and International Corpo-
ration, New York has developed one such process for freeze concentrating tea infusions.81
In this design, the tea extract is cooled and then passed through a settling tank, where some
of the solutes precipitate. The extract is then fed to the crystallizer and separator, where a
part of the water is removed as ice. The precipitate obtained is redissolved in a small quantity
of water and is then returned to the concentrate prior to freeze drying. The schematics of
the process are shown in Figure 24. The process can also be applied to preconcentration of
coffee infusions before freeze drying.
The freezing point of the concentrate has a significant effect on the power consumption
of the process.32 The power consumption varies from 50 kW/kgal water removed at a freezing
222 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
FIGURE 24. System for precipitation of a portion of suspended solids prior to freeze concentration. (From Karel,
M., in Principles ofFood Science, Part II: Physical Principles of Food Preservation. Karel, M., Fennema, O. R.,
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
and Lund, D. B., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1975a, 265. With permission.)
point of 25°F to 120 kW/kgal water removed at — 10°F. Large freezing point depressions
may be observed with increasing concentrations in a single-stage freeze concentration proc-
ess. In addition to higher energy consumption, this also restricts the upper level of concen-
tration by freezing.
In spite of these limitations, freeze concentration is a very versatile process and has found
many uses in seawater desalination, chemical industries, and in waste-disposal. Some of
these applications are summarized in Table 18 and are discussed below.
Table 18
Reduce the volume of liquid to be stored and handled Concentration of ruh beer
within the plant
Reduce cost of shipping, and storage after leaving pro- Orange juice concentrate
ducer's plant and to reduce the cost of containers
Raise the concentration of material present in quantities Laboratory concentration equipment for oceanographers
too small for proper analysis and/or reaction
Bring about the crystallization and recovery of dissolved Production of magnesium ammonia phosphate from
organic and inorganic salts seawater
Recover pure water from seawater for drinking or other Desalinization
Raise the sugar content of comestible liquids to such Fruit syrups
level that spoilage will be retarded
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Make a more concentrated liquid which can then be Instant or soluble coffee
economically subjected to complete dehydration
Restore to full strength the concentration of preserving Concentration of pickle liquors
liquids diluted during the preserving process
Form a new liquid product Malt made from concentrated beer
Raise concentration of certain components in a liquid to Concentration of wine to raise alcohol content
prescribed levels
Accelerate processing rate by bringing about earlier pre- Freeze concentration to reduce lagering time of beer
cipitation of dissolved or suspended substance
Raise concentration of solids to level sufficient for eco- Concentration of sewage
nomic disposal
Treat products to prevent deterioration during Freeze concentration of wines to be exported
new insights in freeze concentration of alcoholic beverages. Some of these findings are
summarized below:
Grenco Special Applications b.v. is cooperating with the National Institute of Viticulture,
Argentina to develop their viticulture industry, and is also actively participating in seeking
224 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
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FIGURE 25. Votator freeze concentration process for vinegar. (From Muller, J. G., Food Technol., 21(1), 49,
1967. With permission.)
jacketed, votator heat exchanger and slush frozen to about 17°F. The flow through the votator
unit is two to three times that of infeed. The vinegar slurry discharged from the heat exchanger
contains 20 to 25% ice. The slurry is then charged into an agitated stainless-steel
surge tank, intermittently feeding a 200-gal basket-type centrifuge. The centrifuge cycle is
automatically controlled. The loading of about 100 gal of slush into the centrifuge requires
2 to 5 min, and centrifuging about 14 min. About 2 min is required to remove the dewatered
ice crystals using a pneumatically operated plow. After that the centrifuge is made ready
for another batch. The concentrated liquor (200-g vinegar) is pumped to a storage tank and
withdrawn as needed by tank trucks serving the ultimate users. The ice from the bottom of
the centrifuge bowl is taken to a wooden tank. Since it contains vinegar (10 to 20 g), it is
reused in the production of other vinegar.
By recycling some of the stream, considerable energy savings could be achieved in this
process. The ice can be used to precool fresh vinegar (120 g), thereby reducing the sensible
heat load in the votator heat exchanger. Since the ice is not yet completely melted, condenser
water from the refrigeration system can be used to complete the melting process. Where
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cooling towers are used, water cooling tower requirements can be greatly reduced.
High strength (200 to 400 g) vinegar can be produced similarly, blending up from 120 g
to starting intermediates of higher strength. The votator process produces a 200-g concentrate
from 120-g vinegar at a rate of 750 to 1000 Ib/hr. Higher concentrates can be produced at
lower rates, such as 300 g at 600 lb/hr and 400 g at 400 lb/hr.
