Dissertation Report MBA

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A Report submitted to Utkal University in partial fulfilment of the

requirement of MBA (Agribusiness)

Smitraj Choudhury
Roll No: 64

Under the supervision of

Mr. Aditya Ranjan Samal

Centre for Agri-Management

Department of Business Administration
Utkal University

A Dissertation Report submitted to Utkal University in partial

fulfilment of the requirement of MBA (Agribusiness)

Smitraj Choudhury
Roll No: 64

Under the supervision of

Mr. Aditya Ranjan Samal

Centre for Agri-Management

Department of Business Administration
Utkal University

June, 2021

Centre for Agri-Management
Department of Business Administration
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar

Guide Certificate

This is to certify that the project entitled “A STUDY TO MONITOR THE COLLECTION,
CORPORATION, WEST BENGAL” submitted by Smitraj Choudhury to the Centre for
Agri-Management for the award of MBA (Agribusiness) is an authentic and original work
carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. He has successfully completed the
other course requirements prescribed to him. In my opinion, the project has reached the
standard of fulfilling the requirements of the degree. The work embodied in this project has
not been submitted to any other University or Institute, for the award of any Degree or


(Signature of the Guide)

(Signature of Course Head)

Centre for Agri-Management

Department of Business Administration
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar


I do hereby declare that the thesis titled, “A STUDY TO MONITOR THE COLLECTION,
BENGAL” prepared by me under the guidance of ,
Mr. Aditya Ranjan Samal, Asst. Professor, Centre for Agri-Management, Department of Business
Administration, Utkal University and submitted for the award of the MBA (Agribusiness) is an original piece of
research work and has not been submitted previously, to this or any other University or Institute, for any Degree
or Diploma, in full or in part.


(Signature of the Student)


The research opportunity I had with Agro Life Science Corporation was a great chance for
learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky
individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for
having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me though this

Bearing in mind previous I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and
special thanks to the Mr. JJ Pattanaik, President and Chief Executive Officer of Agro Life
Science Corporation who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out
to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to carry out my research at
their esteemed organization and extending during the period.

I express my deepest thanks to Mr. Biswanath Sahoo, Chief Accounts Executive for taking
part in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to
make life easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge his contribution gratefully.

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr. Jatindra
Mishra, Course Head, Mr. Aditya Ranjan Samal , Assistant Professor, Mrs. Sarita Das, Associate
Professor for their careful and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically
and practically.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives.

Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in the future.

Smitraj Choudhury


1 Title Page 2
2 Certificate from the supervisor 3
3 Declaration 4
4 Acknowledgment 5
5 Table of contents 6

6 Executive Summary 7

7 Introduction 8

8 Problem Statement 9

9 Objective 10

10 Methodology & Analysis 11

 Strategy Business Unit 16

11 Conclusion 20

12 Suggestion 21


A study to monitor the Collection, Expenses, Stock Management & Promotion of Agro Life
Science Corporation, West Bengal.

In this report we have discussed about the different ways of working of ALSC in West
Bengal market like:

 Collection of money from the dealers with different ways of payment methods &
 Monitoring the expenses of the Area Sales Managers in order to maintain the avoid
loss to the company.
 Updating the stocks on a weekly basis to avoid over stocking & returning the expired
 Develop and oversee marketing campaigns to promote products and services by
coordinating internal marketing and organization’s culture.

All the work are done by consulting market research to assess current trends and brand
awareness & network with suppliers, partner organizations, large contractors and other

Strategic Business Units of Agro Life Science Corporation i.e., CULTIVO, NACL, Truly
Nolen, Krishi Biotec, Sankalp & others are explained below in the how of supporting the

Details of the methods & analysis of the same has been discussed below.

Following by screenshots of the sheets are provided for as an example of dealing of different
types of works.

In the end, we have discussed about the conclusion & suggestion for the Company.

Agro Life Science Corporation, specializing in crop and soil care solutions, founded a
partnership firm in 1972 by Late Sri Parmanand Churiwala and Shri Lakhpat Rai Agarwal. It

commenced operation with a small pesticide formulation unit in Muzaffarpur, which is one of
the oldest Agrochemical units in the Country by date.

Agro Life Science Corporation has stood the test of time, traversing a long way from being
just two BHC Formulation Units to now becoming a major player in the Agrochemicals
business through continuous process of upgradation, development and interest changes
according to market requirements.

