Speakout Intermediate, 2nd. BBC Interviews-Worksheets

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Do you have anything in common with the people and their families?

2 Read the text about Pasha. Then watch the video from 0:11–0:26 and underline the words you hear.
Hello. My name is Pasha. I work 1in/for the Pasha
BBC and I do a lot of DJing in my 2free/spare
time. Originally, I 3come/am from Moscow, but
most of my family 4live/lives in New York now.
Today I’m 5speaking/talking to people about
their 6families/relatives. Tell me about
your family.

Glossary: DJ = disc jockey

DJing = being a DJ

3 Read the places and nationalities below. Then watch the video from 0:28–3:26 and number the words in the order
you hear them. THREE words are said twice.
Brighton _____ 2 + _____
England (x2) _____
Toronto _____ Mexican _____
Ireland _____ the north west of England _____
Canada (x2) _____ + _____ Northern Ireland _____
London _____ Mexico _____
Belfast _____ Scottish (x2) _____ + _____
Irish _____ southwest Scotland _____

4 Tell me about your family. Look at pictures A–F and watch the video from 0:28–1:35. Match statements 1–6 to the
correct people.

Tracey Brogan Paul Elizabeth Nicholas Michael

1 Who lives near his parents?

2 Whose parents have lived in England for 25 years?
3 Who has six younger brothers and sisters? A
4 Whose father passed away 20 years ago?
5 Who has a very good relationship with her sister?
6 Who gets on very well with her brothers?

Glossary: passaway = die

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5 In what ways are you like your parents or siblings? Look at the people and read the statements about them.
Then watch the video from 1:36–2:38 and write true (T) or false (F) next to each statement.

Glossary: siblings = brothers and sisters

Tracey Paul Brogan

1 Tracey is taller than her 3 Paul’s very much like 5 Brogan’s thinner than
mother. _____ F his sister. _____ her sister. _____
2 Tracey looks and behaves 4 He thinks he’s 6 Her mother’s more reserved
like her mother. _____ conscientious. _____ than her father. _____

Nicholas Elizabeth

7 Nicholas is passionate like 9 Elizabeth’s different from

his father. _____ her brothers. _____
8 Nicholas is passionate like 10 Her brothers are similar
his mother. _____ to their dad. _____

Glossary: conscientious = careful to do the things that need doing

reserved = don’t like to talk about or show emotions and feelings
passionate = show strong feelings, e.g. love, anger

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6 What do you know about your family history? Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch the video
from 2:40–3:27 and delete the wrong words.

Brogan Paul

1 My name’s Brogan, and it’s supposed to come from/be 2 My family history goes quite, quite a long way back on
Scottish or Irish, but I have no idea where it’s really my mother’s/father’s side.
of/from. 3 … she and her twin sister/brother were adopted and
we’ve only managed to go back one generation to the
northwest of England.

Michael Tracey

4 I actually started to retrace my family history/roots last 6 I don’t know very much of/about my family history but
year, so I went to Northern Ireland, to Belfast … I’d like to look into it in the/– future.
5 Found the house that my great-grandfather built/lived in
and where my grandfather was born/born.

Glossary: adopted = legally make someone else’s child your own

generation = people of about the same age
retrace = find out about
look into = find out the truth about something

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people in the pictures describe and compare members of their family. Watch the video
from 1:38–2:22 and complete what they say.

Tracey Paul Brogan

I look a lot like my mum: we have, like,

I _____________ think I’m very much
Um, I look _____________ a lot like

the same height and build and face like my sister; I think she’s very my sister. But she’s 10_____________
structure. And, I 2_____________ I have different 6_____________ me. I think a younger version of me. And she’s
the same traits _____________ her.
I’m similar _____________ my father:
thinner. And then, my mum, she’s a
We, sort of, have a very _____________
we _____________ have a
8 11
_____________ more reserved, so
personality in the way we think about mathematical, ‘science type’ mind… she’s very organised and my dad is
things, the way we express ourselves. 12
_____________ louder, a lot more

Glossary: we have, like, the same height = a slang word with no real meaning that is used a lot in spoken English,
esp. by young people. It gives the speaker time to pause and think
build = body shape and size
sort of = when what you say is partly, but perhaps not exactly, true
trait = characteristic
enthusiastic = get excited about things

8 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 What’s your family like?
2 In what ways are you like your parents or siblings?
3 What do you know about your family history? Would you like to find out more?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which opinions do you most agree with?

2 Read and complete the text with the prepositions from the box. Val
Then watch the video from 0:11–0:29 and check your answers.

in (x2) about (x2) of (x2) for (x2) from

Hi, I’m Val and I work 1for the BBC here 2_______ London. I read a
lot 3_______ news stories 4_______ my job and I get my news
_______ lots 6_______ different sources. Today, I’m going to be
asking people 7_______ the media and 8_______ truth. How do you
find out what’s happening 9_______ the world?

Glossary: source = the place something comes from

the media = TV, radio and newspapers

3 How do you find out what’s happening in the world? Look at the people and the responses in the table below.
Then watch the video from 0:25–1:07 and tick (✓) the responses the speakers give.

Mairi Adrian Joanne Dorra Binisa John

TV ✓
the radio
the newspapers
other people
the internet
news programmes

4 Do you always believe what you see or read in the news? Look at the people and read the opinions below. Then watch
the video from 1:08-2:06 and match the opinions to the people. There is ONE extra answer that you do not need.

Mairi Adrian Joanne Tamara John

Who …
1 thinks it’s important to distinguish between fact and opinion?
2 doesn’t always believe that news sources are being honest? A
3 oen finds that news headlines are quite misleading?
4 doesn’t ever believe what she reads in the news?
5 thinks health stories in the news are very honest?
6 thinks it’s a risk to believe everything you see and hear on television?

Glossary: to distinguish = recognise or understand the difference

misleading = give incorrect information

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5 When is it OK to tell a lie? Read the possible answers, a and b, for each person. Then watch the video from 2:07–2:44
and tick (✓) which is true.

