Diversity of Micro Organisms
Diversity of Micro Organisms
Diversity of Micro Organisms
• The negative staining procedure, developed in • A typical virion consists of a genome of either
1959, revolutionized the study of viruses, making DNA or RNA, surrounded by a capsid ( protein
it possible to observe unstained viruses against coat), which is composed of many small protein
an electron-dense, dark background. units called capsomeres.
• No type of organism is safe from viral • Some viruses ( called enveloped viruses) have
infections: viruses infect humans, animals, an outer envelope composed of lipids and
plants, fungi, protozoa, algae, and bacterial cells. polysaccharides. Bacterial viruses may also have
Many human diseases are caused by viruses. a tail, sheath, and tail fibers. There are no
Some viruses – called oncogenic viruses or ribosomes for protein synthesis or sites of
oncoviruses- cause specific types of cancer, energy production; hence, the virus must invade
including human cancers such as lymphomas, and take over a functioning cell to produce new
carcinomas, and certain types of leukemia. virions.
• Viruses are said to have 5 specific properties • Viruses are classified by the following
that distinguish them from living cells. characteristics:
➢ ▫ They possess either DNA or RNA, unlike a) type of genetic material (either DNA or
living cells, which possess both. RNA),
➢ ▫ They are unable to replicate on their b) whether the virus nucleic acid is single
own; their replication is directed by the stranded or double stranded,
viral nucleic acid once it is introduced c) whether the virus nucleic acid is
into a host cell. positive sense or negative-sense, d.
➢ ▫ Unlike cells, they do not divide by shape of the capsid, e. number of
binary fission, mitosis, or meiosis. capsomeres, f. size of the capsid, g.
➢ ▫ They lack the genes and enzymes presence or absence of an envelope, h.
necessary for energy production. type of host that it infects, i. type of
➢ ▫ They depend on the ribosomes, disease it produces, j. target cell, and k.
enzymes, and metabolites (“building immunologic or antigenic properties.
block”) of the host cell for protein and
nucleic acid production. • There are four (4) categories of viruses,
based on the type of nucleic acid they
possess. The genetic material of most viruses
is either double-stranded DNA or single- 2. The "retrograde evolution theory":
stranded RNA, but a few viruses possess viruses evolved from free-living
single-stranded DNA or double-stranded prokaryotes that invaded other
RNA. living organisms, and gradually lost
functions that were provided by the
• Viral genomes are usually circular
host cell. This theory has little
molecules, but some are linear (having two
ends). Capsids of viruses have various shapes
and symmetry.
3. The "escaped gene theory": viruses
are pieces of host cell RNA or DNA
• They may be polyhedral (many sided), that have escaped from Jiving cells
helical (coiled tubes), bullet shaped, and are no longer under cellular
spherical, or a complex combination of these control. Of the three theories, this is
shapes. currently the most widely accepted
explanation for the origin of viruses.
• Polyhedral capsides have 20 sides or
facets; geometrically, they are referred to as
icosahedron. Each facet consists of several
capsomeres; thus the size of the virus is
determined by the size of each facet and the
number of capsomeres in each.
Origin of Viruses
• Three major theories have emerged to
explain the origin of viruses.
• The most important of the CD4+ cells is the • More recendy, Zika virus, which is transmitted
helper T cell; HIV infections destroy these by mosquitoes, has spread into the Americas
important cells of the immune system. from Micronesia and has been responsible for a
large number of birth defects.
• Macrophages also possess CD4 receptors and
can, thus, be invaded by HIV. In addition, HIV is Antiviral Agents
able to invade certain cells that do not possess
CD4 receptors, but do possess other receptors • In recent years, a number of chemicals-called
that HIV is able to recognize. antiviral agents-have been developed to
interfere with virus-specific enzymes and virus
• An enveloped virus, containing two identical production by either disrupting critical phases in
RNA strands. Each of its 72 surface knobs viral replication cycles or inhibiting the synthesis
contains a glycoprotein capable of binding to a of viral DNA, RNA, or proteins. MP LEC AND LAB
CD4 receptor on a certain host cells ( e.g., MODULE 1 Page 58
T helper cells). The “stalk” that supports the
knob is a transmembrane glycoprotein, which • Antibiotics that function by inhibiting certain
may also play a role in attachment top host cells. metabolic activities within prokaryotic and
eukaryotic pathogens have no activity against
Provirus viruses since they are not cells. However, for
certain patients with colds and influenza,
• Some viruses such as HIV (retroviruses) and
antibiotics may be prescribed in an attempt to
some DNA viruses are capable of inserting the
prevent secondary bacterial infections that
viral genome into the host cell DNA.
might follow the virus infection.