Grenco Special Applications b.v. also offers a freeze concentration process that concen-
trates vinegar up to 48 wt %.42
C. Dairy Industry
The potential of freeze concentration processes in the dairy industry has been realized
only recently.72 Although freeze concentration tehniques can be used to produce conventional
products, such as concentrated milk,42 its application in the area of whey processing seems
to be a very attractive proposition. According to Dairy Research, Inc. (DRTNC), a subsidiary
of the Research and Development unit of the United Dairy Industry Association, if freeze
concentration were to be used by all whey processors, savings of at least S15 million/year
could be realized. Saal72 estimated that freeze concentration could cut the energy costs of
whey processing by a minimum of 15% as compared to that by evaporation. Based on
energy requirements alone, he cites savings of about $300,000/year based on 1979 prices
for oil and electricity and for a plant processing 1 million 1b of whey per year. In cooperation
with Dairy Venture I of DRINC, Concentration Specialists, Inc. (CSI), Andover, Mass, has
developed an indirect-contact process and equipment for whey processing. The process can
also be used to concentrate a variety of other products.32 Schematics of the CSI process are
shown in Figure 26.
The feed may be screened to remove large suspended solids, prior to entering the process,
if required. It is precooled in a plate heat exchanger by the outflowing concentrate and melt.
The precooled feed then flows down through a crystal growth column, countercurrent to the
ice moving upward. From the top of the column, the slurry is pumped to a wash column
where the adhering fluid is washed off by water produced by melting previously harvested
ice crystals. The ice is separated at the top of the wash column, repulped, and pumped to
a shell and tube heat exchanger. There it is melted by condensing the refrigerant that was
evaporated in the freezer. A recirculation flow is maintained between the bottom of the
growth column and the freezer. In the latter, a small fraction of the flow is converted to
ice. The concentrate is then extracted from the recirculation system.
The special features of the CSI process include a HYDRO-SCRUB tubular heat exchanger
and a continuous concentrate separation column. The special tubular heat exchanger is
reportedly much less expensive (1/15 to 1/20/ft2) as compared to the conventional scraped
226 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
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FIGURE 26. Concentration Specialists, Inc. (CS1) freeze concentration process. (From Davis, H. E., Bull.
Concentration Specialists, Inc., Andover, Mass., 1983. With permission.)
surface types.32 The large surface areas in the freezer permit the use of low temperature
differences across it, and thus, lower energy consumption. The energy consumption and
costs are further lowered, since large motors and expensive gear drives to power mechanical
scrapers are not required.
The CSI concentrate separation column apparently overcomes many of the problems
associated with the production of high density concentrates by conventional freeze concen-
tration. Normally, with increasing degree of concentration, extremely small ice crystals are
formed in the crystallizer section. In addition, due to low process temperatures, the slurry
is quite viscous. The separation of ice from concentrate, therefore, requires the use of large-
volume equipment, and the solids losses to the ice may be quite high. CSI claims that their
system promotes rapid crystal growth prior to separation, thus permitting efficient separation
of ice from the product in reasonably sized equipment.32 Some of the other advantages
claimed for this process include simple, reliable operation, very low energy consumption
(10 to 20 kWh/1000 lb of water removed), longer periods between cleaning in food appli-
cations, and shorter start-up times.
the concentration and type of contaminant in the liquid phase determines the freezing point
of the eutectic composition of the multicomponent system. A multistage crystallization-
melting operation, called zone melting, is used to purify the resulting crystals.27 The mul-
tistage processes are complex, capital intensive, and have high energy consumption. Con-
siderable savings, however, are still achieved by eliminating the need for scraped surface
heat exchangers. The zone-melting multistage freeze concentration processes have been used
commercially for xylene, as well as other organic isomer separations.45
Freeze concentration has potential in the treatment of wastes from many chemical indus-
tries. These waste streams typically contain 1 to 5% organic chemicals. In some cases, the
organic fraction is predominantly acetic acid. Weak, aqueous acetic acid streams are produced
in operations such as fiber spinning and partial-oxidation processes. Separation by freezing
can recover the organic components in these wastes, by crystallizing and separating ice.
According to Heist,45 in the case of acetic acid, no other process is capable of economic
recovery. In addition to recovering economic byproducts, waste treatment prior to its disposal
considerably reduces its BOD requirements, and thus disposal costs are lowered. It also
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centrifuge. Either cold water sprays or air ventilation during centrifugation could be used
to melt the ice crystals. The amount of run-off water and its gelatin content, as well as that
in the gel after melting, were determined. The results of these experiments are summarized
1. Starting from gelatin solutions of 2 and 4.5% dry solids, concentrated solutions of 14
and 16%, respectively, were obtained.
2. The run-off water from the centrifuge still contained 3 to 5% gelatin.
3. The final concentration of the gelatin solution obtained by the freezing process was
independent of the freezing temperature (and thus, the freezing rate) and the initial
concentration of the solution.
Although concentration of gelatin by freezing seems possible, Vahl105 cites several reasons
against the feasibility of such a process on commercial scale. The capital costs of the
equipment (plate freezer, crusher, centrifuge) are considerably higher than those of a vacuum
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evaporator plant. Since the process described above is a discontinuous operation, both
operational and labor costs could be higher. The losses of gelatin in the run-off water are
considerably higher. The final degree of concentration obtained by freezing process is also
lower than that normally obtained in the industrial vacuum evaporators.
