CH4 Notes
CH4 Notes
CH4 Notes
Part 1: Acellular and Prokaryotic Microbes Viruses are classified by the following characteristics:
a) type of genetic material (either DNA or RNA),
Microbiology is the study of microbes, most of which b) shape of the capsid,
are too small to be seen by the naked eye. c) number of capsomeres,
d) size of the capsid,
2 Categories of microbes: Cellular and Accellular e) presence or absence of an envelope,
Cellular - bacteria, archaea, algae, protozoa, fungi f) type of host that it infects,
o Prokaryotic – bacteria and archaea g) type of disease it produces,
o Eukaryotic – algae, protozoa, and fungi h) target cell, and
Accellular - viruses, viroids, and prions i) immunologic or antigenic properties
o Not considered as living organisms
o more correctly referred to as acellular microbes its genome is mostly either double-stranded DNA or
or infectious particles single-stranded RNA,
few viruses possess single-stranded DNA or double-
Viruses viral genomes are usually circular molecules, but
complete virus particles, called virions, are very some are linear (having two ends)
small and simple in structure may be polyhedral (many sided – 20 sides,
extremely small, observed using electron microscope icosahedron), helical (coiled tubes), bullet shaped,
10 to 300 nm in diameter, although some—like spherical, or a complex combination of these shapes
Ebola virus—can be up to 1 micrometer in length Each facet (side) consists of several capsomeres;
smallest virus is about the size of the large thus, the size of the virus is determined by the size of
hemoglobin molecule of a red blood cell each facet and the number of capsomeres in each
oncogenic viruses or oncoviruses—cause specific the envelope around the capsid makes the virus
types of cancer appear spherical or irregular in shape in electron
viruses are not alive – to replicate, viruses must micrographs
The envelope is acquired by certain animal viruses
invade live host cells because there are no ribosomes
as they escape from the nucleus or cytoplasm of the
for protein synthesis or sites of energy production
host cell by budding
lack most of the basic features of cells; thus, they Budding is a form of viral shedding where viruses
consider viruses to be non-living entities. acquire their external envelope from either the host
How to distinguish virus from living cells cell’s nuclear membrane or cell membrane
o The vast majority of viruses possess either DNA viruses are then able to alter these membranes by
or RNA, unlike living cells, which possess both. adding protein fibers, spikes, and knobs that enable
o They are unable to replicate (multiply) on their the virus to recognize the next host cell to be
own; their replication is directed by the viral invaded
nucleic acid once it has been introduced into a
host cell Viruses have to infect a host cell to access the machinery
o Unlike cells, they do not divide by binary that it uses to replicate it DNA, and then hijack that
fission, mitosis, or meiosis. machinery in order to reproduce. The host cell is forced
o They lack the genes and enzymes necessary for to manufacture new viruses, which then leave and look
energy production. for new hosts to infect.
o They depend on the ribosomes, enzymes, and
metabolites (“building blocks”) of the host cell Origin of Viruses
for protein and nucleic acid production existed for as long as bacteria/archaea have existed
Typical virion consists of a genome of either DNA Coevolution Theory
or RNA, surrounded by a capsid (protein coat), o Viruses originated in the primordial soup and
which is composed of many small protein units coevolved with bacteria and archaea.
called capsomeres (or capsomers). o Primordial soup generic term that describes the
nucleic acid + capsid = nucleocapsid aqueous solution of organic compounds that
Some viruses (enveloped viruses) have an outer accumulated in primitive water bodies
envelope composed of lipids and polysaccharides o This hypothesis has few supporters
Bacterial viruses may have a tail, sheath, tail fibers.
