These People Are Most Often Individuals or Small Teams Employed As School Site Leaders, Principals, Assistant or Associate Administrators

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Catherine Joy A Daraman

1. Cite and discuss the functions of Educational Management as it relates to Educational

2. Cite and discuss how other branches of knowledge contribute to the success of Educational
Management and Leadership in achieving desired goals and objectives.
3. Cite and discuss the important role of Legal Mandates in Educational Management and in
Educational leadership in achieving institutional vision, mission, goals and objectives.
4. Cite Specific situations in your work place wherein this educational Management and
Leadership functions and principles as they relate to the other branches of knowledge and legal
mandates contributed to the success
educational leadership is the professional practice of a leader (or leaders) in an
administrative role(s) working with, guiding, and influencing educators in a
particular context toward improving learning and other educational processes
in early childhood education centers, elementary, secondary, and
postsecondary institutions.

These people are most often individuals or

small teams employed as school site
leaders, principals, assistant or associate
5. Cite and discuss the functions of Educational Management as it relates to Educational

Educational Management

While Education is the provision of a series of learning experiences to students in order

to impart knowledge, values, attitudes and skills with the ultimate aim of making them
productive members of society, Educational Management is the process of planning, organizing,
directing and controlling the activities of an institution by utilizing human and material resources
so as to effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching, extension work and

Educational leadership in practice is the act of influencing others

in educational settings to achieve goals and thus necessitates actions. When those
carrying the responsibility for the functioning of an educational system act, those actions
will influence others and they are therefore leadership actions.

The role of the educational leader is primarily to collaborate with educators and

provide curriculum direction and guidance, support educators to effectively implement
the cycle of planning to enhance programs and practices. Lead the development and
implementation of an effective educational program in the service.

Functions of Functions of Educational Management:

1. Planning

The process of setting objectives and determining the actions in order to achieve them.
Planning is anticipatory in nature and sets priorities. It is proactive rather than passive. Planning asks the
following questions: What? When? Where? By whom? How? while following a series of steps: Defining
Objectives (setting objectives or goals), Determining the current status with respect to the objectives
(being aware of opportunities), Determining planning premises (analyzing the situation for external
factors and forecasting future trends; generation of future scenarios), Identifying alternative (best
alternative to accomplish the objectives), Choosing an alternative (selecting the course of action to be
pursued), Formulating support plans (arranging for human and material resources) and Implementing
the plan (action stage which also involves evaluation). The role of leadership in planning is to ensure that
that the strategic planning will be implemented to achieve the goal efficiently.
2. Organizing

The process of combining the work which individuals or groups have to perform with
facilities necessary for its execution such that the duties performed provide the best channels for
efficient, systematic, positive and co-ordinated application of available effort. Organizing is characterized
by: Division of work or specialization:
Activities are assigned to different people who are specialists in that area, for specialization
improves efficiency. Orientation towards goals: it harmonizes the individual goals of employees with the
overall goals of the institution. Composition of individuals and groups: individuals are grouped into
departments and their work is coordinated and directed towards organizational goals.Differentiated
functions: the entire work is divided and assigned to individuals so that the organization’s objectives are
While each individual performs a different task, each one also coordinates with the tasks of
others. Continuous process: groups of people with defined relationships with each other work together
to achieve the goals of the organization.
The role of educational leadership in organizing is to ensure the proper delegation of duties and
responsibilities, the division of work as to expertise, ensure coordination to all members in the group
and with the close supervision to address feedbacks or concerns immediately.

3. Directing

It is the leader who should have the art or process of influencing people such that they willingly
strive to achieve group goals. Leaders should focus on the development of willingness to work with zeal
and confidence, he should provide adequate guidelines to complete the task, and motivates individuals
to achieve goals in a coordinated manner. It also focuses on exercising leadership while determining
responsibility and accountability.

4. Controlling

Leaders/administrator establishes performance standards based on the objectives,

measures and reports actual performance compares the two and takes corrective or preventive action
as necessary. Thus controlling indicates the quantum of goals achieved, the extent of deviation from
actual plans, generates accurate information and requisite feedback.

5. Evaluating

The process of measuring and assessing the achievement of objectives while providing an
insight into strengths and weaknesses and planning for future endeavors. It helps determine the
effectiveness of plans for both administrators and other stakeholders like teachers, staff, students and
parents, as also the extended community. It seeks to document the objectives that have been met and
to provide information to all concerned stakeholders regarding achievement, obstacles and corrective
action or improvements. Thus evaluation focuses upon Process (how is the plan being carried out),
Outcome (achievement of objectives), and Impact (effect of the plans initiated). In an educational
setting, evaluation of the following areas is carried out, namely, Goals and Objectives Content: Selection,
Validity, Relevance, and Appropriateness Processes: teacher activities, pupil activities, instructional
material, teaching methods Outcome: Assessment and Feedback.

6. 2. Cite and discuss how other branches of knowledge contribute to the success of Educational
Management and Leadership in achieving desired goals and objectives.

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