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Extraction of
• Residue
Soluble Material
Spray Drying
conditions, the thermal conductivity of the deepening shell of dry material is low. Thus, as
drying continues, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a proper heat flow into the
frozen core. The rate of freeze drying, therefore, decreases correspondingly.
Mackenzie55 has reviewed various factors that affect the mechanism of conversion of ice
into water vapor during the freeze-drying process. The overall drying times appear to be
very strongly dependent on particle size and on the depth of the bed of particles. The water
molecules evolved from the crystals and the glass-like material pass from the interior of the
particles to the surfaces through voids left behind by ice already vaporized, and even through
the walls of the totally enclosed cavities which previously had been filled with ice. The
longer retention times also cause noticeable flavor changes, although they are much less
than those observed in evaporative drying. Lowering of the water content, i.e., a higher
solids content in the feed, results in decreased heat requirements for water removal during
freeze drying. The overall retention time for the product in the freeze dryer thus could be
lowered, or alternatively, for a similar length of drying cycle, lower temperatures may be
used. A higher total solids content in the frozen mass also provides a greater cross-sectional
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area of solid matter for better thermal conductivity. This facilitates an adequate heat flow
into the frozen core without overheating the already dried outer core.
Theoretically, the amount of ice crystals formed when freezing concentrated extract is
much less than when freezing diluted extracts. The number and total surface area of the
voids remaining after sublimation are, therefore, less, and consequently the distance between
the voids is greater. This in turn influences the diffusion of water vapor and organic volatiles
through the solid matter. Since all organic volatiles have molecular weights greater than
water, the greater the distance of travel through the solid matter necessary to reach a void,
the more the larger molecule will be retarded relative to the water molecules. Therefore,
the higher the concentration attained by methods that retain flavor and aroma constituents,
the greater will be the flavor retention through the dehydration stage. Freeze drying of
concentrated extracts thus results in a superior quality product.
Many methods have been tried to preconcentrate the feed prior to freeze drying. Evap-
orative concentration, even with thin-film vacuum evaporators, was found to be undesirable
for aroma-rich, heat-sensitive products like coffee.54 Reverse osmosis, at moderate pressures,
was also tried. Almost all flavor constituents, however, were lost to the permeate leaving
behind a bland extract.
The lower process temperatures and thus better aroma retention during concentration by
freezing made it the preferred method for concentrating coffee extracts prior to drying. It
is also capable of concentrating the extracts to a fairly high degree of solids content. Freeze
concentration followed by freeze drying is, therefore, an economically attractive method of
producing a quality dry-powdered product from an aqueous liquid. The basic differences
between freeze concentration and freeze drying are summarized in Table 19.
Castleton-Hi-Vac Division of Castleton Industries, Inc., Lansdale, Pa. was one of the
first companies to use freeze concentration prior to freeze drying of coffee extracts.54 Their
process consists of partially concentrating the original extract by passing it through a bed
of fresh grounds to about 18 to 20% solids. The extract is then cleared of fine grounds by
centrifugation and clarification. The clarified extract is prechilled in a Votator scraped surface
heat exchanger and then slush frozen in a Contherm (DeLaval) scraped surface vertical heat
exchanger. The ice is separated from the extract slurry in a DeLaval continuous centrifuge,
thereby increasing the solids content of the extract to about 30%. The extract is then passed
through a second Contherm heat exchanger, and the ice slurry produced is separated in a
basket-type centrifuge. The centrifuge wash water is recirculated to recover lost solids. The
ice separated from the product is melted, reheated, and used as make-up water for extracting.
The final extract containing about 40% solids is freeze dried to obtain top quality soluble
coffee. Thus, combining the freeze concentration and freeze-drying steps also minimizes
the operating costs.
Volume 20, Issue 3 231
Table 19
Water separated from foodstuff Ice crystals Water vapor
in form of
Time to accomplish About I hr overall From 4 to 24 hr
Amount of volatiles lost Essentially none Small amount (in general)
Type of plant operation Usually continuous Usually "batch"
Fruit juice powders can also be prepared in a similar manner to obtain products superior
in flavor and in aroma to those obtained by freeze-drying alone. Taste panel studies have
also proved the superiority of freeze concentrated-freeze dried products over those prepared
by other methods.54-66 Freeze concentration may also be used to preconcentrate the feed
prior to evaporative drying processes, such as spray drying, thereby markedly improving
the flavor profile of final product.77
Fruit juices are primarily valued for their taste, aroma (flavor), texture, and color. Nu-
tritionally, fruit juice provides significant amounts of certain vitamins, and therefore vitamin
retention is also of concern during processing. In addition, microbial spoilage and retaining
the acceptable body (texture) of the product also need to be considered in the quality control
of fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates. Since several fruit juices are quite acidic in nature,
they are capable of dissolving (extracting) metal ions from processing equipment. Such metal
ion extraction is undesirable, since it can impart a metallic taste to the final products and
may catalyze several undesirable changes in color and aroma of the product. This necessitates
use of stainless-steel equipment for processing of fruit juices.