Joanne Dorra

1a) It’s OK to lie sometimes to protect yourself. 2a) You don’t want to tell the truth to a kid and scare them.
b) It’s OK to lie sometimes to protect another person’s b) You should tell lies to a kid to scare them.
feelings. ✓ 3a) There are some lies that are nasty.
b) There are some lies that are necessary.

John Binisa

4a) In general, telling lies destroys relationships. 6a) It’s OK to tell lies when it doesn’t harm anyone.
b) In general, telling white lies destroys your relations. b) It’s not OK to tell lies even when it doesn’t harm anyone.
5a) He’s always honest about his wife’s new clothes.
b) He’s not always honest about his wife’s new clothes.

Glossary: a kid = a child (slang)

to scare = to frighten
to destroy = damage something very badly
to harm = to damage or hurt somebody

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6 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Do you always believe what you see or read in the news? Read Tamara and John’s views below.
Then watch the video from 1:39–2:06 and complete what they say.

Tamara John

I come from Africa so I don’t because depending

I work as a doctor and I _____________ that quite a lot of

_____________ what the news is, sometimes it the health stories, which are very big in 8_____________
_____________ be a little 4_____________ biased, media and oen get headline-grabbing attention, turn out
sometimes it can be tinged with self-interest. So no, to be actually not. They’re oen 9_____________ misleading,
I 5_____________. I don’t believe 6_____________ I read. so I 10_____________ I’m a fairly critical consumer.

7 Tell me about a time you told a lie. Look at the people and read the two summaries of their responses, a and b.
Then watch the video from 2:45–3:28 and decide which summary is correct for each person.

1a) Tamara’s husband cooked a meal that she didn’t like, but she told him she liked it
because he’d made an effort to do it and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
b) Tamara’s husband cooked a salty meal for her one evening, but she told him she
liked it and she ate it all even though she had already eaten dinner at a restaurant.


2a) When Joanne’s late for a class or a meeting at university, she usually tells her tutor
that she should have le home earlier.
b) When Joanne’s late for a class or a meeting at university, she sometimes blames
the transport.


3a) When Adrian was in China, he said the food was delicious, but it was to his
detriment because it made him feel unwell.
b) When Adrian was in China, he said the food was delicious even though it wasn’t.
He was sorry later because they gave him even more food to eat.


Glossary: make an effort = try very hard

detrimental = not good for you
delayed = late

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8 VOCABULARY: Find the words in italics in Exercise 6 and match them to the definitions.
1 show a small amount of tinged
2 designed to attract your attention _____________
3 a person who buys products and services and says what is bad or wrong about them _____________
4 preferring one thing rather than another in an unfair way _____________
5 happen in a certain way that you oen don’t expect _____________
6 wanting what is best for you, not for others _____________

9 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 How do you find out what’s happening in the world?
2 Do you always believe what you see or read in the news? Why/Why not?
3 Do you agree with what the people in the podcasts say about telling lies?
4 Have you ever told a lie that you feel bad about?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Do you agree with any of the opinions you hear?

2 Watch the video from 0:11–0:29 and complete Pasha’s introduction.

Hi. I have too 1many friends to stay in touch Pasha
_____________ phone, so I use a lot of
_____________ networking sites instead.
Today I’m finding 4_____________ how people
feel about 5_____________ communication.
How do you like to stay in touch
_____________ your friends?

Glossary: stay in touch = regularly speak with or write to

3 How do you like to stay in touch with your friends? Watch the video from 0:26–1:16 and tick (✓) the answers in the
box each time you hear them.

email(s) mobile phone/phone/phone calls face-to-face contact

letters have dinner postcards ✓ text messages

Glossary: face-to-face = physically be with a person/people

4 Has modern communication helped us to communicate better? Look at the people in the pictures and read the
statements below. Then watch the video from 1:17–2:37 again and write true (T) or (F) next to each statement.

Sarah Samuel Richard Geraldine Josephine Jasmin

1 Sarah thinks modern technology helps us to be more honest and open. _____
2 Samuel says that we can contact people instantaneously with mobile phones. _____
3 Richard is a technophobe but likes using social networking sites. _____
4 Geraldine thinks that, despite modern technology, it’s still necessary to speak to people directly. _____
5 Josephine says that although we can communicate remotely very successfully, a lot of people still feel isolated. _____
6 Jasmin thinks that communication is worse because people don’t speak to each other face-to-face so much. _____

Glossary: instantaneously = immediately/quickly and easily

technophobe = a person who doesn’t like machines/technology
communicate remotely = via computers/text messages etc
isolated = far away from other people/alone

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5 What kinds of problems can modern communication cause? Look at the people and read their answers. Then watch
the video from 2:38–3:27 and match the six answers to the correct people.

Fay Jasmin Richard Sarah

1 It’s possible to make serious spelling mistakes in emails if you don’t pay close attention.
2 A lot of problems can be caused by modern communication. A
3 It can be hard for people to express themselves clearly, so the person who receives the
email might misunderstand the message.
4 People oen send emails to the wrong people.
5 She typed her name wrongly and signed an important email with the word Satan.
6 She has problems organising her emails and oen sends the wrong work to her teachers.

Glossary: misunderstand = not understand correctly

Satan = the Devil

6 THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people in the pictures use some common words and phrases when they answer Pasha’s
questions. Watch the video from 0:26–2:37 and complete what they say.

We do a kind of ‘round robin’, you know, we each 1take turns to cook for each other.
It’s 2_____________ us more options. I’m a bit of a technophobe though. I don’t use
social networking sites, I haven’t got on the whole, kind of, Twitter bandwagon: so I know
that that’s there for me to use if I wanted to, but I tend 3_____________ to bother.

Well, I 4_____________ to use an awful lot of postcards and letters, but of course that’s
now email.
In theory, it 5_____________ be better, but in practice, sometimes you just have to
speak to somebody on the phone.

My phone. My phone is my lifeline. Use it 6_____________ everything. I hate computers.

No. I think it’s probably made it a lot 7_____________ as people don’t talk face-to-face
as much and they just rely on ‘text speak’ and things, and points don’t get put across as
well if you’re 8_____________ speaking face-to-face.


