Cartography and Map Projections in GIS: Ge 118: Introduction To Gis Engr. Meriam M. Santillan Caraga State University
Cartography and Map Projections in GIS: Ge 118: Introduction To Gis Engr. Meriam M. Santillan Caraga State University
Cartography and Map Projections in GIS: Ge 118: Introduction To Gis Engr. Meriam M. Santillan Caraga State University
Amount of reduction
Ratio of distance on the map to the corresponding
distance on the Earth’s surface
One of the principal factors that govern the design,
production and use of maps
Scale is determined by the purpose of the map
May be expressed in the following forms:
Representative fraction (RF)
Statement scale
Bar scale or graphical scale
Importance of Maps in GIS
Note: Any map projection can only satisfy some of these properties
Classification of map projections
Set of numbers that determines the location of a
point in a space of a given dimension
Simplifies and standardizes the computational
methods, making the use of computers possible
Facilitates the transformation of geographic space
to conform to other frameworks of entities and
relationships, which is often required in mapping
and GIS operations
Types of Coordinate Reference
1. Plane Rectangular Coordinate System
2. Plane Polar Coordinate System
Plane Rectangular Coordinate
Cartesian Coordinate System
Simplest coordinate system
Position of a point is fixed by two distances measured
perpendicularly from the point to the axes
Quadrant II y Quadrant I
Quadrant III Quadrant IV
Plane Polar Coordinate System
Pole – origin
Polar axis – single line passing through the pole
Plane Polar Coordinate System
P (r,θ)
Geographic Coordinate System
Luzon Datum
Not a a separate datum, it is the Luzon Datum with different WGS 84
transformation parameters
Components of a Reference
Coordinate Systems and Projections
Geographic Coordinate System
Also known as latitude and longitude
Comprised of angular measurements
Projected Coordinate System
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