In general, fruit juices that are freeze concentrated exhibit better processing properties
than fruit juices that are concentrated by evaporation and reverse osmosis processes. The
major advantages of the freeze concentration process over the evaporation and reverse
osmosis processes are that it concentrates the fruit juices without appreciable loss in taste,
aroma, color, or nutritive value.4-2022-44-51-52-6466-86-89-91-l07 In this section, some of the factors
that affect the quality of fruit juices are briefly reviewed.
A. Juice Cloudiness
Clear or cloudy juices may be prepared from most fruits. In clear juices, all the insoluble
material is removed by crushing, pressing, and filtering. Cloudy juices are made from citrus
fruits, tomatoes, and pineapples by removal of all the insoluble materials except those small
insoluble particles which will remain suspended in the juice.
232 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Cloudiness of citrus juices is desirable from a consumer viewpoint. The loss of cloudiness
renders the final product unacceptable. The natural fruit enzymes, in particular pectic en-
zymes, affect the consistency of juice products as well as the efficiency of juicing and
clarification operations. A major drawback of the freeze concentration process is that juices
with high concentrations of fibrous and other insoluble matter and pectins cannot be con-
centrated by this process. During the concentration of nectars, obtained by mincing whole
fruit, the insoluble coarse cellular material is lost with the ice. However, if the nondissolved
material is separated from the melted ice in, for instance, a helical cone centrifuge, and is
then fed back to the concentrate, this restriction of the applicability of the freeze concentration
process could be eliminated. The experiments conducted at the Central Food Research
Institute, Hungary4 show that the best way to do this is to concentrate the filtered juice and
then add the fibrous material back to the concentrate.
The loss of cloudiness of citrus juices on storage is attributed to the breakdown of pectins
by pectinesterases. These enzymes have to be inactivated during processing. In a recent
study, Versteeg et al.109 reported three forms of pectinesterases (I, II, and a high molecular
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weight form) that accounted for 95% of the total pectinesterase activity in Naval oranges.
These forms were inactivated rapidly at 70, 60, and 90°C, respectively. These investigators
suggested that of these three forms, the one with a high molecular weight, although ac-
counting for only 5% of the total enzyme activity, is responsible for the cloud destabilization
of citrus juices. Therefore, the inactivation of pectic enzymes needs to be controlled, es-
pecially in the manufacture of orange concentrates to avoid gelling during cold storage and
to prevent the juice from losing its uniform cloud on standing.
An alternate approach to cloud stabilization in citrus juices involves the use of pectin
depolymerizing enzymes.16 Limited hydrolysis of pectin to shorter subunits capable of in-
hibiting pectinesterase activity was suggested to be responsible for cloud stabilization in
such treatments.87 Hydrolysates containing polygalacturonic acid residues with an average
degree of polymerization of 8 to 15 were shown to prevent cloud loss. Alternatively,
pectinesterases are also used in the treatment of fibrous apple and peach juice for clarification
C. Microbial Spoilage
Most foods of plant and animal origin are subjected to microbial attack as well as physical,
chemical, and biochemical changes. At room temperatures, the microbial attack and the
associated changes play a dominant role in influencing the food quality. During their growth,
microorganisms are capable of releasing enzymes which may alter the color, flavor, texture,
and the appearance of the products, therefore, in most cases, causing deterioration and
Although freezing and subsequent cold storage may inactivate some microorganisms, it
is a relatively slow and variable process. Thus, freezing cannot be relied upon substantially
to reduce bacterial contamination present in the product. Also, several psychrotrophic or-
ganisms can multiply at freezing temperatures. In practice, bacterial growth does not occur
at temperatures below — 10°C. This is probably due to the increasing concentration of soluble
salts and organic compounds in the unfrozen water that lowers its water activity. In this
respect, the lower process temperatures employed during freezing concentration are definite
advantages as compared to processes carried out at ambient temperatures (such as reverse
Volume 20, Issue 3 233
Table 20
Product Microorganism(s)
The primary sources of microbial contamination of fruit juices includes use of poor quality
raw materials and improper sanitary conditions. Inadequate processing and subsequent han-
dling may also contribute to microbial spoilage of the final product. Oftentimes, unpas-
teurized cutback juices are added to concentrates prepared by vacuum evaporation processes
to enhance their aroma profile. This may also become a potential source of microbial
contamination of the final product.
As would be expected, microbial count varies with the type of fruit juice. The different
types of microorganisms associated with selected fruits and their products are summarized
in Table 20. This table is not intended as a complete listing of microorganisms that are
involved in the spoilage of fruit and fruit products; nonetheless, it indicates the tremendous
heterogeneity involved in the microflora associated with these products.