Seven composite manufacturing plants all over India are dedicated to producing Crop
Protection products like Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, PGR. Our primary focus for
past few years has been on soil health and plant nutrition products like Sea-weeds and Algae
based Micro-Nutrients, Bio-Stimulants, Organic Nutrients rich produce in collaboration with
technologies know how from oversea collaborations.

Agro Life Science Corporation (ALSC) has ISO 9001-2000 Certification for its units in
Baddi (H.P.), Samba (J&K), Panoli (Gujarat), in recognition of its quality system. ALSC
products have achieved tremendous recognition from growers and agriculture input users
from pan India.

The group has been able to carve a niche for itself in the highly growing competitive Agro
chemicals market having very well established seven manufacturing plants about 70-80
products in the portfolio, well-established distribution and marketing network throughout all
the major Agricultural Sates and Union territories with 22 branch offices spread across the
country, presence having channel partners, business associates and subsidiaries at strategic
locations namely USA, Dubai, Hongkong, Bangladesh, Mexico and Ukraine.


Agro Life Science Corporation prides itself on seamless and maintaining quality of goods for
its customers. The current implementation of the new rule in company guidelines is
ambiguous, and which led to credit limit issue among the dealers, over stocking of products,
loop holes in money collection from the market & rise in company expenses.

We are going to find a solution to this by exploring the issues in a set of different segments
within the organization.


The following objective of the study are given below:

 To channelize Collection of money from the dealers with different ways of payment
methods & schemes.
 To monitor the expenses of the Area Sales Managers in order to maintain the avoid
loss to the company.
 To overview the stocks & updating on a weekly basis to avoid over stocking &
returning the expired stocks.
 To develop and oversee marketing campaigns to promote products and services by
coordinating internal marketing and organization’s culture.


Company mainly focuses on:

 Collection
 Expenses
 Stock management
 Promotion

Why focus on the collection:

It essentially focuses on the amount that needs to be collected from the customers who have
taken materials on credit from the company.
Ensuring that the customer doesn’t delay or cross the deadline within which they had to pay
is necessary for the company as it would define essential factors such as the customer credit
worthiness, the efficiency of the customer, the potentiality of the market, the needed profits
and returns for smooth running of the company.

Here comes the responsibility of the sales team of the concerned state:
They have to sell their units in such a manner that 1/3 rd. of their sales should be made on
credit basis (i.e., the customer has to pay back to company within 90 days otherwise would
become a defaulter).
 1/3rd they have to sell on cash basis. (i.e., the customer has to pay in hand cash or can
pay money in advanced to order a particular material.)
 Rest 1/3rd they have to sell on postdated cheques basis.
 During shutdowns and nationwide lockdowns, the company can choose to go for full
cash basis business as there are lot of uncertainties and risks involved in doing
business on credit and cheques.

How the collection is monitored:

 The collection is monitored through constantly updating the data for a given region or
state, by the help of the systematic coordination of the front end and back end team.

 The back-end team along with headquarters essentially help to store the data online in
the MIS.
 The data regarding the collection can be readily obtained through the MIS system
online mode and can be customized according to the need of the company for review
and study purposes
 Regular review of the collection is being done on monthly basis along with the teams
which shows the defaulters who have crossed the permissible days to pay back to
company and sales team performance is also reviewed at the same time.
 The reviews will inform the concerned authority about which of the customers are
defaulter by how many days or weeks etc. Asnd accordingly the authorities decide to
take action regarding the matter.
 This sort of plan essentially ensures constant returns and keeps track of all the

 The above image shows how the data is being maintained in the spreadsheet and how
it could be easily analyzed in this format to monitor the customers.
 The image clearly shows the credit amount, credit limit, overdue, the transactions
over a particular time period. And this helps the company to decide on the credibility
of the customer.

How to focus on the expenses that occur in the process of the sales?
 The company deals with three types of products which are generic, lifeline and super
 The lifeline and super lifeline products are the main focus as they are said to bring the
most profits to the company.
 So, the expenses that occur due to sales of these products have to taken into
consideration and has to be monitored well.
 The expense would include travelling costs, freight cost etc.
 The company sets its rules on the sales team by allowing the sales person to have 3%
of total sales of their super lifeline and lifeline products.
 Not only the sales person but the area sales in charge and the regional in charge has to
comply to the rule also, but each of them have to maintain a total expense of 1% of
total sales of super lifeline and lifeline products.
 The team could increase their expenditure from the rules set but can’t overshoot much
without considerable sales.
 The monitoring of the expenditure is also done in the same manner as the collection is
done through MIS and regular reviews.

 The above image shows the total sales by individual sales person, travelling expenses
and their salary.
 In this manner it helps to monitor the efficiency of the sales team because this shows
if they are meeting the required set target or not.

