Moral Relativism
Moral Relativism
Moral Relativism
Moral Relativism
6 332
1 author:
Torbjörn Tännsjö
Stockholm University
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But does not all this mean that we are back to a semantic rel-
ativism of a naturalistic, indexical kind? Is the claim made
above not just that, when a person in one society asserts that
a certain action is right, what this person is saying is that,
from the perspective of the set of moral rules operative in his
or her society, this action is right?
No, this is not the proper way of understanding the claim.
Note that we have distinguished between descriptive and reg-
ulative grammar; in a similar vein we ought to distinguish be-
tween descriptive and normative ethics. So, when a person
asserts that a certain action is right, this assertion is indeed
normative. The assertion is that the action in question is
right, period. The analysis of the assertion is non-naturalist.
No implicit reference to the system of norms is made; an
objective claim, with reference to socially constituted moral
facts, is being made. We may say that this assertion is true in
the moral universe in question if and only if the action in
question is right. The explanation of why it is right, simplicit-
er can be given, however, with reference to (the content of,
not the existence of ) principles in this system of morality – to
the extent that moral principles can be formulated within this
system of morality. The claim as such makes no reference to
the existence of these principles. It is normative and categori-
cal and objective and allows of non naturalistic analysis.
What are we to say about a situation where two persons
from different cultures make conflicting judgements about a
certain action?
Well, in order for this scenario to be possible, at least one of
the systems must have a general scope. If both systems restrict
their judgements to actions within their respective societies, no
conflict will emerge. However, while this policy of live, and let
live is comparatively common in a linguistic context (especially
between different languages but also, to some extent, between
different dialects), this kind of moral relativism (with such a
restricted scope) is rare. We tend to judge, from the point of
view of our own morality, the manners of others. This is ren-
dered possible by the fact that two different moral universes
may share (a part of) the one and only existing actual empiri-
cal universe. If a certain concrete action is part of both moral
universes, it may be right in one of the universes while wrong
in the other universe. And, as I have stressed above, if we con-
ceive of ourselves as inhabiting a moral universe, there will be
a drive towards completeness. We want answers to all moral
questions, also those arising in alien cultures.
Work on this paper was partially supported by the Bank of Sweden
Tercentenary Foundation in connection with the project Relativism. Many
people have made valuable comments on earlier drafts of the paper, in
particular I would like to thank an anonymous reviewer for Philosophical
Studies, Ragnar Francén, Gilbert Harman, Hans Mathlein, Folke
Tersman, and David B. Wong.
Cf. Charles L. Stevenson, Facts and Values (New Haven: Yale Univer-
sity Press, 1963), Ch. 11, in particular p. 219, about this.
This version of relativism is famously defended (in several places) by
David Wong and Gilbert Harman. It should be noted that Harman
doesn’t put forward his theory as a claim about what we actually mean
by a word like ‘right’; rather, if we want to understand the use of ‘right’
in moral context as contributing to claims that have truth-values, then this
is how we should understand these uses.
I know of no philosopher who has actually defended this (indeed
quite defensible) position.
See John R. Searle, The Construction of Social Reality. It goes without
saying that I do not agree about any detail in Searle’s analysis, but that
does in no way affect the argument in this paper.
Some moral relativists may be prepared to make this claim, but I find
it exaggerated; in general, relativists tend to exaggerate the degree to
which different moral communities hold on to different basic moral posi-
tions. It seems to me that much apparent moral disagreement can be ex-
plained away as depending on different empirical beliefs.
This is true of semantic, indexical kinds of relativism as well, of
course. Neither Harman nor Wong need to insist that it is obvious to
speakers referring to different frameworks or systems, that this is what
they are actually doing.
A way for the semantic relativist (naturalist) to account for disagree-
ment could be to incorporate an expressivist element in the meaning or
function of ethical statements, of course. I owe this observation to an
anonymous referee for this journal. However, by so doing it may be hard
for the relativist to explain why not go expressivist through and through
and give up the claim about descriptive (indexical) meaning altogether.
I owe this objection to an anonymous referee for this journal.
For example, this seems to me to be a correct diagnosis of John
McDowell. See for example his ‘Non-Cognitivism and Rule-Following’, in
Steven H. Holtzman and Christopher M. Leich (eds.), Wittgenstein: to
Follow a Rule, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981.
Note that even if the moral realist is right about this, there may be no
way of finding out the answer to this question. If this is not possible, a
kind of strong moral epistemic relativism seems to emerge. On this version
of epistemic relativism a unique moral truth exits, so two conflicting mor-
al opinions cannot both be right. And yet, for all that, two people may
have equally and perfectly good reasons to believe in their favoured solu-
tion to the moral problem.
Department of Philosophy
Stockholm University
Stockholm 106 91
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