Since fruits and fruit products contain appreciable amounts of sugars as well as high
acidity, microorganisms which tolerate these conditions may survive in such products. The
majority of lactic acid bacteria isolated from fruit juices are heterofermentative, producing
lactic acid, propionic acid, acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, and carbon dioxide.47 In addition to
lactic bacteria, Acetobacter (acetic acid producing) and Clostridia species (butyric acid
producing) may also be involved in the microbial spoilage of fruit juices.
D. Role of Oxygen
Fruits usually maintain low redox potentials. Aeration during extraction of juices, however,
may increase their redox potential. This increase in redox potential favors the growth of
aerobic microorganisms, especially yeasts. The presence of oxygen may also cause oxidation
of vitamin C and off-color and off-flavor developments due to oxidative changes in certain
234 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Table 21
pigments and flavoring compounds.86 Proper control of aeration is, therefore, necessary
during processing of fruit juices.
Table 22
Apple 63 8 12 16 6
Cherry 69 58 44 26 37
Peach 56 35 27 20
Note; Measured changes in all peaks that were large enough to integrate.
Table 23
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Concentration method
Table 24
Ethyl alcohol 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.06 0.08 0.16
Propyl alcohol 1.50 1.08 0.36 0.30 0.30 0.26
Butyl alcohol 0.32 0.32 0.24 0.20 0.24 0.20
Pentyl alcohol 0.72 0.56 0.36 0.08 0.16 0.16
n-Hexanal 0.32 0.32 0.20 0.14 0.32 0.26
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The viability of any process is ultimately determined by the cost of the final product.
Although cost considerations are of prime importance, it is difficult to obtain authoritative
data on this subject. Among the difficulties involved, Karel51 cites the dependence of cost
on a large number of variables: feed concentration, product concentration and maximum
tolerance temperature, and the specific requirements of each process for sanitation, quality,
equipment, and inspection.
Crude estimates for preliminary analyses in designing a freeze concentration system can
be obtained in a number of ways. Probably the simplest system is to use a model binary
system that simulates many of the product characteristics. Solution properties of electrolytes
in water can be predicted by their colligative properties. Using similar data, the temperature-
solubility behavior can be theoretically calculated to near accuracy to predict both temper-
atures and eutectic compositions for most binary systems. Computer programs may be used
to generate the required data. Finally, it is essential to carry out actual laboratory analyses
with real (test) solutions prior to making final decisions. Once the basic data are gathered,
a process can be formulated to achieve the desired goal. Heist45 has summarized the gen-
eralizations for developing a freeze separation system for the chemical industry as follows:
1. Determine the total recovery and at what point during freezing it is economical. Simple
processes can be devised if sufficient recovery could be obtained before the eutectic
point of the system is reached. Multistage systems are more economical for eutectic
separations. The crystal separation should be as nearly ideal as possible, such that the
product-rich stream can be recycled for purification and the unwanted material removed
from the system.
2. If the final crystallization stage is more than 40°F lower than the initial freezing
temperature, then the use of a second-stage crystallization designed to carry half of
Volume 20, Issue 3 237
Table 25
Diffusion- Reverse
Compound Control membrane Osmosis osmosis Powder
Ethyl alcohol 0.32 0.30 0.14 0.04 0.08
Hexyl alcohol 1.12 0.12 0.05 0.05 0.07
Benzyl alcohol 1.31 1.02 0.72 0.33 0.18
Acetaldehyde 0.46 0.42 0.34 0.10 0.16
Benzaldehyde 1.28 1.26 0.75 0.52 0.49
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
the freezing heat load is economical due to savings in energy consumption. For small
systems (<500,000 Btu/hr freezer heat load), a single-stage process is most economical.
3. Based on energy requirements, the three-stage systems, unless very large (>25 x 106
Btu/hr freezer heat load), are not economical. These, however, may be used for binary
systems, where a second eutectic point is reached, and it is desirable to separate the
second and third crystals. The addition of a third stage facilitates the production of
the second crystal in stage two independently of the third which are produced only in
stage three.
4. Freezing cycles utilizing the nonscraped surface devices are more economical than
ones using the scraped surface equipment, both from energy and capital investment
points of view.
5. For solid solutions, multistage freeze fractional crystallization processes are better
suited, unless the solid solution concentration of impurities is low enough so as not
to pose major problems during processing.
With slight modifications, a similar approach may be used for formulating a freeze
concentration process for food liquids.