• In this case, the viral genome is referred to as a
provirus. This process allows the virus to cause a
latent infection and to avoid causing an immune • Like animal cells, bacteria can also be infected
response that may eliminate the virus. by viruses, called bacteriophages (or simply
phages). Like all viruses, they are obligate
• The viral genome is replicated with the host cell
genome during cell division and can remain
intracellular pathogens, in that they must enter hypodermic needle. From this point on, the
a cell to replicate phage DNA "dictates" what occurs within the
bacterial cell. This is sometimes described as the
. • Bacteriophages can be categorized by the
phage DNA taking over the host cell!
events that occur after invasion of the bacterial
cell: some are virulent phages, whereas others
are temperate phages. • The third step in the lytic cycle is called
biosynthesis. It is during this step that the phage
• Phages in either category do not actually enter
genes are expressed, resulting in the production
the bacterial cell-rather, they inject their nucleic
(biosynthesis) of viral pieces.
acid into the cell.
• In the fourth step of the lytic cycle, called
• Virulent bacteriophages always cause what is
assembly, the viral pieces are assembled to
known as the lytic cycle, which ends with the
produce complete viral particles (virions). It is
destruction (lysis) of the bacterial cell. For most
during this step that viral DNA is packaged up
phages, the whole process (from attachment to
into capsids.
lysis) takes less than 1 hour.
• The final step in the lytic cycle, called release,
• The replicative cycle of bacteriophages is very
is when the host cell bursts open and all of the
similar to that of animal viruses except that
new virions (about 50-1,000) escape from the
bacteriophages do not actually enter the host
cell. Thus, the lytic cycle ends with lysis of the
cell, but rather inject their nucleic acid into the
host cell.
• Lysis is caused by an enzyme (referred to as an
endolysin) that is coded for by a phage gene. At
the appropriate time-after assembly-the
appropriate viral gene is expressed, the enzyme
is produced, and the bacterial cell wall is
• The first step in the lytic cycle is attachment * A viroid is an infectious RNA molecule that is
(adsorption) of the phage to the surface of the transmitted between plants.
bacterial cell The phage can only attach to
bacterial cells that possess the appropriate
receptor-a protein or polysaccharide molecule • Prions are small infectious proteins that cause
on the surface of the cell that is recognized by a fatal neurologic diseases in animals and humans
molecule on the surface of the phage. in which the brain becomes riddled with holes
(becomes sponge-like).
• The second step in the lytic cycle is called
penetration. In this step, the phage injects its
DNA into the bacterial cell acting much like a
• Prions are thought to be transmitted by PART 2. THE DOMAIN BACTERIA
consumption of food contaminated with the
agent. Characteristics
• All diseases caused by prions are untreatable • The Domain Bacteria contains 23 phyla, 32
and & fatal and are collectively referred to as classes, 5 subclasses, 77 orders, 14 suborders,
"transmissible spongiform encephalopathies" 182 families, 871 genera, and 5007 species.
(TSE). • Organisms in this domain are broadly divided
• Kuru is a disease that was once common into 3 phenotypic categories ( i.e., categories
among natives in Papua, New Guinea, where based on their physical characteristics) (1) those
women and children ate prion-infected human that are Gram-negative and have a cell wall, (2)
brains as part of a traditional burial custom ( those that are Gram-positive and have a cell wall,
ritualistic cannibalism). and (3) those that lack a cell wall.
• Kuru, C-J disease, and GSS disease involve loss • Using computers, microbiologists have
of coordination and dementia. established numerical taxonomy system that not
only help to identify bacteria by their physical
• Dementia, a general mental deterioration, is characteristics, but also can help establish how
characterized by disorientation and impaired closely related these organisms are by
memory, judgment, and intellect. In fatal familial comparing the composition of their genetic
insomnia, insomnia and dementia follow material and other cellular characteristics.
difficulty sleeping. All these diseases are fatal
spongiform encephalopathies, in which the brain • Many characteristics of bacteria are examined
becomes riddled with holes (sponge-like) to provide data for identification and
classification. These characteristics include cell
• The 1997 Nobel Prize for Physiology or morphology ( shape), staining reactions, motility,
Medicine was awarded to Stanley B. Prusiner, colony morphology, atmospheric requirements,
the scientist who coined the term prion, and nutritional requirements, biochemical and
studied the role of these proteinaceous metabolic activities, specific enzymes that the
infectious particles in disease. organism produces, pathogenicity, and genetic
• Of all pathogens, prions are believed to be the composition.