Phage attaches to a protein or
polysaccharide molecule (receptor) on the
surface of bacterial cell
Retrograde Evolution Theory The phage can only attach to bacterial cells
o viruses evolved from free-living prokaryotes that that possess the appropriate receptor—a
invaded other living organisms, and gradually protein or polysaccharide molecule on the
lost functions which were provided by host cell surface of the cell that is recognized by a
o Viruses arose from cellular organisms, most molecule on the surface of the phage
likely a bacterium. the cellular organisms Most bacteriophages are species- and strain-
formed viruses by inquiring the ability to specific – they only infect a particular
gradually discard their genes until they become species or strain of bacteria.
simpler organisms which are the viruses we see Those that infect E. coli are called
today coliphages.
o This theory has little support Some bacteriophages can attach to more
Escaped Gene Theory than one species of bacterium
o viruses are pieces of host cell RNA or DNA that 2. Penetration
have escaped from living cells, and are no longer the phage injects its DNA into the bacterial
under cellular control cell, acting much like a hypodermic needle,
o most widely accepted explanation for the origin the capsid remains on the outer surface of
of viruses
then the phage DNA “dictates” what occurs
within the bacterial cell
Bacteriophages (phages)
sometimes described as the phage DNA
viruses that infect bacteria
taking over the host cell’s “machinery”
obligate intracellular pathogens, they must enter a 3. Biosynthesis
cell to replicate phage genes are expressed, resulting in the
3 categories, based on their shape production (biosynthesis) of viral pieces
o Icosahedron bacteriophages: almost spherical host cell’s enzymes (e.g., DNA polymerase
shape, with 20 triangular facets; smallest and RNA polymerase), nucleotides, amino
icosahedron phages are 25 nm in diameter acids, and ribosomes are used to make viral
o Filamentous bacteriophages: long tubes DNA and viral proteins
formed by capsid proteins assembled into a 4. Assembly
helical structure; they can be up to about 900 nm viral pieces are assembled to produce
long complete viral particles (virions)/ complete
o Complex bacteriophages: icosahedral heads phages
attached to helical tails; they may also possess viral DNA is packaged up into capsids
base plates and tail fibers 5. Release
There are single-stranded DNA phages, double- host cell bursts open and all of the new
stranded DNA phages, single-stranded RNA phages, virions (about 50–1,000) escape from the
and double-stranded RNA phages cell
Virulent Bacteriophages the complete phages escape from the
o do not actually enter the bacterial cell—rather, bacterial cell by lysis of the cell
they inject their nucleic acid into the cell lytic cycle ends with lysis (destruction) of
o always cause the lytic cycle, which ends with the the host cell
destruction (lysis) of the bacterial cell
o the whole process (from attachment to lysis) Lysis is caused by an enzyme (referred to as an
takes less than 1 hour endolysin) that is coded for by a phage gene.
o once it enters a host cell, it always initiates the after assembly, the appropriate viral gene is
lytic cycle, which results in the destruction of expressed, the enzyme is produced, and the bacterial
cell cell wall is destroyed
o Lytic Cycle Steps With certain bacteriophages, a phage gene codes for
1. Attachment an enzyme that interferes with cell wall synthesis,
Adsorption of the phage to the surface of the leading to weakness and, finally, collapse of the cell
bacterial cell. wall
The Domain Archaea then, the cells are decolorized by washing with
archaean prokaryotes were discovered in 1977 ethanol or acetone. this is the differential step.
more closely related to eukaryotes than they are to gram positive bacteria retain the crystal violet. gram
bacteria; some possess genes otherwise found only negative bacteria do not. the ethanol or acetone
in eukaryotes should be added dropwise with the slide tilted at an
contains 2 phyla, 8 classes, 12 orders, 21 families, angle until the drop coming off from the slide started
69 genera, and 217 species to become colorless. even gram-positive cells can
vary widely in shape; some are cocci, bacilli, and lose the violet iodine complex during prolonged
others form long filament
excessive decolorization.
excess ethanol is then washed off with water. when
viewed under the microscope, gram- positive cells
appear purple and gram-negative cells are colorless.
Gram-Positive bacteria:
was not decolorized during the decolorization
The thick layer of peptidoglycan in the cell walls of
Gram-positive bacteria makes it difficult to remove
the crystal violet–iodine complex during the
decolorization step
Peptidoglycan is a polymer consisting of sugars and
amino acids that forms a mesh-like layer outside the
plasma membrane of most bacteria, forming the cell
wall. ..
thin layer of peptidoglycan in the cell walls of
Gram-negative bacteria makes it easier to remove
the crystal violet–iodine complex during
the decolorizer dissolves the lipid in the cell walls of
Gram-negative bacteria; this destroys the integrity of
the cell wall and makes it much easier to remove the
crystal violet–iodine complex