The economics of freeze concentration processes as applied to different food products
have been discussed by several researchers.4-32'4564-66-72-8991'106-'07 In this section, the energy
requirements of freeze concentration process and how the savings are affected will be
238 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Table 26
Methyl alcohol 0.52 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.40 0.40
Ethyl alcohol 13.76 3.56 1.68 9.44 2.52 —
1-Propyl alcohol 1.28 1.04 0.82 0.76 0.92 1.06
2-Methyl-l-propyl 1.16 0.94 1.12 0.86 1.16 0.92
1-Butyl alcohol 0.50 0.28 0.12 0.64 0.22 0.14
1-Hexyl alcohol 2.80 2.26 0.30 0.76 0.68 —
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Acetaldehyde 0.64 0.52 0.16 0.12 0.20 0.12
Furfuraldehyde 11.12 6.88 5.20 1.44 3.66 4.88
Benzaldehyde 26.88 26.00 22.72 8.00 — 10.64
Methyl acetate 0.02 0.01 0.01 — 0.02 —
Ethyl acetate 1.08 0.32 0.68 0.60 0.44 0.72
Acetone + isobutyral- 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01
A. Energy Requirements
The energy requirements for a freeze concentration process can be broadly divided into
two groups: the process heat loads and those required for other drives such as scraping,
pumping, and mechanical agitation, which add energy, ultimately in the form of heat. The
process heat loads on the freezers consist of the heat of fusion of the crystallized material,
and the sensible heat loads in precooling the process fluid. The ambient heat loads also have
to be removed by the refrigeration systems. The energy requirements of freeze concentration
processes also vary considerably with the process design, i.e., depending upon whether a
single- or multistage design is used. As a general rule, the energy consumption for direct-
contact processes, and for nonscraped heat exchangers, is much lower than that for their
counterpart designs.
Van Pelt107 suggests the concept of "relative energy costs" to calculate energy con-
sumption for different dewatering systems. It may eliminate the differences in fuel prices,
national currencies, and electricity from different sources, existing in different parts of the
world. The concept is based on a ratio as follows:
Based on this concept, Van Pelt107 has calculated the relative energy costs for several
dewatering systems. The data are summarized in Table 27. The energy consumption is
Volume 20, Issue 3 239
Table 27
Rea1 energy
consumption Relative energy costs
kWh/ton kg steam/ton
water water R = 100 R = 200 R = 300 R = 400
Dewatering process removal removal
Effect; 4 1100 1.14 1.12 1.11 1.11
With jet pump 4 550 0.59 0.57 0.56 0.56
With mechanical compression 46 — 0.46 0.25 0.15 0.12
Effect; 6 550 0.61 0.58 0.57 0.57
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
greatly influenced by the design for both evaporation and freeze concentration systems. The
relative energy costs are much lower for freeze concentration and reverse osmosis as com-
pared to evaporation processes, since the first two can be operated on a cheaper electrical
energy source.
In a similar study, Van Pelt107 also compared energy requirements for three freeze con-
centration plants designed and developed by Grenco Special Applications, b.v., both on small
and large scale. The characteristics of these plants are summarized in Table 28. In both
cases, the heat of melting the ice crystals was used to partly condense the hot gases of the
refrigerating compressor. The water removal capacity of the three-stage cocurrent plants, as
compared to the single-stage plants, was increased by using an extra wash column in the
first stage and by doubling the amount of scraped surface heat exchangers in the first stage.
Similarly, the amount of scraped surface heat exchangers in the second stage was also
increased by 50%. The energy consumption of these designs per ton of water removed, in
concentrating an aqueous solution from 10 to 50% by weight, is shown in Figure 28. The
multistage processes for both the GFC-W33 and GFC-W60 designs were found to be much
more economical as compared to the single-stage processes. The energy requirements were
lowered by as much as 34 to 40% for multistage cocurrent and by 44 to 50% for multistage
countercurrent processes as compared to the single-stage designs. Almasi and Perjes4 also
reported a 35% savings in power consumption by using a three-stage freezing process to
240 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Table 28
Water removal
Grenco capacity
design Type (kg/hr)
a Single stage • 830
b Three-stage cocurrent 7,000
c Three-stage countercurrent 12,000
a Single stage 250
b Three-stage cocurrent 2,100
c Three-stage countercurrent 3,600
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
produce a 60% juice concentrate, as compared to single-stage freezing process. The selection
of an ideal design, therefore, is an important factor which determines the overall energy
requirements and thus the economics of the process.
In addition to basic process design, several process parameters also influence the energy
consumption. Since reduced energy consumption provides economic incentive for the proc-
ess, anything that affects energy requirements becomes an important factor in the evaluation
of the process. Some of the factors that affect power consumption include the initial and
the freezing temperature of the "feed, cooling water temperature, the heat of fusion and the
melting temperature of the crystals, and the heat capacity ratio (Cp/Cv) of the refrigerant.45
Utilizing the latent heat of melting of ice crystals, which is removed during freezing, to
cool some of the process streams considerably reduces energy requirements.
Almasi and Perjes4 studied the power requirements of a freeze concentration process
utilizing the latent heat of melting ice crystals removed during freezing. Since the heat-
absorbing capacity of the ice may be limited, three factors were investigated to study the
energy efficiency of the process. These included precooling of the feed, subcooling the
refrigerant, and cooling the condenser. The energy savings were effected by reducing the
power requirement of the compressor and by reducing the cooling water requirements of
the condenser.