Glossary: options = choices

tend not to = usually don’t
bother = make the effort
rely on = depend on;
‘text-speak’ = the abbreviated language used in text messages

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7 VOCABULARY: Complete the sentences using the words and phrases in italics from Exercise 6.
1 In theory, he’s the right man for the job, but _____________, he’s no good at managing people.
2 Charity organisations are a _____________ for millions of people all over the world.
3 I don’t like this music very much. It’s very loud, and well, _____________ boring.
4 Fred’s got on the whole recycling _____________ recently. He won’t let me throw even a yoghurt carton away!
5 An _____________ people have given up smoking in the last few years.
6 Experts are saying that young people won’t be able to _____________ their ideas very well in the future
because of they use text-speak too much.
7 A tagine is _____________ Moroccan stew, made with meat and vegetables.

Glossary: a kind of = a type of

kind of = used when you pause to think of how to describe something but can’t do it exactly

8 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 How do you keep in touch with your friends?
2 Has modern communication helped us to communicate better?
3 Have you had similar problems with modern communications as the speakers? What’s the worst problem you’ve had?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. What dreams or ambitions do you have in common with the speakers?

2 Read the questions about Val and watch the video from 0:10–0:28. Circle the correct answers.
1 What does Val do? Val
She’s a) a musician at the BBC. b) a producer at the BBC.
2 Is it her dream job?
a) Yes. b) No.
3 What’s she always wanted to do?
She’s always wanted to be
a) in a successful band. b) the best producer at the BBC.
4 What’s she going to talk to people about today?
a) Their dreams. b) Dream jobs.

3 What do you do? Check you know the meaning of the jobs in the box. Then watch the video from 0:28–0:55 and
number the jobs in the order you hear them. There are SIX extra jobs.

a teacher _____
1 a history and math teacher _____ a vet _____ a Salvation Army minister _____
a student nurse _____ a footballer _____ a cellist _____ an architectural technologist _____
a solicitor _____ a guitarist _____ a stand-up comedian _____ a brass instrument repairer _____
a student _____ a paediatrician _____

Glossary: maths vs math = British and American English variations

Salvation Army = worldwide Christian church and charity which provides social care
minister = a religious (or political ) leader
cellist = someone who plays the cello
architectural technologist = provides design services to architects
solicitor = a lawyer

4 What did you dream of doing, or being, when you were younger? Look at the people in the photos and read the jobs
in the box in Exercise 3 again. Then watch the video from 0:57–2:12 and write the correct dream jobs in spaces 1–6.
The speakers sometimes mention TWO jobs.

Susan Paul Philippe

1 I wanted to be a teacher. 2 I wanted to be _____________. 3 I wanted to be _____________.

Elizabeth Fawn Luke

4 I wanted to be _____________. 5 I wanted to be _____________. 6 I wanted to be _____________.

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5 Practise saying all of the jobs in Exercise 3 aloud. Watch the video again from 0:28–2:12 to help you.

6 Is your job a dream job? Are you ambitious? Look at the people and read the possible answers. Then watch the
second half of the video from 2:13–3:31 and tick (✓) the correct answers.

Susan Philippe

1 Susan has a dream job because … 1 It’s a dream for Philippe to work in the music industry
a) there’s a lot of variety. ✓ because …
b) it’s different. a) his father is a professional musician.
2 She isn’t as ambitious in her job as she used to be b) it will help him achieve his overall dream to
because she’s more interested in … be a professional cellist.
a) working on her own art.
b) helping other people with their art.

Fawn Phil

1 Nursing is Fawn’s dream job because she … 1 Phil thinks he has a dream job because …
a) likes hard work. a) nobody tells him what to do.
b) gets a lot of job satisfaction. b) he can be creative and do what he likes best.
2 She wants to get quite high up in her job and … 2 He’s ambitious in his job and likes to …
a) earn a good salary. a) be able to make his own decisions
b) move house. b) do a lot of different things.

Glossary: achieve your overall dream = succeed in making your whole dream come true
get high up in a job = get promoted to a good position

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people in the pictures talk about their childhood dreams. Read and complete what you
think they say with the words from the box. Then watch the video from 0:57–2:12 and check your answers.

what when enough performing finally get as starting of later on

I wanted to be a footballer. That’s 1what I wanted to do. I wanted to play for Liverpool
or Arsenal, and I was quite good, but not good 2_____________.


_____________ I was a child, I dreamt 4_____________ being a professional cellist
and 5_____________ to whatever audience I could, within orchestras or on my own
as a soloist.


_____________ a child, I used to play a lot of guitar. So, I dreamt of becoming,
_____________ a band, and becoming a world-famous guitarist.


When I was younger, I loved sports and I envisioned some kind of a career in sports –
professionally, perhaps. 8_____________, I was thinking of business, in the business
realm and 9_____________ I came away with serving people: that was my dream job
and I 10_____________ to do that through the Salvation Army.


Glossary: achieve your overall dream = succeed in making your whole dream come true
get high up in a job = get promoted to a good position

8 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 What do you do?
2 What did you dream of doing, or being, when you were younger?
3 Would you describe your job as a dream job? Why/Why not?
4 Are you ambitious? If so, in what way(s) are you ambitious?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which speaker is most similar to you?

2 Read Pasha’s introduction and underline the words in italics that you think he will say. Then watch the video from
0:10–0:29 and check your answers.
Hi. I 1’m/’m not a very practical person: I don’t like DIY or
fixing/solving problems with my bike. I do help my friends
to sort out their 3practical/emotional problems, though.
Today, 4I’m talking/I’ll talk to people about 5resolving/solving
problems. Would you describe 6you/yourself as a
practical person?

