Research Paper On Bidirectional Visitor Counter
Research Paper On Bidirectional Visitor Counter
Research Paper On Bidirectional Visitor Counter
working places. This whole process is operated totally automatically by using its sensors.
Automated Room Light Controller with Visitor Counter In this paper, This Project “Automated Room Light Controller
with Visitor Counter” is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of controlling the room lights as well us counting
number of persons / visitors in the room very accurately. When somebody enters into the room then the counter is
incremented by one and the LED light in the room will be switched ON and when any one leaves the room then the
counter is decremented by one. The light will be only switched OFF until all the persons in the room go out. The total
number of persons inside the room is also displayed on the display monitor.
Device and Implementation
The block diagram for the proposed system is shown which consists of arm microcontroller, LED lighting system,
alphanumeric Seven Segment display, IR Sensor (transmitter and receiver).
ARM7TDMIS: This is the CPU (central processing unit) of our project. Microcontroller is the heart of this system. Some
points of this microcontroller is used for the programming purpose. We are going to use a microcontroller named
LPC2148. The LPC2148 are based on a 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI-S™ CPU with real-time.
Segment Display: A seven segment display is one of the best component to display the numbers. It can simply be done
by this circuit, a light reference and a light sensor are used to detect the person and display the count using 7-segment
IR Sensor: IR sensor is used to produce IR wave. In this project there are two IR sensors. IR sensor
consists of IR transmitter and receiver. IR1 detect the number of individuals entering the room. IR2 detect the number of
individuals leaving the room. The frequency range of IR sensors varies depending upon its cost. When any object cuts
the light emitted by the LED, the light bounces back from the object to the light sensor.
Fig.4: IR Sensor
Relay: We have used 12v relay. Since microcontroller cannot turn-On relay directly. In this circuit we used single pole
double throw (SPDT) relay. In this project we used two pin connector as an output of relay.
Batteries and connectors: In this project we use 9v battery. the battery has both the positive and negative terminals on
one end. The negative terminal is fashioned into a snap fitting which mechanically and electrically connects to a mating
terminal on the power connector. The power connector has a similar snap fitting on its positive terminal which mates to
the battery.
So, in this circuit, if the sensor 1 is interrupted First then the microcontroller will look for the sensor 2, and if it is
interrupted then the microcontroller will increment the count and switch ON the relay, if it is first time interrupted. If the
sensor 2 is interrupted First then the microcontroller will look for the sensor 1, and if it is interrupted then the
microcontroller will decrement the count. When the last person leaves the room then counters goes to 0 and that time the
relay will turn-off, and light will be turned-Off.
Future Expansion: By using this circuit and proper power supply we can implement various applications Such as fans,
tube lights, etc. By modifying this circuit and using two relays we can achieve a task of opening and closing the door.
This circuit can be used domestically to get an indication of number of persons entering a party.
It can be used at official meetings.
It can be used at homes and other places to keep a check on the number of persons entering a secured place.
It can also be used as home automation system to ensure energy saving by switching on the loads and fans only when in
In our project, we have designed and implemented a Bidirectional Counter & Home Automation using the concept of
Embedded System. The target users of the project can be any one right from a common man to any organization. Let say
if a one uses our project for Seminar Purpose then the track record of the persons attending the seminar will give the exact
idea about the no. of candidate attending and leaving the seminar and accordingly the Project Model will control the
Electronics Gadget of the Seminar Hall, In making this project. This project is useful in developing countries and this
project has a bright future. In this digital world Technology is very advanced and we prefer things to be done
automatically without any human efforts. This project also helps to reduce human efforts. Also it is very useful to
conserve resources. It is very useful in Schools, hospitals, malls, offices, auditoriums etc. This gives lots of knowledge of
software as hardware.
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