Object Counter Using IR Sensor and IC 4026 and Seven Segment Display
Object Counter Using IR Sensor and IC 4026 and Seven Segment Display
Object Counter Using IR Sensor and IC 4026 and Seven Segment Display
People / Object counter circuit have a wide variety of applications in
Banks, Hospitals, factories etc. This project focuses on building an
effective counter using IR as a sensing element and capable of counting
from 0 to 9. This project uses BC547 simple IC 4026 with IR transmitter
and Receiver to detect the incoming people/object.
Counters with directional detection are useful for counting of objects
moving along a predefined path. These may find application as visitor
counters and also for counting of objects. Here we present a simple
circuit that counts the number of persons or the objects entering the
premises. The counter section consists of two IR LEDs & IR receiver as
detectors. The movement of objects including the direction of their
movement is detected by the arrangement of the IR LED and IR
Receiver detector pairs. The IR Receiver of each pair is mounted
opposite to its corresponding IR LED fall directly on the IR Receiver
Components Used:
Transistor BC547
IR Blaster
Resistor 10k
Circuit Diagram:
Circuit Diagram of Object counter using IR sensor and IC 4026 and seven segment display.