The energy savings were greatly influenced by the method of utilizing the latent heat of
melting of ice. A 7% savings in power requirements of the compressor was achieved when
the entering juice, at 8°C, was cooled to 0°C by the separated ice, compared to when the
feed juice, at 8°C, was fed directly to freezer. The savings were doubled when the entering
juice was at a temperature of 20°C. On the other hand, when the refrigerant was subcooled
with the ice from an initial 8 to 0°C, the savings amounted to only 5 to 8%, as against when
no subcooling was applied. However, when the incoming refrigerant at 20°C was subcooled
to 0°C, as much as 20% energy savings was effected. Based on their results, Almasi and
Perjes4 suggested that the ice may be best utilized during the subcooling of the refrigerant
and that only the residual ice be utilized for precooling of the juice, whenever it is extracted
at room or higher temperatures. Further, about 6% cooling water may be saved, if the melted
ice is recirculated as cooling water for the condenser. Thus, concentration by freezing not
only requires less energy per ton of water removed as compared to the thermal evaporation
processes, but also considerable savings could be achieved by adopting a proper process
design, redesigning the process flows if required, and by utilizing the latent heat of melting
of the separated ice.
Volume 20, Issue 3 241
•t—' O
c E 200
0 0
0 0
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0 ° 100
111 1 -
400 500 600 700 800
Table 29
AND 220 DAYS89
$/1000 kg water
60 220
Process Specification days days
the reverse osmosis installation, and the freeze concentrator were assumed to be 10 years
and the interest estimated at 10% over the nondepreciated capital. The other assumptions
included the costs of steam, cooling water, and electricity, which were estimated at $2.75/
1000 kg, $0.03/m3, and 0.017/kWh, respectively. The data are summarized in Table 29.
The capital costs for a typical freeze concentration plant were almost double that of a
two-stage, long-tube evaporator with rectification tower. The costs of concentration were
about the same for evaporation and freeze concentration. The higher investment costs for
freeze concentration are partially offset by savings on energy costs. From the data it appears
that reverse osmosis is a competitive process for installations with year-round operation.
The cost of concentration for a reverse osmosis process with a capacity of water removal
of 4 gal/ft2/day is almost half that of evaporation and freeze concentration processes.
Such cost analyses, however, must be considered with respect to the quality of the
concentrate obtained by each of these processes. In freezing concentration, the original
quality of the juice is retained almost quantitatively, thus yielding a superior quality product.
In evaporation processes, thermal decomposition of the product can never be fully avoided.
Even the aroma recovery systems operate at only 50% efficiency.91 Therefore, the original
quality of the juice is never fully restored. On the other hand, commercially available
membranes of acceptable permeabilities are not very selective for the retention of low
molecular weight aroma volatiles. Reverse osmosis, therefore, can be a very promising
dewatering system for liquid foods, such as milk, whose quality is hardly determined by
their volatile constituents.
Even in the dairy industry, freeze concentration can compete with membrane separation
processes, since it can be operated in an absorption cycle using waste heat as low as 130
to 140°F. Moreover, it has the added benefit of being a single-step separation process. For
example, during ultrafiltration of cheese whey, soluble sugars and other low molecular
weight compounds are still lost to the permeate, and require another unit operation if they
are to be recovered. Separation by reverse osmosis of cheese whey, on the other hand, may
not be economical due to high osmolality of cheese whey. The high concentration of proteins
may also cause process problems such as fouling of the membranes.
Volume 20, Issue 3 243
Table 30
Freeze concentration
Membrane separation processes, however, are still economically attractive for the con-
centration of cheese whey. In theory, these processes should be more energy-efficient (since
no change in phase of the solvent is required for dewatering), and the process is quite simple,
requiring only the pumping of liquid over the appropriate membrane surface. In addition,
reverse osmosis will produce very high quality water as the permeate. We have estimated
the operating energy requirements for ultrafiltration of whey to be of the order of 6 x 102
to 5 x 104 kJ/m3 of water removed, or 0.07 to 7 kWh/1000 lb of water removed depending
on the .type of equipment.533 Another estimate for ultrafiltration is about 0.1 to 1.0 hp/hr/
1000 gal of permeate, equivalent to about 0.009 to 0.09 kWh/1000 lb water removed.26
Reverse osmosis, due to the generally lower flux, can be expected to consume about ten
times these amounts, which still makes it less energy consuming than freeze concentration.
Reverse osmosis, however, has several limitations. The maximum solids limit for con-
centrating whey is currently about 18 to 25% total solids. This is due to the high osmotic
pressures developed at the higher concentrations, leading to a dramatic drop in flux or
dewatering rates. Fouling of the membrane by the solids is also a problem and frequent
cleaning is necessary. Also, considerable losses of organic aroma compounds in fruit juices
by permeation through the membrane have been reported.