Glossary: DIY (Do it Yourself) = doing repairs/decorating your house etc. yourself rather than paying someone else to do it
fix = repair
sort out = deal with/solve

3 Would you describe yourself as a practical person? Watch the video from 0:29–1:06 and circle the speakers’
answers, 1–7.
1 Yes / With some things / Most of the time / No
2 Yes / With some things / Most of the time / No
3 Yes / With some things / Most of the time / No
4 Yes / With some things / Most of the time / No
5 Yes / With some things / Most of the time / No
6 Yes / With some things / Most of the time / No
7 Yes / With some things / Most of the time / No

4 What kinds of problems are you good/not so good at solving? Read the questions below. Then watch the video from
1:07–2:28 and underline the correct answers.
How many people …
1 are good at repairing machines that break down? One / Two
2 are good at solving interpersonal and emotional problems? One / Two
3 aren’t good at dealing with their own relationship problems? One / Two
4 aren’t good at solving problems with cars? One / Two

Glossary: interpersonal = relationships between people

emotional = related to people’s feelings
heal a disease = cure a serious illness

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5 Look at the people in the pictures and read their answers. Then watch the video again from 1:07–2:28 and
write true (T) or false (F) next to each answer.

Emily Sarah

1 Emily’s not very good at project managing. _____

F 1 Sarah’s husband always packs their luggage when
2 She’s good at solving other people’s problems. _____ they go on holiday. _____
2 She’s very good at helping people who want to
change jobs. _____

Jasmin Josephine

1 Jasmin’s good at solving problems relating 1 Josephine’s good at solving a wide variety
to people. _____ of problems. _____
2 She’s a psychologist. _____ 2 She’s very good at finding her way with a map. _____

6 If you could have one ‘super power’, what would it be and why? Look at the people and read their answers.
Then watch the video from 2:29–3:17 and match the speakers with the correct answers.

Richard Sarah Josephine Keith Jasmin Emily David

Who would like …

1 to know when people are telling the truth? A
2 to be able to become invisible?
3 not to make the same mistakes again?
4 to be able to do a lot of things at the same time?
5 to help people who are suffering?
6 to be able to make everybody into a nice person?
7 to know what is going to happen in the financial markets?

Glossary: invisible = you can’t see the person/thing

financial = related to money

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people below talk about what they are good at and the ‘super powers’ they would like
to have. Complete the phrases in italics with words from the box, using the definitions in brackets to help you.
Then watch the video to check your answers.

done stuff be do being because like know

Emily Richard Keith

1 Yeah, I do quite a lot of DIY around 1 I work for a charity, so I think 1 Anything 2to _______ with
the house – I’ve just done up
I’m quite ‘solutions-focussed’ and (related to) cars or machinery.
(decorated) my flat, so I’m quite I _______ to think (I believe this
2 I think it would be something to
‘hands-on’. but other people might not agree) do with 4_______ able to (having
2 The superpower I would love to have I’m practical. the ability to) predict the future of
at the moment is to _______ able
2 My own problems: financial markets.
to (have the ability to) do ten things you _______, (to introduce more

at the same time. information or examples)

That’s _______ (the reason for this relationships and problems at home
is) I’ve just had a baby so I’m always and, you know, 6the _______ (things
running around. in general) that you can’t avoid.

Glossary: ‘hands-on’ = do things yourself rather than talk about it, or ask someone else to do it
‘solutions-focussed’ = good at concentrating on finding solutions for problems

8 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 Would you describe yourself as a practical person?
2 What kinds of problems are you good at solving?
3 What kinds of problems are you not so good at solving?
4 If you could have one ‘super power’ what would it be and why?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which person do you have most in common with?

2 Read and complete the words in Pasha’s Pasha

introduction. Then watch the video from
0:10–0:21 and check your answers.
Hello. I’m 1_i n a really 2g _ _ _ mood today.
The 3s _ _ is out and that 4a _ _ _ _ _ brings
a 5s _ _ _ _ to my face. How are you
f _ _ _ _ _ _ today?

Glossary: in a good mood = feel happy; bring a smile to your face = make you smile

3 How are you feeling today? Check the meaning of any unknown words in the box in a dictionary. Then watch the
video from 0:21–1:06 and tick (✓) the answers you hear. What are the FOUR words or phrases that you don’t hear?

pretty good excited a good day worried really good really amazing stressed
well balanced and optimistic distressed quite happy and confident exhausted very happy, very relaxed

4 Look at the people below and read more about how they are feeling 1–6. Then watch the video from 0:21–1:06
again and match the feelings to the reasons a–g below. There is ONE extra reason that you do not need.

Dee Tracey Paul

1 Dee’s feeling stressed _____ 2 Tracey’s feeling excited because 3 Paul’s feeling happy and relaxed
she _____ because he _____

Charlie Mark Elizabeth

4 Charlie’s feeling well balanced and 5 Mark says it’s a good day because 6 Elizabeth’s feeling really good
confident because he _____ he _____ because _____

a) had a good start to the day.

b) it’s a beautiful day and she’s wandering around London.
c) due to a lot of work.
d) has come from New York to visit London.
e) they’re having a fun time.
f) and his wife are having a day off today.
g) is doing a documentary on film for a school project.

Glossary: due to = because of

to wander = walk slowly with no particular purpose
a day off = not go to work

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5 Would you describe yourself as an optimist or a pessimist? Watch the video from 1:09–2:06. Underline the correct
answer for each person.
1 optimist / pessimist / both 5 optimist / pessimist / both
2 optimist / pessimist / both 6 optimist / pessimist / both
3 optimist / pessimist / both 7 optimist / pessimist / both
4 optimist / pessimist / both

6 Look at the people in the pictures and read their answers. Then watch the video from 1:11–2:07 and tick (✓)
what they say.

1a) … it’s best to think what you can do and not what you could’ve done. ✓
b) … it’s best to do what you can and not what you could’ve done.


2a) I don’t expect bad, you know, disasters or to be let down in things.
b) I don’t expect bad, you know, disasters to happen or to be let down in things.


3a) I mean, I am pretty optimistic about my … myself.

b) I mean, I am an optimist about my … myself.


4a) Whenever I get in a tricky situation, I always get a bit frustrated at first …
b) Whenever I get in a tricky situation, I might get a bit frustrated at first …
5a) … but I always manage to pull myself through and think of the positives.
b) … but I always manage to pull myself through and think positive.

6a) I do tend to plan and cater for the worst case, but more oen than not, I’m then
happily surprised when things go well.
b) I tend to plan and cater for the worst case, but more oen than not, I’m happily
surprised when things go well.