How to manage stocks?
 The are essentially delivered to a region’s warehouse when a team decides to order
from the manufacturing hub.
 The coordination is maintained through the back end team with the cost and freight
 When the order arrives then it is stored in the regional warehouse but it is a common
thing that inventory at hand or storage is a kind of loss.
 So it is constantly monitored that stocks are being sent out of the regional warehouse
for sale purpose at regular intervals and is not piled up for long.
 So the responsibility of the sales team is crucial as they have to meticulously decide
on which how much of which product to order so that they can sell it as quickly as
 The stocks have to be sold within a period of 90 days, if it is sitting in the storage for
extended periods then the sales team have to answer to the authorities about it.

 The above image shows the stock representation on spreadsheet.

 This is how the company tracks about all its products and the number of days the
stocks have been piling up in the warehouse.
 This also helps them to track the total amount of material that has arrived to a certain
region which in turn helps to know the total worth of the material at the end of the

 Without promotion, generating sales would be difficult.

 Certain promotional tools are used by the company such as plaque cards, banners, key
rings, hats etc.
 But general promotional activities are a thing of the past now, the real thing is in the
benefits that the customers get.
 For the benefits, the company is having certain schemes and discounting methods.
And these tools are far more attractive.

1. Regarding the super lifeline and lifeline.

The customers are allowed to take the materials on advanced cash or Postdated cheques
and a 30-day price. Based on the way that the customer is taking the material from the
company the customer becomes eligible for quantity discount i.e., amount will be
discounted per kg or per liter of the material.
Preferred method of selling is advanced cash method as company receives cash in
advance and this method is followed with quantity discount.

2. Based on amount of money: If the customer is taking 3lkhs, 6lkhs or greater than 6lkhs
worth of material the company then they will be eligible for cash discount / credit note or
else they can also win some amount of gold.
The customers also get certain amount of material free if they purchase in bulk quantities
of some specified products.

Agro Life Science Corporation has many strategy business units which are currently doing
business in order to support their main stream & creating brand awareness.


CULTIVO, a member company of ALSC, was established in 2006. CULTIVO is engaged in
importing, manufacturing, formulation and marketing of full range of agro chemicals,
agricultural equipment, PGRs and micronutrients. CULTIVO is prominently engaged in
servicing technical grade and formulation to other manufacturers on B2B basis for several
years now, inroad in Indian Pesticides Industry with dynamic drives.

CULTIVO has strong market presence in AP, Karnataka, UP, Punjab, Haryana, MP, Gujarat,
Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan and is quickly
spreading its marketing network to other parts of India. With three factories at (Gujarat),
Kathua (Jammu & Kashmir) and Changodar (Ahmedabad) having state-of-art production
facilities. CULTIVO solely represents the use of scientific methods in order to make the
Indian soil more efficient for cultivation of crops. CULTIVO aims at creating Agri-solutions
through paradigm defining molecular research which emphasize huge and best quality

As a new foray into Public Health, Household division, (ALSC) entered Pest
Management services established Truly Pest Solution Pvt. Ltd. in 2008.
(ALSC) has a technical collaboration with Truly Nolen International, U.S.A.
Truly Nolen International was established in 1938 in Orlando, Florida. Over 8
decades, it has now become a global leader in pest management having a
presence in more than 66 countries. With this collaboration, KREPL has started scientific,
methodical technological pest management. This collaborative effort has been gathering
wonderful responses from people due to an exhibit of technical expertise and safe way of

At Truly Nolen, we strive to provide the highest quality of pest management services
employing latest global technology, keeping environment into our minds. With minimum use
of chemicals, our aim is to provide services with exclusion methods. Our procedures are one
of the safest, odourless and have one of the most long-lasting effects. Our safest chemical
“Truly Dust” is “Less toxic than the common salt”. All our products are designed for targeted
insects in a way that has least impact on humans & mammals. All the pest management
personnel are well trained; equipped with the latest technical information, hence, yielding
high customer satisfaction in the segment.

At present, truly is present in more than 37 cities across the country, having more than 400
employees. TPS is currently serving 4000+ commercial and 10000+ residential clients, with
an increasing list of clients on a daily basis. Out of our many current prestigious clients, few
include Indian Railways, Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, ITC Hotels, Taj Hotels Resorts and
Palaces, Mahindra Finances Ltd., Mahindra Logistics, Pizza Hut, KFC, PepsiCo, Fab Hotels,
Tenon Facility Management India Pvt. Ltd., Envocare Facility Pvt. Ltd., The Lodha Group
and Apollo Hospitals.