most resistant to disinfectants. The mechanism Cell morphology
by which prions cause disease remains a
mystery, although it is thought that prions • There are 3 basic shapes of bacteria: round or
convert normal protein molecules into spherical bacteria – the cocci ( singular: coccus);
nonfunctional ones by causing the normal rectangular or rod-shaped bacteria – the bacilli
molecules to change their shape. Many scientists (singular: bacillus); and spiral shaped bacteria (
remain unconvinced that proteins alone can sometimes referred to as spirilla).
cause disease. • Bacteria divide by binary fission – one cell splits
in half to become 2 daughter cells. Following
binary fission, the daughter cells may separate
completely from each other or may remain
connected, forming various morphological
• Cocci may be seen singly or in pairs ( syphilis, with a flexible cell wall that enables
diplococci), chains ( streptococci), clusters ( them to move readily through tissues. Its
staphylococci), packets of four ( tetrads), or morphology and characteristic motility –
packets of eight (octads), depending on the spinning around its long axis – make T. pallidum
particular species and manner in which the cells easy to recognize in clinical species obtained
divided. Examples of cocci include Enterococcus from patients with primary syphilis. Borrelia
ssp., Neisseria spp., Staphylococcus ssp., and spp., the etiologic agents of Lyme disease and
Streptococcus ssp. relapsing fever, are examples of less tightly
coiled spirochetes.
• Bacilli ( often referred to as rods) may be short
or long, thick or thin, pointed or with curved or
blunt ends. They may occur singly, in pairs (
diplobacilli), in chains ( streptobacilli), in long
filaments, or branched. Some rods are quite
short, resembling elongated cocci; they are
called coccobacilli.
• Methanol fixation, which is accomplished by • The thick layer of peptidoglycan in the cell walls
flooding the smear with absolute methanol for of Gram-positive bacteria makes it difficult to
30 seconds, is a more satisfactory fixation remove the crystal violet-iodine complex during
technique and better preserves the morphology the decolorization step.
of cells and microorganisms. In general, fixation
• If, on the other hand, the crystal violet was
serves three purposes:
removed from the cells during the decolorization
1. It kills the organisms. step, and the cells were subsequently stained by
2. It preserves their morphology (shape). the safranin (a red dye), they will be pink to red
3. It anchors the smear to the slide. at the conclusion of the Gram staining
procedure; such bacteria are said to be "Gram-
• Specific stains and staining techniques are used negative."
to observe bacterial cell morphology (e.g., size,
shape, morphologic arrangement, composition • The thin layer of peptidoglycan in the cell walls
of cell wall, capsules, flagella, endospores). of Gram-negative bacteria makes it easier to
remove the crystal violet-iodine complex during
• A simple stain is sufficient to determine decolorization. In addition, the decolorizer
bacterial shape and morphologic arrangement dissolves the lipid in the cell walls of Gram-
(e.g., pairs, chains, clusters). For this method, a negative bacteria; this is destroys the integrity of
dye (such as methylene blue) is applied to the the cell wall and makes it much easier to remove
fixed smear, rinsed, dried, and examined using the crystal violet-iodine complex
the oil immersion lens of the microscope. The
procedures used to observe bacterial capsules, • Mycobacterium species do not stain well, if at
spores, and flagella are collectively referred to as all, with the Gram stain because of the high lipid
structural staining procedures. content in their cell walls. They are more often
identified using a staining procedure called the
• In 1883, Dr. Hans Christian Gram developed a acid-fast stain.
staining technique that bears his name-the Gram
stain or Gram staining procedure. The Gram
• In the Kinyoun procedure, carbol fuchsin (a known as bacterial colony. A colony contains
bright red dye) is first used to stain the cells. The millions of organisms.
phenol component of the stain (carbol) acts to
• The colony morphology ( appearance of the
"lock" the stain into the cell wall. A decolorizing
colonies ) of bacteria varies from one species to
agent (a mixture of acid and alcohol) is then used
in an attempt to remove the red color from the
cells. Because mycobacteria are not decolorized • As is true for cell morphology and staining
by the acid alcohol mixture (again owing to the characteristics, colony features serve as
waxes in their cell walls), they are said to be "acid important “clues” in the identification of
fast." bacteria.