Glossary: disaster = a very bad event

to let down = not do something you promised to do
whenever = every time
tricky = difficult
frustrated = angry or impatient because you can’t do what you want to do
tend to = be likely to do/oen do
cater = be prepared

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7 What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this year? Watch the video from 2:07–3:17 and cross out the incorrect
answer, a, b or c.

Paul Graham

1 The success of the business he opened … 2 The successes he’s had …

a) with his wife. a) in the garden.
b) in London. b) growing flowers.
c) last June. c) growing fruit.

Tracey Elizabeth

3 She went to Canada … 4 She got a job …

a) with her father. a) as a trainee solicitor.
b) two weeks ago. b) which she’s very excited about.
c) and saw lots of amazing sights. c) and it was easy to do.

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8 THE WAY WE SPEAK: Would you describe yourself as an optimist or a pessimist? Watch the video from 1:10–2:06 and
complete the responses.

Graham Charlie

1 I think I am an optimist. I think _____________ I look 2 I _____________ I swing between the two.
on the bright side. I _____________ I see the best I _____________, I am pretty optimistic about
in people. my … myself.

Paul Elizabeth

3 I _____________ myself to be more of a ‘functional 4 _____________ an optimist, but I _____________ be

pessimist’. realistic about things and then I’m not disappointed.

Glossary: look on the bright side = be optimistic/see the positive things

swing = move from one side to the other
‘functional pessimist’ = a person who plans for/expects bad things to happen

9 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 How are you feeling today? Why?
2 Would you describe yourself as an optimist, or a pessimist? Why?
3 What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this year?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Whose ideas and opinions are similar to yours?

2 Read Val’s introduction and underline the correct words in italics. Then watch the video from 0:10–0:34
and check your answers.
Hi. There are a lot of things that I 1like/’d like to do that I 2’d/’ve never
done before. I’m not really a dare-devil, 3so/then things like bungee
jumping are not really my cup of tea 4but/because I do know that
trying new things 5makes/make you feel good. Today, I’m going to
talk to people about 6trying/making new things and achievement.
How do you feel about trying new things?

Glossary: daredevil = likes doing dangerous things

not my cup of tea = not the kind of thing I like

3 How do you feel about trying new things? Look at the people in the pictures and read their responses. Then watch the
video from 0:34–1:07 and match the people to the responses. There are TWO answers for two of the speakers.

Paul Phil Elizabeth Elin Luke

1 I’m always up for new things. I love travelling. A

2 If you try new things, you get more out of life, I think.
3 Depends what they are. Obviously, there’s some things I wouldn’t try, but I’d give most things a go.
4 I like to meet new people and try new food, see new places, see different things.
5 I love to try new things. I love to travel.
6 I always enjoy trying new things.
7 I love trying exotic new foods, all that sort of stuff; seeing new cultures.

Glossary: be up for = interested in doing

give something a go = try it
exotic = unusual/ interesting, related to a foreign country

4 What stops you from trying new things? Look at the people in the pictures in Exercise 3 and read the opinions below.
Then watch the video from 1:07–1:37 and write true (T) or false (F) next to each answer.
1 Elin thinks that fear would probably stop her. _____
2 Phil thinks it’s hard to find the time and money to try new things. _____
3 Paul would try anything new even if he might get injured. _____
4 Luke wouldn’t be able to try anything new at the moment because he’s got to study hard,
and money is also a problem. _____
5 Elizabeth says she has a very strong stomach and could handle any new experience, even if it was dangerous. _____

Glossary: injured = hurt

handle something = deal with it

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5 What have you achieved in your life that makes you feel proud? Look at the people and read their answers.
Then watch the video from 1:39–2:29 and tick (✓) the correct answer: a, b or c.

Phil Paul Elizabeth

1 Phil went to Ethiopia because he 2 Paul is proud of himself because he’s 3 Elizabeth
wanted to a) written a lot of plays. a) thinks she hasn’t achieved
a) work with a team. b) performed in front of much in her life so far.
b) build houses for needy thousands of people. b) says learning French is easy.
people. ✓ c) made people laugh and c) didn’t do very well at school.
c) feel special. enjoy themselves.

Luke Elin

4 Luke’s very proud because 5 Elin’s proud of

a) he passed his exams. a) being clever.
b) he’s doing well at university. b) being a good person.
c) his exam results will help him c) getting a good job.
go to university.

Glossary: to perform = entertain people, particularly with music, dance or acting

6 Who do you admire for their achievements and why? Look at the people and read the summaries of their answers, 1–3
and reasons a–c. Then watch the video from 2:30–3:14. Complete answers 1–3 and match them to reasons a–c.

Luke Elizabeth Paul

1 Luke admires Richard Branson 2 Elizabeth admires _____________ 3 Paul admires _____________
because he … because she … because he …

a) suffered a lot but still became the leader of his country.

b) worked hard to become a very rich business leader.
c) has learnt so much from her.

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7 Watch the video again from 2:30–3:14 and complete Luke and Paul’s answers.

Probably 1business leaders such as Richard Branson, as he started off, you know, as,
as hardly anything. And then he 2_____________ a huge business empire and he’s a


Nelson Mandela. I admire him a lot because, 3_____________ because he was

imprisoned, which … and he survived that for many years and wasn’t bitter. When
he came 4_____________ prison I was more impressed with him becoming Prime
… you know, leading South Africa and holding the country together and changing a
_____________. Not many people have the ability or 6_____________ to do that.


Glossary: huge = very large

Nelson Mandela = President of South Africa, 1994–1999

8 VOCABULARY: Match the words and phrases in italics from Exercise 7 to the meanings 1–6 below.
1 put in prison imprisoned
2 keeping the country strong, and not divided _____________
3 admired/respected _____________
4 angry for a long time because something bad happened to you _____________
5 group of companies (or countries) controlled by one person (or government) _____________
6 managed to live through a serious problem/illness _____________

9 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 How do you feel about trying new things?
2 What stops you from trying new things?
3 What have you achieved in your life that makes you feel proud?
4 Who do you admire for their achievements and why?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which opinions do you most agree with?