Davis32 has compared the costs of concentration of cheese whey by thermal evaporation
and freeze crystallization. The comparison included freezing processes using both electric
power and waste heat. The basis was a whey plant concentrating I million lb of raw whey
(containing 6% dissolved solids) per day to a concentration of 45%. The operating conditions
assumed were 20 hr/day and 300 days/year with steam costs as $4.00/106 Btu and electricity
at $0.03/kWh. A typical multieffect evaporator was assumed to use 318 Btu/lb water re-
moved, and an all electric freeze concentration process utilizing 50 kWh/1000 gal of pure
water output. For the waste heat design of the freeze concentration process, the waste heat
was assumed to have no economic value and that an additional 20 kWh/1000 gal of pure
water output was required. The data are summarized in Table 30. The calculations indicated
considerable energy and dollar savings if the freezing process was to be employed. The total
energy costs for a typical freeze separation process were only 14% of those for a thermal
evaporation process. Even these costs could be lowered by more than half by utilizing the
waste heat available within the plant for the freezing process. Thus, savings for over $300,000/
year could be achieved by using the freezing process for the concentration of cheese whey.
With the predicted increase in energy costs in the near future, these savings may become
even greater.
244 CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
The effects of freeze concentration of coffee extract, prior to its freeze drying, on the
economics of production of freeze-dried coffee were reported by Muller.6466 The capacity
of a given size of freeze dryer can be increased by lowering the water concentration in the
feed to the dryer.22 Freeze concentration is less expensive than freeze drying per pound of
water removed. The total amount of heat which must be added to the freeze dryer may be
reduced by reducing the water removal load through freeze concentration. Therefore, freeze
concentration followed by freeze drying is an economically attractive method of producing
a high-quality dry-powdered product from an aqueous liquid.
The most popular method of fruit utilization in the U.S. is in the form of frozen fruit
juice concentrates. The major reasons cited for their popularity include reduction in bulk,
cheaper storage and transportation, consumer convenience, and premium economic returns.
Concentration of aqueous foods is a major unit operation in the food industry. Commercially
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 15:34 29 March 2015
available processes for the concentration of liquid foods include evaporation, freeze con-
centration, reverse osmosis, and ultrafiltration.
Evaporation is still considered the best developed and economically the most favorable
technique for the concentration of fruit juices. In spite of the thermal instability of the juices,
evaporation well above 30°C, together with distillation as an aroma recovery system, can
be applied without any detectable harmful effects on juice quality, provided other process
parameters are carefully monitored. Even the best of the aroma recovery systems, however,
are not 100% efficient in recovering the delicate flavors. Consequently, there is always
someloss of quality, particularly in case of fruit juices with very delicate flavors, coffee,
tea, and alcoholic beverages. Higher energy requirement is yet another serious drawback of
concentration by evaporation.
Freezing is an energy-efficient process that can concentrate food liquids containing volatile
aromas without any appreciable loss of quality. In the past, the process, however, was
seldom used because of the high investment cost, and the considerable loss of concentrate
in the withdrawn ice. Recent technological developments have minimized these two draw-
backs associated with the earlier freeze concentration processes.
A major advantage of concentration by freezing is that the entire process could be operated
solely on electrical energy. The process also provides great flexibility in terms of products
processed, as well as expansion capabilities without any major alterations in the basic process
design. Also, on a long-term basis, the higher investment costs are overcome by savings in
energy consumption and utilization.
Concentration by phase change of water as in evaporation and freeze concentration proc-
esses, however, requires much energy, and thus it is costly compared to membrane separation
processes such as reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration, where concentration does not involve
a phase change of water. However, commercially available membranes of acceptable perme-
abilities are not very selective for the retention of low molecular weight aroma volatiles.
Similarly, certain nutritive factors such as vitamins and soluble sugars may be lost to permeate
during concentration by membrane processes. A serious drawback of membrane separation
processes is that as the degree of concentration increases, the overriding pressure required
has to be increased proportionately such that the slurry remains pumpable. A higher pressure
in turn can result in the rupturing of membranes. The fouling of membranes by the adsorption
of soluble solids on the inner surface of the membranes also lowers the effectiveness of
these processes. Ultrafiltration has been tried as an intermediate treatment step for juice
concentration, but it cannot be used independently to concentrate fruit juices to an acceptable
degree economically. Nonetheless, reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration are seen as attractive
and very competitive techniques for dewatering of liquid foods, such as milk and whey,
Volume 20, Issue 3 245
whose quality is hardly determined by their volatile constituents. However, even in these
areas, there is a need to develop porous membranes of sufficiently high selectivity and
capacity and with a reasonable lifetime.
In the coming decade, freeze concentration is seen as a potentially attractive method for
the concentration of aroma-rich liquid floods. In the manufacture of freeze-dried fruit juices,
coffee, and instant tea, partial concentration by freezing prior to freeze drying can consid-
erably lower the process costs. Therefore, freeze concentration followed by freeze drying
is an economic method for producing high-quality dry-powdered products from aqueous
liquids. It could also find wide uses in pharmaceutical industry in concentrating chemicals
that are heat labile, such as enzyme preparations. In the chemical industry, freezing can be
used for the concentration and/or selective crystallization of corrosive inorganic and organic
chemicals. Some uses are also foreseen in the area of waste utilization and disposal.
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