• The acid-fast stain is especially useful in the Atmospheric requirements
tuberculosis laboratory ("TB lab"), where the
acid-fast mycobacteria are readily seen as red • In the microbiology laboratory, it is useful to
bacilli (referred to as acid-fast bacilli or AFB) classify bacteria on the basis of their relationship
against a blue or green background in a sputum to oxygen (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2). With
specimen from a tuberculosis patient. *see table respect to oxygen, a bacterial isolate can be
4-8 Characteristics of Some Important classified into one of five major groups: obligate
Pathogenic Bacteria aerobes, microaerophilic aerobes
(microaerophiles), facultative anaerobes,
• The Gram and acid-fast staining procedures aerotolerant anaerobes, and obligate
are referred to as differential staining anaerobes.
procedures because they enable microbiologists
to differentiate one group of bacteria from • To grow and multiply, obligate aerobes require
another (i.e., Gram-positive bacteria from Gram- and atmosphere containing molecular oxygen in
negative bacteria, and acid-fast bacteria from concentrations comparable to that found in
non-acid-fast bacteria room air. Mycobacteria and certain fungi are
examples of microorganisms that are obligate
Motility aerobes. Microaerophiles (microaerophilic
aerobes) also require oxygen for multiplication,
• If a bacterium is able to “swim”, it is said to be
but in concentrations lower than that found in
motile. Bacteria unable to swim are said to be
room air. Neisseria gonorrhoeae and
nonmotile. Bacteria motility is most often
Campylobacter spp. (which are a major cause of
associated with the presence of flagella or axial
bacterial diarrhea) are examples of
filaments, although some bacteria exhibit a type
microaerophilic bacteria that prefer an
of gliding motility on secreted slime. Most spiral-
atmosphere containing about 5% oxygen.
shaped bacteria and about one-half of the bacilli
are motile by means of flagella, but cocci are • Anaerobes can be defined as organisms that do
generally nonmotile. Various terms are used to not require oxygen for life and reproduction.
describe the number and location of flagella on However, they vary in their sensitivity to oxygen.
bacterial cells. The terms obligate anaerobe, aerotolerant
anaerobe, and facultative anaerobe are used to
Colony morphology describe the organism’s relationship to
• After a bacterial cell lands on the surface molecular oxygen. An obligate anaerobe is an
culture medium, it divides over and over again, anaerobic that can only grow in an anaerobic
ultimately producing a mound or pile of bacteria, environment.
• An aerotolerant anaerobe does not require another cell to retain all necessary cellular
oxygen, grows better in the absence of oxygen, substances. All diseases caused by Rickettsia
but can survive in atmospheres containing species are transmitted by arthropod vectors
molecular oxygen (such as air and a CO2 (carriers); thus, rickettsial diseases are said to be
incubator). arthropod-borne.
• Facultative anaerobes are capable of surviving • Arthropods such as lice, fleas, and ticks
in either the presence or absence of oxygen; transmit the rickettsias from one host to another
anywhere from 0% to 20-21%. by their bites or waste products. Diseases caused
by Ricketssia spp. include typhus and typhus-like
Nutritional Requirements diseases. All these diseases involve production of
• All bacteria need some form of the elements rash.
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus, • Chlamydias are probably the most primitive of
and nitrogen for growth. Special elements, such all bacteria because they lack the enzymes
as potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, cobalt, required to perform many essential metabolic
copper, zinc, and uranium, are needed by certain activities, particularly production of adenosine
bacteria. Some microbes have specific vitamin triphosphate (ATP) molecules. ATP molecules
requirements and some need organic substances are the major energy-storing or energy-carrying
secreted by other living microorganisms during molecules of cells.
their growth.
• Sometimes called “energy parasites”,
• Organisms with especially demanding chlamydias are obligate intracellular pathogens
nutritional requirements are said to be that are transferred by inhalation of aerosols or
fastidious. Special enriched media must be used by direct contact between hosts – not by
to grow fastidious organisms in the laboratory. arthropods.
Unique bacteria Mycoplasmas
• Rickettsias, chlamydias, and mycoplasmas are • Mycoplasmas are the smallest of the cellular
Gram negative bacteria, but they do not possess microbes. Because they lack cell walls, they
all the attributes of typical bacterial cells. Thus, assume many shapes, from coccoid to
they are often referred to as “unique” or filamentous; thus; they appear pleomorphic (
“rudimentary” bacteria. Because they are so occurring in various distinct form) when
small and difficult to isolate, they were formerly examined microscopically.
thought to be viruses. MP LEC AND LAB MODULE
1 Page 66 • Mycoplasmas were formerly called
pleuropneumonia-like organisms (PPLO), first
• Rickettsias and chlamydias are bacteria with a isolated from cattle with lung infections.
Gram-negative-type cell wall. They are obligate
intracellular pathogens that cause diseases in • In humans, pathogenic mycoplasmas cause
humans and other animals. As the name implies, primary atypical pneumonia and genitourinary
an obligate intracellular pathogen is a pathogen infections; some species can grow intracellularly.
that must live within a host cell. They will not Because they have no cell wall, they are resistant
grow on artificial (synthetic) culture media. to treatment with penicillin and other antibiotics
that work by inhibiting cell wall synthesis.
• The genus Rickettsia appear to have leaky cell
membranes, making most of them live inside