2 Read and complete Val’s introduction with the words from the box. Val
Then watch the video from 0:10–0:26 and check your answers.

block well neighbours quite a few similar

Hi. I live in a 1block of flats and I know 2_____________ of my

neighbours really 3_____________. We like 4_____________ things
so we socialise 5_____________ a lot. Today, I’m going to ask people
about their 6_____________. How well do you know your neighbours?

Glossary: socialise = spend free time with

3 How well do you know your neighbours? Look at the people below and read the questions. Then watch the video from
0:26–1:22 and match the people to the questions. There are TWO questions for two of the people.

Jane James Rosie Eddie Dawn

Who …
1 knows one or two of his neighbours really quite well?
2 doesn’t get on with all of his neighbours?
3 shares a garden with the neighbours who live in the flats above and below?
4 doesn’t even know what some of his neighbours look like?
5 has never even seen her neighbours?
6 moved in to a flat about six months ago but hardly knows her neighbours at all?
7 lives in a house which has been divided into three flats?

4 What makes a good neighbour? Look at the people in Exercise 3 again and read the list of their responses in the
table. Then watch the video from 1:22–2:05 and tick (✓) the responses given by each person. Some speakers have
more than one response.

Jane James Rosie Eddie Dawn

1 feeds your cat
2 is considerate
3 isn’t noisy
4 doesn’t cause you grief
5 looks out for you ✓
6 keeps up their property
7 you can leave your key with them
8 isn’t intrusive
9 you can trust them
10 doesn’t leave trash around

Glossary: considerate = always thinking of what other people need or want

look out for someone = make sure someone is safe/treated well
keep up (your) property = keep (your) house/home clean inside and out
trash = rubbish (American English)
cause (you) grief = cause problems for (you)

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5 What makes a bad neighbour? Look at the people and read their answers. Then watch the video from 2:05–2:41 and
underline the words you hear.

A bad neighbour is someone that 1forgot/forgets that you exist 2also/as well, and has
loud music until 3six a.m./six o’clock.


Not respecting privacy, 4intruding/interfering. Not understanding what your neighbour

wants and not 5just/only in that sense, but in the sense of not 6caring/participating,
not doing things when a neighbour needs help.


Someone who is not considerate, who, whether it’s a lot of 7noise/noisy or a lot of trash,
doesn’t 8upkeep/keep up their property, who’s not really 9a friend/friendly.


6 Who’s the best or worst neighbour you’ve ever had? Look at the people and read the statements about Dawn, Jane
and James’ neighbours. Then watch the video from 2:41–3:36 and tick (✓) the correct option, a, b or c.

Dawn Jane James

1 Dawn’s neighbour … 3 The worst neighbour Jane ever 5 One night, James …
a) lived downstairs had … a) heard a noise outside.
b) wasn’t very nice. a) was a woman. b) opened the door.
c) was very quiet. ✓ b) was very noisy. c) saw a policeman outside.
2 The neighbour … c) lived in the last house in 6 The policeman wanted James to …
the street.
a) oen went to see if Dawn a) shoot three people.
was OK. 4 Jane … b) stay in the garden.
b) didn’t chat much. a) was scared of her neighbour. c) crouch down.
c) was very pretty. b) argued with her neighbour.
7 The man next door was …
c) could hear her neighbour all
a) the number 1 in a criminal gang.
the time.
b) arrested and taken away.
c) shot by a policeman.

Glossary: oentimes = oen (American English)

chat = have a light conversation
crouch down = bend your knees and almost sit on the ground
to shoot/shot = shoot a gun

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people below tell us how well they know their neighbours. Read what they say and try
to complete their responses with the phrases from the box. Then watch the video from 0:26–1:22 and check
your answers.

quite well even seen not look like very typical varies at all really quite

I know my neighbours 1quite well.


It 2_____________ enormously. One or two 3_____________ well; some very close,

I don’t even know what they 4_____________. And that is very typical of this area.
I live just round the corner from here, 5_____________ of inner city, urban London.


_____________at all. I’ve never 7_____________ them. No, I don’t know them
_____________, quite honestly.


Glossary: vary = not all the same

enormously = a great deal
inner city = the middle of the city

8 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 How well do you know your neighbours?
2 What makes a good/bad neighbour?
3 Who’s the best or worst neighbour you’ve ever had?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Whose opinions are closest to your own?

2 Read Pasha’s introduction and try to fill in the gaps. Then watch the video from 0:10–0:30 to check your answers.
I enjoy reading 1about the past but I’m very Pasha
happy to live in 2_____________ modern
world with all its freedom and 3_____________
opportunities we 4_____________. Today
I’m talking 5_____________ people about
the past and how history 6_____________
influenced our lives. Do you think life is
better now than in the past?

Glossary: opportunity = the chance to do something

3 Do you think life is better now than in the past? Look at the people in the pictures and watch the video from
0:30–1:36. Write their answers, Yes (Y) or No (N), in the boxes.

Liz Y Kent Susana Sue James Georgie

4 Why do you think life is better/worse now than in the past? Look at the pictures of the people in Exercise 3 again and
read their answers, 1–6 below. Then watch the video from 0:30–1:36 and match the answers to the people.
1 People had stronger values in the past and life wasn’t as fast as it is now. D
2 Now women have education and the right to vote.
3 She’s a person who lives life for today, in the present not the past.
4 In the past, there were more great causes to believe in. People’s imaginations were more fired up.
5 Society is much more materialistic and people forget that their health, friends and family are
more important than money.
6 Life is better now because of improvements in technologies, the internet and medicine.

Glossary: values = ideas of right and wrong, e.g. religious, traditional

(great) causes = an organisation/belief that people support and fight for
fired up = excited/interested/angry
materialistic = focussed more on money than things like art

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5A If you could have lived through a different age or decade, which would you choose and why? Look at the people and
read answers 1–7. Then watch the video from 1:36–2:36 and match speakers A–E to the correct response.
There are TWO extra answers.