Krish Biotech Research Pvt. Ltd. (KBRPL) is an independent Contract

Research Organization providing integrated discovery, development
and regulatory services. KBRPL is located in Kalyani, a progressive,
well planned and dynamic town about 50 km north of Kolkata in the
Nadia district of West Bengal. Kalyani is famous for its centres of higher education including
the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), University of Kalyani,
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV Agricultural University), the West Bengal
University of Technology, to name a few.

Sankalp Retail is a complete farming solution multi-brand platform

which serves as a one-stop solution for all the farming related needs of
farmers. Sankalp Retail aims to deliver “Best quality products at most
competitive price and best in class farm services” to every customer.
The Sankalp retail chain covers following three interventions:

1. Agri-input – The stores offer a comprehensive range of products such as seeds,

fertilisers, pesticides, specialty nutrients, animal feeds, etc. What differentiates the
store from local retailers is the promise of 100% genuine and quality products,
computerised billing, most competitive prices, attractive offers and free of cost best in
class farm advice for getting higher yield and Return of Investment.
2. Farm-advisory – A farm advisory oriented store that not only sells appropriate
products to farmers but also advises them on how to use product for getting best
return out of it. Every store has an Agri-Clinic, where farmers can get consultation
related to farming such as best practice related to sowing, nutrient management, pest
management, irrigation management etc. from expert agronomists, free of cost.

3. Agri-services – Agriculture services like quick soil testing latest information on
weather forecast, farm produce price, etc, are available at all the stores. The retail
chain also plans to offer services like facilitation of agricultural loans and insurances,
application services and other farming solutions in the future.

Currently there are 33 stores in Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh Punjab and Uttar
Pradesh. 120 stores are planned in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and
Madhya Pradesh by early January 2021. The name Sankalp wants to symbolise with “Best
quality products at most competitive price and best in class farm services” among the farming
community, with a vision to facilitate a better tomorrow for farmers and a mission to partner
their journey towards prosperity through right product, right advice and right services.

We are strategic partner and stakeholder in NACL Hyderabad, one of

the leading manufacturers of active ingredients and having a strong
presence of their branded products across the Country. Started in 1993
as Chemagro International Limited, today, NACL has emerged as a
trustworthy brand in Farming Community. NACL is an established
player with PAN India presence and is among the top Indian Agrochemical companies. It
has over 50 products covering all major crops and most of the geographies. It has a strong
logistic presence with over 56 Stock points across India for faster deliveries. NACL’s
products are sold in more than 55000 counters. They carry out various activities at the
field level to educate and bring awareness among the farmers about the fair use of
agrochemicals. NACL has 50 plus strong Market Development team.

AgMA Energy Pvt. Ltd. wholly owned subsidiary in India. A joint

venture between MicroAlgae Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, (a subsidiary
of AlgaEnergy S.A.), and Agro Life Sciences Corporation, is set to
rapidly bring new solutions at the interface between biology and chemistry to important
agricultural markets. AgMA Energy, with headquarters in Delhi, India, has been established
to develop a world class crop agriculture aquaculture business and platform that will deliver
new and innovative solutions and services based on the intersection of biological, microbial
and chemical approaches that address the needs of these important markets. The key markets

of initial focus for AgMA Energy include, in addition to India, a number of countries in Asia
and elsewhere, giving the joint venture an international market presence.

A cornerstone in the foundation of AgMA Energy is the unique technologies and products
based on microalgae solutions developed by AlgaEnergy S.A., a Spanish Biotech Company
with over a decade of effort creating natural biological solutions for a variety of markets,
including bio stimulants for crop agriculture and animal nutrition products for a variety of
sectors including aquaculture.

 Credit Limit of the dealer need to be determined/finalized after fulfillment of past
agreements & documents.
 The ASM should build a good business relation with the dealers.
 ALSC should provide promotional offers to create more brand awareness.
 Wide variety of stock should be available in the dealers for the fulfillment
farmer’s need.
 Prices of the products are genuine but pack size should be consumer friendly.
 Over stocking of products should be avoided, if happens then need to transferred
to other states.
 The expenses of the employees need to be in control. They need to spend the
company’s money in a ideal way such that they should categories the dealers after
2-3 dealings.
 ASM should block the company’s money in market.
 Promotion of the product need to be done in ground level as well as at dealer’s


 The company should motivate the employees to smart work rather the hard work.
 Company still holding a good market share but the higher can be achieved if they
consider the conclusion part.


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