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Neil Olsen

First published by Oxfam GB in 2000 Tanzania: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers,
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Introduction: freedom at last 5

The country and its people 12

History: from Skenderbeg to Hoxha 17

The painful transition to democracy 23

The legacy of central planning 30

In search of a living: the lure of Europe 37

Education: changing needs and ideas 42

The health system under pressure 47

New concepts and freedoms 52

Albanian women's struggle for equality 55

Unlocking the doors: the challenges 60

facing people with disabilities

The environment: too little, too late? 65

'Europe's wild west': the breakdown 70

of law and order

Albanian identity and the Balkan factor 74

Conclusion: the need for choice 79

and opportunity

Dates and events 82

Facts and figures 84
Sources and further reading 85
Oxfam in Albania 86
Index 87


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