Liz Susana Kent Georgie James

1 in the 1920s D
2 the eighteenth century
3 the Victorian era
4 in the 1960s
5 the late 1960s, 1970s
6 in Ancient Greece
7 in the 1950s

5B Read the reasons the speakers give for their answers in Exercise 5A. Then watch the video from 1:36–2:36 again and
tick (✓) the correct reason, a or b.
1a) The women were all beautiful.
b) People were exploring the world. ✓

2a) It was the Christian Dior era in fashion.
b) Ladies all dressed fashionably in the 1950s.
3a) It was a decade of violent revolution.
b) Music got much better.
4a) She would like to have been a ‘flapper.’
b) She would’ve played jazz.
5a) Things were more inspiring.
b) There are more causes to believe in now.

Glossary: flapper = a fashionable young woman in the late 1920s

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6A In your opinion, what historical events or people have changed the course of history? Watch the video from 2:36–3:26
and circle the answers you hear.

Nelson Mandela Winston Churchill Marie Curie the French Revolution

Princess Diana World Wars I and II September 11th the Iraq War the moon landing
the American War of Independence Friedrich Nietzsche

6B Read the opinions of the people in the pictures. Then watch the video again from 2:36–3:26 and underline the
correct words.

People off the top of my head would be Winston Churchill, 1quite/most definitely;
Princess Diana …


I think the way he thought 2of/about why we believe certain things, why we behave
in certain ways, transformed 3the way/how people live their lives.


I think a key historical 4moment/event was the moon landing because it gave people
a bigger 5focus/picture than just the Earth.


For me, I would say the American War of Independence, just because it helped
explain/ define America as a 7nation/country and created our identity, you know,
to the rest of the world, which can be seen through 8until/to today.


Oh, 9decidedly/definitely, the September 11. The world is something 10then/before,

and aer, September 11.


Glossary: off the top of (my) head = the first thing (I) think of

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people in the pictures speculate about the past. Watch the video from 1:36–2:35 and
complete their sentences.

1 If I could have lived in another age, _____________ have lived in the

eighteenth century.


2 I _____________ loved to live in the 1950s, in all this Christian Dior era.


3 Coming from the United States, I would_____________ say the late 60s, 1970s.


4 I would, definitely, love _____________ lived in the ’20s as a ‘flapper’, drinking

Martinis. That would _____________ excellent, dancing to jazz.


5 The 60s was a decade I _____________ to have lived in.



8 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 Do you think life is better now than in the past? Why?
2 If you could have lived through a different age or decade, which would you choose and why?
3 In your opinion, what historical events or people have changed the course of history? In what way(s)?

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1 OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which opinions do you Val
most agree with?

2 Watch the video from 0:10–0:23 and complete

Val’s introduction.
Today I’m talking to people about what’s happening in the world
and 1_____________ that 2_____________ them. What do you
think are the biggest 3_____________ facing the world today?

3 What are the biggest challenges facing the world today? Look at the people and read their answers. Then watch the video
from 0:23–1:42 and match the responses to the speakers. There is more than one answer for some of the people.

Michael Bridget Joe Rosie Eddie Hannah Dawn Malcolm

1 the environment 5 greed 9 energy

2 poverty A 6 food 10 environmental pollution
3 lack of fossil fuels 7 corruption 11 global warming
4 terrorism 8 the economy 12 our environmental impact

Glossary: our environmental impact = the effect of human actions on the environment
greed = wanting more food, money, power, etc. than you need
fossil fuels = sources of energy such as coal and oil

4 Look at the people and read the statements. Then watch the video from 0:23–1:42 again. Write true (T) or false (F)
next to each statement.

1 Joe thinks all major challenges, such as poverty and global warming, are at some level
caused by the drive to make a profit. _____T


2 Rosie thinks the big social issue that needs addressing at the moment is our
environmental impact. _____
3 She says that this issue is high on the agenda with politicians, and globally. _____

4 Dawn thinks that most people are satisfied with what they have now. _____
5 The big problem is that the ‘have-nots’ in society have less than before because of
greed and corruption. _____

6 The nations of the world need to discover new sources of energy to replace fossil fuels. _____
7 There’ll be no more oil and coal within fieen years. _____

Glossary: high on the agenda = a very important issue

‘the haves’/’the have-nots’ (informal) = people who have/don’t have enough to live well
run out = finish

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5 If you could do one thing to change the world, what would it be? Watch the video from 1:43–3:13 and number the
answers in the order you hear them, 1–8.
solve the problem of global poverty _____ wind farms _____ change places with other people _____
stop all the wars _____ save natural resources _____ help the poor _____ talk to each other _____
more women Prime Ministers _____

6 Look at the people in the pictures and read their answers. Then watch the video from 1:43–2:37 and underline
the words you hear.

Probably 1rectify/stop global poverty.


Stop all the wars. Make everybody live in 2piece/peace, in harmony.


If people chat more, then I’ll be able to understand their viewpoint;

thankfully/hopefully they’ll understand my viewpoint; hopefully less 4war/conflict,
whether it’s over poverty, whether it’s over global warming, whether it’s over any other
physical conflict as well. So, people need to 5talk/chat more.


I would like to see more women in 6politics/power. I’d like to see more women Prime
Ministers because, for some reason, I think that they would have a more 7warming/
nurturing response to things and perhaps have better ways of dealing with all 8sorts/
kinds of world issues such as war.


Wind farms. We’ve got lots of wind in this country and in places like Denmark, so we
could use that as a possible 9sauce/source of fuel.


Glossary: rectify = put right

viewpoint = point of view
nurturing = caring/helping

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7 THE WAY WE SPEAK: The people in the pictures use phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions to talk about their
ideas. Watch the video from 2:37–3:13 and complete the phrases in italics.

We need to get more countries agreeing with each other because I think eventually the
world’s going to run 1out of natural resources. And we have to 2_____________ together
to sort it 3_____________.


I don’t know. Kinda have everybody 4_____________ in each other’s shoes sometimes.
I think sometimes we kinda are quick to judge and not always know what other
people are 5_____________ through. So, that would be a good little thing to have:
to be able to switch 6_____________ roles sometimes. It’s not always easier
_____________ other side.

Glossary: natural resources = e.g. wood, oil, minerals

judge = give opinions about people
kinda (America English) = kind of (British English)

8 VOCABULARY: Match the verbs and expressions in italics from Exercise 7 to definitions 1–7.
1 live some else’s life = live in each other’s shoes
2 have none le = __________________________
3 find a solution/decide what to do = __________________________
4 in someone else’s position = __________________________
5 experiencing/suffering = __________________________
6 meet = __________________________
7 change places with someone = __________________________

9 PERSONALISATION: Write your answers to the questions.

1 What do you think are the three biggest challenges facing the world today?
2 If you could do one thing to change the world, what would it be?

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Emily: 2 T Sarah: 1 F, 2 F
Jasmin: 1 T, 2 F Josephine: 1 T, 2 F
2 by 3 social 4 out 5 modern 6 with
UNIT 1 6
3 2E 3B 4F 5G 6C 7D
2 email(s) ✓✓✓✓✓; mobile phone etc. ✓✓✓✓;
2 spare 3 come 4 lives 5 talking face-to-face ✓; letters ✓✓✓; have dinner ✓; 7
6 families postcards ✓; text messages ✓ 2 be 3 because 4 like 5 know
6 stuff 7 do 8 being
3 4
3 Mexican 4 London 5 Mexico 2T 3F 4T 5T 6T
6 England 7 Canada 8 Toronto UNIT 6
9 Canada 10 Scottish 11 Irish 5
12 Scottish 13 southwest Scotland 1D 3C 4A 5D 6B 2
14 Ireland 15 the NW of England 2 good 3 sun 4 always 5 smile
16 Northern Ireland 17 Belfast 6 6 feeling
2 given 3 not 4 used 5 should 6 for
4 7 worse 8 not 3
1C 2E 3A 4F 5B 6D The four extra words: worried, amazing,
7 distressed, exhausted
5 1 in practice 2 lifeline 3 kind of
2T 3F 4T 5F 6T 7F 8T 4 bandwagon 5 awful lot of 4
9 T 10 F 6 put across 7 a kind of 2 g) 3 f) 4 a) 5 d) 6 b)
(e) is the extra answer)
Deletions: UNIT 4 5
1 of 2 mother’s 3 sister 4 history 2 optimist 3 both 4 optimist
5 lived in/born 6 of/– 2 5 pessimist 6 optimist 7 optimist
2 b) 3 a) 4 b)
7 6
2 guess 3 as 4 similar 5 don’t 3 2 a) 3 a) 4 b) 5 a) 6 a)
6 from 7 to 8 both 9 quite 10 like 2 Salvation Army minister
11 bit 12 a lot 3 stand-up comedian 7
4 a brass instrument repairer 2 c) 3 a) 4 c)
5 architectural technologist
UNIT 2 6 history and maths teacher 8
7 student 1 generally/hope 2 ’d say/mean
2 8 student nurse 3 consider 4 Probably/like to
2 in 3 of 4 for 5 from 6 of 7 about
8 about 9 in 4 UNIT 7
2 a footballer 3 a cellist
3 4 a teacher/paediatrician
TV: B; the radio: B, F 5 a vet/solicitor 6 a guitarist 2
the newspapers: B, D 2 ’d 3 so 4 but 5 makes 6 trying
Twitter: A 6
other people: C, D, E Susan: 2 a); Philippe: 1 b); Fawn: 1 b), 2 a); 3
the internet: C, D, F Phil: 1 b), 2 a) 2D 3A 4B 5C 6B 7E
news programmes: F
7 4
4 2 enough 3 When 4 of 5 performing 2T 3F 4T 5F
1C 3E 4D 5 extra question 6B 6 As 7 starting 8 Later on 9 finally
10 get 5
5 2 c) 3 a) 4 c) 5 b)
2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 b) 6 a)
UNIT 5 6
6 1 c); 2 her grandmother/c);
2 on 3 can 4 bit 5 don’t 6 what 2 3 Nelson Mandela/a)
7 know 8 the 9 quite 10 suppose 2 fixing 3 emotional 4 I’m talking
5 solving 6 yourself 7
7 2 built a 3 not only 4 out of
1 a) 2 b) 3 b) 3 5 country 6 the skills
1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes
8 6 with some things 7 Most of the time 8
2 headline-grabbing 3 critical consumer 2 holding the country together
4 biased 5 turn out 6 self-interest 4 3 impressed with 4 bitter 5 empire
1 One 2 Two 3 One 4 Two 6 survived

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2 2
2 a few 3 well 4 similar 5 quite 1 issues 2 concern 3 challenges
6 neighbours
3 1 B 2 A/C/E 3 H 4 F 5 G 6 E 7F
2D 3C 4B 5E 6A 7C 8 B/F 9 H 10 F 11 C 12 D

4 4
Jane: 5; James: 8; Rosie: 1, 7, 9; Eddie: 4, 9; 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7F
Dawn: 2, 3, 6, 10
5 2 stop all the wars
2 as well 3 six a.m 4 intruding 3 talk to each other
5 just 6 participating 7 noise 4 more women Prime Ministers
8 upkeep 9 friendly 5 wind farms
6 save natural resources
6 7 help the poor
2 a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 a) 6 c) 7 b) 8 change places with other people

7 6
2 varies 3 really quite 4 look like 2 peace 3 hopefully 4 conflict 5 chat
5 very typical 6 Not 7 even seen 6 power 7 nurturing 8 sorts 9 source
8 at all
2 get 3 out 4 live 5 going 6 the
UNIT 9 7 on the

2 8
2 the 3 the 4have 5 to 6 has 2 run out of 3 sort it out
4 on the other side 5 going through
3 6 get together 7 switch roles
B Yes C Yes D No E No F No

2A 3C 4E 5F 6B

2A 3– 4E 5C 6– 7B

2 a) 3 b) 4 a) 5 a)

Princess Diana, Friedrich Nietzsche,
the moon landing,
the American War of Independence,
September 11th

2 about 3 the way 4 event
5 focus 6 define 7 nation 8 to
9 definitely 10 before

1 I’d like to 2 would have 3 probably
4 to have/have been 5 would have liked

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